The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 31, 1926, Image 3

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New Device Makes Charts and
Maps in Metal.
22 Years Ago
Washington. A new method of en
graving charts and maps In metal has
been devised by the United States
hydrographlc office of the Navy de
partment. This process, the iven-w
tlon of J. H. Larrahee and T. Peter
Lampe, engineers of that office, re
sults in Increased accuracy and a con
siderable saving in time, as its opera-
iiim per mi is me engineer uj v-uinpne
charts and maps directly on metal
printing plates without the necessity
of preparing a finished drawing.
. Tills machine, named the Pantos-graver
by its inventors, produces a
chart plate from which charts nra
made which contain oceanograpliic
nnd topographic features necessary to
navigation, these plates being ap
proximately 90 per cent complete when
they leave the machine.
As partial evidence of the value of
this machine, Mr. Larrahee said, one
rf Ita nf f nrhmtinta fnr pnorrnvinfr
Foundings easily can engrave 4,500
I'gures in a day, whereas a skilled
lianil-eneraver can. engfavft. only about
300. ''
Laying an acid-proof etching ground
o?i a highly polished copper plate, the
operator sets the instrument for the
required reduction and compensation,
to make, allowance for any distortion
of the tracing original, due to paper
shrinkage, m6isture or other causes.
Orefully following the design on the
data print, the operator transfers the
design by the pantograph principle to
the copper plate by means of a dia
mond point, varying the depth ' and
width of the lines by weights sup
ported by this engraving tool.
Although there are a few symbols
which the machine cannot insert, it
was pointed out, such as bluffs and
sanded beaches, it is possible to attain
absolute uniformity in the . various
symbols used In navigation as well
as in the lettering, another of its In
genious devices being a method of in
serting lettering on a curved line.
Infant Is Rescued
by Novel Operation
Brooklyn, N. Y. Removal of a cop
per ring with a bronchoscope recently
from the throat of Joseph Kesselman,'
thirleen-months-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Kesselman, Intercepted the
possible death of the child from chok
ing at the United Israel Zion hospital.
About a month ago Joseph was play
ing with a toy and In some manner he
detached the ring and put it In his
mouth. The parents were aware of
the Incident at the time, but took no
Later the child developed .difficulty
in swallowing, and after an examina
tion the family physician ordered him
to the hospital. An X-ray picture was
taken, which showed the ring lodged
behind the windpipe. , The baby re
mained there for observation and two
days later a second picture showed no
Elgns of the trouble maker.
Despite the evident departure, Jo
seph continued to swallow with In
creasing hardship and a third picture
again exposed the ring. By this time
the child could hardly make a sound.
With an instrument known as the
bronchoscope, consisting of a long
metal tube about half an inch in diam
eter and a small hook attached to a
tempered wire, the ring was removed
without any incision.
The tube, fitted with a small electric-light
bulb, was inserted in the
child's throat. It was then a simple
matter to reach down with the hooked
wire and entract the ring.
"The process is similar to fishing,"
paid ope of the doctors, "only in this
Instance yon do not wait for the fish."
Recovery was speedy apd the child
returned home the next day.
Human Skull Unearthed;
V Thought 20,000 Years Old
Gibraltar. Miss D. A. E. Garod, a
student of the Institute de Paleontolo
gle Humaine, Taris, who lias been ex
cavating here, has made an important
disepvery of portions of a human skull
belonging tp a young person.
The find was Embedded In hard tufa
with typical Mou. 'erian Implements.
The skull Is of Hhe same age and
type CS the celebrated - "Gibraltar
skull" discovered at Forbes quarry in
the 1840s and now af the College of
burgeons museum, and according to a
conservative estimate it is probably
not less than 20,000 years old.
I Find Widows Prefer
1 Single Men as Mates
Sacramento, Calif. Gentle-
fmen may prefer blonds, and then
again they may not; but it can
be stated positively, on the au-
thority of the state board of
health bureau of vital statistics,
6 that widows prefer bachelors.
"Widows," says L. E. Itoss,
g statistician of the bureau, who
knows Just how much business
the marriage license clerks do
each year and with whom, "show
a very marked preference for
single men."
Among widowers, on the other
hand, single maidens nre no
mnrp accpntable than widows
g when a second journey to the
altar Is contemplated, nnd either
- ...1.1 . w r t , r t.. hm n
bPtler chance of being proposed jj;
S to by a widower than has a
p divorcee.
December 20, 1904
At a school meeting held in Athe
na Saturday afternoon a district tax
of 15 mills was voted for the main
tenance of the public school. The as
sessed valuation of property in the
district is placed at $302,415.00.
