The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 10, 1926, Image 1

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    Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
k Short Session of
Congress Convened
Huge Task Faced as Calen
dar of Both Houses Are
Washington, D. C Once again the
constitution called congress into ses
Bion Monday. At noon the gavel fell
in senate and house, setting in motion
the nation's legislative , jrijchinery
which lias been idle since adjourn
ment last July. The new session, the
second of the 69th congress, will face
a huge task. It will have but three
months in which to work, for its ten
ure under the constitution' expires
March 4.
More than 12,000 bills remain on the
calendar untouched from last session
To these will be added' several hun
dred more as soon as the fcrmalities
of the opening day are over.
Out of this brief three months of
work must be taken 10 days for a
Christmas vacation, while many hours
will be consumed by the political orators.
The burden of selection of those
' bills to receive preferential considera
tion wlil fall on the shoulders of the
republican steering committees of the
two houses. They will be required to
choose only a few bills to push for
" ward for enactment.
Fir3t in their minds are the annual
appropriation bills to provide funds
for the operating expenses of the gov
ernment Besides these, agreement
already had been reached to take up
two measures on definite dates the
rivers and harbors bill in the senate
December 14 and a bill proposing sal
nry Increases for the federal judiciary
In the house next Thursday.
The tentative legislative list alwo hi
eludes alien property, radio, the Mc
Fadden branch banking bill, the Lau
sanne treaty with Turkey, and the
treaty to outlaw the use of poisonous
' gas in warfare.
Farm relief proposals in numerous
forms also are knocking at tha doors
tf both houses, while the democratic
membership is srl'd ia its demand for
a tax reduction bill.
Grant Land Refunds Recommended
for Five More Origan Counties.
Washington, D. C Claims made by
five Oregon counties under the Ore
gon and California grant land tax re.
fund act have been recommended to
the secretary of the treasury for pay
ment by Secretary of Interior Work,
bringing the total number of claims so
approved to eight, with those of ten
ether Oregon counties still to be
passed upon.
Under the recommendations by Sec
retary Work, the following counties
would be reimbursed to the extent
given: Multnomah, $45,353.73; Linn.
$198,345.47; Curry, $25,792.79; Tilla
mook, $40,600.02; Yamhill, $52,734.30.
Payment of claims made by Lincoln,
Ccos and Columbia counties has pre
viously been recommended,
Charle3 RingMng, . Circus Man, Dies.
Sarasota, Fla. Charles Singling,
circus man, financier and railroad
builder, died at his home here after
an Illness cf several weeks. Mr. Ring
ling was one of the original seven
Blngling brothers, who in 18S2 formed
a musical organization at Baraboo,
Wis., and started a tour which later
resulted In the present Itingliug Bros.
Earnum & Bailey circus,
Eastern Railroad Men Given Raise.
Now York, N. Y. -Trainmon, con
cuctors, baggagemen and flagmen of
oastern railroads were granted a 7
per cent wage increase by the arbi
tration board which has been hearing
both sides of the wage dispute. The
award affects employes on both pas
sencer and trains.
Would Oust Eurley, Idaho, Officials.
Burley, Ida. Ouster proceedings
were filed here before Judge Baker
by Attorney Larson of Twin Falls
pgainst Charles A. Johrson, mayor;
pari M. Johnson, chief cf police, and
jPresley D. Pace, sheriff, charging them
with failure to perr-m the duties of
their ofic2 in tha tEiorctmect cf law
in the city oi Hurley.
School Play a Success
Well Rendered and
It Pleased Audience
One of the niftiest comedy presen
tations ever attempted by pupils of
Athena high school was witnessed by
a lare audience at the Auditorium
Friday evening, and under the direc
tion of Miss Mildred Bateman, "A
Family Mix" will long be remember
ed in Athena.
Every member of the cast gave evi
dence of thorough conception of his
part, and never once was prompt
ing necessary. Perfect line memori
zation served to lend freedom of ac
tion on the part of the characters,
the result being a clever production
of a play that was crammed from
cellar to garret with mirth and
laugh-provoking situations.
Yes, "A Family Mix" easily bowl
ed along to success from every angle.
