The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 01, 1926, Image 1

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    Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter -
Months of Negotiations Expect
ed Before Final Agree- .
ment Takes Form.
Berlin. The Franco-German entente
is on the march. This 1b assured fol
lowing the approyal of the now his
toric agreement between Briand and.
Stresemann at Tholry by the govern
ments of both Germany and France.
With the unanimous approval of the
German cabinet President Hlndenburg
thanked Foreign Minister Stresemann
in a notably warmer endorsement, of
the agreement than the somewhat
hesitant endorsement of the French
cabinet. It now will take months of
weary negotiations by commissions
and experts from both countries, as
well as with Reparations Agent Gil
bert and American bankers, for the
necessary foundation for the final
France wants Germany to put up an
amount approximating a billion gold
francs to stabilize the franc in return
for evacuation of the Rhineland, the
return of the Saar Basin and other
political concessions. Germany pro
bably will try to raise the money in
the world markets and from the sale
of five per cent rail bonds.
The German press already is begin-
ing to appeal to America to help the
project as the best means for pacify
ing Europe. The success of the pro
ject, it is held, would mean the final
settlement of all the vexing problems
left by the war between France and
Once the project is accomplished
there are high hopes it will form the
foundation for far-reaching political
consequences, ending possibly in a
Franco-German alliance for the revi
sion and perhaps the abolition of the
Dawes plan.
Washington, D. C. The United
States is in sympathy with any effort
to reduce armaments, but President
Coolidge would like to know more
about the exact nature of the confer
ence proposed for that purpose by the
league of nations assembly before con
sidering American participation.
Experience at the Geneva prelimi
nary arms conference, which endeav
ored to effect an agreement among
representatives of only 18 or 20 na
tions it was said at the White House,
had not been such as to assure such
agreements at an even wider discus
sion with all league members repre
uented. The resolution adopted unanimously
by the assembly! provides for the con
vocation of a general conference be
fore next September unless material
difficulties prevent.
There is - grave doubt whether
America would participate in the gen
eral conference if it will include the
discussion of purely naval affairs by
representatives of non-navy nations.
Joseph McCain Chosen Commodore of
Jjv Naval War Veterans.
Des Moines, la. Frank A. Walsh
cf Milwaukee, Wis., was elected commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of
the Republic at the close of the busi
ness session of the 60th annua) en
campment. Alexander J. Beatty of Manchester,
la., was elected, senior vice-commander,
and Charles H, Haskins, Los
Angeles, junior vice-commander. - -
Mr. Walsh served with the 67th
Illinois volunteer infantry In the civil
war. He is 79 years old.
Joseph McCain of Chicago was
chosen commodore of the National
Association of Naval War Veterans.
The Ladies of the G. A.' R. elected
Emma J. Tomkins of "New York city,
Greetings to the Grand Army from
the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the
American Legion, Spanish-American
War Veterans, the Woman's Relief
corps and allied organizations were
presented at the business session.
The Woman's Relief corps is headed
by Mrs. Edith Mason Christie, Ober
lin, O.
Unseasonably cold weather stalked
out of the northern Rockies Friday
and advanced across the northwest to
cap with snow and frost, the route
of Indian summer. ;
Foliage on shade trees withered un
der biting frost and flowers in Athe
na drooped on blackened stocks and
branches. Injury to mountain po
tato crops as a result of the freeze
is not serious, inasmuch as the grow
ing . crop had , reached the stage of
maturity," except in a- few instances
of late planting. J y
"Wyoming and Montana, ..the Da
kotas, Nebraska and finally Iowa and
Minnesota,', ielt successively ' their
first snowfalls of the season. All suf
fered frost too, as did Kansas and
the storm was moving into Wisconsin
and across, the Great Lakes, bring
ing w to many localities the lowest
temperatures : , ever experienced in
The storm's whim : brought more
rain to flood-racked Illinois, a fall of
more than four inches centering at
Ottawa, Illinois.
