The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 05, 1926, Image 1

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    Entered at ttxe Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Young Assailant of the Italian
Premier is Slain by
Ilologna, Italy. Benito Mussolini
has once again escaped the assassin's
bullet. A youth shot at him Sunday,
the bullet ripping a piece out of the
premier's coat. . The assailant was
lynched by an infuriated crowd. -. :
The fascist premier "was leaving a
meeting at the stadium, and was at
the moment being acclaimed by the
great assemblage. The youth stepped
forward and with quick movement fir
ed point blank. The bullet cut the
sash of the Grand Cordon of the Order
of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus which
adorned the premier's uniform, rip
ped away a piece of cloth from the
coat and grazed the sleeve ol the
mayor of Bologna, who accompanied
There were startled exclamations,
a tremendous silence, and fury swept
through the multitude. The duce's
assailant, seemingly a mere boy of 18,
was seized and before police could
throw a projecting cordon around him,
was killed by the mob.
Mussolini remained calm and com
posed. His automobile halted for a
few moments and then proceeded for
the railway station.
$849,125,101 IS
Washington, D. C. Total expendi
tures by states last year for road and
bridge construction on state highway
systems reached $649,125,101, it was
announced by the bureau of public
roads of the agriculture department.
To meet the expenses, the highway
departments received 1780,081,292, a
balance of $115,653,721 having' been
available from 1924. Motor license
fees and gasoline taxes were respon
sible for the raising of approximately
43 per cent of the receipts; 21 per
cent being received from the sale
of bonds and 14 per cent from the
federal government.
Although the expenditures were
greater than the 1924 total of $605,
664,207, the balance of $130,956,191
carried over into 1926 was even great
er than the amount of unexpected
funds carried over from 1924.
Pennsylvania led all states in ex
penditures last year with $62,294,366,
New- York being second with $49,
368,770 and Illinois third with $36,-373,983.
Bulk of Nation's Taxpayers Have
Small Incomes.
Washington, D. C. There were 75
parsons in the United States with net
incomes of more than $1,000,000 in
1924, it was shown in income tax
statistics for that year made public
by the treasury.
Taxpayers, however, with net in
comes between $1000 and $2000 con
stituted the largest portion of the 7,
399,738' individuals who filed returns
for that year, numbering 2,413,861 or
32.75 per cent of the total.
The brunt of the $704,265,390 to
dividual income tax paid that year
was Tborne by the class of taxpayers
with incomes between $50,000 and
$100,000, who ' paid $136,636,004 in
taxes or 19.40 per cent of the total.
The 75 millionaires reported total
net incomes of $155,974,475 and paid
$47,207,203 taxes, or 6.7 per cent of
the total return. Of these three re
ported net incomes of more than J5,
000,000; three between $4,000,000 and
$5,000,000; four between $3,000,000
and $4,000,000 and 15 between $2,000,
000 anl $3,000,000.
California Cars Number 1,061,272.
Sacramento. California's great
fleet of automobiles, second only to
that of New York, number 1,061,272
passenger cars, the state board of
equalization has just announced. As
sessed valuation of these vehicles is
set at $220,210,286. The number of
pleasure cars showed an Increase of
126,763 over last year, and the as
sessed valuation jumped $11,146,574.
Harry Greb Leaves Ertate of $75,000.
Pittsburgh, Pa. An estate of $75
000 was left by Harry Greb, former
middle and light-heavyweight cham
pion boxer, his will filed for probate
here revealed. His -7-year-old daugh
ter, Dorothy, is the sole heir. ,
Miss Bateman gave an interesting
report before 'the High school as
sembly recently on. the Homecoming
Celebration at Eugene. ' ' . i ,
The Homecoming Celebration began
with a large parade and rally on Fri
day ' evening. The parade started
from the campus and went down
through the residential district to
Willamette street.
The football players rode at the
head of the parade. Following the
team was the ' University fifty piece
band, whose members were 'dressed
in their new uniforms ot lemon yel
lowand green. . In large trucks rode
the yell kings and many1 girl stu
dents. " The men students formed a
Pajama Parade. They were dressed
in bright colored and weirdly decorat
ed pajamas.
The parade went to the foot of
"Skinner's Butte" where a large bon
fire was made to represent an O. The
crowd gathered at the bottom of the
hill,-while the freshmen boys .went
to the top and lighted their part of
the large O. While it was burning
the band played and the students
sang the Oregon pledge song. This
O bonfire on Skinner's Butte was a
new plan this year, .
After the parade the people who
could, went to the Armory where
speeches were given by President
Hall, Captain McEwan, Fred Steiwer
and several other prominent alumni
and old football heroes.
Announcement has been made in
San Francisco that with the assist
ance of the Standard Oil Company of
California twenty-one symphony con
certs will be broadcast simultaneous
ly, beginning Sunday afternoon, Oc
tober 24th, by Stations KGO, Oak
land; San Francisco, and KFI, Los
Angeles, constituting one of the
greatest link-ups of radio stations
ever undertaken on the Pacific Coast.
In order that radio listeners may
derive "the fullest value and enjoy
ment from the concerts, the Stand
ard Oil Company will make available
each week at its Service Stations
programs for the concert of the fol
lowing Sunday.
This program will not only list the
compositions to be played but will
also contain a description of each
composition, which will enable listen
ers to follow the music and better
understand the story the composer
wishes to tell.
The program will also contain a
story, continued in brief sections
from week to week, of the history of
symphony music, which will be of
high educational value. If the pro
grams are preserved the listener? of
the Pacific will at the end of the get.
ies have a splendid collection of mu
sical notes. The first programs vera
available October 28th. The concerts
arf scheduled to begin at 2:45 p. m.,
Sunday afternoons.
Mrs. A. J. Wagner who has been
in Colfax, Washington, where she
visited her daughter Mrs. Jake
Creighton, was brought to her home
in Athena Sunday by her daughter.
Mrs. Wagner was taken seriously ill
while at Colfax, and was brought
home as soon as she was able to
make the trip. Since arriving home
her condition has become very grave.
Mrs. Hess of Weston is assisting in
the., care of Mrs. Wagner.
As a windup to the deer season,
the Press omitted to mention last
week that Frank Williams had killed
a fine buck in the Ukiah district.
Charley Payne bagged one in the
mountains east of the Toll Gate, and
J. E. Jones shot one near Black
Mountain. A Weston wag asserts that
Mr. Jones hit his deer five times. The
first four shots clipped off four feet,
and then Jim hit the buck in the head
with the cam? ax.
A beautiful plant, commonly known
as the maple-lejif begonia, is at it's
prime in the school room of Miss
Lorraine Terry. The plant standing
over six feet in height and bearing
dark green serrated leaves, is cover
ed with clusters of delicate pink blos
soms, sixteen being in full bloom at
one time. The plant is the property
of Mrs. Cora Miller.
November fifth is the last day for
the payment of the last installment
of taxes. Many are delinquent and
these should make a " note of this
date. - v " -
An Effort Will be Made to
Pledge Farmers to Reduce
Cotton Acreage.
Memphis, Tenn. Brains and money
of the south, summoned by a threat
of economic disaster, are mobilizing
forces of relief from Texas to North
Carolina in an organized drive to meet
the emergency a cotton prices and
restore stability to the bale-burdened
Energetic determination had dis
placed cries of loud distress and busi-nesa-like
calm succeeded the panicky
fear of early October as machinery
for financing retirement of the cur
rent surplus was being devised in
every state of the American cotton
Success for the south-wide cam
paign for guaranteed reduction of
cotton acreage next year was predict
ed here as agriculture experts view
ed the progress of the canvass for a
complete cansus of the industry,
whose purpose is to pledge every
farmer to curtail planting.
stimulated, by the visit of Eugene
Meyer, chairman of President Cool
idge's commission for relief, and A.
C. Williams, chairman of the federal
loan board, and Mr. Meyer's associate
in the southern survey, bankers and
marketing executives have undertaken
to form finance corporations to make
loans available to the growers.
$4,000,000 TOTAL
New York. Up to the first of Octo
ber payroll robbers in the United
States took a total of $4,000,000 in a
year, according to an estimate an
nounced by the forgery prevention
bureau. The number of payroll rob
beries reported for that period, it was
estimated, would total more than 400,
based on available newspaper reports
of crimes of this kind, and it is be
lieved these reports include less than
75 per cent of the robberies actually
For the first six months the num
ber of payroll robberies reported in
newspaper clippings totaled 205, and
the amount of cash taken by the high
waymen in these hold-up3 was $1,-
856,874. Twenty persons were killed'
and 40 wounded in defending the
money in their charge.
Analysis of the reports showed that
61 per cent cf the robberies wero
Committed after the cash was deliver
ed to employers for payroll purposes,
while 49 per cent were committed on
the streets while the cash . was in
transit. The deduction made from
this was that the armored cars and
heavily armed guards have caused a
drift from the open attack on payroll
ca3h in the streets in favor of the at
tack in the office after the cash has
been delivered.
"North Coast Limited" Equipment Selected for
Queen Marie's "Traveling Palace" in America
For thirty-nine days Queen Ma
rie and her royal entourage are liv
ing, traveling and receiving guests
in Northern Pacific cars. The
Queen's parlor or reception room Is
one ot the new observation cars
running regularly in the "North
Coast Limited". The lounge or re
ception hall resembles the living
room ot a modern home, with deep,
comfortable divans, restful chairs
and library lamps. , The car has a
broad sight-seeing platform with a
searchlight for ''night-seeing". The
searchlight has the same power as
the locomotive headlight. In addi
tion to the main lounge, the car
has two card rooms, a large boudoir
and bath, a barber and beauty Bliop,
a second bath and a buffet. The
windows of this car are the largest J
windows ever built in an observa
tion car.
The Queen and Princess Ileana
are living in the "Yellowstone", the
business car of the president of
the Northern Pacific. A "North
Coast Limited" dining car is serv
ing members 3f the royal party.
The Northern Pacific dining car
department has arranged to servo
typical Northwest foods, such as
fruit and dairy products, wild duck,
wild rice, elk, bear, buffalo and sal
mon, The train reached Minneapolis
and St. Paul from Winnipeg Octo
ber 31 and left November 1 over
the Northern Pacific for the trip
through the American Northwest.
Brief stops will be made at Bis
marck, the capital of North Dakota,
and Helena, capital of Montana, be
cause of invitation from Governor
A. J. Soilie ot North Dakota, and
Governor J. E. Erlckson ot Mon
tana. At the Queen's request a stop
will be made at Mandan, N. D.,
where she will meet Indians of the
Sioux tribe. One member of the
reception committee is expected to
be Red Tomahawk, who killed Sit
ting Bull. The Indians are plan
ning to honor the Queen lu their
own way by making her a member
of their historic tribe, and present
ing her with a tribal gift, accord
ing to an ancient custom.
A real western rodeo will be con
ducted at Medora, N. D., In the Bad
lands of North Dakota, the ranch
home of the late President Roose
velt. This has been arranged by
the cowboys of the Little Missouri
River country. Plans for the rodeo
have been in progress for weeks.
The train will follow closely tlio
trail of Lewis and Clark on their
1803-06 historic expedition of the
Northwest through the Red River
Valley, through the Yellowstone.
Valley, will cross the American
Rockies Into the Inland Empire, to
Spokane and to the Columbia River
and Cascade Mountains.
Queen Marie will dedicate the
new Maryhill Fine Arts museum,
Maryhlll, Wash. This museum,
which Is located between Spokane
and Portland, was built by Samuel
Hill, son-in-law of the late James
J. Hill. The Queen Is bringing a
baggage car of Rumanian treasures
to this museum.
Shipments aggregating thirty-one
carloads of Weston Mountain pota
toes have been handled through the
Farmer's Elevator company's ware
house, and routed over the Northern
Pacific, and other carload lots were
awaiting shipment.
The potatoes 'are seed grade, and
bring from $40 to $46 per ton, and
for the most part are being consign
ed to Yakima valley points, and arc
handled by W. F. G. Rice & company.
Refrigerator cars are used exclus
ively by the Northern Pacific in
transporting the potatoes, which
were grown by different farmers in
the mountain district. The stock is
principally of the Netted Gem vari
ety, and is in strong demand by the
growers of Yakima;"""'"'
Bricklayers have started work on
the new residence of Mr. and Mrs. M.
L. Watts. The exterior of the new
home will be veneered with pressed
brick. A steam heating plant is be
ing installed, and it. will utilize oil
for fuel,
Athena schools were dismissed
Monday afternoon, to enable the stu
dent body to hear the address of Gov
ernor Pierce at the Standard Theatre,
In a whirlwind last day campaign
tour of Umatilla county, Governor
Fierce spoke before an Athena au
dience at the Standard Thenii e, Mon
day afternoon.
The Governor was billed to speak
at 1:15 p. m., but he and his party
got tangled up with one of John
Froom's famous chicken dinners, and
it was near two o'clock, when the
governor began his address.
A large audience, which included
the student body of Athena High
School the school having dismissed
for the occasion heard the address
made by the state's chief executive.
The governor devoted the most of his
speech here to tax issues.
He was accompanied to Athena by
Guy Johnson, Will M. Peterson, W.
W. Harra, James Jchns, J. F. Steele
and Joseph N. Scott, of Pendleton.
After the Athena meeting, the gov
ernor's party proceeded to Weston
and Milton-Freewater. In the even
ing Governor Pierce wound up the
campaign with a speech in Pendleton.
There is no more Athena Restaur
ant. Proprietor Gerald Kilgore has
changed the name of that establish
ment to the Kilgore's Cafe. Neatly
painted signs decorate the Windows
of the Cafe, and road signs have aL
so been put up.
The Melancholy Days Have Come
mMlUBm - Uf 'Urn WMWImmr 1
The shadow of an insurgent hand
on the control levers of the" new con gress
takes increasing shape in the
East with slowly mountaing election
As far and near districts sent in
their belated vote the demoratic in
roads into the working majorities of
the republians had reached such pro
portions that it became certain that
the western insurgents would hold
the balance of power in the senate
and possibly in the house.
Besides gaining seven of the nine
seats constituting the republican ma
jority in the senate, the democrats re
duced by 13 the present republican
majority of 26 in the house.
Steiwer is leading Hancy with be
tween six and seven thousand votes,
with Stanfield a poor third.
Patterson has swamped Pierce by
approximately 25,000 majority.
Joseph N. Scott defeated Roy Rit
ner. Senator Taylor lost t) Fred
Kiddle. Mann won over Preslbye and
Norvell and Miller defeated McFad
den and Johns. McFudden received a
splendid majority in his home town
and ran ahead of his ticket in the
county. Steiwer and Pierce had tre
mendous majorities over their op
ponents in Umatilla County.
Athena Results
More than a normul vote was poll
ed in Athena's three precincts. The
voting was featured by the number
of ballots cast for and against the
different amendments. Following is
the complete returns resulting in
U. S. Senator Adams 2: Ilaney
1 .18 ; Stanfield 25; Steiwer 134.
Congress Ilodgin 117; Sinnott Ml;
Governor Patterson 120; Pierce
17.".; Stallard 4fi.
Supreme Court Justice Bean 221;
Brown 149; McBride 15C.
State .Superintendent Howard 128;
uiner 135.
Labor Commissioner Gram llo;
V'n Schriltz 93,
Public Servic e Commission Bean
11; Spooner 100.
Joint Senator Kiddle 100; Taylor
I 189.
State Senator Mann 143; Prestbye
Joint Representative Ritner CO;
Scott 221.
r . cii. xr ii
I jti'i'ii'Auuuiiivv iUiiier o'j; nurvuu
122; Johns 58; McFudden 203.
County Judge McCook 108; Sihan
nop 133.
Commissioner Hale 202.
Theasurer Deilart 148; .Steele 12".
Coroner Romboy 110; Folsom l.'iO.
Klamath County Yes 58; No 08.
Six per cent Limitation Yes 35;
No 117.
Negro Section Yes 111; No 92.
Inheritance Tax Yes 44; No 1G8.
Seaside Normul Yes 30; No 177.
Eastern Oregon Normal School
Yes 183; No 64.
Recall Yes 82; No 97.
Curry County Yea 57; No 85.
Public Office Vacancies Yes 93;
No 66.
Klamath and Clackamas Yes 6G;
No 79.
Tuberculosis Hospital Yes 105;
No 66.
Cigurette Yes 50; No 108.
Motor Stage Yes 97; No 'X.
Tithing Yes 38; No 127.
Tax Offset Yes CD; No 121.
Bus and Truck Yes
No 123.
Fish Wheel Yes 91; No 90.
Grange Income Tax Yes 90;
Tower Development Yes 28;
County Salaries Yes 70; No 139.
The City Election
But one ticket with names printed
on the ballot was offered the voters
in the city election. 11 contained tho
names of present incumbents, which
wus filed by petition. The result of
the municipal election follows:
For Mayor H. I. Watts, 08; O. O.
Stephens, 21; M. L. Watts, 1;
For Councilmcn A. W. Logsdoi:,
91; G. S. Prestbye, 68; William Mc
Leod, 92; F. B. Radtke, 2; C. M.
Eager, 1; Herman Hoffman, 1; Hamp
Boohor, 8; Henry Dell, 1; O. O.
Stephens, 2.
For Treasurer E. A. Zerbn, 93.
For Recorder B. I!. Richards, 86;
Fred Kershaw, 1.
With a fine, birr Rainbow trout,
measuring 17 ',4 itn-hes, the Waltonian
editor of the 1'ic-.; topped Carl
Sheard's 17 inch Dolly Varden trout,
and won the prizt' lislii.ip; rod, put up
by Rogers & Goodman for the big
gest trout of tin: h'c:ison. Both trout
were caught in the Umatilla river.
Wayne Pittman, won the IS- y's prize
fishing rod, with a Kiln-inch Rainbow
caught in Wild Horse creek.
Compared with otlu r days Hal
lowe'en pranks in Aihciia this year
were tame. A p'-i feitly -aiif evening
was put in by anil goblin, with
the result that cvi iyliodv had a goodi
time without parliiipatmg in depre
dations on loose propei'tv and result
ant ruffling of tempers.
Will Campbell !m; a splendid well,
which recently was Ii ireil to a depth
of over 90 feet. The flow is s
strong that pt.s encii;.-' or wind mill
has failed to lowr the water per