The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 31, 1926, Image 1

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    ft" -J--
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
American Marines Are
Landed In Nicaragua
UVlrs. John M. Banister
Passes Away Suddenly
At Her Weston Home
Mrs. John M. Banister died at iier
tome in Weston early Friday morn'
Prntortinn nf Prnnorftv anATB from neart t&r. resulting
. - j .
Lives of U. S. Citizens
Causes Action.
Washington, D. C The state de
partment announced that American
marines and sailors had been landed
"without incident" at Puerto Cabe-
Zl'i: ia3;'..Nlcaragiuv to protect -American
-..J!oreign lives and property. ,
A ntral eono "comprising the ter
ritorr laying within rifle range of the
" " mevi'ean and foreign properties" has
been established.
The landing was made, the an
nouncement said, in answer to appeals
for protection received from American
citizens with interests in the Puerta
Cabezas area.
Dr. T. S. Vaca, representative of
the Sacasa faction here, in a state
ment, charged that the movement was
9 armed intervention by the Washing-
... ton government in the Nicaragua po
litical struggle, undertaken during the
holidays recess of congress to avoid a
congressional investigation.
The Nicaraguan situation . arises
from a conflict between the govern
ment of Persident Adolfo Diaz, recent
ly recognised by the United States
as constitutional, and fhat of Presi
dent Sacasa, subsequently recognized
by the Calles government ef Mexico,
The Sacasa government statement
issued by Dr. T. S. Vaca contradicted
the official report from Admiral Lati
mer that.tha bluejackets were landed
from th9 warships Cleveland and Den
ver to protect American lives and
property with the assertion that
"there ars np American lives or prop
erty in danger at the gong gf fanding
In Puerto Cabeza."
New York. N. Y. Motor vehicles in
ne in t!)3 United States now exceed
22,000,000, or eti to every five per
sons, it is shown by annual registra
tion figures in the magazine Motor.
Passenger and commercial cars to
tal 2g,342,457, a gain over 1925 of 2,
254,000, or il-2 per cent-. While the
gain is 2.7 per cent less than the gain
of 1925 over 1924, this is due to the
, fact that an unprecedently large num-
- ber of vehicle were taken out of serv
ice, the magazine says,
Commercial vehicles now number
, 2,878,781, a gain over the preceding
year of 421,688, or 17.1 per cent. Pas
senger automobiles numbered 19,465,
678, an increase of 1 831,793, or 10.3
percent, over the previous year.
. New York state retains its leader-
- . ship with 1,818,765, a gain of 193,000.
It now has about half as many motor
.vehicles as all the rest of the world,
aside from the United States.
., California is still New York's clos
'e"3t rival with 1,614,479. Ohio is third
with 1,507,500, Pennsylvania fourth
witi 1,483,054, Illinois fifth with 1,
870,00q, Michigan sixth with 1,124,869
- and Te3 seventh, with ,063,600.
Michigan and Texas are newcomers
In the Pinion clasS:
Nevada registered the lowest num
. ber of cars with 23,033. Delaware was
text lowest with 44,355, while Wyom
ing was third from bottom With 60,000.
om an attack of diabetes of several
ars standing, at the age of 56
fears, 8 months and 12 days. Ap-
l&rently in no worse than her ordm-
fy condition would justify, xcept
living a cold, Mrs. Banister retired
ursday evening. Several hours
er she awakened her husband, com-
ined of pains, and about an hour
rward pfld away.
uneral services were held at Meth-
st church, South in Weston, Tues-
afternoen, ana were attended by
alarge number of friends. Inter-
t was made at Kees cemetery.
rs. Banister, who was formerly
Mis Adarene Lieuallen, lived all her
lis in the Athena-Weston neighbor.
hqd, and her splendid womanly at-
trbutes endeared her to . everyone
ar4 drew to her their lifelong friend
Sha is survived by her husband
fouj daughters and one son, as fol
lows: Mrs. Ruth MeGonnel, of Wal
la Walla; Mrs. Edna Fisk and Mrs.
Rem Smith of Weston;. Mrs. Gladys
McFadden . of Athena; Raymond
Banister of Westcn. Also ten grand
children survive, and five sisters,
Mrs.: Perry and Mrs. McArthur of
Portland; Mrs. Stine of Spokane;
Mrs. Leonard of Waitsburg, and Mrs.
Banister of Athena; two brothers, J.
