The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 14, 1927, Image 1

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    r . ....
ECntered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter .
Coolidge Is Backing
Nicaraguan Policies
President's Message to Con
gress Declares Duty to
Protect Americans.
Washington, D. C. In a special mes
sage to congress, President Coolidge
minced no words in telling . where he
stands oh the Nicaraguan crisis.
Laying bare the facts which under
lie the government's policy, the presi
dent told . house and senate that . he
was acting, not only to preserve Amer
ican lives and property, but to protect
the interests of thisgovernment itself,
whether assailed by internal strife or
"outside interference."
And he made it plain that the gov
ernment is convinced the "outside In
terference comes from Mexico "
The president-detailed how" the
Sacasa faction, seeking to upset the
Diaz government, which had. been
recognized and supported by the Unl
ted States, has been urmed by muni
tions from Mexico, some of which bear
evidence of having come from: the
Mexican government, itself,' and gave
notice that he Intended to use all his
power to protect "all American in
Throughout his message, which was
sent to the capitol by messenger and
read by clerks , in both houses, the
president emphasized the inclusive-
nesn of his policy to "protect" all
.American Interests, Americans, with
their lives and property; the rights
cf the United States government in
its treaties providing for a Nicaraguan
canal route; the rights to a naval
base in the bay of Fonseca and the
stability of Central America all are
Olympia, Wash.--The 20th- legisla
ture of the state of Washington con
vencd at noon Monday fof the. regular,
biennial 60-day session. The senate
was called to order by W. Lon John-
sen, lieutenant-governor, and the
house by Arthur W. Caidev, chief
elefk. Ralph -Metcalf, Pierce county
senator, was elected president pro
tempcro of the senate, and Ralph R.
Knapp, King county representative
speaker of the house. There was no
contest for either place. The person
nel of senate and house employes will
be practically the same as in the
special session pf last winter.
Victor Zedniek of Seattle was re
elected secretary, and Arthur W. Cald
er of Vancouver was re-elected chief
clerk of the house.
Disagreeing with recommendations
of Governor Hartley, expressed in
messages, speeches and statements
during iis administration, the timber
report prepared by the legislative in
vestigation committee was presented
to both houses of the legislature.
Former Administrator f Boiie
dares His Hands Were Tied.
Boise, Idaho. Charging General
Lincoln C. Andrews, in charge of pro
hibition enforcement In the United
States, with failure to give his' admin
istrators a free hand in the carrying
put enforcement of the Volstead
act, Ulas Marsters of Boise, resigned
administrator of the 19th district,, is
sued a statement in which he bitterly
attacks the federal policies -which forc
ed him to resign. The 19th district
Includes the states pf Idaho, Montana
and Wyoming.
Marsters sent in his resignation, de
claring he did so because of disagree
ment with Andrews. Another reason
is believed to have been the desire by
Andrews', to move the 19th district
headquarters from" Boise after its re
moval here from Helena, Mont, sev
eral months ago, a removal which
Andrews himself ordered. "
Oregon Trail Monument Sit Asked.
Washington, p. C. A grant of 40
feres near Boise, Idaho, to the Oregon
Trail Memorial association to erect a
monument marking the site of Fort
Hall was requested In a bill introduc
ed in congress by Representative
Smith, republican, Idaho.
Inquiry on Disfranchisement Ordered
Washington, D. C. Investigation
Into the sale of patronage In the south
end the alleged disfranchisement of
negroes "were" 'ordered ty 'the'ienSIr
Judiciary, sub-committee.
Killing a Cat Costs
Hoffman $7.50 In Court
- .... and $25 For Charity
Interest in Judge Richards' court
this week centered in a complaint
made by J. M. Patterson against
Herman Hoffman, in which Patter
son charged Hoffman with killing his
Tuesday afternoon the case was on
the verge of coming to trial when
Patterson and Hoffman got together
and compromised. The matter was
settled by Hoffman paying $7.50
court costs, and further consenting
to a stipulation made by Patterson
that he fork over $25 to the court to
be used for charity at the court's
Hoffman entered no denial to kill
ing. Patterson's cat, but seemed to
leave the impression with the judge
that cat-killing was merely a dive
sion, in face of the fact that killing
felines is punishable by law, the pen
alty being $50 to $500 fine, and al
so jail sentence is provided for in
the statutes. In the closing scenes,
the Judge enlightened Mr. Hoffman
with one of his characteristic fifteen
minute lectures.
