The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 07, 1927, Image 3

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1 .
-- -,4
The Social Side
iihimiimi imimimimim
(By Adele McEwen) , .
McKenzie Chapter
Members of McKenzie Chapter 0,
E. S., met Wednesday evening at
Masonic hall. After a short business
session Mrs. Minnie DePeatt was
welcomed as a member, being affili
ated from Weston. A delicious sup
per was served by Mrs. F. B.Boyd,
Mrs. Marion Hansell and Mrs. Flint
Johns assisted by Misses Helen Han
sell and Kathleen Radtke.
Were Dinner Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockburn and
Miss Eva Wells of Milton, were din
ner guests Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Dickenson. Later
in the day they motored to Pendleton,
where Miss Wells took the train for
Monmouth, where she is a student
in . the normal school. .
Surprises Husband
Mrs. Elmer , Stockstill surprised
her husband with a party Tuesday
evening, commemorating his birth
day. A most enjoyable time was had
in playing cards and games. The
hostess served refreshments at a
late hour. Guests at the party wertf,
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba, Mrs.
Laura Caldwell, Miss Thepa Russell,
Miss Dorothy Geissel, Rose Miller,
Miss Ethel Geissel, Messrs. Marvin
Benefield, William Wheatly, Herman
Geissel and Leonard . Geissel. ,
31 Years Ago i
January 3, 1896
Two Social Events
A number of society gatherings
and parties were participated in this
week by Athena's society people.
conspicuous among which was the
watch party given by the Misses
Lillie and May Fischer and Iva and
Ruby Calender, at the opera house.
Cards and games predominated, and
everybody present had a gay time,
Those present were: Misses Anna
Kirk, Lennie Coppock, Ruby Calen
der, Elsie Rosenzweig, Bertha Willa-
by, Iva Calender, Lyda Estes, Delia
Estes, Alma Kirk, Anna Harden,
Celia Vaughn", Katie Harden, Irene
Irons, Belle Johnson, Lida Beat, Hat-
tie Luna, Mrs. C. C. Sharp, Mae
Fischer, Lillie Fischer. Messrs. Alph
Coppock, James Foss, Will Harden,
Charles Stancell, F. Fischer, Charles
Kelsey, C. Fischer, Jas. Sharp, Sam
Maloney, Tom Purdy, Ed. Murphy,
Ji Smith, C. McCollough. M, Kelley,
Ed. Taf t' and D. Farley. '
Etude Club
Tj The Etude club held a social meet-
ii'u;r at the home of Mrs. Arthur
Douglas, on Fifth street Thursday
afternoon. The usual program was
dispensed with and the members
spent the hours with needle work and
chat followed by ' "several clever
games. Plans for the annual Etude
operetta were discussed and com
mittees appointed to arrange for the
annual dinner to be given the last
of the month. At the tea hour,
Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton and Mrs.
Lloyd Michener t served . dainty re
freshments from a. prettily appoint
ed table centered with red ;carna-tions.
The Hodgen Reunion
The annual Hodgen reunion oc
curred New Years day at State Line
hall when one hundred and one
members of the family sat down to
dine. The sumptuous dinner X was
followed by . dancing "when numerous
I friends arrived to join in the festivi
ties. Joe Payant's orchestra furnish-
led the music.
A surprise party was given for
Miss Anna Leach at her home Wed
nesday evening, j Those present were:
Anna Downs, " Daisy Brison, Stel.u
Willaby, Effie Bostwick, Ord Bost
wich, Phil Price, Lee Hiteman, Willie
Anderson, Mr. Curtis, Austin Foss,
Sadie Fossy Will Scott, Joe Scott,
Alvin Stone, Walter Stone, George
Gerking, John Foss, Bessie Brison,
E, Brison, York Dell, Alcy Foss. ,
" Entertained Friends
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McEwen en-
ertained a small group of friends at
jridge when two tables were in play.
fhe rooms were prettily decorated
ith holly and' Christmas greens,
ligh score was made by Mr. and
Irs. E. C. Prestbye. The hostess
fiBcrved supper at a table festive with
red tapers and carnations of the
same color. Those present were, Mr.