T. Lieuallen of Adams, and George
Lieuallen of Athena-
Installation of Officers
Athena Circle No. 10 Neighbors ef
Woodcraft will install the following
officers January 4th for the ensuing
term: Laura Gross, P. G. N.; Mary
McKay, G. N.; Stella Keen, Advisor;
Elvina Norris, Magician; Lola Payne,
Clerk; Mae Douglas, Banker; Minnie
DePeatt, Attendant; Lulu Prestbye,
Captain of Guards; Celia Harden,
Flag Bearer; Stella Kershaw, Inner
Sentinel;' Jesse Shick, Outer Sen
tinel; Edna Pinkerton, ' musician;
Sarah, ffflss, Maria Pinkerton, Mary
Sharp Managers; gllen Cannon, Cor
respondent. All members are e
quested to be present at this meet
Snowdrifts, Hinder Service
Auto stage traffic was hindered by
snowdrifts between Athena and Wes
ton for several days. Removal of
snow for a passageway for passen
ger cars was not sufficient q permi
the heavy gtges pass through.
Stage service was maintained how-:
ever, by, running a stage from each
direction Bnd transfering. passengers
on foot over the drifts which cou'd
not be negotiated by the machines.
The Union Pacific stage was taken
off entirely and steam train substi
tuted on the run between Pendleton
and Walla Walla.
Edflie Collins Back With Athletics.
. Philadelphia, Pa. Eddie Collins,
former manager of the Chicago White
Sox, has returned to the Philadelphia
Athlet!.C3. . Collins comes back to
he Philadelphia club after a lapse of
years, having been sold to the
C'P-lca6 c,ub in December, ?24, for
$50,009 v.hen Mack broke BP llis fam
ous $100,000 infield. Colling was re
leased frcm managerial duties at the
clcse of the season.
Italian Aviator Rises 18,168 Feet.
Rome. Flying tb9 seaplane S-59,
with a load of 1110 pounds, the Italian
aviator Passaleva rose to an altitude
of 18,168 at the Sectocalende air
crcme, creating what is claimed to be
a ntfw wprld record fop altitude with
such a load,
Emperor of Japan Is Dead.
Tokio. Yoshihito, Japan's involid
emperor, died in the early hours of
this Christmas morning. Hirohito,
his eldest son, who since November,
1321, had ruled the empire as regeDt,
immediately , became .. Japan's 124th
Walla Walla Merchant Dead
Following damage by fire last week
to the Hanger & Thompson store in
Walla Walla, one of the members of
the firm, H. G. Thompson, died Sun
day morning, after about a week's
illness from pneumonia. Mr. Thomp
son was a leader in Walla Walla's
civic and business activities. He had
been a resident of Walla Walla for
twenty years, . pqmuig to that city
frcm Dayton, Washington.
Christmas Saddened
Christmas day was saddened for
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey, when
they received word of the sudden
death at Wawawai, Washington, of
an old friend, Scymcre Blyton, who
had planned to spend the day with
them at their home in Athena. Mr.
Blyton dropped dead of heart failure,
at the age of 74 years. For thirty
years he had made annual visits to
Mr. and Mrs. Dicfcey.
Jolly For Little Folks
Henry Barrett possesses the only
cutter and sleighbell outfit here
abouts, and during the fine sleighing
conditions he has fully utilized it to
the entire satisfaction and joy of a
large coterie of his little friends. Not
only docs one see the cutter fully
loaded with juvenile passengers, but
a long string of handsleds bearing
little tots are anchqred on behind.
Found Him Pead
Alone in the hills near her home
west of Alma, Lane County, Mrs.
Benjamin J. Watts, wife of a pion
eer of that district, fohnd the body
cf her husband at 10 o'clock Sunday
night after a search started when he
failed, to come home from work that
Cheap Power Seen
In Orepn's Project
Claims Made for Umatilla
Plant Are Supported By
The Oregonian's Washington News
Bureau says that the promise of low
cost power held out to ; the Pacific
Northwest by proponents of the
Umatilla rapids dam and power de
velopments which would provide wa
ter for adjacent lands as well as
electrical energy for industries in
Oregon and -Washington, has been
Verified by engineers of the reclama
tion service in a report to commis
sioner Mead, . -
The calculations of the engineer,
based on a nine-year development
program for the Umatilla plant
coupled with contemporaneous ex
pansion of irrigation needs, indicate
that from 30,000 to 300,000 horse
power could be made available over
such a period.
Cost of construction of the whole
development at Umatilla rapids is
estimated by S, O, Harper, aasifdan
engineer of the reclamation service
at Denver, at $57,939,400, of which
$41,360,000 would be for power de
velopment, $4,586,000 for pumping
canals and $11,993,400 for canals an J
"The example is based on money
for the entire irrigation and power
development at Umatilla - rapids be
ing obtained! at 4 per cent interest
and indicates that a rate of two.
mills a kilowatt hour . delivered at
high ' voltage at the power plant
would return the cost of the entire
development in about 42 years," Mr.
Harper reported. It should, how
ever, be emphasized that this is true
only-if the development proceeds, at
the rate shown and if the power car
be disposed of as fast as cjevelqped.
The development of power as worlic
ed out by Mr. Harper covers the
period 1935 tq 1943, during which he
believes the proposed Umatilla rapids
plant might mqst feasibly fee extend
ed to capacity. The division of pow
er ranges from 61,800 horsepower in
1935, apportioned 30,860 for irriga
tion purposes and 30,940 for commer
cial sale, to 420,000 horsepower in
1943, of which 120,000 would be
turned to irrigation purposes and
300,000 to industry.
Joint Installation of
Dolph Lodge No. 80 and
f v McKenzie Chapter
' 1-
One of the most pleasant and en
joyable lodge events held at Athena
in recent years, was the occasion of
joint installation of officers for Dolph
Lodge No. 80, A. F. .and A. M., and
McKenzie Chapter, O. E. S., at Ma
sonic Hall, Monday evening.
The affair was attended by mem
bers of the two orders, their families
and invited guests. After the install
iation , ceremonies- -were - concluded,
the assemblage repaired to the lower
floor of the Masonic building, where
the room had beeft converted into a
banquet hall, and everyone did ample
justice to a fine supper.
' Ralph Cannon was installing officer
for the Masons, with Samuel Pam
brun serving as marshal. Mrs. W
P. Littlejohn v installed the Chapter
officers, assisted by Mrs. R. B. Mc
Ewen as marshal.
The occasion was made doubly in
teresting for the program of the
evening included numbers by the
Jolly Joy-Maker's Orchestra; Miss
Lois" Johnson, pianist; Mr. J. N.
Scott, vocalist; Miss Juanita Wood
ruff, reading, and numbers by Rol
and Kretzer's male quartet.
A. M. Elam, Pioneer, Dead
A. M. Elam, resident of this counr
ty since 1876, died at his home jn
Milton Sunday, aged 88. Funeral
services were held Wednesday, the
Masons having charge. He leaves his
widow and two daughters, Mrs.J. H.
Piper and Miss Bertie Elam.
New Ford Truck
Claud Dickenson, Athena drayman
has purchased a new Ford Truck to
be used in the drayage business con
ducted in Athena by Mr. Dickenson
and Allie Bell.
1927 Optimism In
Business Is Seen
Conservative optimism is the key
note of business forecasts for 1927
of the nation's leading bankers and
business men.
With two successive years of un
usual prosperity just drawing to ft
close , and stock an4 bqnd prices
around the highest levels ever re
corded, it is natural that predictions
for the future should be attended
with an unusual degree of caution,
particularly by those , committed to
the cycle theory of business. While
a number of executives indicate that
a slowing down in general business i3
likely, fundamental conditions gen
erally are regarded as sound and no
serious depression is looked for in
any responsible quarter,
Some concern is expressed over e
huge volume of securities owned by
banks, over the low price of com
modities, particularly cotton, and lis
Possible effect on the country's pur
chasing power, over the apparent de
cline in building construction. How
ever, the ordinary harbingers of busi
ness depression such as inflntel
prices, high inventories and over-expanded
credit ?re pbseflt.
Complicating Factors
Enter Site Selection
The Board of Control Makes
Second Visit to Eastern
Drumheller Weds
George Drumheller of Walla Wal
la, well Jcnown in Athena, was mar
ried in the city Monday, to Miss Lil
lian Rook, daughter of William Rook.
Mr. and Mrs. Drumheller have gone
to California to spend the winter.
Orchestra In Demand
The services of The Jolly Joy-Maker's
Orchestra, Athena's dance music
organization, is in demand this win
ter. During the holidays the orches
tra filled two engagements in Athena,
and three at Pendleton.
Yesterday the Board selected
The Dalles as the place for the
hospital. . . ' - -
"Many complicating factors enter
into the choice of a location, for a
tuberculosis sanatorium," according
to Jamieson Marshall, New York
architect avA ' .v.ntorium advisor who
is accompanying , ihe Oregon Boavd
of Control on a second trip into East
ern Oregon this week to study pro
posed sites for the new tuberculosis
"These factors have come to be re
cognized through the combined ex
perience of many sanatoria in the
United States and other countries,"
said Marshall in presenting his pre-.
limary report tq the Beard qf Con
"A particular site," says Marshall's
report, "may have several advantages
and yet be rendered utterly useless
by the lack of one or two of these
vital factors. For example, a s'te
may have everything in the way cf
water supply, sewage disposal facili
ties, pure air, accessibility, etc., but
the lay of the land may be such that
the cost of preparing the site for the
hospital building would be prohibit,
ive, Or again, a, site may be easy to
build upon and have every other ad
vantage except that it is too far
from a center of population, where
the staff and employes of the hospit
al could find recreation when off
duty, and where medical consultants,
would be available at short notice.
"Some of the deciding factors in
the choice of a location for a tuber
culosis hospital are: Sufficient area
of level or gently sloping ground, to
provide for the buildings with plenty
of space around them to prevent en
croachment of other buildings, soil
fertile for grass and shrubbery, pro
tection from disagreeable winds,
pleasant view, an abundant and pure
water supply (about 35,000 gallons
per day for a 100,bed hospital, to
provide for all emergencies,) electri
city for light and power, sewer con
nections and available fuel supply at
low cost.''
"As for climate and atmospheric
conditions," Marshall's report con
cludes. "Practically every locality
in Eastern Oregon that is proposed
as a site for the hospital, is suitable
for the purpose.
Pendleton Youth Killed
In a Play Rifle Duel
According Witnesses
A duel, declared by companions of
the two boys to have been in fun,
ended fatally a short distance east of
Pendleton, Tuesday, when James
Lowary, 16-year-qld newsboy, was
shot through the heart and killed bv
Bob Moyer, 14-year-old .Pendleton
The Lowary youth and two com
panions were rabbit hunting and met
Moyer and five other boys. They
talked for a short time and practiced
at, shooting caps and hats thrown in
to the air. The two groups parted
and when Lowary and his companions
were' about 250 yards from Moyer
and his playmates, the Lowary boy
was said to have fired his smaller
caliber rifle at the boys. Moyer re
turned the fire and three shots each
were exchanged, Lowary was killed
when he stooped to reload his gun.
Moyer was held for questioning by
the persecuting attorney, -
Euried Marcus Whitman
Oliver Oren Howell, who died at
Lostine, Wallowa country, Sunday
night, was a son of Wesley Howell,
pioneer, who helped bury Marcus
Whitman and other victims of the
Indian massacre near Walla Walla,
in 1847. Besides his wife and one
sister, Mrs. B. W. J. Bates of Wal
la Walla, he leaves a son, Harold of
San Franciscq,
r- - - - - "
Signing Off
k - . . . i
'STATION ONE-NINE-, , T Cfcv - , . . ,
wishing you A - xte' Vl
Thos. Ranahan's Career
Ends At Boise Idaho
Thomas Ranahn died Monday and
Boise lost one of its few remaining
human links with its colorful past
the past of the pony erpress stage
coach, bullion to sustain a nation in
civil war, ond all the foundings of
new civilization in the west.
Aged 84, old Tom Ranahan was
the last survivor but one Henry
Dunn of Blackfoot of the old Hola
day stage express line. He was one
of the small, scattered bands of men
who as boys went through the Bee
cher's island massacre in eastern Col
orado, and survived a dozen equally
desperate encounters with Indians in
the '60s and '70s. ,
In 1860, on attaining his majority,
young Tom entered the employ of
Ben Holladay as an overland stage
driver, continuing through countless
experiences until 1866, when that
line was sold to Wells Fargo & com
pany. Part of this time he was a
guard over the paymaster on the
Denver section, and for at least two
years served while Indian depreda
tions were making the operation of
the stage line hazardous in the ex
treme. In 1868 Mr. Ranahan became an
Indian scout. He was in General
Forsyth's campaign in western Kan
sas and eastern Colorado, and went
almost unscathed through the cele
brated battle of the Arickaree. From
this he graduated into government
scouting with Captain Graham and
Colonel William Cody (Buffalo Bill)
under General Carr.
Ilermiston Packing Plant
Hermiston has started a movement
to secure a packing plant for that
district to handle the increased egg
production there. Hermiston is be
coming the egg producing section of
the Northwest. Recently a big poultry-raising
plant was moved to Her
miston from another part of the
state, and it is estimated that the
number of laying hens of the district
may soon total 44,000, which will in
sure shipment of a carload of eggs
each week.
Buys Drumheller Wheat
Henry Collins of Pendleton, who
estimates that 25 to 30 per cent of
the Northwest wheat erop is still
held by the grower, has purchased
125,000 bushels from George Drum
heller, of Walla Walla. The grain
is stored in Washington warehouses,
and will bo exported, according to
Mr. Collins.