Athena was much enlivened yester
day by the annual visit of the mem
bers of the University of Oregon
'Glee and Mandolin Clubs. The lively
chaps held Athena in the hollow of
the hand, as it were, and everything
in sight was theirs. .
A new law firm is announced for
the practice of law in Athena and
Milton. Will M. Peterson, of this
city, and Samuel D. Peterson, of
Bakersville, North Carolina, cousins
and graduates from the same law
school, have formed ' a partnership
for that purpose. Will M. Peterson
will reside in Athena and Samuel D.
will locate in Milton..
It is reported that a Walla Walla
miller purchased 10,000 bushel of
club and red chaff wheat, paying 74
cents a bushel. This is the first sale
of any consequence in the past two
Hugh Worthington and Charley
Nye returned . Saturday from Mor
row county where they looked over
the land pjrospect. Both were very
favorably impressed and Mr. Nye in
vested in some Morrow county land.
Mr. Alex McFadden has arrived
from Mclntyre, Ontario, and is a
guest of his relatives, the Mclntyre
family in this city..
Rex Barnett and Earl Dudley, stu
dents at the Corvallis Agricultural
College, will be home for the Christ
mas vacation.
The mellow sound of wedding bell.?
mingles in the air with the merry
jingle of the Christmas bells. Be
sides the wedding anounced by the
Press, two others are said to be on
the tapis, in which two more pairs
of Athena's young people are about
to be made happy. Let the bells ring
Miss Velma Wilkenson entertained
the tweny young gentlemen of the
University of Oregon glee club and
a number of her Athena friends, last
evening at her home, immediately af
ter the concert.
Farmers in Holdman neighborhood
have renewed seeding operations
since the ranis. Before moisture
came drills were stopped on account
of soil being too dry. .
The wedding of A. M. Johnson and
Miss Cassie Mclntyre is announced
to take place-tomorrow, Wednesday,
at 5 p. m. at the home of the bride's
mother in this .city.
Little Merle Garrett, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrett, was
stricken with spinal meningitis Sat
urday evening, and despite all that
medical aid could do for her, died
yesterday morning at 9 o'clock.
"Ella Cinders" and
"La Boheme" at the
Standard Theatre
Colleen Moore in her next to latest
nhotoplay, a clean, wholesome, mirth
ful picture, "Ella Cinders," is the
New Year's night offering the stand
ard has in store for its patrons. Nor
have the kiddies been overlooked, for
beside? the fun in tfie feature pic
ture, they can laugh through two
reels of comedy, "Dog Daze."
Sunday night King Vidor, the man
who made "The Big Parade," pre
sents "La Boheme," a super picture
co-starring Lillian Gish and John
Gilbert. The story has to do with
the Paris Latin Quarter, and the cast
includes Renee Adoree, Roy D'Arcy,
George Hassell and Edward Everett
Saturday, January 8, the Standard
will show "Brown of Harvard" for
its annual benefit for the Junior cl&R3
of Athena high school.
Class Recital
On next. Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 8, the pupils, pf Mrs. Lillian
Fredericks' Athena and Weston
classes will be heard in recital at the
Weston high school auditorium. An
interesting musical program ha?
been arranged for the occasion, and
all who are interested are cordially
invited to attend the recital.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Louisa Ada
line Wagner, deceased, in the Coun
tv Court in the State of Oregon, for
Umatilla County. All persons having
claims against the said estate are
hereby reauired to present such
claims duly verified, and with proper
vouchers attached, t3 the undersign
ed, at the office of Raley, Raley
Steiwer, in the First National Pank
Building, in Pendleton, Oregon, with
in six months from date of this no
tice, the same being dated and pub
lished the first time this 31st day of
December, 1926.
Administrator of the estate i Lou
isa Adaline Wagner, deceased.
Raley, Raley & Steiwer. & H. J.
Warner, Attorneys for Administrator.
D3U28. , ... .
. The regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of The First National
Bank of Athena, Oregon, for the
election of directors for the ensuing
year and for the transaction of such
other business as may lawfully come
before it, will he held in its office,
in Athena, Oregon, on Tuesday Janu
ary 11th, 1927, at the hour of two
o'clock P." M. Dated December 10th,
1926. D10J7.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Dora
Lockwood, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execut
or of the above entitled estate, and
that he has qualified as the law di
rects. All persons having elaims
against the estate are directed to
present the same to me at my home
in Athena, Oregon, or at the office
of my attorney, Stephen A. Lowell
in Despain Block, Pendleton, Oregon,
within six months from the date here
of, with nroner vouchers.