Canada's grain belt was ankle deep
in snow from Winnipeg to British
Columbia, with damage to unharvest
ed crops estimated at $12,000,000.
Originating in the upper Rocky
mountains, the phenomenal cold wave
brought Seattle the lowest September
temperature since 1887 and sent the
mercury down to six degrees et He?
lena, Montana. It scurried on through
Wyoming, the Dakotas and Nebraska
bringing six inches of snow to sev-
eral North Dakota points near the
Canadian line, and heavy falls at
Rapid City and Pierre, South Dakota
and Crawford, Nebraska.
The temperature fel forty degrees
in twenty hours at Omaha to 41, and.
Alliance, Nebraska, reported a teni
perture of 20. At Goodland, Kansas
frost was felt when the mercury
dropped 54 degrees in twelve hours
At Dodge City, Kansas, a fall of 56
degrees was experienced overnight,
At the Methodist church Wednes?
day evening, a most delightful sur
prise dinner party was given Miss
Bamford by her Sunday school class.
The event was in the Ladies Aid
room, in which the girls made a few
changes and transformed it into a
cozy, and attractive dining . room,
Beside the flowers there were most
tempting "decorations" in the form
of food upon the dining table. The
girls cooked and served the dinner.
Nothing , was omitted from fried
chicken to pie with cream to make
the meal just what it should he. Af
ter dinner a short time was spent
with music and singing. The con
sciousness that there were lessons to
be learned for school led the girls
home at! an early .hour. Those pres
ent were: Thelma Schrimpf , j. Vergie
Moore, Hilda Audette; Vera Mi'.'.er,
Pearl and Georgia Green, Itol, Lovena
and Doris Schubert $nd Carrie Bam
ford. , . i
Friends of Otis and Clarence
Whiteman are extended sympathy in
the loss of their step-mother, Mrs.
Mary Whiteman who passed away
Monday at Walla Walla; death being
the result of a fall. Mrs, Whiteman
had climbed on a bed to adjust a
curtain when she fell breaking her
leg and dislocating her hip. Her
two nieces with whom Mrs. White
man made her home . were at their
places of business, and the aged lady
was not found for several hours.
She contracted pneumonia, and sur
vived only a short time. Funeral
services were held Thursday.
Mexico Uenie Appeal or Catnoiict.
Mexico City, Mex. The chamber of
deputies rejected the petition of the
Catholic Episcopate for modification
of the religious section of the Msxi
can constitution. '
After more than 80 years residence
in the northwest during which he
freighted, fought Indians and farm
ed, James H. Wilson is dead. He
passed away Sunday night at the
home of his daughter Mrs. R. J.
Tompkins at Walla Walla. Born in
Missouri, March 4, 1845, he was but
a few weeks old when his relatives
started overland for Oregon terri
tory, reaching Vancouver in October.
A general increase in the price of
refined sugar to six cents a pound,
the highest level of this year, took
place throughout the country as re
finers, pressed by a heavy retail de
mand, scrambled for supplies in the
raw sugar market. The advance,
which amounts to nearly a cent
above the low mark of the year, coin
cides with the peak of the season.
Indians and whites clasped hands
Sunday as fellow Americans over the
newly-made grave of old . Chief Jo
seph of the Nez Perce ..tribe, whose
bones 'were rescued ; from unmarked
and obscure burial and deposited with
honors in the Indian cemetery at the
foot of Wallowa Lake. "With earnest
words, ;; Francis McFarland,';-" present
chief of ' the Ne? " Perce, spoke his
pleasure , in the' friendly meetinir of
the; two- peoples and' the bond of f el
Iowshpl was; sealed when a grand
niece of old Joseph received an Am
erican flag from a white girl as tok
en of ihe, "unity of the-races.
Scores of Nez Perces were at the
ceremonial. They had been coming
for a week from their home at Lap-
wai, Idaho, back to the hunting
ground of their fathers and to the
valley where their chief had beer
buried in 1870.