'and Mrs. Byce Baker, Mr., and Mrs.
stin Harwood, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Prestbye and the hosts.
Our Public School ,
The following is the report of the
Athena public school for the month
ending December 6. 1895.
No. of days taught, 20; No. days
attendance, 3357; No. days absent,
358; No. enrolled for the month,204;
average No. belonging, 192. ,
The monthly ' examination resulted
as follows:
High department: Grade A, rank
1, James, Foss , 93; others. above 90,
Anna Gholson, Albert Bales, Ella
Craigen, Grade B, rank 1, Granville
Greenslade, 97; others- above 90, An
na 'Kirk, Ivah Callender, Ruby Call
ender. Grade C; Theresa Hays.
- prammer department. Grade A,
rank 1, Florence Jones, . 98; others
above 90; Gaius Greenslade, Edna
Hill, Arthur Coppock, Mary Stanton
Grade B, rank 1, Dora Myrlck, 92,
others above 90, Lucy , Hansell, Nel
The regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of The First National
Bank of Athena, Oregon, for the
election of directors for the ensuing
year and for the transaction of such
other business as may lawfully come
before it, will he held . in its office,
in Athena, Oregon, on Tuesday Janu
ary 11th, 1927, at the hour of two
o'clock P. M. Dated December 10th,
1926. D10J7.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Dora
Lockwood, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execut
or of the above entitled estate, and
that , he has qualified as the law di
rects. All persons having claims
against the estate are directed to
present the same to me at my home
in Athena. Oreeon. or at the office
of my attorney, Stephen A. Lowell
in Despain Block, Pendleton, Oregon,
witmn six months from the date here
of, with proper vouchers. . .
Dated December 24, 1926.
D31J28. ,
1H . : - 1 ;. ' i ,i V
In the County Court of the State of
Uregon for the County of Umatilla
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Wright, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That the
undersigned has filed his final a.
count and report in the above entitled
matter and that the above entitled
Court has fixed Saturday the 29th
day of January 1927, at the hour -of
10 o clock in the forenoon as the
time and the County Court room at
the County Court House -at Pendle
ton, Oregon, as the place for hearing
said final account and report. Ob
jections to said final account and re
port should be filed on or before that
date. .,- . .
Dated at Athena. Umatilla Countv.
Oregon, this 24th day of December
1926. B. B. RICHARDS
Administrator of - the Estate of
John Wright, Deceased. D31J28.
No. 214
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Uma
jtilla. E. C. Prestbye, Plaintiff, , ....'
' VS. '" :,v
Viola Butler Shafer, Defendant.
To Viola Butler Shafer the above
named defendant: In the Name of
the State , of--Oregon: -
You are herebvfnotified that E. C.
Prestbye is the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1984 issued
on the 10th day of November, 1923.
by ihe Sheriff and Tax Collector of
torney's fees, and the" costs1 and" dis
bursements of the suit taxed at
$27.30 ; and commanding me to . sell
the following described real property
Bituaieu in umauna county, uregon
The West half of the Northeast
Quarter of Sec. 24, Township 4
North, Range 34 E. W. M., ex
cepting about 2 acres heretofore'
conveyed to Dolph Lodge No. 80,
: Wild Horse Lodge No. 73, and
Trustees! of Pythian Lodge No.
29; all in Umatilla County, Ore-
: gon.
Now therefore in comnlifln? with
the demands of. the said writ of ex
ecution, decree and order of sale
will, on Saturday the 15th dav of
January,-1927, at the hour of two
o'clock P. M., at the front door of
the County Court House in Pendle
ton Umatilla County, Oregon, sell, at
puDiic auction, to the highest bidder
for- cash, all of the ricrht. title, es-.tnt..
and interest that the said defendant,
Dean T. Willaby.' had on the Gth rlav
of October, 1920, being the date of
said mortgage to the plaintiff which
is being foreclosed, or that the de
fendants or any of them in the above
entitled suit have, since acquire
down to and inclusive of the date of
sale, in and to the above described
property or any part thereof, to sat
isfy the said writ of execution, de
cree and order of saley with interest,
costs and accruing costs.
i- Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, -this
17th day of December, ,k. D. 1926.