- ' Patterson .apparently evinced no
vindictivneps or animosity toward
Hoffman, merely being satisfied to
impress on him that cats are person
al property, and as such are within
protective provisions of the law in
sofar as 1 indiscriminate destruction
is concerned. -
Green Estes Suddenly
Dies of Heart Failure
Greet) Estes of this, city, fnd well
known at Pendleton and Arlington,
where " he ; had property interests,
died at St. Anthony's hospital in
Pendleton, at three , o'clock WedneS'
day afternoon, of heart failure.
While on the street, Mr. Estes be
came suddenly ill. He , was .removed
to the hospital, and passed away a
few minutes after his arrival there.
Up to the time he was stricEen, it
is said that Mr. Estes had experienc
ed fto serious physical gilment in re
cent years, :with the exception fcf
slight indications of blood pressure
Mr; Estes was past 60 years of age,
Funeral services will be held today
at 2 d; m.. at Pendleton. He is sur
vived by his widow, who-' resides at
Athena; four brothers, Charles and
Claude Estes of Durkee, Oregon;
Louis of Arlington, an4 John of Pen
dleton; two sisters, Mrs. Delia f.
ler of Butte, Montana' , and "Mrs.
Letha Mulkey of Spokane. -;
Pythiahs and Families
Enjoy Social Gathering
Members" of Pythian Lodge.Knights
of Pythias, their families and invite.l
guests enjoyed a social meeting last
evening '. at the hall. A fine dinner
was spread in the dinning room and
partaken of early in the evening. En
tertainment for. the evening was of
fered in the rendition of the follow
ing program:
Selections.......! 4.. -..
Jolly.Joy Makers Orchestra
Piano Duefc.
..Lois Johnson and Edna PeFreece
Vocal Solo".....;.:...,....l C. M. Eager
Reading i;.:i..Kalph McEwerj Jr.
Songs with Ukelele accompaniment
....Miss Mary Jane Corneiison
Musical Reading .Mrs. C. M. Eager
Vocal Solo Mrs. P. B. MeEwer.
Vocal Duet
Miss Pearl Ramsey and Miss Edna
Reading -.- Mis3 Mildred Bateman
Vocal Solo Miss Lor-.xir. Terry
Piano Duet..:... ..
Mrs. Lawrence P'nkertm ar.d
Mrs. O. O. Stephens. ,
Substitutions At Bout
Three substitutions featured in the
boxing bout at Walla Walla, Wednes
day night. Eddie Sheldon of Spok
ane, substituting for Tony Talerico
against Tiny Hayes, took the count
in the first round of the last match.
Kenneth Kent won the semi-Final
over Billie "Moore, substituting for
Pete Mitchie of Athena. Young Fir
po won over Guy Smith of Prescott,
and Billy Bond took the decision over
Guy Mosier, who substituted for Kid
Shelton and Eddie ' Moorehouse won
ever Cliff Crawford.
Turkey Growers Banquet
Pilot Rock turkey raisers will have
banquet under auspices of the Pil
ot Rock Commercial club, Tuesday
evening. Prominent speakers will be
present for the occasion, at which
time the turkey-grcwing industry ot,
the Iftlot' Bock cUstricV will be dis
cussed in general. j
Kelley 'sLost Plane
Makes Safe'Landing
V ,
Flying Ace and Passenger
Laugh at Death Ai?
t i
Hero of one more air frolic with
death a frolic taken for the ' sake of
a lost youth on Mount-' Hood -Lieu
tenant Oakley G. Kelley, in ; com
pany with Captain, John M. Stanley,
Friday soared safely ''back to Pear
son field, Vancouver, Washington,
together to laugh over the hair-raising
experiences he and Stanley encount
ered, says the Oregon Journal. . - -.
Even Kelly, Kelly of the first fam
OUS non-stop cross-country flight
and various other feats in the ir,
had to admit that the journey had
been filled with plenty of thrills.
"We left Vancouver at about 1:45
Wednesday," the lieutenant said, "af
ter eating a sandwich or two we'd
have eaten 'more if we had known
how long it was to be until the next
meal. ' Then we started out with
Mount Hood standing invitingly clear
to the east.
"Yet that good visibility was only
A blind, I guess, for we only had tak
en three or four turns - around the
west side of the mountain when the
storm came up, crashing in sudden
ly and unexpectedly from the south
west." . .
