The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 07, 1927, Image 1

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    Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
,11, S. Faces Muddle
In Foreign Problem
Mexican - Nicaraquan Ques
tions Are Causes for
Grave Concern.
Washington, D. C The dawning of
1927 found the United States facing
an; international situation more mud
dled perhaps , than , any since .;the
World war. ;
prospects -of an early settlement of
the Nicaraguan and Mexican questions
do not appear bright and President
Coolidge has appealed to the press
of the country to show an "American
attitude" and stand behind the ad
ministration's efforts to uphold exist
,jng standards of International law.
The civil strife in Nicaragua, where
American naval forces have been
landed to protect American lives and
property, and the controversy over the
new Mexican oil and land laws, which
took effect January . 1, remain la
status quo as far as this country's
pplicy is concerned, but both ques
tions are developing new turns with
regard to the individual parties con'
A policy of watchful waiting has
been adopted with regard to the new
Mexican oil laws, which went into ef
fect while American oil operators own
ing extensive Interests there were
adopting a tacit agreement . to. refuse
to apply for the required confirma
tory concessions under which they
wpuld receive 60 and 30 year leases
with privilege of renewal in Jieu of
their present titles,
i While operators who fail to. confirm
their titles will "renounce their rights
under the law," they will not have
their properties confiscated, accord
ing to the Mexican embassy. In other
words, the embassy says, they will
lose their "privileged position."
President CooUdga feels that the
press of the eouatry, which ho be
lieves to be thoroughly American, can
be help.'ul through a correct presenta
tion of the government's foreign poli
cies and conduct. He is of the opin
ion that foreign countries frequently
have beon misled, especially with re
gard to the government's policy of
protectingi American lives and jrop-frty-
abroad," by certain articles in
Mexico City. Disorders and armed
: conflict were reported from several
sections of the country.
Eleven leaders of a demonstration
Against the government at Leon, state
of Guanajuato, were reported execut
ed by government troops when a
group of religious agitators awaiting
the arrival of rebels from aa Fran
i cisco Del Tincon,' nearby, were charg-
ed by the troops and dispersed. Others
j were arrested,
A battle occured . in Parras, state
of Coahuila, when a group Of fan
atics seized the city hall and looted
a train arriving from the west. Troops
Charged the insurgents with heavy
losses on both sides. The rebels fled
to the hills.
! A large gang of bandits is operat
ing In the vicinity of Mexico City.
Fifty armed men stopped a number of
automobiles a few miles south of the
capital and robbed the passengers.
The. police believe they, are the same
gang which robbed, several motorists
on the Cuernavaca highway Sunday.
Legislative Caucus Selects Twin
Falls Man for Position.
Boise, Idaho W. D. Gillis, representative-elect
from. Twin Falls, will
.be the speaker of the house of repre
sentatives of the 19th Idaho legisla
ture, which was inaugurated, together
with state officials, in this city Mon
day. ' This was thp depision of the
republican house caucus Of membcrs
eiecf held here. . A. F. Bootelfson of
Arco will be chief clerk of the house.
Senator-elect John McMurray will
be the president pro tern of the sen
cte, succeeding himself in that capac
ity, the senate caucus decided.
I The inauguration took place at noon
Ionday, when Chief Justice William
jr.. Lee el the supreme court admin
istered the ontk of office to H. C.
paldridga, governor-elect 8fl4 pther
elective state official and meiuliirg
pi the legislature.
Commercial Club Is
Making a. Drive For
New Membership Roll
A special drive for new members
to the Athena Commercial Associa
tion is under way this week with in
dications for many new namo3 on
the roster, before the week is over.
0. 0. Stephens, Art Douglas and
Bert Ramsey, are the committeemen
who- have the membership drive in
charge, though all members are in
terested in securing new names.
At the meeting of the Association,
Tuesday vening,; the , matter of put
ting on the drive and the proposal of
civine more attention to , the social
angle of the Association was discus
sed, with the result that it was de
cided that hereafter the Association
will keep open house, and utilize its
billiard, pool and card tables for the
benefit of its members.
The membership committee was
given to understand that it would re
ceive assistance in the drive from all
members of the Association, and it
was instructed by President Rogers
to makes its report at the meeting
next Tuesday evening.