Financially, too, for the show gross
ed $121.00. The proceeds will go to
ward paying for scenery painting at
the auditorium, which was recently
completed by Mrs. Hansen, of Hold
man. '
The State May Adopt
Hoover's Uniform Law
As Offered To Oregon Code
Would Regulate Auto
Athena Etude Club Gives
An Interesting Program
The Etude club enjoyed an inter.
esting and unique evening Saturday
at the home of Mrs. C. M. Eager on
Jefferson street.
The arrangements were in charge
cf Mrs. B. B. Richards and Mrs. R.
B. McEwen the subject being "Italian
Music." One end of the spacious liv
ing room simulated a miniature stage
which was decorated to represent a
Venetian carnival scene, bright col
ored ribbon confetti and flowers of
many hues being used to carry out
the effect. The following program
was presented:
Paper, "Italian Music" Mrs. Lewis
Stewart; Vocal solo, Tosti's "Good
bye", Miss Edna Pinkerton; Reading,
"Mia Carlotta", Miss Lorraine Ter
ry; Vocal- duet, "0 Sole Mio" Miss
Pearl Ramsey and Miss Edna Pink
erton; Sketch of opera "Cavaliera
Rusticana," Mrs. 0. C. Hadley; Vocal
solo "Ave Maria," Mrs. David Stone,
Vocal trio "Venetian Love Song,"
Mrs. David Stone.. Mrs. R. B. Mc
Ewen, Miss Lorraine Terry;' Piano
solo "Goodnight," from A day in
Venice; Seng with ukelele accompani
ment, Miss Mary Jane Cornelison;
Musical reading, Miss Mildred Bate
man; Vocal solo "Neapolitan Nights,"
Mrs. Bryce Baker; Chorus, " L; my
Gondola" Mrs. Lloyd Michener, Mrs.
Bryce Baker, Mrs. Archie Mclntyre,
Mrs. Victor Hirsch, Mrs. Frank Ames
and Mrs. Max Hopper.
Many Italian ccstumes were in
evidence and following1 the program
the hostesses served spaghetti a la
Italienne. Guests of the club were
Mrs. F. B. Boyd, Mrs. M. L. Watts,
Miss Pauline Myrick of Walla Walla
and Mrs. E E. Goff of Newberg
Oregon's adoption of the Hoover
code, the uniform system of traffic
regulations worked out in the past
three years by federal officials and
representatives of leading business
groups, will be urged at the coming
session of the state legislature, ac
cording to Thomas P. Henry of De
troit, president of the American Au
tomobile association, says the Ore-
The Hoover code, will undoubtedly
be presented to the legislatures of 42
states next year.
"The new code is not revolutionary
and differs but little from the laws
in effect in the different states." said
Mr. Henry. "With the great amount
of inter-state auto traffic, uniform
ity in laws is necessary, and that is
what the Hoover code will supply.
"We are of the opinion that theio
are too many traffic laws, that they
are perplexing and confusing to the
mctcrists, and for the person who
travels from one state to the other
there should be a general set of rules
in effect in all states.
"The Hoover code is the result of
three years of work on the part of
sub-committees composed of repre
sentatives and government bureaus
which took part in the conference.
Before the code is presented to the
Oregon legislature we are going to
ask, through the Oregon State Motor
association, that the governor call a
conference to study the proposed
"The history of all forms of trans
portation has been to increase speed
with safety," said Mr. Henry. "The
old arbitrary .rule of 80 miles an
hour, or 35 miles an hour, is falling
into disregard.
"It is the degree of recklessness,
the endangering of the life and the
limb of others that' is the ciiiYiimil
element in speeding. Gradually, I
believe, the various states will drop
the rule of a certain maximum num
ber of miles an hour and arrest of
fenders for recklessness, raMier than
A. M. Meldrum Giving
Illustrated Lectures
At Christian Church
At the Christian church this week,
Dr. A. MacKenzie Meldrum, former
pastor of the church, is delivering a
series of illustrated lectures on the
resources, growth and prospects of
Australia and New Zealand.
Always1 an interesting and instruct
ive speaker, with aid of stereoscopic
views on the screen, Mr. Meldrum is
having no trouble whatever in trans
porting his audiences through the
length and breadth cf what may be
aptly termed an enchanted land,
where, metaphorically speaking, milk
comes as nearly flowing in streams
and honey growing on bushes, as
can be found any where on earth.
Mr. Meldrum has made several
trips to and from Australia. For a
time he resided there. Since leaving
Spokane, where he was connected
with the college there, he returned to
Australia, where he married his pres
ent wife. His series of lectures this
week have interested many who were
unaware of the colobsal etridea of
progress of recent years made in the
antipodes, and especially in Australia
and New Zealand.