"The worst moment," Kelly con
tinued, "was when we were caught
above Lost Lake. Then I surely
thought we were 'goners.' We seem
ed to be scraping" the tops of the
trees and I was busy just whirling
the tail. of jny ship around to avoid
hitting things. We were caught be
tween two layers of fog and there
seemed to be little' hope of getting
out of the position. Just at this
moment, though, a slit opened to the
east and through it. I could sea the
side of Mount Hood, looming danger
ously close. There was only one
thing to i do and we did it, going
through that narrow opening and
praying we woudn't hit the moun
tain." ' . v ' '.'.'' '
The opening was negotiated with
out mishap and ther plane then travel
ed along the north side of the moun
tain. Parkdale residents heard its
whir as it headed east.
It was when we reached thelBlue
mountain region that we saw a fridge
and decided' to take bur chances in
reaching the earth. Both of us were
about ready to get out and walk at
that time."
Below them they could see a tiny
field, plowed in irregular patches and
with a pile of rocks at one end. In
to this field the plane was headed, it
struck the soft earthnarrowly mis
sed the rocks and stopped.
Boy Seriously Injured
When Ford Roadster
Skids off the Highway
A ford roadster driven by Armond
Bell skidded from the pavement on
the highway ' between town and the
Dudley place, and turned bottom up
in the ditch, Wednesday , . morning,
wrecking the top and seriously in
juring Walter Edger, who with his
little ' sister Morine, was riding with
The youngsters were on their way
from their homes to school when the
accident o.ccured. Making: the turn
at the Dudley place from the maca
dam to the ' hardsurf ace, which lay
icy and slick under two inches of
new snow, the Ford slid off the high
way into the ditch, before young Bell
realized what was happening.
.The Edger boy had a severe cut
on the nose and face, which necessit
ated several stitches to be taken by
Dr. Cowan, who dressed the injury.
The boy manfully stood the pain dur
ing the process of stitching the
wound, without a murmer. The littlr-.
girl escaped with only slight bruises,
as likewise did Armond Bell.
Those who saw the roadster im
mediately after the accident, exptejs
ed Wonder that the occupants were
not more seriously hurt, for the lop
was practically demolished, the wind
shield completely shattered and the
rim of the steering wheel was
wrenched off.
The Commercial Club
Takes New Members
Committee Has 40 Names
; Added to Roll Elec
tion of Officers.
Graduate From U. of O.
i Becomes Famous Painter
Of interest to University .of Ore
gon graduates is the forthcoming
art. exhibits of Mrs. L. K. Jacobs.
formerly Leonebel Kays of Eugene,
which are planned for : Seattle and
Portland, ," ..'
Mrs. Jacobs 'has had several ex.
hibits in New: York and . has won
fame as a portrait painter, having
made likenesses ' of President : Hard
ing, Prince .Tokugawa . of Japan, Mrs.
Wellington Koo, wife 'of the Chinese
minister to: England,'. Mrs. Coolidge
and Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth.
Among the picture's . is one of the
deposed monarch pf China, who still
calls' herself the Empress , of the
Manchus.' Mrs. Jacobs has recently
returned from a three years resid
ence in China which she found an
ideal place for the artist . despite
the- choatic , economic political conditions.
The committee appointed to solicit
new members to the . Athena Com
mercial Association, reported through
its Chairman, 0. O. Stephens at the
meeting Tuesday evening, that 40
new names had been added to the
membership !j. This number brings
the membership l2 the Association
up to a creditable showing. The new
members enrolled by the committee
are for the most part among the
young men of Athena and vicinity.
For a long time past the billiard,
pool and card tables have not been
used, and in fact the social privileges
of the Association have not been ex
ercised in the least. The driv for
new members was made with the idea
of promoting growth of the Associa
tion, by taking advantage of its so
cial possibilities,
At Tuesday nights meeting more
members were present, including a
host of new ones, than there lias
been in attendance at any Association
meeting in the past two years.
, The annual meeting of the Assoc
iation will be held next Tuesday
evening, at which time election of
new officers will be held, and com
mittees for the ensuing year will be
Bank Wrecker Pardoned
Governor Pierce announced a full
pardon for Chester Kubli, Jackson
ville bank wrecker, three conditional
pardons and 14 commutations of sen
tences. . .,
First National Officers
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the First National Rank
of , Athena -held Tuesday afternoon,
the following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: E. H. Leonard
president; -M. L. Watts vice-president;
F. S. Le Grow cashier; Max
Hopper assistant cashier; E. H.
Leonard, M, L. Watts, F. S. Le Grow,
M. W. Hansell.-.IIenry Dell directors.
A meeting of the county Grange
is scheduled for Weston, January 20,
at which time County Lecturer Mrs.
Lida Thorne and ' other prominent
speakers, including Ray Gill, of Port
land will -address the meeting.
A. H. Luna Passes At
the Age of 80 Years
A. H. Luna, formerly a blacksmith
engaged in business at Athena, died
Monday at the home of his son, Eber
Luna," in Lewiston, Idaho, at the age
of 80 years, five months and 10 day3.
The- remains were accompanied to
Athena Wednesday by Mr; and Mrs. '
Eber Luna, and Mr. Jesse Foster.'
Funeral services were eonducte'l at
Millers funeral room by Rev. Puil
lips of the Christian- church at 10
o'clock a. m.
Mr. Luna passed away suddenly,
death resulting from chronic neuritis.
For many years the decsased resided
in Athena, where he raised his fam.
ily. His wife, two sons and one
daughter preceded him to the grave.
Surviving are Eber Luna, Lewiston,
Idaho; Ira Luna, California; Mrs.
Gertrude Woods, Witchita, Kansas.
Athena Boys and Girls'
Win From Weston
Pilot Rock Tonight
The Athena basket ball teams met
Weston on the local floor Friday
evening. Both games were rather
one sided, Athena winning the girls'
game by a score of 30 to 4, and the
boys' game 55-6. The Athena sub
stitutes were used during most of the
games. .
Sickness prevented Weston from
bringing all the first team members
for the game here.
The local teams will play at Pilot
Rock this evening. It is expected
that both games will be close.
Next Friday evening the team from
McLoughlin Union high school of
Milton-Freewater will play here
This will be the first time that
basket ball team from this school has
played here in two years. This team
won the district championship last
year and as there has been little
change in the line up from last year,
a hard game is expected.
The boys have secured three games
for their Washington trip. Clarks-
ton, St. John and Endicott have sign
ed contracts with us for February 3,
4 and 5.
Fire Destroys Barn '
Fire fi 'om unknown cause destroy
ed a barn on the Harold Barnctt
place, southeast of Athena, one night
this week. The fire remains a mys
tery, aa the barn was located a half
mile from the road and was unoc
cupied. A harvester owned by Ralph
Allen was destroyed and also a quan
tity of chaff stored there for feed.
According to Will Kirk, this is the
sixth barn burned in the past three
years in that district.
Woman Brings Damage
Suit Against Officers
Watts & Prestbye have been
retained as counsel for Mrs. Myrtle
Burke of Pendleton, in a $10,000
damage suit against prohibition en
forcement officers, who she alleges
in her complaint, raided her home
without a search warrant.
The officers mentioned in the com
plaint and against whom damages
are sought are Louis M. Kregling, R.
T. Cookingham, Paul Kessler, Charles
Iloskins and one John Doc.
Mrs. Burke, who is a wid
ow, pases her suit upon tne
grounds of trespassing without
process, of search warrant, which oc
curred on the night of February 28,
1926, at which time, she alleges in
her complaint, she was taken to the
county jail and incarcerated there
for two days She further alleges that
$20 cash and a diamond ring were
taken, and have never been returned
to her. In addition to the $10,000
general damages, Mrs. Burke, accord
ing to her attornoy, Mr. Watts, is
suing for the return of the $20, the
ring and attorney's fees.
Athena Up To Date With
Two Sending Stations
Athena is strictly up to date hav
ing to its credit two amateur broad
casting stations. These are listed as
7 D. P. owned and operated by C. M.
Eager and 7 R. B. with R. B. Mc
Ewen its owner.
The construction is simple, receiv
ing tubes are used with low power
and operating on 80 meters amateur
wave length.
The operation is quite efficient with
five hundred mile range 7 I, F. at
Marshfteld and 7 R. Y. at Walla
Walla being regular communicants.
Entertained Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker were
at home to a group of friends Tues
day night when five tables of five
hundred were in play. Mrs. Grant
Prestbye and Mr. Frank Ames made
high score, the consolation prize be
ing awarded to Mr. Claud Dickenson.
The hostess assisted by Mrs. Sarah
Gross served dainty refreshments.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Justin Harwocd, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Hirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dicken
son, Mr. and Mrs. K. li. McKwen, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Grant Prestlyo, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Lieuallen, Mr. and Mrs.
K. C. Prestbye, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ames, Miss Jennamae Ruad, Nor
man Mclntyre and Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Douglas.
Many Children Die
In a Theatre Panic
Exits Jammed in Stampede
and 77 Lose Their
Montreal, Que. Alore than 77 lives
was the toll exacted by a fire panic
In the Lauier Palace movie theater in
the east end. Most of the victims were
little children who had made up the
bulk of the Sunday matinee audience.
Few were injured by the comparative
ly trivial fire; but caught in fear-
stricken jams about the exits, many
were suffocated.
So tightly wedged were the bodies
that rescuing squads of firemen were
unable to gain entrance. A stairway
giving egress from the main floor was
clogged with small bodies. Efforts
wore made to break the jam by the
woodsman method of tying a rope to
the key of the wedge and hauling
away. Twenty men were unable to
stir the mass.
The firemen then cut a holo through
street wall and passed the bodies
back down a chain of hands.
When the dead and injured had
been removed the firemen turned their
attention to tho flames, which were
quickly extinguished. Had there been
no stampede, it is possible that few
would have been hurt.
Salom, Or. Oregon's 34th regular
biennial legislative EC3sion convened
Monday and promptly organized with
Senator II. L. Corbttt ot Multjiomah
county 83 pres:dont of the senate and
John M. Carkin of Jackson, county
speaker of the house.
Senator Corbett was elected pres!-
dent by 27 vctca. Senator Banks caat
a complimentary' vote for Senator Hitt
er of Wast-o, while Senator Corbett
cast his ballot for Senator Rddv of
Douglas. Senator Jcoeph voted for
Senator Brown of Marion.
John Hunt of Woodhurn, who has
served In varlcuj bgialali-vo capaci
ties for more than 20 yoarsi, v.-us elect
ed chief clerk, r.r.d Mrj. ' Mizabetli
Clatt, assistant chief clerk.
Renrodcntitivo Carkin vn3 elected
speaker by uranlmeua voto when per
manent organization was bojTiin.
Chief clerk Paul Burrls was elect
ed chief clr,r!c of tho ht:u:ie ami liarrv
McCIellan, asaisiant chlf clerk.
Fifty Acres of Beans
Only the arrival of planting time
ies between John Benson and fifty
acres of Mexican red beans, for John
has mado arrangements with Will
Kirk to plant this acreage to legumes
on his place southeast of Athena Mr
Benson will receive his seed from.
Harry MeBride, who last season was
Homewhat of a beangrower, himself.
Fcg Accounts For Accident
The dense fog which hung over
this part of the county Saturday,
was responsible for Charles Geiking
driving his car off the highway and
into the ditch, at a point east of
Athena. The car was slightly dam
aged and Mrs. Corking received
bruises on the face.
Declares Intervention In Nicaragua la
Not Justified.
Washington, D. C.Tlio Cooliiigo ad
ministration ami Chairman Borah of
tho senate foreign relations committee
aine to an outspoken disagreement
over the policy of tho United Biato
n Nicaragua.
The two public iironoinio-nieriin, one
by tho White liouao spokesman and
ono by Secretary Kellogg, the landing
of Amoricau forces in the war-troubled
llttlo Central American country was
described as nothing more than a con-
Istent effort to protect American Ufa
and property. From this statement
Senator Borah disarmed viuorouslv.
Ho declared that despite a lonfer-
enco with President Coolidge he had
learned of no peril to American In.
ere.strj which would warrant "inter
vention," and ho gave it as hi studied
opinion that the United Slates wan in
net upholding liy anin-d force a Nic
araguan president whj holdn otfice
without constitutional sauct'ea.
Hornsby Slgrl by New York Giants
New York.- Uigurs IIoi";:;';y, star
second baseman, signed a two-year"
contract wit'i thy Nov York (Hants.
Hornsby, wh wa.s manager of tho St.
Louis Card.s, wyrla's champions la
lmi, will eapi.iin the Clanti tor the
pejtt two yearis.
Chaplin VAfe Cue3 for Divorce.
Los Angeli
from Charier!
filed heru by 1
Grey Chaplin, i
satiomil cliii;
A suit for divorce
,)' ncer ( lr.j.liu wa
scanned wife, Liu
v. i :.(.:.' i mudo en-
af.-'iiiHt tho film
Senate OnU.r
Wash!i!g.o:i. IK ('. -dlr.fc'cii
; t, ::'; iii-i-charge.;
;: ,i i , -i :
Vets Qui.
- 'l h .sonata
io.i or fraud
:i;:wiudi.!g ot
votud ) tli-j I'-'.iii.:.) naa:;
oleclgiuu la..t Jwvuulor.