r Little Encouragement For Farm Legislation McNary-Haugen Farm Bill Faces Sidetrack Again 5 In Congress. ; ; The McNary-Haugen farm relief bill, hailed by its sponsors as Amer ican agriculture's panacea, will be introduced again in both houses of congress early in the short session. Opinion varies as to the bill's pros pects, among leading senators and congressmen. While cne doubts whether it will come out of commit tee, another insists that it will be pushed in this 'session to 'the bitter end. - ' . Other pet measures for relief have given away before it, however, and the McNary-Haugen bill remains the only drastic piece of such legislation which receives serious consideration. "It attempts to segregate -the. sur plus of all basica"gr3cultural;oin7 modities," McNary explained. "It would withhold the surplus froniaje or sell it in foreign countries at the best available prices', charging the loss to all producers of that product. "By removal of that surplus, the supply would adjust itself to the de mand and the farmer would get the full benefit of the tariff. This would increase the domestic price to the full extent of the tariff rate, which on wheat is 42 cents a bushel. "Instead of two boards, as I pre viously proposed, I now propose one board of twelve members to be ap pointed by the president from the twelve federal land bank districts. The $250,000,000 to be appropriated would not only be used by the board to segregate the surplus but Would! be loaned to co-operative organiza tions cn adequate security. "The government's $250,000,000 would be protected from loss by means of an equalization fee to be collected from the farmer when he sells his product and forwarded to the treasury. "Taking wheat as an example, we produce 800,000,000 bushels a year, of which 650,000,000 is for domestic consumption. The remaining 150, 000,000 is for export. "When we don't segregate it, the surplus makes the price for the whole crop. The farmer . gets the 'world price' and does not benefit by the tar iff. . ' : , " 'V v. "If the farmer . gains the tariff rate 42 cents on s each "bushel of Wheat, the equalization fee he wil! pay to make up the loss incurred by sale cf the surplus below domest'c prices would amount to about six cents a bushel. "Probably with certain modifica tions, I will introduce this bill early in the session. We have the west, the middle . west and the southwest vith s and now we need some south ern votes which many people think we will get." December ,13. 1904 . Mayor Taylor and Hon. T. J. Kirk- have done remarkably well soliciting subscriptions toward Umatilla coun ty's $5000 portion of the portage road fund. Athena, "the granary of the Inland Empire," comes to the front with the first subscription to be taken in Umatilla county, between three and four hundred dollars being pledged. For a consideration of $1250, the Gallagher springs has passed into the possession of the city of Athena, and within the next year the pure rystal waters of the springs will pulsate with power through the strong iron mains of the city water system. The deplorable and nefarious cigar ette habit has gained a hold to such an extent on a certain number of boys attending the ' Athena public school that they become o bold in satisfying the desire for tobacco that the practice ' was brought ,. id the at tention of Principal Watts. This- evening' the degree team of Excelsior Temple, Rathbone' Sisters, will go to Weston, where it will as- ist in the initiation of several no vices. The Weston meeting promises to be of more than ordinary interest. The Milton temple has also been in vited and supper is to be served. Mrs. J. B. Saylor and two little sons are up from their home at Echo, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. B. Gerking and other relative. ..Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Willaby hava moved to town from the farm below town and now occupy the residence of Mrs. Estes, on Current street. Mr. Grant Erhart and bride have been visiting at the Kirk home in this city. Mr. Erhart, who is a son of Mrs. T. J. Kirk, went East recent ly and in Missouri wedded Miss Wil son . Jesse Failing a pioneer of Pendle ton, yesterday submitted to an op eration for the amputation of his left leg Mr. Failing was injured in a run away accident some months ago. He is 80 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Whiteman went over to Walla Walla yesterday and are guests at the Whiteman home in that city. Selling Christmas Seals Mrs. H. I. Watts has charge of the annual Christmas seals sale? in Athena, and with the assistance of other ladies in the city, solicitations of sales are being made. The fact that a new state hospital, for the treatment of tuberculosis patients is to be located soon in Eastern Ore gon, has proven to be an incentive in the promotion of seal sales in this part of the state. Reports - from state headquarters are to the effect that sales quotas are being made . without difficulty. Kitchen Range Blew Up The kitchen range at the Ralph Allen farm home, west ef Athgna,, exploded Monday morning as the re enl$ of frozen water pipes causing high steam uresgure in the range hot water coils. A window in tha iritpiion wa Km ashed bv flvine frag ments of the range, and Mrs. Allen was slightly injured. J- She had just removed her baby from near the ranee when the explosi'on occured. Breakfast was being prepared when the range blew up, but later the AU len family breakfasted at the honvj of Mr. and Mrs. David Stone. Card of Thanks At this time we wish to express our deep appreciation to the many friends