Joining them had come smaller
bands of Umatillas,' Blackfeet. and
Cayuses, friendly tribes, tritchimr
their tepees where the elder men had
raced ponies as boys, now inside the
limits of the city of Enterprise.. They
had been preparing with keen inter
est for the coming event, ending in
a barbecue on the cemetery tract 'be
side the lake.
The Indians, attired in all their na
tive color, costume and gaud, gather
ed within an inclosure in the city of
Joseph, named after the last of the
Nez. Perce chieftain iq the forenoon,
on norsebacK. Tfte remains of old.
Chief Joseph, the last of his office to
lead his people in undisputed control
of their native lands, were sealed in
a small casket which was placed on
'squaw cart," or pair of sticks
dragging behind a horse. This an
imal was led by Chief McFarland, al
so mounted, and the procession
marched slowiy to the burjal ground
on the summit of the lake hill a mile
distant. .
, As they rode, the Indians, old men
of the tribe leading the cavalcade,
wailed the dirge of other days. The
place of burial of the old chieftain
is a niche at the base of a monument
of, gray granite rocks, topping the
low hill at the foot of the lake, look
ing out on the sheet of water and
the snow-tipped mountains to the
south and on the billowy hills sur
mounted by pine-covered ridges at
the north. This was the heart of the
hunting grounds of the forefathers of
the red men assembled for the cere
monial. " " ;
Arrived there, the Indians gathered
around the monument erected by re
sidents of the county to conduct their
ritual according to the tribal custom,
while the whites fell back to avoid
undue interference. The Indiana
chanted songs which arose from the
memory of the past in the minds of
the elders and which quickened the
blood in the veins of the younger
generation, expressing :' their racial
emotions. They spoke the last "words
with which their fathers had been
consigned to the great unknown., ,. .
The Washington news bureau of
the. Morning Oregonian says that
President Coolidge has been notified
by Senator McNary of Oregon, who
will become chairman of the senate
committee on agriculture with the
convening of congress in December,
that farm relief will again be a head
liner on the' senate program.
Mr. McNary proposes to introduce
once more in the upper chamber, a
measure fsfmilaf in principle to the
last McNary-Haugen bill, which was
beaten in both houses." It will pro
vide for both an equalization fee to
be laid upon grain processed and sold
and for . a federal agricultural board
to direct disposal of surplus produce
through export channels.
The president's reaction to the
plans which the Oregon senator out
lined was not disclosed, but there is
reason to believe that 'certain con
cessions made by the new agricultur
al chairman have caused the exetuU
ive to look more favorably upon the
scheme of farm relief favored in the
middle west than he once did. '
Mr, McNary reassured ' the presi.
dent concerning the republican sen
atorial outlook in the far western
states, all' of which he has recently
visited except Colorado. He express
ed belief that party victories were as
sured in. all except Nevada and pos
sibly Colorado.
"Mr. Steiwer is favored to win by
the best political prophets in my own
state," he said at the White Hoqse.
"Senator Jones will win easily., in.
Washington and a shortage victory
is conceded in California.
; The senior ' Oregon senator will
spend most of next week in Wash
ington, attending to a number of
matters affecting Oregon.
Completion of the pending contract
for construction; of the Owyhee. ' irri
gation "project' in 'eastern .Oregon and
Idaho will be taken up . with interior
department officials and the senator
will also call on the heads of the bud
get bureau to confer on proposed cuts
in the amounts for use during 1928
on both the Owyhee and Vale pro
jects. Senator McNary objects to
any reduction in the amounts pro.
posed by the interior department.
6 'tH-ii
ifi i 1
This picture is typical of many such scenes enacted dally at the main
gates of the Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition in Philadelphia where
the 150th anniversary of 'the signing of the Declaration of Independence U
being celebrated.. The "shot" was made from outside the fates and shows the
long sweep of historic Broad street, the main artery of the exposition To the
left can be seen one of the capitpla. of the Palace of Liberal Arts and Manu
factures which covers nearly eight acres of grounds and which houses some
of the finest exhibits ever aeen.. The Exposition will continue until Decem
ber L
At their meeting in Portland Coun
ty Judge Schannep and Commission
ers Bean and Hales of Umatilla coun
ty, made a number of requests' ol the
highway board. They first asked
that two dangerous curves on the
Old Qregon Trail near Blalock be
made safe,
Then they asked to be allowed to
spend some $60,000 now owe J the
state by Umatilla county for high
way work done on state , roads on
improving the Pilot Rock-John Day
road.' The county court wishes to
spend this money during . the next
three years on this road, wlhch the
local commissioners say. is, badly
needed after this time for the money
now due.
Bert E. Haney, democratic nominee
for United States Senator will be. in
Athena and Weston, during the fore
noon, today, when he will meet the
voters of the two communities. This
afternoon Mr. Haney will visit Echo
and Stanfield and will return to Pen
dleton for an address at the court
house this evening. - -
Mignonette Rebekah lodge met Tues
day evening and was attended by a
small number of members. Next
meeting night will be October 12 and
it is imperative that all members at
tend as plans are to be made for the
convention which will be held htrc
in November. Alliinembers are es
pecially asked to attend, as the meet
ing is to be very important..
A 10-year cycle of abnormally low
rainfall has killed nearly ten million
migratory birds in Eastern Oregon,
due to drying up of lakes and feed
ing grounds, according to Dr. E. W.
Nelson, chief of the biological survey
department of the ; United States de
partment of agriculture. Dr. Nelson
reached Portland Friday after a sur
vey of Eastern Oregon lakes and of
the Bear river marshes in Utah.
Ligntning struck near the barn on
the Pavid Stone place west of Athe
na, during the rain storm Wednes
day of last week, killing a mule and
knocking down two horses. Mr.
Stone and his hired man were stand
ing nearby but fortunately did not
suffer any ill effects from the shock.
Whitman Stadium will be dedicated
Saturday, October 80 when Wash
ington University football team plays
Nig Borleske's Missionaries.
While the "World's Series" Is On the Air
jcKw'iTi. iTrn in, in i '0JL ''''v!!
The Athena high school football
team opens the season at Pendleton
tomorrow afternoon, when it meets
the hard-fighting Pendleton high
school gladiators.
Coach Stolzheise has been molding
the Athena team into shape by in
tensive practice, since school opened
three weeks ago. The Athena line
up is the lightest in poundage than
it has been for years, and how it will
perform against the heavier Buck
aroos,! ig a mooted question.
With the lighter teams in the coun
ty school conference, Stolzheise's
proteges are expected to take care
of themselves and make a good show
ing. The Athena football team has the
following games scheduled for this
season: Pendleton at Pendleton Oct
ober 2; Weston at Athena October
3 or 9; Athena at Weston October 15;
Athena at Touchet October 22; Athe
na at Milton October 29; Hermiston
at Athena November 11, tentative;
November 5 open.
Charles A. German, president of
the Multnomah County republican
club; Charles E. Henshaw secretary,
and ftjr other members of the or
ganization were indicted by the coun
ty grand jury on conspiracy charges
growing out of the printing -and dis
tribution of the spurious "yellow
ticket" prior to the primary election
May 21. These indicted in addition
to German and Henshaw are Ray
mond W. Caldwell, Walter H. Brcde
meyer, John L. Stafford and Edward
h. Stackhouse. All were iointlv
named in one indictment.
Booking dates at the Stand
Theatre include splendid Diotures for
early showing: Duchess of Buffalo,
Mare Nostrum, La Bohemo, Tumbio
Weeds, The Volga Boatman, Three
Faces East, Alters of Desire. WpI.
come Stranger. The Matririnn. nn.i
others. Tomorrow night First National
presents Johnny Hines in "Rii nhnw
Riley." Sunday night Adolph
menjou appears in "The Kinf nn
Main Street." Wednesday nia-ht Nnr.
ma Shearer comes in "A Slave of
As tho result of the killing frost
at Yakima, it was estimated by po
tato producers and shippers, that po
tato tonnage had been reduced from
15 to 25 per cent or 1,200 to 1,800
cars less than normally expected this
year. The reduction will be caused
by the vines being killed, thereby
preventing the tubers from complet
ing their growth. Potato producers
explain the late potato crop makes
half of its growth after September 1.
Apples and other fruit on the trees
was thought to have escaped damage.
The Frost squad of athletes at the
University of Oregon aspirins? for
honors number 58 this year. Amone
those to whom suits have been as
signed are Wilbur Harden, Leon
Kretzer and James Hodgcn from
The Methodist Eniscooal conference
at Corvallis has assigned the pastor
ate of the Athena church to Carrie
Pamford for the coming year.
Consolidation of Fir Concerns
to Put Business on Firm
Basis Planned.
Kansas City. Plans looking toward
consolidation of approximately 70 fir
lumber concerns on the Pacific coast
into one company will be discussed
at a . series of conferences here this
week between officials of the various
Properties to be represented hava
a total value of between 1350,000,000
and $400,000,000, and If the consolida
tion is effected,' it will be one of the
largest single organizations of its kind
in the world, it is claimed.
: C. D, Johnson of the Pacific Spruce
Corporation of Portland, Or., is' chair
man of a committee of five which has
the contemplated merger under con
sideration. Kansas City interests are
represented by the Oregon-American
Lumber company, a subsidiary of the
Central Coal and Coke company, one
of the largest fuel concerns in the
The purpose of the proposed con
solidation, according to C. S. Keith,
president of the Central Coal and Coke
company, is to place the fir lumber
business on a profitable basis from
the standpoint of manufacturing, pre
paration and distribution.
The plan under contemplation calls
for purchase of all assets of the sell
ing corporations for cash or its equiva
lent In stock in the main corporation.
The companies interested are la
British Columbia and the states ot
Washington and Oregon, representing
about 35 per cent in the fir belt.
Holdings of the Central Coal and
Coke company on the Pacific coast are
valued at $27,000,000. The Long-Bell
Lumber company is not concerned In
the consolidation plan, it was stated.
St. Paul. State courts have no
regulatory powers over freight rates,
the supreme court held in the suit of
the Minnesota railroad and warehouse
commission to compel railroads operat
ing In the state to abide by a state
rate order.
Tho suit, in which the lower court
found for the Northern Pacific and
other roads involved, grew out of an
order by the interstate commerce com
mission, establishing rates for certain
commodities higher than the state
ordered rates.
The federal commission's order fol
lowed petition by Fargo, N. D., and
Watertown, S. D., interests asking that
the Minnesota rate be extended Into
North and South Dakota to remove
existing discrimination which prevail
ed because of higher rates in the
Dakotas than in Minnesota. The fed
eral commission, however, established
lis rate for the entire territory.
Tho Minnesota commission held that
tho higher rates developed a condition
of discrimination throughout Mlnne
sota and sought to compel the rail
roads to abide by the lower state
Tunney'i Share $200,000 and Dempsey
, , Will Receive $700,000.
Philadelphia, Pa. The receipts
from the Denipsey-Tunney champion
ship bout In which Jack Dempsey lost
the championship wero announced as
The total attendance was 125,732.
It was also announced that Demy
soy's end of the receipts would amount
to approximately $700,000 and Tun
ney's to about $200,000.
It was estimated tho promoters
would have a profit of about $500,000.
The government collected $172,339
ao admission tax from tho Dempsey.
Tunney fight.
365 Known Dead In Florida Storm.
Miami, Fla. Additional surveys and
rechecks made in tho storm devastat
ed southeastern coast of Florida show
ed 365 known dead, 1100 Injured, prob
ably 500 serlounly, In hospitals, and
property loss of approximately $165,-000,000.
Beer Referendum Vote in Wioconsln.
Madison, Wis. Wisconsin votr-ra
can express their opinion at the polls
this full on w hot her they dusiro a
restoration of 2.75 per cent beer.