Fall Term Has Dropped
Seventy-two Students
University of. Oregon, January,
(Special) Seventy-two students
were dropped from the University at
the end of the fall term because of
low scholarship and 120 were placed
on probation, . according to an anr
nouncement of Carlton E. Spencer,
register, today.
Of those who flunked, 61 were
men and 11 were women, according
to the announcement. More fresh
men, of whom there were 30, were
dropped than other classes. Twenty
three sophomores failed,
Business administration let in the
number of majors who failed, econ
omics was second and journalism
Of the 120 placed on probation,
which means that they will be given
one more term in which to meet the
required standard, of scholarship, 8S
were men and 32 women. Last year
in : the fall term ' the same number,
120, were put on probation, Spencer
said. All . students who make leas
than nine hours in a term are put in
the probation class.
Twenty-four fewer students were
flunked out of the University thi3
fall term as compared with the same
period last year, when 93 were sent
home, Spencer announced.
He's Going Just Right
Weston Leader: Nard Jones has
just marketed three more stories, as
follows: "We're Getting Away With
It," to Stage and Screen magazine;
"Buddies in Hate," to "War Stories;"
"The Silver Frame,'' to Young's
magazine. The young Weston ur
thor is rapidly making a name for
himself as a short story writer, and
as he is a modest and likable youth,
his local friends rejoice in his good
fortune in winning recognition that
is only accorded, usually after years
of effort. "
Women Escape Prison
A check up at the Washington
State Penitentiary revealed. the fact
that two women, Cecelia Rosenfevlt
and Maud L. Bode, had escaped from
the women's quarters sometime be
tween the hours of six and nine. Es
cape was made, it was said, over the
wall just beyond the .women's quart
ers which is somewhat lower than
the wall around the penitentiary pro
per. Guards trailed the pair as far
as the highway, where the trail was
Good Bank Statement
The First National Bank of Athe
na ended the year 1926 with a com
mendable financial record as gleaned
from its report to the comptroller of
the currency at close of business De
cember 31. It is noted that loans and
discounts totaled $564,075.29; depos
its $636,680.65, and cash and ex
change $140,778.56. The annual meet
ing of the stockholders will be held
Tuesday afternoon at the bank's offices.
School Exhibit
A very creditable school display is
to be seen in the show window at the
Mosgrove building on Main street:
An especially attractive exhibit is an
Arctic scene, which includes, snow,
ice, water, Arctic animals and Es
quimos. Another is a miniature log
cabin. Map drawings and art ex
hibits are also featured in display.
j Brown of Harvard tomorrow night.
Tragedy Stalk Riders
Leaving Dance Hall
Walla Walla Is Death Scene
of One Girl, Six Are
Seriously Hurt.
As t the indirect result of higi
winds which shorted . electric, wires1
early Sunday morning, one girl is
dead and six other persons were ser
iously injured when an automobile in
which they were riding turned over.
Evelyn Wilson, 22, daughter of Mr.
arid "Mrs. H. S. Wilson, of Walla Wal
la, was killed and the following were
Opal Moore, 21, 306 Park street,
concussion Of brain, internal injuriesj
Mary Taylor, 72 East Main, cut w
wrist and head; Frances Wilson, 40?
South Ninth, gashes on head; Edwina
Woods, 310 ' South Park, gash on
face; William Taylor, 72 East Main,
cuts about face and head; Nevin An
derson, Second and Oak, deep cut on
With the breaking of an electric
wire the lights in a dance hall were
extinguished and the party had gone
for a ride pending "the mending of
the line so that the dance could be
Taylor took the girls in his car.
and picked up Alderman, a printer,
who was standing on the sidewalk
waiting for the power to come on so
that he 'could resume work. Owing
to the dark street the driver, who de
clared he did not see -the sharp turn,
lost control of the car and it crashed
into a steel light pole. Marks on the
pavement showed the machine skid
ded several feet ' ; ,; .
Miss Wilson died before she rcachr
ed the hospital. Miss, Moore was in
a very serious, condition, -and Alder
man was still unconscious at a late
hour Monday.
Taylor, driver of the machine, was
placed under arrest following the ac
cident, and '& coroner's jury placed'
the blame for the death of Miss Wil
son upon him. He was charged pith
fast and reckless driving of an qver?
loaded car, i - " " 1 ' ' - "
The ded- girl had attenedecj Wal
la Walla high school and but recent
ly returned from a visit to California.