Tax and Problems of
Farm Were Discussed
No Great Amount of Legis
lation at Present Short
"There Ycu Are," "Eve's
Leaves" and "Mannequin"
December 16, ? Mystery
Uncovers Fine Program
Music lovers are looking forward
to Thursday evening December 16th,
when the Etude club will appear in
a concert at the High school r.uditor-ium.
Ensemble numbers, solos, trios, duets
and readings will make up the first
part of the program. After on in
termission during which there will be
orchestra numbers, a program of
stunts, humorous readings, an 'opry,"
a "ballet"' and skits will be givn.
The public is assured of an evening
of good music and lots of fun, the
proceeds to be used for a good cause,
namely to assist in paying for new-
stage scenery for the high school
The small admission fee of twenty-
five and thirty-five cents will be
Mrs. Otis Whiteman entertained a
party of ladies at luncheon at the
Elks club in Walla Walla Saturday.
Those bidden from Athena were, Mrs.
B. B. Richards, Mrs. H. I. Watts,
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson, Mrs M. L.
Watts and Mrs. R. B. McEwen.
Maurice McFadden, playing on the
Oakland foot ball team, against
the San Francisco Tigers drop-kicked
a 52-yard field goal, "one of the long
est on reccrd. Maurice, a brother
cf C. L. McFadden, is well known in
Athena, having visited here in the
past. He is a former 0. A. C. end,
and is coach at Mateo, California,
high school.
For tomorrow nieht, the Standard
offers Conrad Nagel, Edith Roberts
and George Fawcett in Metro-Gold-wyn's
sterling photoplay, "There
You Are!" A slashing comedy, with
an all-star cast, "There You Are!"
has been filling the large city the
atres for the past month. The picc
ure is new, up-to-date and is a line
production in every repect.
Sunday night, Cecil B. DeMille's
Producer's Distributing Corporation
offers "Eves Leaves," with Leatrice
Joy and William Boyd in the starring
roles. This is the third photoplay
in a block of six, the Standard pur
chased from the DeMille corporation.
"The Volga Boatman" and "Three
Faces East," having been played.
"Stop Flirting," "Whispering Smith''
and "Welcome Stranger" are to fol
low. Next Wednesday night, Liberty
Magazine's $50,000 story , "Manne
quin" will be presented by Para
mount, with Alice Joyce, Warner
Baxter and beautiful Delores Costel
lo in the lead.
. Christmas night the Standard will
present Rex Ingram's "The Magic
ian," and has booked "LaBoheme,"
starring Lillian Gish and John Gil
bert, for New Year's night.
Methods for the control of tha
magpie and English sparjfow pests
are now available at the office of the
county agent.
The Bridge club was entertained
Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
R. B. McEwen on College street. The
rooms were attractively decorated
with red and yellow chrysanthemums.
Four tables were in play. Additional
guests included Mrs. E. E. Goff arid
Newberg, Mrs. Otis Whiteman and
Mrs. Simmons of Walla Walla and
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow. The hostess serv
ed seasonable refreshments.
Conceding that there could be no
great amount of legislation during
the present session, President Cool
idge laid before congress Tuesday a
long list of recommendations in
which temporarily tax relief and at
tention to the .'arm marketing prob
lem stood z: .'. ; -r.iinently.
To the house and senate was left
the task of fitting the recommenda
tions to the necessities of the limited
time at the disposal of the law mak
ers before the sixty-ninth congress
goes out of existence on March 4,
next. Inasmuch as Mr. Coolidge
touched on almost every point of
pressing national interest, there can
be no question that in going about
their task, the Republican leaders
vill have at hand the desires of the
chief executive.
While leaving the form of tax re
lief to be decided by congress itself,
President Coolidge opposed any per
manent reduction at this time, sug
gesting that "it is possible to grant
some real relief by the simple meas
ure of making reductions in the pay
ments which accrue on the 15th of
March, and June, 1927,''
As to farm relief, he urged a
"sound solution," with the stipulation
that it was necessary to "avoid put
ting the government into the business
of production or marketing or at
tempting to enact legislation for the
purpose of price fixing."
