AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Kates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months. $1.00 One copy, three months 75 Athena, Oregon October 22 li)26 determine whether the advances in prices of gasoline are due to re straints of trade, or systems of own ership controlling effective competi tion. o American organized labor again spurns the Russian Soviets and de clares itself for American institu tions unalterably. The spectacle presented by the crushed masses of the dust by bolshevist tyranny, is too much for any American, and our fed eration of labor is composed of Am ericans. Eugene Guard. o Highways should not be considered as speedways or race tracks. They were constructed for transportation purposes and with a view to reason able safety to travelers and traffic. o 1 The record at Berkeley would in dicate that it's to 0. A. C. this year. o Marie is with us. The Churches Church of Christ Last Sunday morning we were fav ored with a sermon from E. J. Gil strap, of The Eugene Bible Univer sity. The attendance at Sunday school was good in spite of sickness in the community. Let us increase the number present next Sunday. The sermon of the morning will be "The Holy Spirit." Come and study with us this important subject. The Endeavor society will meet at the usual hour. Let us all who can at tend this helpful service. The En deavor Society is the training school for our future church workers. And we should make each meeting as great as success as possible. We in vite all who are not attending ser vices elsewhere to attend with us. You will find a welcome. Come! " One of our exchanges talks about it this way: Citizens in practically every city, county and state in the United States are facing much the same problem. Enormous expendi tures are being made for all kinds of public undertakings. Local taxes have been constantly incrca.iin;?. All of these taxes are added to the cost of living through increased prices and rents. The ultimate consumer and day laborer cannot pass the taxes on to the other fellow. They pay them all. Taxes and debts have wrecked more governments and im poverished more nations than all the wars of history. At the height of our prospeiity, is a good time for us to check up on our debt and tax situation. The family that spends more than it can afford, is headed for trouble, and the nation which ov ercrowds the tax payment, is follow ing the same path. o Motor vehicle registrations and highway traffic have increased enor mously in recent, years and will un doubtedly continue to increase, but highway officials do not fear the de velopment of a general condition of congestion or any breakdown in the roads constructed by reason of the increased traffic. Highway research and experience have developed type.) of pavement fully capable of with standing present and expected future traffic. Eighteen feet has come to be the minimum standani width for main highways and except for roads in the vicinity of large cities and a few heavily traveled roads between certain cities this width will be ample for years to come, says the Bureau of Public Roads. o Presenting a unified position, the ports and shipping interest of Port land, Astoria, Marshfield, North Bend, Vancouver and Oregon City met shipping board Commissioners Teller and Myers at Portland and submitted a demand for stable Am erican merchant marine policy. Thj result of the hearing was that federal operation until the lines pay their way will be sought. To use the words of Commissioner Teller, "fed eral aid must be given for the pres ent." Which means nothing more nor less than the entering of a ship subsidy wedge to keen the merchant marine afloat. o It would appear that findings of Cook county grand juries have little effect in securing convictions of Chicago gangsters when we reflect that assistant prosecuting attorney McSvviggin was the campanion of gangsters when he was killed by machine gun fire, and that a former prosecutor, O'Brien, was with the Weiss gang the other day when ma chine guns killed two of its members, O'Brien being seriously wounded. So long as Chicago tolerates prosecutors who chum with gangsters, Chicago will remain the scene of crime, mur der and gang warfare. o The National Republic magazine finds that nearly as much American money was loaned to foreign as to domestic corporations during the first half of 1!20. During that half year period we loaned !f l,22:i,635,0i)R to private foieign borrowers and $:!02, 70 1,000 to foreign government and municipal borrowers. European ad vocacy of repudiation is cooling somewhat the enthusiasm of Ameri can bankers for foreign loans. It is reported from Amsterdam and other foieign money centers that Ameri cans are re-offering European securi ties at a sacrifice. . o