New Investigations
Planned By Senate
Alien Property and Foreign
Oil Deals Are Subjects
for Inquiry.
Pendleton Youth Suicides
Despondent because his love for a
woman older than he was not requited
William Ayres, aged 24, of Pendleton
committed suicide on the streets of
Pendleton by taking strychnine. Ha
waii found near the woman's house,
and died shortly ofter being removed
to a hosnltal.
Perfect Christmas Day
With several inches of snow cover
ing the ground and big flakes swirl
ing about, temperature just right,
Umatilla county residents enjoyed a
perfect Christmas day. A minor ex
ception may be noted, in that the
highway contained drifted snow at
some points, which retarded traffic.
Skiing Attracts Many
Skiing and coasting parties have
spent several enjoyable evenings west
of town on a hill near the Donn DiM.
ley place. Large bonfires lend com-
iori to participants in the sport,
which furnishes thrills galore.
Washington, D. C. Two new sen
atorial investigations, each of which
may rival the oil inquiries of 1923-24
in sensational ramifications, were in
prospect as congress started its
Christmas recess.
Both cases hinge on foreign affairs,
one dealing with oil and one with.
alien property.
The first inquiry, a resolution for
which already has been adopted by
the senate, has to do with oil in Mo
sul, Asiatic Turkey, recognized by in
ternational relations experts as one
of the "danger spots" of the old world.
The Inquiry, proposed by Senator
King, democrat, Utah, will deal with
reports that American oil interests,
seeking concessions in the rich Mosul
oil fields, influenced negotiations of
the Lausanne treaty restoring diplo
matic relations with Turkey and that
the same oil interests which include
the Standard Oil company, are leading
the campaign for ratification of the
treaty now pending in the senate.
The second prospective investiga
tion will go into charges by Senator
Borah, republican, Idaho, of "waste,
theft and fraud" in the handling of
$550,000,000 of alien property seized
during the war, A resolution order
ing this inquiry will be Introduced by
Senator King soon after congress
meets January 3, the United Press
was informed, and indications are
that it will be adopted.
Borah himself would sit at the head
of the commlttea prying into the stor
ies which have been bandied about
Washington for year3 and which hava
furnlBhod prcund3 for several court
trials, Including that of Thomas Mil
ler, former alien property custodian,
and former Attorney General Daugh-
eity in New Ycrk.
Memphis, Tcnn. Thousands were
driven from their homes by flooda
and property damage estimated intha
hundreds of UlGiisauUa of dollars i:
Tcnnesjoe, Arkantum, Mississippi and
P-lvcrs and creeks in the throe
states have run 'out of bounds, flood
ing the lowlands, as a result of heavy
Four were known dead na a result
of tho swollen livers, and otlierB di
rectly from automobile accidents.
Nashvillo, Tenn., with mora than
CO blocka inundated and 250O people
driven from their homes, was prob
ubly tho most severely hit point in
tho area affected by the floods. Tho
E0 blcci-a in Nashvillo were in
undated by tha backwater from the.
Cumberland river, which runs "S"
shaped through the city.
Swollen streams in Mlsslaslppt had
s?nt hundreds away from their homes.
Damage to highways, livestock and
crops there la expected to exceed
Problem or Klainalh Falls Extension
Goes Back to Commission.
St. Paul, Minn. An the result of
the failure of the Groat. Northern and
Northern Pacific lines to como to an
agreement wiUi the Southern Pacific
for use of the rails of the latter in
the proposed extension of the Oregon
Trunk lino southward to Klamath
Falls, the northern lines nnd the
Southern Pacilk; have boon Instructed
by the Interstate commerce commls
uion to filo tlielr Individual reports
by January. 2.
Thi:i mcar,3 that the problem,
which has boon befura the heads of
the two sydtEiiu for suaa time, will
be back In the handa of llio Commls
uion again.
Kalph Hu'lil, i.K sid .nt of tho Great
Northern, whi :i .. ith the Northern
Pacific i;i join- oivicr of tho Oregon
Trunk line, said, that tin Soutlier:i
Pacific hnd failed to r.ccont terms o."
fered f ir tha i;; ;' U the Scntliern I'.i
cific line in ty pi-jpojod Klamath
I'V,U extenxoa.
A tort day:; q,:;o V.MHarn Slrou!o,
rrcsident (.f u- Kr.itiie.-n I'ucilic, had
unrou'ie-i! f f:e Or ?cn Trunk lia 3
had ru . ;) c: hi;; company to
use Its ts... , :ii i.;.-.:.i::r; the c.UenBioa.