for the kind sympathy and thought ful acts bestowed upon us In our re ent bereavement. Z. W. Lockwood Mrs. James S. Bell Miss May E. Lockwood Z. E. Lockwood. KOTTr.K T irrfct Kills are due and navable on the 15th of each month. If bill is not paid by the 25th, It will be pre- rumcfl tliaf ttATlHA i Tift IftnPef rfP- sired and will be discontinued with out further notice, in the pasi h nas cost us a lot of time and money to Vava niiv rnllfw-tnr mil several times. ' In the fsture he will make but one call and if for any reason the bill is Tint naii nntrnn mnv mail check to this office., We ask the support and co-operation of our patrons along this line, so that we will be able to render the best possible service. PRESTON SHAFFER MILLING CO, 22 Years Ago. f Magician," comes to the Standard, with beautiful Alice Terry and Paul Wegener, acting the principal roles. For New Year night the Standard has selected for the entertainment of its patrons, Colleen - Moore in the popular play, "Ella Cinden." Sun day, January 2, Lillian Gish an J John Gilbert will be seen in King Vidor's mammoth , production of " La Bo heme." These pictures, purchased en bloc, makes it possible to show them at regular admission prices. , T - place, for hearing of said final ac count and report. Objections to said final account and report should be filed on or before that date. Dated at Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon, this 3rd day of December, 1926. CATHERINE BELL J. V. BELL , Administrators 'with the will an nexted of the Estate of John Bell, de ceased. ' . ' " .: Watts & Prestbye, lAthena, Oregon, Attorneys for .Estate! : D3D31. 'ine Picture Program At the Standard Theatre '-The photoplay program offered this week and over the Holiday per iod contains high class entertainment at the Standard Theatre. Tomorrow night, Cecil B. DeMille presents the epie of the railroad and the Wild, "Whispering Smith" with John Bowers, Lillian Rich, H. B. Warner and Lilyan Tasjiman In the leading roles. Sunday night Al fred SantelPs scintilating comedy, "Sweet Daddies," with Charlie Mur ray, George Sidney and Vera Gordon starred, will be the week-end gloom chaser. The regular Wednesday night pro grams have been cancelled, and until further notice, only special produc tions as they are booked, will be pre-? sented on Wednesday nights. On Christmas night DeMilles fine picture, "Welcome Stranger," Aaron Hoffman's phenomenal stage success, will be played. Sunday December 26, Rex Ingram's great photoplay, "The (Equitv No. 4223) NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County The First National Bank of Athena, Oregon, a corporation, Plaintiff vs Dean T. Willaby, Myrtle Willaby, B. B. Richards, R. A. Thompson, Vir gil R. Zerba, and The Peoples ' Warehouse, a corporation, Defend ants: Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a writ of execution, decree and order of sale issued 'out of the above entitled Court in the above en titled suit, to me directed, and dated the 2nd day of December, 1926, in favor of the nlaintiff and against the defendant Dean ,T. Willaby, for the recovery of the sum of $7,000.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per Cent per annum from October 6th, 1920. the futher sum ot souu.uu at torney's fees, and the costs and dis bursements of the suit taxed at $27.30; and commanding me to sell the following described real property situated in Umatilla County, Oregon, to-wit:- The West half of the Northeast Quarter of Sec. 24, Township 4 . North, Range 34 E. W. M., ex cepting about 2 acres heretofore conveyed to Dolph Lodge No. 80, Wild Horse: Lodge No. 73, and Trustees of Pythian Lodge No. 29; all in Umatilla County, Ore gon. - ' , Now therefore In compliance with the demands of the said writ of ex ecution, decree and order of sale I will, on Saturday the 15th day of January, 1927, . at the hour of two o'clock P. M., at they .it door of the County Court House in Pendle ton Umatilla County, Oregon, sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all of the right, title, estate and interest that the said defendant, Dean T. Willaby, had on the 6th day of October, 1920, being the date of said mortgage to the plaintiff which is being foreclosed, or that the de fendants or any of them in the above entitled suit have since acquires down to and inclusive of the date of sale, in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to sat isfy the said writ of execution, de cree and order of sale, with interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 17th day of December, A. D. 1926. R. T. COOKINGHAM Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon. Watts & Prestbye Athena, Oregon Attorneys for Plaintiff. D17J14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Cour$pofthe State of Oregon for Umatilla: County In the Matter of the; Estate of W. H. Booher, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern: That Minnie D. Booher has been appointed executrix of the last will and testa ment of W. H. Booher, deceased, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them witn proper vouchers' to said executrix at her home in Athena, Oregon, or at the law office of her attorney, Will M. Peterson, Stangier Building, Pendle ton, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first . publication of this notice which is the 10th day of De cember, 1926. MINNIE -D,' BOOHER, Executrix Will M.; Peterson, George R. Lewis Attorneys for Executrix. D10J7. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of The First National Bank of Athena, Oregon, for the election of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may lawfully come before it, will lie held in its office, in Athena, Oregon, on Tuesday Janu ary ,11th, 1927, at the hour of two o'clock P. M. Dated December 10th, 1926. 1 D10J7. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County In the Matter of the Estate of John Bell. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have filed their final fW; count ana report in me apuve onunai matter and that ' the above entitled Court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of January, 1927, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day as the time and the County Court room in the County Court house at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the - NOTICEfFO'; CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County In the Matter of the Estate of John W. Keen, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been -appointed Ex ecutrix . and Executor, respectively, ot the last will and testament ot John W. Keen, deceased, by an order of the above entitled Court. All persons having claims against the said estate -are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at Athena, Oregon, or to our attorn eys, Watts & Prestfeye, at their of fice in Athena, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. All claims must be verified as by law required. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 10th day of December, A. D. 1926. LAURA MAY GROSS. LOUIS M. KEEN. : Executrix and Executor, respect ively, of the last will and testament of John W. Keen, deceased. . Watts & Prestbye Athena, Oregon, Attorneys for Estate. D10J7. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla ; County. In the Matter ef the Estate of Nieh- olai Hewland, Deeeased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern: That R. L. Howland, has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Nicholai Howland, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against his estate are hereby required to present thein with proper vouchers as required by law, at the law office of Will M, Peterson, attorney at law, Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice which is the 17th duy of December, 1926. ; R. L. HOWLANJ), " Administrator Will M. Peterson and George R. Lewis Attorneys for Administrator. D17J14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Ira Durrill, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern: That Henry Craig, has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Ira Dur rill, also known as I. W. Durrill. de ceased, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against f.aid estate are hereby notified and requir ed to present them, , with proper vouchers, in, the manner provided by law, to the said administrator at the law office of Will M. Peterson, in the Smith-Crawford Building, at Pendleton, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice which is the 17th day of December, 1926. HENRY CRAIG, Administrator Will M. Peterson and Georg.j R, Lewis Attorneys for Administrator. D17J14 "A Man May Be Down But He's Never Out" That is the great, inspiring slogan of the Salvation Army. It saved thousands of men. Suppose you take that slogan to your heart in regard to your illness. Let chiropractic help you. We'll show you how. " Dr. W. Boyd Whyte Stangier Building, Phone . 706 Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J f iftsfor -Everyone Are On Display Now, at ; McFaddens Pharmacy" "For Him" "For Her" Boxes of Cigars, Ash Trays and Stands Manicure Sets in Rolls, Toilet Sets, Pipes, Bill Folds, Brush Sets, Flash-lights, Safety Razors, Fountain Pens and Pencils, Photo Albums Ivory Goods, all kinds, Hand Bags, Perfume Atomizers, Book Ends,' Card Cases, Vanity Compacts, Inense Burners, Ft. Pens and Pencil Toys for the Children. Visit our Gift and Toy Room. Shop Early. We are Equipped to do Job Printing All Kinds. Short Notice CHIROPRACTIC The Best entistry Done Painlessly Painless dentistry is better dentistry because a dentist can do more care ful work where there is No Pain By my new ntethed I can fill or ex- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA Established 1891. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 ' We wish you a tract teeth Without Pain Painless extracting a specialty. All work guaranteed. Dr. Leach Bond Building , ; Pendleton, Oregon - " ' ALLEN BELL. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Your Clothes may need attention do your shopping early We clean every thing from the hat you wear to the rug you stand on Phone 455 to our local headquarters, Mrs. Celia Burden Or Phone 583 our Agent, Penn Harris Barber Shop Our Orange Colored Wagon Will Call Monday s-Thursdays-Saturday s TWIN CITY SANITARY CLEANERS Milton Freewater Notice Penn Harris is agent for the Troy Laundry Co. DRAYMAN Phone 24 Transfer and Express Prompt Service Dealer In ICE The Lumber You Need If you are planning alterations or ad ditions to your building, let us give you an estimate on the Lumber need ed. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasonble total we will quote. Wood and Coal Fence Posts Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena J. L. Harmanj BlacksmithiDg Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Delivery and Truck Bodies Manufactured Main Street Athena, Oregon Whitehead s Barber Shop Lee Whitehead, Proprietor We make a specialty of cutting Ladies hair in all the prevailing styles Fair and Courteous Treatment WATTS & PRESTBYE Attorneys-At-Law Main Street. Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Cleaners Phone 492 WStBBEZZf