The Walla Walla Union says day labor roads do not have the frills and the artistic finish of some bin. when it comes to wear they are as Chinese, Governor Olcott had refused good. And what is more to the point j a pardon and in the other two judg- Baptist Church Sunday school at 9:45 A. M., for Primary and Junior departments 10: A. M., for Senior. Morning worship at 11: A. M. Text, Eph. 1:13. Topic "Spiritual Blessings." Junior Young People at 5:30 P. M. Senior at 6:30 P. M., followed by Song and Praise service at 7:30 P. M. Text, Eccs. 1:9. Theme, Living in Circles. Every Tuesday evening at 7:30 P. M. Young Peoples Prayer meeting. Every Thursday evening at 7:30 P. M. Mid week meeting. All cordially invited. M. E. Church Church school at 10:00 A. Morning worship at 11:00 A. Evening service at 7:30 P. M. HARDER ARRAIGNED The morning Union reports that Jack Harder was nut in the Walla Walla county jail to await trial on a charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. He failed to raise necessary bond for his release when arraigned before Judge Fred Hedger. Lest We Forget Roy W. Ritner, as President of the State Senate, was Acting Governor of Oregon for 35 days during No vember and December, 1922, and in cluding January 1, 1923. During this time Mr. Ritner extended execu tive clemency to seventy-four in mates of the Oregon penitentiary in cluding 28 paroles, 27 pardons, 7 paroles and restorations to citizen ship and 12 commutations of sen tence. On November 1, 1922, there were 4(5!) inmates of the state "pen" which had a capacity of 000, Among these released by him dur ing this time were 10 men convicted of murder in the first or second de gree sentenced to life imprisonment and having served time ranging from 4 years 11 months to 11 years. Some of these crimes were of th? most deliberate and cold-blooded kind, among them being murders by three Chinese gun men or hired as sassins of rival tongs who shot down their victims on the street in reckless disregard of the lives of white citizens. In the case of one from the standpoint of the hard -hit taxpayer, they do not cost as much. That is what the man who foolr the ment had been affirmed by the Su preme Court of Oregon and the spec ial prosecutor in the case said he bills wants a road that will ' never knew or heard of application and one that is built at reasonable j for pardon for either until he read cost, lie can do without a few of the frills when the money which would go into them will be used to build more roads, j o I in the daily papers that they had been pardoned by acting Governor The Knights of Pythias throughout the country are taking an interest in the eradication of leprosy in the Phil ippines. They will ask Congress for I'ountv Court of the State of Oregon an additional appropriation of fiv. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as adminstratrix of the estate of Levi M. Main, deceased, has tiled her final account and report in aid estate with the Clerk of the inillicn dollars to expand the success ful work the United States has been currying on in leper colonies in the islands, pronounced by experts the best in the world. Oikv in u while a democrat doe; something. For instance, it was Sen ator Trammel of Florida, who instig ated government investigation, which 1 Warner, Attorneys for Adminstrat- has been under way for some time to nx, Pendleton, Oregon. 015N12, tor I niatula County: and that t!ie Judge thereof has fixed Wednesday the 17th day of Novenvber, 192t, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. as the time and the County Court room In the courthouse at Pendleton, Umatil la County, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of objections to such fin al account and the settlement thereof. ROSE ETTA MAIN Administratrix of the estate of Levi M. Main, deceased. i Kaiey, Kaley & bteiwer ana n. J. Ritner. Four were released who had been convicted of rape after serving por tions of sentences, the details of the crimes being revolting in the ex treme. One case of unusual local interest was that of a man convicted of secur ing over $8000 from Umatilla County on forged road warrants, pardoned after serving 13 months of a five year sentence. Governor Olcott's of fice refused consideration of this case in June, 1922. The above statement of facts is taken from the report of a Commit tee of the Oregon Bar Association af ter an examination of the records at Salem. This report was signed by Joseph N. Teal, Chairman, and four other attorneys of Oregon. Mr. Ritner after serving eight years in the Senate and in both elec tions unopposed by the Democratic Party is now a candidate for Joint Representative and is opposed by $he undersigned Joseph N. Scott, Dem ocratic nominee, a native of Umatilla county, a graduate