The message in addition to touch
ing taxes and farm problems, listed
as desirable, coal control legislation;
a Great Lakes-to-the-seas canal; re
clamation development; railroad con
solidation adequate perparedness;
prohibition enforcement legislation;
branch banking laws; radio eontrol
under the department of commerce;
return of alien property; and anti
lynching laws; development of the
Mississippi and Colorado rivers; dis
posal of the Muscle Shoals problom,
and support of the Geneva prelimin
ary conference and other movements'
for the reduction of armaments.
Athena Claims Only
One Student Out of
Total of 76, O. A. C.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Nov. Of the 76 students
from Umatilla county attending the
Oregon Agricultural college, Athena
is represented by one.
Full time students registered at O.
A. C. number 3420. The total enroll
ment, including summer and short
courses amounts to nearly 5000, in
addition to those registered for ex
tension courses.
Miss Elsa Ringel is a sophomore
in the school of home economics.
This course offers work for those
who plan to soecialize in it for fur
ther professional development, and
also, for those who study it for its
practical value.
Miss Ringei was a member of the
inter-class co-ed basketball team.
This is one of the major sports con
ducted by the Women's Athletic as
sociation, and entitles each member
of the team to 100 point.3 toward the
Orange "O" sweater, as well as to
membership in the association.
The Annual Message
of President Is Read
Advocates Continuance
Policies Rather than
The Union Pacific has just com
pleted a new passenger station at
Milton. It will be dedicated to public
use Saturday December 11, and the
public generally, Is invited to be
present. The eeremony will be in
formal consisting of flag raising,
music by the Union Pacific band of
Portland and serving of light refresh,
ments from 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m.
Pendleton burglars were active In
that city, Saturday night, between
the hours of seven' and nine o'clock,
three dwellings were entered. Loss
to owners, $1.80 and a gold watch,
t : ! 1
The President's Message
v ; ; &
i i i . sA, r r Srtsri iii, i iii i ... ,u . . i jiirr' inKW ' " n Mm ii.'i r .. iii.IiiiI J. rem
Wife of Auditor cf Washingtsjj Die;:.
Olympia, Wash, .'.iter illocsa of
more than a year j.sst. Mrs E;.I!a Baa
Bon Clausen, wife of Stats Auuitcr C.
W. Clauses, died at the family time
Mrs. E. E. Goff wa3 honored at
lunchern Thursday when Mrs. M. L. i
Watts entertained c party of ladies ;
in Walla Walla. Other guest3 wore !
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, Mrs. H. I. Watts !
and Mrs. R. B. McEwen.
Fog and frost prevailed during thei
past week, with very little clear J
weather; rain in the mountains, and
but slight snow fall.
fllrr iMfeKlsSfc ill
flililte list- 'ttfmwCM 4A-
0Mi-?iwkWM "try
Mm -Bptee.. liw.5 i
Pettv Thieves Active fn
the Athena Neighborhood
Petty thieves are again active in
the Athena neighborhood, They have
turned their attention principally to
stealing chickens. At two places
sometime ago the thieves made away
with poultry. Mr. Hargett in the
north part of town was a loser and
the Wood place is minus chickens by
the same raiders.
Last week the E. A. Dudley plnce
was overhauled with the result that
the fowl population was materially
decreased. On the night following,
Bert Logsdon's slaughterhouse was
Here the thieves helped themselves
to twenty-five hides, and also filched
a can of gasoline. No clew was left
by the thieves at either of the places
where robberies occurred, but Logs
don says he can easily identify the
hides stolen from him, in event they
are located by officers.
Death of Mrs. Mosley
At California Home
. Mrs. T. P. Mcsley, a former resi
dent of Athena, died at her home in
Whittier, California, on November
4, after a short illness. Death fol
lowed an operation for relief from
gall stones.
Mrs. Mosdey is survived by her hus
band, three sons and four daughters,
all of whom were present at the fun
eral, which was held November 10.
The three sons reside in Allyrta, t"r,
daughters at Portland and two live
at horntj,
Mr. and Mrs. Mosley, after resid
ing in Athena for many years, left
here for Alberta in 190G. They suc
cessfully engaged in farming. Of
late years they resided in California,
while their sons operated the Alberta
Rex Payne and a man named
Brown from Montana, came together
In an automobile crash on the high
way, near Athena Monday. Slippery
pavement had much to do with the
collision. Both Brown's roadster
and Payne's Ford were blemished
Considerably by the impact. Payne
claimed $110 damage to his machine,
but eventually settled for $50. After
a few kinks were taken out of his
roadster, Brown proceeded on to
The Jolly Twenty-five club met at
the attractive new home of Mrs. Max
Hopper Friday afternoon. Pom pom
chrysanthemums in ahades of bronze
brightened the rooms. Plans were
made for the annual Christmas tree
at the next meeting which will be
held at the home of Mrs. C. L. Mc
Fadden December 15th. The hoctes,
Mrs. Alex Mclntyre and Mrs. Ralph
Cannon served a delicious concoction
knewn as a Thrift pie at the tea
Washington, D. C President '..oI
idge's inosaago advocated continuance
of present republican policies for a
guarantee of prosperity rather than
r.ny untried legislation.
Republicans generally acclaimed it
aa "a typical Cool'ilgs document," and
a "very strong message," while dem
ocrats and some independent republi
cans criticised it.
Mr. Coolidge advocatod a temporary
tax reduction on payments to be niacin
In March; lauded the republican tar
iff; Indorsed the Fesa farm relief plan
and criticised the McNary-Haugen
plan (without mentioning It by
name); restated his position upon rec
lamation, radio and development of
water resources, and asked adoption
of antl-lynching legislation.
The president counseled that body
against any farm relief that would put
the government "into the business"
of production, marketing or price fix
ing on fawn products. Ho also macf.
It clear he opposes any permanent tax
reduction now, but favors a tax refund
next year.
For agriculture, ha favored greater
development ot cooperatives; develop
ment of inland waterways and Musclu
Shoals, nntl other measures already
advocated, and voiced the govern
ment's "tonHi.iiit soliritudo and sym
pathy for the Kimer."
Strains n;;uin the Idea of "Cool
idge economy," ho warned congress
against exhavagant new ventures
now. His message, unrolling a panor
ama ot tho i".-d.;ral government's vat
business, emphasized tho "genuine
peace and ;:i oapority of the country,"
the a!wen e of major diplomatic trou
bles and tii.: desire of America to con
tinua its policy of non-aggressive armament.
Baptist Program Savored
of the Christmas Season
A program savoring of the Christ
mas season was presented at the
Euptiat church Sunday morning, when
a tree was laden with gifts to ba
sent to an Indian mission in Southern
California. The program follows:
"Jov to the World," Congregation;
Recitation, Rachel Smith; Vocal duet
"Lullabye," Barbara and Robert Lee;
Recitation, Jack Miller; Christmai
carol, Mrs. R. B. McEwen; Reading
"I arody of The Night Before Chrint
inas," Miss Ruth Williams; Solo, Ro
berta Cannon; Christmas story, Miss
Margaret Lee; Instrumental solo
"Spinning Song," Annabel Payne;
Duet Valerie Cannon and Rachel
Anticipating the series of dances
to be given by the Legion beginning
Saturday night, the organization has
been making marked improvements
in the hall. A recessed alcove hai
been made for the orchestra at one
end of the hall and a ladiesjessing
room has been made neaThj en
trance. Decorative effects of ' per
manent order are being planned and
if not in place for the initial dance
they will be completed shortly. Don
ald McFadyen and Joe demons have
been dcing the carpenter work.
Cliff Banister of Holdman recently
lost a $50 pure bred Rambouillet ewe,
killed by coyotes, ho reports to tho
county agent's office. He was sup
plied with coyoto poison of a new
type, strychnine that is tasteless, anl
which is now being used successful
ly in destroying coyotes.
The proposal of Oregon sportsmen
and the Game Commission to put
Bre'r Bear on the protected list as
a ?ame animal is opposed by the
Woolgrowers . K. G. Warner presi
dent of the Oregon Woolgrowers' as
sociation, will attend a meeting of
the game commission at Portland
next week, to voice the sheepmen';:
protest against any measure that will j
tend to propagate the number of,
bears on the Oregon, sheep ranges, j
A movement going forward during
thin week is that of a, church census
being taken by the several churches
of Athena. The object in to get a
survey of church membership and
affiliatkn in this community. Every
houKe is visited and a record kept of
information i b'ained.
The girls in the Domestic Science?
department of the high school will
pive an exhibit of their work Satur
day, beginning at 10 a. m., in tho
Rfgcrs & Goodman Hardware store.
Tea will be served during the after
noon (tin) a sale of cakes, pastry and
candies will be held.