Sheriff .of Umatilla County, Oregon.
? Watts & Prestbye Athena, Oregon
Attorneys for Plaintiff, D17J14.
Notice is hereby given that the 'un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Louisa Ada-
line Wagner, deceased, in the Coun
ty Court in the btate of Oregon, for
Umatilla County. All-persons having
claims against the said estate, are
hereby required to present such
claims duly verified, and with proper
voucners attacneo. to the unders mi-
ed, at the office of Raley, Raley &
bteiwer, in the First National Pank
liuildmg, m Pendleton. Orearon. with-
in six months from date Of this no.
tice, the same being dated and pub-
iisneu tne nrsi time tnia oist day or
Liecemqer, lazu.
. , AVI l. WAUJNlii
Administrator of the estate rf T,mi-
lsa Adaline. Wagner, deceased,
Kaley; Raley & Ste Wer. & H. J.
Warner. Attorneys for Administrator.
W e are Equipped to do
Job Printing;
'Ml Kinds. Short Notice
the County : of Umatilla, State of
Oregon, for the amount Of Thirteen
and , 88.100. ($13.88) Dollars, the
lie Furdy, Nellie Foss TUrner Callen- same being the amount then due and
' :i
O. D. O. Club
An interesting meeting of the O.
D. O. club was held during the holi
days at the home pf . Mrs. Forrest
Zerba when a Christmas tree was
the feature, each guest receiving
gift. Christmas decorations lent a
festive air and the idea was carried
put when the hostess assisted by Mrs.
JTlfeit Johns served candle stick salad.
Visitors for the afternoon' included
Mrs. Max Hopper, Mrs. Bert Lojf j
and Mrs. Ralph Cannon. Wed-!-.-day
afternoon Mrs. Jesse Gordon
: rtweained the dub, additional!
''guests being Mrs. Ross Pavne and
Mrs. Charles McFarland. The pro
gram was dispensed with and tt
guests spent the time with need
work. A color scheme of pink ar
white was used the hostess serv'
Beauty salad at the tea hour.
der, Ruth McElroy. .
1, ' Grace Johnson-, 9.'
90, Alta. Sharp, Rc
Those deserving i
Mrs. Freeman's :
Marsh, Craig; Wil- sf
Myrick. -
Visitors are v 'tj .
and parents are .-:
visit us. V.
..; yd
.. .mes
id to
Annual R
Ather t
The Ather . I
year Janu n
Number "
circu .
delinquent: for taxes for the year
19Z5J. toirether. with penalty, interest
and costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which you
are the owner as appears of record,
situated in said Uounty and State;
and particularly bounded and der
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lots 1 and 2 in Block 5 of Kirk s ;
Second Addition to the City of ;
Athena, Umatilla County, Ore- 1
gon. ....... i
You are further notified that asiA
E. C. Prestbve has naid Citv Liens
and has paid taxes on said premises
for prior or subsequent years with
the rate of interest on said amounts
as follows: .
City of
report of
:s for the
iCember 81. Street
Date Paid
Nov 10, 1B25
Nov 10, 125
Tax Rec't
Am't Rate
, 5182
Jan 4, 1II2
Apr 20, itei)
Nv 2, 1020
' tf.88
In the County Court of the State' of
Oregon for Umatilld County
In the Matter of the Estate, of W. H.
Booher, Deceased. 1' : .
v Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom ,' it may ; concern: That
Minnie D. Booher has been appointed
executrix of the last will and testa-
men of W. ,H.. Booher,- deceased, .arnl
has qualified as,' such. Al persons
having claims against the tate. are
required to present them wltn proper
vouchers to said exe.cutnx-jit , her
home In .Athena, Oregon, or -at he
law office of1 her attorney, JfiUvM.
Peterson, Stangier Building, Pendle
ton, uregon, within six months of the
date of the first publication of this
notice . which is the 10th day of De
cember, lyo.
Will M. Peterson, George R. Lewis
Attorneys for Executrix. D10J7,
Father, mother and daughter and son.
can make a regular practice of vis
iting us for a course of chiraprac
tic adjustments. It's the wise and
sensible plan to safeguard the fam
ily health.. No drugs just common
sense methods,
Dr. W. Boyd Why te
Tangier tsuiiding, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregoh. " 957 J
Condensed Statement
The First-National Bank of Athena
At close of business December 31st, 1926.
Loans and Discounts..; $564,075.29
Overdrafts None
United States Bonds........ 57.000.00
Bonds, Securities, Etc....: 16,412.34
Banking Honse.l,...:...... ' 6.400.00
Cash and Exchange........;. 140,778.56
Capital Stock $ 50,000.00
Surplus 60,000,00
Undivided Profits 17,710.5 1
National Currency 12,200 00
Rediscounts and Bills Pay
able None
Dividends Unpaid 8,075,00
Deposits 636,680.65
The Best
ered Ad-
.n. 1, 1926
.. , 65
..$ 20.79
.. 250.00
Danger Honored -
In honf of her daughter Mr
mond DeMertitt of Walla Walk
Henry Dell "'.entertained at
o'clock luncheon. Pink ca
and :hcliday greens decora
vyvns. Covers were -laid fo
a, . 'he guests were .nter'
hvidu' Utr in th aftern
11. I. Watf tigh
tA'rr C. M. : recejvw
' Guests tended
;ts, Mrs. Lloyd Mieto -rcj'guson,
Mrs. -
5. J Bowles of " ' w
Mrs. I. A.. Barrett, M
Ewen, .Mrs. H. I. Watt
IJttlejohn, Mrs. B. B.
E. C. Prestbye and
owner of the legal title of the above
described property as the same ap
pears of. record, and each of the other
persons . above ., named are hereby
further - notified - that E. CL. Prestbye
win appiy; to the Circuit Court of the
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lien against the
property above described and men
tioned in , said certificate. And vou
are nereby summoned to appear with
in sixty days after the first Bublica
tion of the summons exclusive of thp
day of isaid first publicationr-afid de-
iena tnis action or pay the amount
due as above shown together with
costs and accrued interest and in
case of your failure to do so. .i H
cree will be rendered foreclosing the
lien 01 said taxes and rnstn rninat
tne land and premises above named
This summons is published by or
der of the Honnrnhlo fiilhoif W
Phelps Jude-e of th CiwiiH. flmiri- nt
tne btate of Oreeron. for tho ('niint
of Umatilla, and said order was
made and dated the 6th day of De
cember, 1926, and the date of the
first publication of thin
the 24th day of December. 1926.
All process and nmn in thie
..$ 54.30 ceedinir may be served unn tua
itlance from 1925.. 1.33 dersigned residing within the State
iu uregon, at the address hereafter
Address, Athena, Oregon.
Attomevn fnr ta Pioiirf
general fund.
c. .:.. $150.00
i 49.30
nt books 18.70
oks...... 21.70
: i.00:
t balance.!
collected from rental
..$ 30.09
'ota! ... $
Vol's of new fiction....
sh balance $ 1.78
; collected from fines $ 15.59
balance from 1925 .. 8.v2
is Postage and Expressage 14.34 Oregon, a
(Equity No. 4223)
Inthe Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for TTtnntnu rv,.
23 JJl The First National Bank of Athena,
In the County Court of the State of
uregon for Umatilla County
In the Matter of the Estate of John
W. Keen, Deceased.
Notice is hereby eiven that the un
dersigned have been appointed Ex
ecutrix and Executor, respectively,
ot tne last will and testament of
John W. Keen, deceased, by an order
of the above entitled Court.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to the undersigned
at Athena, Oregon, or to cur attorn
eys, Watts & Prestbye, at' their of
fice in Athena, Oregon, within six
months from the date of the first
publication of this notice. All claims
must be verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 10th
day., oi JJecember, A. V. 1926.
Executrix and Executor, respect
ively, of the last Will and testament
of John W. Keen, deceased.
Watts & Prestbve Athena. Oreo-on.
Attorneys for Estate D10J7.
in tne county uourt ot me Htaw oi
Oreeon for Umatilla Countv.
In the Matter of the Estate of Nich-
olai Howland, Deceased.
jvotice is hereby Kiven to a. per
sons whom it may Concern: That R.
L. Howland, has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate pt.Nicholai
itowiana, deceased, ah persons hav-
inft ciaims against nis . estate are I
hereby required to present them with
proper vouchers as reauired bv law.
at the law office of Will M. Peterson,
attorney at law, Stangier Building,
renoieton, Uregon, within six months
of the date of the first nublical ion of
this notice which is the 17th day of
uecember, iyzu.
R. L. HOWLAND, Administrator
Will M. Peterson and Geore-e ft.
Lewis Attorneys for Administrator.
Painless dentistry is better dentistry
because a dentist can do more care
ful work where there is
No Pain
By my new method I can fill or ex
tract teeth .
Without Pain
Painless extracting a specialty. All
work guaranteed.
Dr. Leach
Bend Building
Pendleton, Oregon
The Twin-City Cleaners
We clean every thing from the hat you wear to the
rug you stand on
Phone 455 to our local headquarters, Mrs. Celia Burden
Phone 583 our Agent, Penn Harris Barber Shop
Our Orange Colored Wagon Will Call
Milton Freewatcr
-Pcnn Harris is agent for the Troy Laundry Co.
Friends at Dinner
.Mr. and Mrs. Co:
a New Years dim:,
lowing out of to"
Mr. and Mrs. J?
sen Dick, Miss T
Ee'phia Roger
Cree and Mr, ;'
Freewater. '
r and
. Miss
balance .. ; $ 9.27
Ccal donated by Tum-A-Lum Lum
ber company; Lights bv P. S. Mill
ing company; Library service by Mes
dames Dell, Littlejohn, Le Grow,
watts and Harwood.
Harwood. '
corporation, Plaintiff
De5nrT!VWillsby- Myrtfe Willaby, B.
' B. Richards, R. A. Thompson, Vir
f R- Zerba, and The Peoples
Warehouse, a corporation, Defendants:
iNOtlce IS herehv ninn !, u..
. - j r vnab uy
Virtue Of a Writ Of exprntinn Aroo
and order of sale issued out of the
above entitled Court in the above en
''"ed suit, to me directed, and dated
lu "u uuy 01 uecemtwr. lii'K n
SerrptArtr V Zi ' ecemDer, laze, in
secretary. faV0r of the plaintiff and against the
... - defendant Dean T. Willaby, for the
ana airs, rnunps nave return- jewvery 01 me sum or $7,000.00 with
ed home from Elgin, where they ,nte,.rest thereon at the rate of 8 per
spent the holidays. vtl ,rom October 6th,
... ... : . . im, the father Bum of $800.00 at-
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ira
Durrill, Deceased.
.Notice is nereDy given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Henry Craig, has been appointed ad
mmistrator of the estate of Ira Dur
nil, also known as I. W. Durrill. de
ceased, and has qualified as such. AH
persons having claims against taid
estate are hereby notified and requir
ed to present them, with proper
vouchers, in the manner provided by
law, to the said administrator at the
law office of Will M. Peterson, in
the Smith-Crawford Building, at
Pendleton. Oregon, within six months
of the date of the first publication of
this notice which is the 17th day of
December, 1926.
HENRY CRAIG, Administrator
Will M. Peterson and Georg.j R.
Attorneys for Administrator.
Phone 24
Transfer and Express
Prompt Service
Dealer In
! J. L. Harman
Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Delivery and
Truck Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena, Oregon
The 1
ou Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
. ditions to our building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena
Main . Street. , Athena, Oregon
Stat and Federal Court Practice
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Lee Whitehead, Proprietor
Wc make a specialty of cutting Ladies hair in all the
prevailing styles
Fair and Courteous Treatment
Agency for Trey Laundry and The Model Cleaners
Phone 492