of the Weston Normal School and a farmer by oc cupation. I am in favor of a Stp.'e income tax, The Grange Bill anrt believe in fewer, better and laws. If elected I will work for the best interests of this District and of Ore gon. I regard a public office as a public trust. Pendleton, Oregon October 22, 1926. (Signed) JOSEPH N. SCOTT. (Paid advertisement by Joseph N. Scott, 116 Lewin Street, Pendleton, Oregon.) Vote For Henry J. Taylor Henry J. Taylor, candidate for Senator, 19th Senatorial District comprising Umatilla, Union and Mor row Counties. He was elected to this office four years ago and has served his district faithfully. He resides at Pendleton, was born in Missouri, moved with his parents to California in 1864, ed ucated in public schools, came to Umatilla County 47 years ago and has been a farmer ever since. Owns large wheat farm, was school direct or thirty years, city councilman of Pendleton five years, has been a di rector in -Inland Empire Bank ever since its organization, is a member of Elks, W. O. W. and I. O. O. F.; was Grand Master 1. O. O. F., 1913 and 1914; Grand Representative, 1914 and 1915. Is now serving his 9th year as Trustee of I. O. O. F. Home at Portland. His Platform: If elected, he will, during his term of office, faithfully and hanestly fulfill his official duties with the least possible expense to tax payer. He favors a reasonable and just income tax, a Normal School located in Eastern Oregon, the completion of all state high ways and retirement of bonds as they mature; the perpetuity of Pen dleton Round-Up, proper legislation for protection of labor, reduced license for used automobiles, abolishment of useless commissions. He has no pet bills, no private or secret interests to serve, and stands on his record as Senator for 1923 and 1925 ses sions of the Legislative Assembly. He believes in a square deal for all persons. (Paid Adv.) ont burden yourselves with wore BUS & TRUCK BILL 325 TITHING BILL 327 PIRECT DRAFT PAMPER M n n v- . . - . ; 1 mr mm ii m n tm tM m wr.WX II .son ifir)n?fevWg 2E sfinWM inH . I Ml 5v i it i hi My UNIVERSAL EXTRA LARGE TOP FEED OPENING LARGE MICA FEED DOOR. VENTILATEI MICA FRAME ANTI BUCKLING STRIP EXTRA LARGE HOT BLAST INTAKE 0UPLEX CRATES EXTRA LARGE ASH CHAMBER HEAVY POLISHED STEEL. OUTER BODY HEAVY INNER LINING PROTECTS OUTER BODY OVER DRAFT AIR CHAMBERS HOT BLAST SIDELINING' EXTRA HEAVY VENTILATED LINING CONICAL FIRE POT DEFLECTS HEAT TO FLOOR HEATERS ' &Ae Universal SUPER-HEATER. Rogers Goodman, Athena, Oregon ( A Mercantile Trust) Vote the entire Republican Ticket straight and as sure the election of your favorite Candidate Frederick Steiwer N. J. Sinnott I. L. Patterson Vote for 3 For U. S. Senator For Rep. Congress District For Governor For Justice Sunreme Court For Supt. Public Instruction For Commissioner of Labor For Commissioner of Public Service For Senator 19th Senatorial District (Morrow, Umatilla and Union Co.) For Senator 20th Senatorial District For Representative 22 Rep. District For Representative 23 Rep. District (Umatilla and Morrow County) For County Judge For County Commissioner For County Treasurer For County Coroner Henry J. Bean George M. Brown Thomas A. McBride Charles A. Howard C. H. Gram Thomas N. Campbell Fred E. Kiddle L. L. Mann Roy Ritner S. A. Miller and J. S. Norvell I. M. Schannep J. O. Hales Bettye F. DeHart . Ralph Folsom REPUBLICAN COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE C. C. Curl, Chairman E. C. OLSEN, Secretary. (Faid adv. by Republican County Central Committee) Rea state 325 X NO I 'Bus and Truck Bill If you PONT know, SAY so . . . .VOTE NOl OMOON MOTOR (TMH AMOCIATION, FnWOnn" THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA Established 1891. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 iwa win ut wit im vjt v rwi im i.t m Insurance Farm Loans Cheap Money B. B RICHARDS, Athena Claud Dickenson Phone 452, Athena, Oregon Auto Truck Dray City and Country HAULING Always at Your Service THE ATHENA RESTAURANT GERALD KILGORE, Proprietor Short Order Lunches and Meals served at all hours, j j Ice Cream and Soft Drinks. A full line of Candies, g i NONE BUT WHITE HELP EMPLOYED j Gerald Kilgore, ' Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon j DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon DR. W. G. COWAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon THE ATHENA MARKET 7 'iwlns We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Pish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. DRS. A. D. & R. A. FRENCH OPTOMETRISTS French Optical Parlors 15 E. Main St Phone 653 WALLA WALLA, WASH. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, b ' Atbena labor, in one ol the very best equipped nulls in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash