The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 07, 1927, Image 4

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    I Press Paragraphs
The J. T. club will meet Friday af
tornoon January 14th at the home of
Mrs. Sheldon Taylor.
Miss Hazel Miller is here from
Orting, Washington, visiting at the
Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
A pleasant tasting, bright
red syrup, free from nar
cotics and alcohol, that
will give you relief from
that cough, bronchial ca
tarrh or irritation.
7 07,.
It soothes and heals the
inflamed parts and is an
aid in raising the phlegm,
thereby giving the quick
est and greatest relief.
Rexall Cherry Hark Cough
Syrup does not upset the
stomach. As a matter of
fact it will improve your
appetite. It does not con
tain any alcohol or nar
cotics, and therefore is
not harmful to any mem
ber of the family.
McFadden's Pharmacy
The kvxaJUL Store
Athena, Oregon
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Miller.
Mrs. H I. Watts spent Tuesday in
Walla Walla.
Glenn Dudley has returned from a
brief visit in Portland.
Alec Mclntyre has purchased a
new model Buick sedan.
Arthur Coppock transacted busi
ness in Pendleton Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hopper visited
relatives in Pendleton Wednesday.
Lowell Rogers of Pendleton trans
acted business in Athena Wednesday.
Lance Kellough and Cliff Culley
of Weston were Wednesday visitors;
in Athena.
William Morrison, prominent real
estate man of Pendleton made busi
ness calls here Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sturgis and
Mrs. Lina Sturgis were visitors t
the Le Grow home this week.
Jack Tweedy who has been visiting
in Athena for the past week has re
turned to his home at Palmer Junc
tion. Mrs. Zelthia ' Mclntyre who has
been confined to her home for some
time on account of illness is able to
be out again.
Mrs. Charles McFarland who spent
the holidays with her daughter Miss
Hazel McFarland in Portland, return
ed home Sunday.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Horace Belknap
at Nampa, Idaho. She will be away
about two weeks.
Fred Kershaw who spent the holi
days at Ontario, Oregon, returned
the first of the week. Mrs. Kershaw
will return shortly.
Mrs. Sarah Jane Bowles who spent
the holidays with her daughter Mrs.
F. S. Le Grow has returned to her
home in Walla Walla.
Ed Sebasky who visited friends
and relatives in Athena during the
holidays has returned to his home in
Phillipsburg, Montana.
Mrs. Dora Sanchez will leave to
morrow for The Dalles, where she
will visit relatives for a short time.
L, WtlMFCt J
For All Cars
Also a complete line of Radio batteries.
Let us show you.
Thompsons Garage
Athena, Oregon Phone 471
She will continue on to Portland and
Eugene where she will visit. She ex
pects to be gone until the middle of
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker, Mrs.
Sarah Gross and Mrs. Justin Har
wood made up a party that spent
Wednesday in Pendleton.
Master Billy Hansell, Miss Helen
Hansell and Miss Mildred Hansell
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd.
An auction that was widely attend
ed occurred Wednesday at the Elmer
MacCormach place near Helix. Im
pliments and stock sold well.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Venable and
children who reside near Helix, were
dinner guests Saturday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin.
Mrs. Wilma Shaffer Roberts daugh
ter of the late W. B. Shaffer and
her mother Mrs. Shaffer, were busi
ness visitors in Athena recently.
Mrs. Fred Gross who was operated
on one day last week in St. Anthony's
hospital in Pendleton, for chronic
appendicitis, s reported to be getting
alojig nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. George Winship and
small daughter who have been visit
ing friends in Athena and Pendleton,
during the holiday season have re
turned to their home in Boise, Idaho.
The two families of the local post
office department (Barrett and
Jones) were kindly remembered by
Louie Ringel and Sheldon Taylor,
with generous donations of country
Mrs. A. B. McEwen formerly of
Athena who has spent the past month
visiting her daughter Mrs. . W. E.
Jenkins at Los Angeles, is now at
Long Beach, where she has taken an
Mrs. Marion Hansell and Miss Hel
en Hansell and Miss Kathleen Rad
tke attended the class recital
of Mrs. Lillian Fredericks, at Weston,
Wednesday evening. Miss Hansell is
a member of the class, and partic
ipated in the recital.
W. E. Bowen, of Hagarman, New
Mexico, who visited at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Lee Wilson, has left
for his home. He was accompanied
as far as Portland by Charlie Wil
son, who was invited by Mr. Bower;
"to show him the town."
The residence of Dick Thompson
barely escaped burning Monday night,
when an oil heater which was being
used in an up stairs room flared up.
The timely arrival of Mrs. Thompson
who extinguished the blaze prevented
what might have been a disastrous
fire. The rooms on the second floor
were badly damaged by smoke and
hangings and wearing apparel ruined.
Mrs. J. W. Hyatt at Weston served
dinner New Years day to the follow
ing guests, Mrs. Lida Mitchell of
Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. John
Scrievner and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bennett and children of Condon, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy May and Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Jones of Athena, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon O'Harra of Weston. Mrs.
Mitchell and Mrs. Scrievner are sis
ters of Mrs. J. W. Hyatt and this
was their first New Years together
in 34 years.
High School Notes I 1
The United Stewardship council,
with offices In New York, is composed
of the stewardship secretaries and
other prominent leaders of the vari
ous Protestant denominations of the
United States and Canada.
On All
ilipovers and Blazers
Now Carried In Stock
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
The basket ball teams from Wes-i
ton high school will play the Athe
na teams here this evening. Practically-the
same line tips that were
used in the game at Weston will be
used here. ,Mr. G. W. Brace, science
teacher . in McLoughlin Union high
school, will referee, both games. The
girls game will start at 7;30.
Stafford Hansell has had a ner
vous breakdown. He will not be able
to continue his school work this. year.
Edna DeFreece has received a sil
ver medal from the Underwood Type
writer company for writing fifty, net
words a minute for fifteen minutes.
She made only five errors.
The college students, who spent
the Christmas vacation at . their
homes, have returned to school.; Leon
Kretzer. and Lee Banister have re
mained here.
Miss Corrielison spent - Christmas
vacation visiting with her, mother 4n
Seattle. .
Miss Bateraan spent the early part
of the vacation at her home in Mil?
ton. , Later she went to Portland
where she visited friends.
Mr. Stolzheise spent the holidays
with friends in Salem.
Robert Campbell is back in school
after an absence from an operation
on his eyes.
Sarah Belle Jantzen spent Christ
mas , vacation with . relatives, in . Wal
la Walla.
Dorothy Geissel and Edna De
Freece . spent last week in Milton,
visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. McNair and daughter
Lenore, spent Christmas day in Pen
dleton visiting friends.
Certificates for proficiency for
writing between thirty and forty
words a minute on the typewriter for
fifteen minutes have been received by
Dalberth Taylor, Arthur Taylor and
Jessiedeane Dudley.
Myrtle Campbell is out of school
on account of illness.
Jennamae Read visited high school
Monday. She expects to enter school
again at the beginning of the second
Miss Sellars is now driving a new
Oakland roadster.
Mr. Hensley, . Singer Sewing Ma
chine man -from Pendleton, repaired
the school machines Monday.
The semester examinations will be
given the latter part of next week
The Junior class will give a short
program in connection with the show
at the- Standard Theatre Saturday
night. ';
' Arrangements have been made for
a basket ball game at Endicott,
Washington February 5.
The Churches
Chinch of Christ
i Now that the Christmas . holidays
are past let us gather together again
in goodly., number and bring our
church attendance up again, and al
so increase the Bible school attend
ance. The Sudnay school session 13
always interesting and instructive.
Let us all be on time next Sunday
morning. The Christian Endeavorers
should make a special effort to bet
ter the society. Let all the girls
and boys who are not attending else
where find a place with us. The
Christian Endeavor is one of the best
training schools for the future church.
The sermon Sunday morning will be
"The Communion." This should be
of especial interest to all christian.!.
The evening sermon will be "The
Weak Giant." Come and hear this
sermon. It may do you good. Re
member the Ladies Aid Thursday af
ternoon, and the choir practice Thurs
day evening. These are important
auxiliaries of the church. We invite
all to our services. Come!
- Forgiven
An art-school teacher had a fixed
rule that his pupils were not to smok
In his studio. '
One day. however, he entered the
room and noticed that one young man
had a lighted cigarette In his fingers,
which he was endeavoring to con
ceal. The master went up to him.
'That's a curious kind of a pencil
you have there, my young friend." hs
remarked sarcastically. "May I ask
what you propose to draw with it?"
"Smoke," was the quick-witted an
swer. Penny Postcard May Bo Restored.
Washington, D. C. Restoration of
l cent postage rates on private post
lards was voted by the house. The
tenate still must act on the proposal.
Child's Cost to Parent
One of the life Insurance companies
estimates that a child costs $0,150.
This includes birth and expense until
he Is eighteen years old. This tola! In
reached by adding to the initial "cost
of being born," estimated nt 5250, the
sums of $2.fi00 for food, $l,ffi.D for
rent, reckoning the share of the child
as one-sixth of the total so expended;
5300 for fuel und light, $351 ft r furni
ture und household maintenance, $144
for first cost of Installation of the
home, aud for clothing $912 for a boy
and $1,002 for 'a girl.
New Years Resolution
Resolved that during theyear
we shall be untiring in our efforts to give you
Value Received
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
: t
Saturday, January 8
unior Class Benefit
and Featuring High School program
"Brown of Harvard" is a thrilling picture of ideal college life the greatest
football picture ever made. An all star cast featuring Jack Pickford, Mary
Brian, Mary Alden, Frances X. Bushman Jr.iand William Haines. .
. ) :" i
Comedy--"AIice's Tin Pony"
International News
dmission Prices, 10c-35c-50c
Sunday, January 9
A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture
"The Gay Becieiver"
Lew Cody, Dorothy Phillips, Carmel Myers, Malcolm McGregor and other
stars. The true story of a matinee idol! He was King of iParis a thousand
women at his feet! Yet he gave them all up when the one' he had forsaken
opened his eyes to true love. A throbbing film romance-from the noted
stage hit.
Comedy--"The Big Idea
Pathe Review Admission Prices, 10c-35c
Coming: Fred Thomson and Silver King in
"The Tough Guy"
99 V