Dated December 24; 1926.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Umatilla.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Wright, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That the
undersigned has filed his final ac
count and report in the above entitled
matter and that the above entitled
Court has fixed Saturday the 29th
day of January 1927, at the hour of
10 o'clock in the forenoon as the
time and the County Court room at
the County Court House at Pendle
ton, Oregon, as the place for hearing
said final account and report. Ob
jections to said final account and re
port should be rled on or before that
Dated at Athena, Umatilla County,
Oregon, this 24th dav of December
1926. B. B. RICHARDS
Administrator of the Estate of
John Wright, Deceased. D31J28.
No. 214
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Uma
tilla. E. C. Prestbye, Plaintiff,
Viola Butler Shafer, Defendant.
To Viola Butler Shafer the above
named defendant: In the Name of
the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that E. C.
Prestbye is the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1984 issued
on the 10th day of November, 1925,
by the Sheriff and Tax Collector of
the County of Umatilla, State of
Oregon, for the amount of Thirteen
and 88-100 ($13.88) Dollars, the
same being the amount then due and
delinquent for taxes for the year
1922, together with penalty, interest
and costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which- you
are the owner as appears of record,
situated in said County and State,
and . particularly bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lots 1 and 2 in Block 5 of Kirk's
Second Addition to the City of
Athena, Umatilla County, Ore
gon. You are further notified that said
E. C. Prestbye has paid City Liens
and has paid taxes cn said premises
for prior or subsequent years with
the rate of interest on said amounts
as follows:
City of
At bona
Date Paid
Nov 10, 1025
Nov 10, 1025
Jan i, 192U
Apr 29, 19211
Nov 2,1920
Tax Rec't
Ara't Rate
Said Viola Butler Shafer, as the
owner of the legal title of the above
described property as the same ap
pears of record, and each of the other
persons above named are hereby
further notified that E. C. Prestbye
will apply to the Circuit Court cf the
County and State aforesaid for-a de
cree foreclosing the lien against the
property above described and men
tioned in said certificate. And you
are hereby summoned to'-appear with
in sixty days after the first publica
tion of the summons exclusive of the
day of said first publication, and de
fend this action or pay the amount
due as above shown together with
costs and accrued interest and in
case of your failure to do so. n de
cree will be rendered foreclosing the
lien of said taxes and costs aainst
the land and premises above rftmed.
" This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable Gilbeit W.
Phelps Judge of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County
of Umatilla, and said order was
made and dated the 6th day of De
cember, 1926, and the date of the
first publication of this summons is
the 24th day of December. 1926.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Address, Athena, Oregon.
Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
torney's fees, and the costs and dis
bursements of the suit taxed at
$27.30; and commanding me to sell
the following described real property
situated in Umatilla County, Oregon,
The West half of the Northeast
Quarter of Sec. 24, Township 4
North, Range ' 34 E. W. M., ex
cepting about 2 acres heretofore
conveyed to Dolph Lodge No. 80,
Wild Horse Lodge No. 73, and
, Trustees of Pythian Lodge No.
29; all in Umatilla County, Oregon.
Now therefore in compliance with
the demands of the said writ of ex
ecution, decree and order of sale I
will, on Saturday the 15th day of
January, 1927, at the hour of two
o clock P. M., at the front door of
the County Court House in Pendle
ton Umatilla County. Oreeon. sell, at
public auction, to' the highest bidder
for cash: ail of the riKht. title, estate
and interest that the said defendant,
Uean T. Wiliaby, had on the 6th day
of October, 1920, being the date of
said mortgage to the plaintiff which
is being foreclosed, or that the de
fendants or any of them in the above
entitled suit have since acquire
down to and inclusive of the date of
sale, m and to the above described
property or any part thereof, to sat
isfy the said writ of execution, de
cree and order of sale, with interest,
costs and accruing costs.
Dated at , Pendleton, Oregon, this
17th day vi December, A. D. 1926.
Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon.
Watts. & Prestbye Athena. Oreeor..
Attorneys for Plaintiff. D17J14.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Bell. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed their ' final ac
count and report in the above entitled
matter and that the above entitled
Court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day
of January, 1927, at the hour of 10:00
o'clock A. M. of said day as the time
and the County Court room in the
County Court house at Pendleton,
Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place, for hearing of said final ac
count and report. Objections to said
final account and report should be
filed on or before that date.
Dated at Athena. Umatilla County.
Oregon, this 3rd day of December,
Administrators with the will an-
nexted of the Estate of John Bell, deceased.
Watts & Prestbye. Athena. Oregon.
Attorneys for Estate- D3D31.
In the County Court pf the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County
In the Matter of the Estate of W. H.
Booher, Deceased,
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: mat
Minnie D. Booher has been appointed
executrix of the. last will and testa
ment of W. H. Booher, deceased, and
has qualified as -such. All persons
having claims against the "state are
required to present them witn proper
vouchers to said executrix at her
home in Athena, Oregon, or at '.he
law office of her attorney, Will M.
Peterson, Stangier Building, Pendle
ton, Oregon, within six months of the
date of the first publication of this
notice which is the 10th day of De
cember 1926
Will M. Peterson, George R. Lewis
Attorneys for Executrix. D10J7.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County
In the Matter of the Estate of John
W. Keen, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been appointed Ex
ecutrix and Executor, respectively,
of the last will and testament of
John W. Keen, deceased, by an order
of the above entitled Court.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to the undersigned
at Athena, Oregon, or to our attorn
eys, Watts & Prestbye, at their of
fice in Athena, fOregon, within srx
months from the date of the first
publication of thjs notice. AH claims
must be verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon,- this 10th'
day of December, A. JJ. 1926.
Executrix and Executor, respect
ively, of the last will and testament
of John W. Keen, deceased.
Watts & Prestbye Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. D10J7.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the -Estate of Nieh-
olai Howland, Deceased.
: Notice is hereby given to ail per
sons whom it may concern: That R.
L. Howland, has beefi appointed ad-,
ministrator of the estate of Nicholai
Howland, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims iaginB4 his-- estate are
hereby required to present them with
proper vouchers as required by law,
at the law office of Will M. Peterson,
attorney at law, ... Stangier ESuiUiing,
Pendleton, Oregon, within six months
of the date of the first public&i ion o
this notice which is the 17th duy of
December, 1920. .
R. L. HOWLAND, Administrator
Will M. Peterson and George R.
Lewis Attorneys for Administrator.
(Equity No. 4223)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County
The First National Bank of Athena, sons
J T.I . ,
vreKon, a corporation, riainiui
Dean T. Wiliaby, Myrtle Wiliaby, B.
B. Richards, R. A. Thompson, Vir
gil R. Zerba, and The Peoples
Warehouse, a corporation, Defend
ants :
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of a writ of execution, decree
and order of sale issued out of the
above entitled Court in the above en
titled suit, to me directed, and dated
the 2nd day of December, 1926, in
favor of the plaintiff and against the
defendant Dean T. Wiliaby, for the
recovery of the sum of $7,000.00 with
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from October 6th,
192Q, the futher sum of $600.00 at-
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ira
Durrill, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per-
whom it may concern: lhat
Henrv Craie. has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Ira Dur
rill, also known as I. W. Durrill. de
ceased, and has qualified as such. All
persons having claims against faid
estate are hereby notified and rciuir.
ed to nrescnt them, with proper
vouchers, in the manner provided by
law, to the said administrator at the
law office of Will M, Peterson, in
the Smith-Crawford Building, at
Pendleton, Oregon, within six months
of the date of the first publication of
this notice which is the 17th day of
December, 1926.
HENRY CRAIG, Administrato
Will M. Peterson and Georg.i R.
Lewis Attorneys for Administrator.
We are Equipped to do
Job Printing;
All Kinds. Short Notice
Father, mother and daughter and son,
can make a regular practice of vis
iting us for a course of chiraprac
tie adjustments. It's the wiso and
sensible plan to safeguard the fam
ily health. No drugs just common
sense methods. . ' "
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
The Best
Painless dentistry is better dentistry
because a dentist can do more care
ful work where there is
No Pain
By my new method I can fill or ex
tract teeth
Without Pain
Painless extracting a specialty. All
work guaranteed. '
Dr. Leach
Bend Building
Pendleton, Oregon
rhone 24
Transfer and Express
Prompt Service
Dealer In
J. L Harman
Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Delivery and
Truck Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena, Oregon
Mais Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Established 1891.
We wish you a
Happy New Year
We clean every thing from the hat you wear to the
rug you stand on
Phone 455 to our local headquarters, Mrs. Celia Burden
Tltr.viA KQQ n.i. A - r TT : T 1 PI
uur urange colored wagon Will (Jail
Mondays-Thursdays-Saturday s
Milton Freewater
Notice Penn Harris is agent for the Troy Laundry Co.
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Lee Whitehead, Proprietor
We make a specialty" of cutting Ladies hair in all the
prevailing styles
Fair and Courteous Treatment
Agency for Troy Laundry and The Model Cleaners
Phone 492