The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 07, 1927, Image 2

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    lit Mum
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Uate.
One copy, one year $2-00
One copy, six months tl-OO
Cne copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon January 7 1927
News dispatches carried the infor
mation that the interstate commerce
commission has permitted the North
ern Pacific railway to discontinue
train service to Ocosta, Washington.
That simple item from the grist of
the world's news doubtless stirred
the memories of many "old-timers"
in southwest Washington.
The time was when many people
confidently believed that Ocost
would become one of the great cities
of the west coast. The town was pic
tured as the western terminus of the
Northern Pacific. It was believed
that great docks would be construct
ed there and that Ocosta would be
the meeting place of sail and rail for
the enormous trade between the Uni
ted States and the orient. Town lots
rrse to high figures. People came to
Ocosta from all parts of the nation,
and it was a flourishing and feverish
center before the boom collapsed pre
vious to the panic of 1893.
Ocosta now has not a vestige of its
former bid for greatness. It still
exists on the map and still covers
a certain parcel of ground on the
shores of South Bay on Grays Har
bor. But Aberdeen and Hoquiam are
the big centers on the harbor, and
the lumber mills and the ships that
were pictured along the Ocosla wat
erfront exist in reality in Aberdeen
and Hoquiam.
All that Ocosta has left is its view.
A sunset on the Pacific as seen from
Ocosta remains as glorious on a
summer evening as a generation ago,
when corner lots sold for hundreds
of dollars. Tacoma News Tribune.
This practice of loading down the
mails with knit neckwear about
Christmas time by some Jew bunk
concern hiding behind and commer
cializing the infirmities of some
world war veteran, does not buy any
thing out here in the West. Says
the Polk County Observer:
"Like 300 or 400 other Dallas men,
wc received a package of Christmas
knit neckwear from Paunee Bill, ti.e
blind tie man of St. Louis, etc. Some
how or other this little incident
grates in our craw; we don't like
knit neckties. If Paunee Bill had
sent lurid prospectus of three knit
neckties for $t it would have gone
into the waste basket. Somehow or
other we feel that that is where his
neckties belong. We did not order
them neither did any other man in
Dallas. We don't expect to get any
more packages from Paunee Bill at
Christmas or any other time. Neith
er will you if you feel as we do to
ward an attempt to prey upon your
sympathy and tan the milk of hu
man kindness fot commercial pur
poses." o
"Tony Spaghetti made a crock of
moonshine to satisfy an inborn crav
ing for refreshment. He is in jail
for a period of years. Fall and Do
honey made a monstrous conspiracy
involving millions of dollars and
people fraudulently, and they go
Scot free. From such stuff as this
fchnll our young people get their
knowledge of justice." Forest Grove
Portland is well within her rights
in demanding port protection when
proposals are made for bridge con
struction at Long View, or any other
point on the lower river aro made.
And more so is she right in her op
position to a structure thrown hap
hazardly across the link that bind.-t
her shipping with the Pacific by
private interests having for their ob
ject the collection of tolls.
-o i
The West has been recognized at
last. It has been seriously propos
ed in the House of Representativos
t appropriate $250,000 for a summer
White House, to be built at Rocky
Mountain National Tark, Colorado.
Sensible idea. If you won't let the
democrats raid the treasury, why not
raid it yourself.
The term "step on it" used to be
applied in connection with the act of
mashing the jellywigglings sut.of
the lowly worm. Now it has to do
with toying with the accelerator of a
rpced wagon.
Co-eds at Texas Christian Uni?r
r'y do not believe in exposing the
luieo, for various and sundry reason?,
mi we are told. However, er , all
i -n-cds do not matriculate at the Tex
as University.
It's well enough to be a Mazam.i
u'lon you are a Mazama otherwise
you're a Zamama for trying to scale
Fount Hood in a blizsard.
What may be termed a dramatic
jfpcctaclo occurred in Congress last
week. When Representative Celler,
democrat, appealed to his colleagues
to keep poison out of alcohol, he was
supported by Senator Edwards, an
other good democrat, who startled
his hearers in the Senate by con
demning the "hypocrisy of some of
the representatives of the people who
vote dry and drink wet."
Portland's Imperial Hotel is some
thing more than an Eastern Oregon
hangout just now. For the next
forty days the Oregon legislature
will convene there for its in-between-sessions.
The city marshal of Cove, Oregon,
has authorized shooting of all stray
cats. But how can he tell whose cat
is a stray cat? However, it may be
that all cats do or do not look alike
to him.
If the government makes up it.4
mind to extract its poison from al
cohol the question naturally arises
as to whether there would be any
left in a fella's radiator.
Jiminy crickets, but that Bradley
Rogers girl bank robber down in
Texas is hardboiled! She says she
would as leave as not do it over
again if she had the chance.
Gus Moser has taken it on the chin
again. The joint legislative commit
tee would have naught to do with his
proposed compulsory competitive in
dustrial insurance law.
Load Everything Evil
on Dragon's Shoulders
They still blame It on the drngou
In China when anything goes wrong.
That the Ideas of a people 03 per
cent illltc-rtite do not change rapidly
Is limply ill list rated . In Thomas
Steep's book, "Chinese Fantastlcu."
Now, as In centuries gone by, the
'dragon dictates the dally conduct, of
millions of Chinese.
Angered, the dragon manifests Its
displeasure In Hoods, droughts, earth
quakes, eclipses and typhoons. When
Canton wns wrecked by a typhoon the
havoc was attributed to the whisking
of the (ail of an angry dragon. Dup
lng a solar eclipse the people of Island
vitiligos, supposing the darkness to be
caused by a dragon having swallowed
the sun, rush to the streets and with
drums, gongs, horns and whistles
create noise until the dragon, fright
ened, disgorges his prey.
What does a dragon look like? It
Is equipped to work any kind of de
struction. It has teeth, claws, feet,
wings and tall. Its scales number
eighty-one. or nine times Ine, the
extreme odd or lucky number. It
possesses all the luck that humans
covet. Its voice Is as the booming of
a gong. Its breath Is flre, fog or rain.
It renders Itself visible or Invisible.
It swells to the dimensions of heaven
or shrinks to the size of a silk
It likes to sleep within the earth
and inlj.iilily hales to be disturbed.
Hence the aversion of the Chinese to
the digging of mines, the construc
tion of railroads, rhnnging of water
courses, or anything else that will dis
turb the slumbers of the dragon
Timber Sound, Though
Buried for Centuries
Furniture made from oak used by
the Itonuins more than 1,800 years
ago In the construction of an em
bankment for the Thames Is shortly
to be added to the historic treasures
of the Mansion house, says the Lon
don Mull.
The timber, discovered during exca
vations behind King William street,
K. C, Is In good condition, although
It has been burled for centuries.
It Is In the possession of Mr.
Thomas J. Kdwimls, a member of the
London and Middlesex archeological
society, who, with other experts, Is
satislled that tho find Is part of the
first embankment built by the I lo
in una.
A member of the society suld the
timbered embankment Is S3 feet
north of the Roman wall, probably
built 200 years later.
Whole trunks of trees, piled one
above the others, six deep and locked
by cross-timbers, were found In such
good condition tlmt they can still be
used for almost any purpose.
Vily Whalct
Sir John Uluiid-Sutum, famous Eng
lish surgeon, tolls a striking story to
demonstrate the cunning with which
khe killer" whale chases its prey.
It feeds on seals, which It cannot
easily drug off the Ice, but It swims
under the Ice on which the seal lies,
and using Its powerful dorsal tin, sud
denly rises, and breaks off a piece of
the lee with It. If the seal tries to
escape b.v sliding over the Ice. the
whale follows It, and continues Its
breaking tactics until the seal Is cap
tured. The teeth of killer whales make
those of the crocodile seem puny, but,
curiously enough, these terrors of the
seas, who even prey on their harm
less relatives, hunt In packs. Ilk
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office over
Inland Empire Hank
Pendleton, Oregon
Specializing in Electro and Quartz
1 Lamp Therapy.
, 11126. WciIwd Newpaper Union.)
Three things to love -courage,
gentleness and affection.
Three things to hate cruelty,
arrogance and ingratitude.
Three things to admire charao-.
ter, Intellect and dignity.
Have a shelf, cupboard or some
place protected from dust for empty
boxes. Arrange them In
order of size, then when
a box is needed for some
purpose it is quickly
If there are those In
the home who persist la
using the woodwork on
which to scratch
matches, smear a little
vaseline over the spot generally used.
After a few attempts to scratch a
match on the greasy surface even the
most persistent offender will reform.
Oven cloths or holders to handle
food In hot dishes should be large
enough to be used In both hands ; this
will save many burns.
A pocket on the Inside of an apron
will save tearing on door knobs and
Place a small piece of camphor gum
in the silver drawer or cupboards
where the silver Is kept It will save
much cleaning, as the camphor will
keep It from tarnishing.
A clothes-pin bag fastened to a
clothes hanger Is a great convenience.
To save stooping when hanging out
clothes it can be pushed along on the
A nut cracker makes a good wrench
for small bottles with screw tops.
A heavy wall paper such as the oat
meal paper may be tinted when faded
with any color or special tint desired.
Often the paper is faded but perfectly
good. With a good wash of some tint
It Is new and fresh again.
' The lower stair of the back stairs
put on hinges makes a fine place for
rubbers, overshoes nnd other things
which are so often mislaid.
When patching a tear In wall pa
per, tear do not cut the paper to be
used as a patch. The uneven edges
are not so easily noticed. -
A sewing machine needle which has
become blunt can be sharpened by
stitching a few times through emery
A piece of emery paper Is useful in
rubbing shiny spots on clothes.
A handful of raisins added to any
cooky mixture will Improve it; also
any fruit salad.
Foolhardy Feat
For five shillings ($1.25) an Eng
lish steeplejack performed a feat so
dangerous that a - film star would
probably ask a small fortune for do
ing the same thing.
As n result of an argument with an
other steeplejack over the merits of
their respective bicycles, this man
had his machine hauled to the top of
a 00-foot chimney. With smoke belch
ing from the chimney, the steeplejack
calmly mounted his Jlcycle and bal
anced himself on the narrow ledge for
two minutes. The other steeplejack
then mounted the chimney and paid
over the five shillings which had been
won by the performance of this dar
ing lent.
Old Turkish Capital
Presents Two Views
Approaching Constantinople' one
may get the impression that it either
Is the world's most beautiful city or
that it Is the most squalid city on
earth, depending upon whether It Is
approached from the sea or the land.
From the land the city's GSO mosques
and minarets, its MO palaces and gar
dens, rising in the form of an amphi
theater above the Golden Horn, give
It the appearance of the type of
oriental city described in the Arabian
Nights, says E. Alexander Powell in
the American Magazine.
Alexander von Humboldt, noted
traveler and student of nature, de
clared Constantinople was one of the
three most beautiful cities In the
world, Naples and Salzburg being the
otfier two. Lord Byron also extolled
Constantinople's position as being In
comparable to any he had ever seen.
The historical interest that abounds
In Constantinople even surpasses, for
many, that of Its beauty. The city's
i history extends hack nenrly 3,000
years. Since the corn-laden galleys
from the Black , sea glided through
the Hellespont In, the days of Darius
and Alexander, and the Phoenicians
moved In from ,the Marmora sea,
down to the present time, when gi
gantic battleships swing at their moor
ings off Seraglio point, Constantinople
has been an object of desire for am
bitious military leaders and land-seei-lnsr
For Sale A good grade Guernsey
heifer calf. Lou Ringel. phone 32F21.
For sale cheap A leather covered
Morris chair, rocker and other furni
turn back the calendar
to summer and come play in
the warm sunshine.
As an added inducement the
Union Pacific now offers special
low round trip fares and assures
you a marvelous journey on the
finest of fast trains. Connections
via Portland or Salt Lake City.
C. M. EAGER, Agent
Athena, Oregon
Bank Statement
n. ...... w. Kesarve uisirici xno. j.
Report of the Condition of the Pint National Bank at Athena in the State
of Uregon, at me ciose ui uuamcoo v.. .
l a Loans and discounts including rediscounts, ac
ceptances of other banks and foreign bills of ex
u - Arafta anlH with endorsement of this
bank (except those shown in b and c) $ 664.075...9
Total loans -
3 U. 3. Government securities owned: , ,
a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value)
j lZ,uUU.UU
b'AU other United securities (including
premiums, if any) - 44,500.00
Total -.-
4 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc., owned: ................
House. 6.062.00 Furniture and fixtures. 338.00
8 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank i 31,730.68
10 Cash in vault and amount due from national banks 108.422.8S
Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 iyB,z.
15 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and duo from U. S.
Treasurer --
1!) Capital stock paid in
20 Surnlua fund '.
21 a Undivided profits 17,710.54 mmBi
b Reserve for - 17,710.54
c Less Current expenses paid - Jviinnn
23 Circulating notes outstanding - : lUU.uu
26 Amount due to State banks, bankers, and trust companies
in the United States and foreign countries lotner man
included in Items 24 or 25)
27 Certified checks outstanding
28 Cashier's checks outstanding
Total of 24. 25. 26, 27, and 28 3,885.81
29 Individual deposits subject to check --
!fl rt;K,.o)oi nf lanneit rtnn inUst than SO HaVS (other than
for money borrowed) &,u.o
Q1 CtatA .nnnt.r rvf. mimi.Mr.a1 flivrtnai ta eAnirpt bv TUedtre Of
vi-ft. wioki vvwiivjt v. ...Univ. i.i. Uvv.H r o - - 17nQCOO
assets of this bank or surety bond . V'V fn
33 Dividends unpaid -- o.uio.uu
Total of demand deposits ( other than bank deposits) sut
ject to Reserve, Items 29. 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34... 307,38'2 40 -
' l' v . .'...... ... v.. - ....... -- . rf ' OC AAA AA
37 Other time deposits - - - 25,PS?;?f
38 1'ostal savings deposits -
Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 35, S6, 37.
and 38 333,487.44
tate of Oregon, Countyof Umatilla, ss.
I, F. S. LeGrow, Cashier of the above-named Bank, do solemnly swear
that tho above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me F. S. LEGROW, Cashier,
this 5th dav of January, 1927. Correct Attest:
E. C. PRESTBYE, Notary Public. . M. L. WATTS
Commission expires July 10, 1928 M. W. HAN SELL
. , HENRY CELL Directors
Your Harness
While you have the time to do it right
Our Oil
Its the right kind
Also this is the time to get. set up for 4he plowing
season. Our spring stock of new plows is now ar
riving. ;
( A Mercantile Trust)
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon '
Blacksmith .Shop
Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg.
Real Estate
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
Claud Dickenson
Phone 452, Athena, Oregon
Auto Truck Dray
City and Country
Always at Your Service
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 653
At Finch's
Cleaning and Pressing
G. W. Finch,' Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
1 r THE
Short Order Lunches and Meals served at all hours. 3
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks. A full line of Candies, j
J Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor .- - Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all -Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street . Athena, Oregon.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes tJdaeys mad bladder right
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is Bade in AUena, ' Athena labor, in one ol the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere... Patronize home industry. Your
grocer gelis the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
I Athena, Oregon. Waitsbure. Wash