Opal Moore is a' sister of Mrs.
Sibyl Kraemer, who was killed in an
automobile .accident .near St. Maries,
Idaho, while returning, home from a
dance a year ago. Miss Wilson, who
was killed, lost a sister by drowning
near Wallula three years ago. Her
sister, Frances Wilson, who was in
the accident Sunday morning, is still
in a dangerous Condition, and as yet
has not learned of the death of
Evelyn. Alderman was engaged to
the dead girl.
Thomson Family of
Deer Killers Causht
and Are Fined $2100
After boasting to a deputy game
warden that they had killed 49 bucks,
does and'fawns since the closing of
the deer hunting season, members of
the Thomson family, resort owners
on the McKenzie river, were round
ed up and given fines totaling $2100,
according to word reaching Ed Av
erill, state game warden from his
officers at Eugene, Tuesday.
Averill described the round-up of
game law violators as the greatest
success ) the, enforcement officers
have ever had. He said that wardens
have been trying to catch the group
for 15 years and that, members of
the Thomson family have repeatedly
bragged about the length of time
they have violated the deer laws and
the number they have killed.
Carey Thomson Sr. and his four
boys, Carey Jr., Marlow, Dayton and
York, along with a man by the name
of Clark, a lumberman from Michi
gan, were included in the cne haul
by' the 10 deputies, who have taken
a number of other violators in Lane
county in the past few days.'-
Averill said that at first the group
was going to fight the case but after
hearing .only a ppition of the evi
dence the deputies under- Fi M. Brown
had 'gathered, v they pleaded guilty.
The .charge - against '. them was for
killing deer jn closed season but the
deputies plso Jiad evidence tq sjiqw
that they- had. killed female deei and
fawns, and that ; they had wantonly
wasted deer meat and that they had
sold meat.
Deputies found, according to Aver
ill, that the Thomsons were saving
only, the hams and heavy meated
portions of the small , deer, leaving
the rest in the woods and were jerk
ing the venison and felling it in
Portland and other cities;. They re
ported that 500 pounds of . jerkod
meat., was shipped to -1 Chicago just
before Christmas and -, sold there.
Eleven deer. had ;been killed pn the
last trip and all that saved a Tort
land banker from being included in
the arrest .was the fact that he fail
ed to arrive in time for the hunt, re
cording to the deputies.
Two New Ordinances
Before City Council
One Defines Boundary Lim
its and Second Provides
for Officer's Pay.
O. W. Plans a Bus
Run To Pendleton
A Delco Plant
H. J. Cunningham has recently in
stalled a Delco light and power plart
at the farm home of E. E. Tucker.
The Delco takes the place of another
plant which Mr. Tucker had on trial.
Application for the contemplated
stage operation between Portland
and Pendleton was filed at Salem, by
the Union Pacific.
The plan of operation as outlined
at the office of J. P. O'Brien, gen
eral manager of the O.-W. R. &
call for two trips daily each way be
tween Portland and Pendleton with
intermediate stops. Service is to be
started within three months from
date permission may be granted by
the public service commission.
The equipment of. the proposed
line will include five de luxe parlor-,
car type busses, each with a seating
capacity of 25 persons.; Four of the
coaches will be .in continuous opera
tion. The fifth will be held in reserve.
Ordinance Np; (i7, : defining the
corporate bound: , lines of the city
of Athena, and Ordinance No. 188,
providing pay for services of the may
or and councilmen, were before the
members of tro council, at the meet
ing Monday : ''''' t. .
Ordinance iNo. 137 defines- the
boundary lines of the city as they
existed prior to the error made in
changing the city charter at which
time the omission of the words
"thence south" tQ Wild Horse creek,
left that portion of the Kirk estate
south of Adams and east of Fifth
streets out of the city limits, where
as before, it was included within the
boundary lines. The new ordinance
provides for the following boundary
"Beginning at the Northwest corner
of railroad addition to the city of
Athena, formerly called Centerville,
thence south to Wild Horse Creek;
thence down Wild Horse Creek to a
point where it is intersected by the
range line between ranges 34 and 35
East of the ... Willamette Meridian;
thence North along said range lino
to the Northwest corner of section
19, Township 4, North, range 85
East of Willamette Meridian; thence
East along the section line between
sections 18 and 19 of said Township
4, North of range 35 east qf the Wil
lamette Meridian t. the place of
Ordinance No. 188, which went to
its second reading, . provides for pay
to the mayor and members of the
city council. It makes provision for
the payment of $3 to the mayor,
and $2 to each member of the coun
cil for attendance at each and e(very
regular, special or ' adjourned meet
ing. The ordinance stipulates that
any member not attending a meet
ing, forfeits his pay for that meet
ing, and does not draw pay for at
tendance at ' the next succeeding
Indian Hunter Freezes
Louis Van Pelt, Umatilla reserva
tion Indian, who, with four other
Indians, was on a hunting expedition
in the' Blue mountains, was found
frozen to death in the mountains by
his companions. The Indian, his
companions said, got lost from them
during the hunt, and evidently lost
his sense of direction. He traveled
on foot until he was exhausted. Van
Pelt was the father of three children.
He was second baseman on the In-
dian Blue Mountain league.
Miss Audrey Winship of Salem was
in Athena visiting friends for a
short time Saturday evening. Miss
Winship is employed at the State
house in Salem.
ePTrH w. n u.
Tomorrow night the Standard
Theatre presents its annual Junior
class benefit show, when the colleee
play, "Brown of Harvard" will be
screened , in connection with a pre
lude in which the class members and
others of the student body will take
"Brov of Harvard" has been ac
claimed ; 'h as much fervor on the
silver shet.i as it was when present
ed on the stage. It is perhaps one
of the greatest college plays ever
shown, and its photoplay version is
enhanced by the clever acting of an
all-star cast, including Jack Pick-
ford, Mary Brian, Mary Alden,
Francis ,X. 'Bushman, Jr., and Wil
liam Haines.
Sunday night Dorothy Phillros.
Lew Cody and Carmel Myers will be
seen in John M. Stahl's "The Gay
Deceiver," another of Metro's spark
ling comedy drama's
Fred Thomson and his great horse.
"Silver King" return to the Standard
one week from tomorrow, in a fine
Western play, "The Tough Guy."
Annual Junior Class
Benefit Show Tomorrow
Tucson, Ariz. Adolfo de la Huerta,
one time provisional president of Mex
ico, asserted here lie was "marking
time" for an opportunity to go Into
Mexico and assume charge of the up
rising In that country.
Although the Mexican consulate an
nounced that De la Huerta had been
arrested on charges of violating Amer
ican neutrality laws, United States
authorities denied the Mexican no
table was being sought and he was
located with his secretary and a com
panion at a dingy hotel.
"The United States authorities are
acquainted with my alms and I am
keeping in tcuch, with department ot
justice agents at Los Angeles.
''I know the neutrality laws of this
eountry and am keeping within them.
''My relations with the United States
are perfectly friendly and as soon as
the revolutionists capture a certain
border town I am going to return to
my country and lead the movemont
against the Calles government.
Governor General Put on Offensive
By Cui'p Of Opposit'on.
Manila. Two boards of directors
were named for the National Coal
company, opening the fight between
Governor General Wood and legisla
tive leaders over the chht executive
order abolishing the Insular board of
The governor ponoral was put on
the offensive when Alberto Harretto,
president of tho company, recognized
the board appointed by Manuel Que
zon, president of tho senate, and
Speaker lU.xas cf tho hoiwo, both of
whom were ex-officio members of the
board of control as originally created.
This means that General Wood will be
Obliged to bring iuo warranto pro
ceedings In court in the attempt to
force recognition of his appointees.
m:&tinr .
Kratz Renamed Astoria Manager.
Astoria, Or. O. A. Kratz, city man
ager of Astoria for four years, and
around whose head a bitter con
troversy has been raging for several
months, was reappointed to the office
when the new city commission took
office. Tho retiring commission had
declared the office vacant January 3.
Salaries of Federal Judges Increased.
Washington, D. C The house pass-
eti, 295 to 39, the bill tq Increase sal
aries of fodtiraj Judges. Tho measure
has been approved by the senate. The
huuae, by a vote of 155 to 29, also ap
proved on Increase In the salary of
Chief Justice Taft from 515,000 to f 20,
500 a vear.
Anti-Oleo Measure Introduced.
Washington, D. C A bill to regu
lato the manufacture and salo of but
i r substitutes to protect makers of
butter and consumers from fraudulent
Imitations was Introduced In the
house by Representative Tlnchor, re
publican, Kansas.
Coolidge Offered South Dakota Lodge.
Washington, 1). C An 80,000-a( r;
tract of land in the Illack IUIIh (if
South Dakota, and a lodge eoutiuiliug
80 rooms, were offeryil to President
CoolidKO as a sito tor next rummer's
White IJounu by a delegation of South
Will Discontinue Its
Poisons In Alcohol
Secretary Mellon Announces
Dangerous Denaturants
Will be Eliminated.
Washington, D. C. On the theory
that more effective . prohibition en-'
forcement is bound to drive drinkers
to the use of industrial acohol, Sec
retary Mellon announced a determin
ation to eliminate the use of poisons
as denaturants. -
The secretary's attitude is that he
does not conceive it a duty of the
government to . pormit poisoning of
citizens In order to enforce the law.
He expects government chemists soon
will be able to denature alcohol so
that it will be too distasteful to drink
rather than too poisonous.
The decision not to use poisons in
dangerous quantities is based on a
conviction on the part of Secretary
Mellon that complete prohibition ' en
forcement Is impossible.' He thinks
that as enforcement grows stronger
bootleggers and drinkers will turn to .
bad alcohol and other substitutes. He
Is not willing that the government
should poison these substitutes to en
force the law and believes other con
coctions can be placed in them to
prevent their use.
The controversy over deaths during
the holiday season from the drinking
of poisoned alcohol reached both the
senate and house floors as soon as
congress reconvened.
At both ends of the capitol the
personal conduct of members In the
observance of the dry law was ques
tioned. While Representative Celler, dem
ocrat, New York, was accusing his
colleagues In the house of "drinking
to excess," Sonotor-Edwards, demo
crat, New Jersey, in a lengthy speech,
in the senate, was condemning tha
"hypocrisy of soino of tho representa
tives oMhe jeoplo who vote dry and
drink wet."
The senate adopted the resolution
of Senator Edwards, calling upon Sec
retary Mellon for any correspondence
between the treasury and the Anti
Saloon league with rospoct to the
poisoning of industrial alcohol.
Washington, D. C. Saturday, Janu
ary 1 ,1927, ushered In the lawful
period during which American World
war veterans who were entitled to
more than ?50 cash in adjusted serv
ice credit, may, it they desire, obtain
the first benefits from their 20-year
insurance policies or bonus certifi
cates by depositing them as security
for loans.
It is estimated that there are ap
proximately $3,0-18,932 such certifi
cates in the hands of veterans or de
pendents of deceased servica men,
with a face value of $3,137,053,062.
and that loans up to 1282,540,000 may
bo niado during the year 1927 on that
aggregate. Applications for certifi
cates may be made up until January
1, 1928.
Tremblors Injure Score and Cause a
$1,000,010 Loss.
Calexlco, Cal. Imperial Valley,
desert garden m.ot, famed In romance
and crop reports, ushered in the New
Year with a series of earthquake
slacks damaged many build
ings, Injured a score or more porsons
and cau.ued property loss ot approxi
mately $1,000,000.
The tremblors were felt In all parts
of the valley, east to Tucson and
other ponts In Arizona, west as far
as San Diego nnd the coast, and In tha
northern states of Mexico.
The quakes started shortly aft?r
midnight on tho lieelt of tin valley's
welcomo of the new your. They con
tinued until 5 a. t:i., coming nt Inter
vals. At least 50 distinct shocks were
CommlsE'on to hold Grain Parley.
Washington. I), r. - To perfect ph':is
for an inverttlciujim of v.csMn grain
rat-. tUa IntPi'staH commerce coin,
uiisolon announced that prolimhiary
conference would Im tiela tit Kuusns
City, Mo., Jan. fco, botwi'en rcpresenta
tive.i tf tin commission, grain s!i;
pers, railroads, and kv.Ug eor;'oratiutt
and railroad cotuiuiior.g.
... -fc