The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 24, 1926, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs j
Sam Haworth was up from Pen
dleton Tuesday forenoon
Joe Banister is in Athena from
Stanfield, visiting friends.
Ernest Zerba made a business trip
to Seattle during the week.
Henry Sehnebly of Helix was a
business visitor here Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke Sr.,
spent Monday at Waitsburg, Wash
ington. Pat Lonergan, prominent contract
or of Pendleton was a visitor here
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur of
Portland are visiting at the George
Banister home here.
George Brutscher prominent Wes
ton mountain farmer paid business
calls here Wednesday.
Mrs. Robert Beckman and little
nieces were over from their home
near Milton, Tuesday.
M. W. Hansell made a trip Wed
nesday to the Hansell and Beckrer
ranch near Pilot Rock.
Miss Helen Eubanks of Walla
Walla spent last week end at the R.
B. McEwen home here.
Miss Phyllis Dickenson left yester
day for Monmouth where she will
enter the Normal school.
A number of Weston and Milton
people attended the funeral of the
late James Potts, Tuesday.
Miss Pearl Ramsey had as her
guest over the week-end, Miss Thel
ma Schoates of La Grande.
Miss Hazel McFarland, who came
down from Portland for the Round
Up, returned to the metropolis Tues
A. L. Logsdon who has been tem
porarily in his brother's meat shop,
has departed for Musselshell, Mon
tana. Mrs. J. H. Templeton was here
from Seattle this week, coming to at
tend the funeral of the late James
Dudley Rogers came down from
Washtucna, Washington, and spent
Sunday at the home of his parents in
George Corder has been troubled
with an abscess which formed ovev
his right eye. Lancing the abscess
gave him relief.
Bill Konesak came over from Wul
la Walla one day this week and cal
led at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Harden. Mr. Konesak was formerly
agent for the Northern Pacific in
John Phillips is very ill at his home
in Athena, with cancer. His son,
John Phillips, Jr., of Portland, has
been called here.
Mrs. Henry Dell and Mrs. F. S.
LeGrow motored to Walla Walla
Tuesday where they spent the day
visiting relatives.
, Dean Clark, after spending the
summer in the vicinity of Athena,
left Wednesday for the home of his
parents, near Salem.
Mr. Shelton, barber at Whitehead's
barber shop accompanied by his wife,
is away on a vacation which he is
spending at Spokane.
William Caldwell, formerely a
farmer in this county, died Saturday
at Portland, aged 63 years. Heart
disease caused his death.
John and Jim Elder of Pasley,
Oregon, returned to their home Sun
day after visiting in Athena with
friends since Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. DeFreece who
now make their home near Walla
Walla visited at the Sims Dickenson
home here last week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Booher of Pen
dleton spent Sunday in Athena, at
the home of Mr. Booher's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Booher.
F. S. LeGrow, Sam Pambrun, John
Ankeny of Walla Walla and Marion
Hansell, will leave Saturday for a
ten days hunting trip in the neigh
borhood of Grangeville, Idaho.
Mrs. Jesse Gordon who has been
spending some time at Soap Lake,
near Spokane, has returned home
very much improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Shick of Walla
Walla, spent Sunday in Athena vis
iting at the home of Mr. Shick's
grandmother, Mrs. Martha Shick.
William McBride former Athena
resident, who now makes his home
at Montavilla a Portland suburb was
a visitor here during the Round-Up.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey who
have spent the summer at Cold
Springs, where Mr. Dickey had
charge of the wheat warehouses, are
now domiciled at their home in Athe
na on Fourth street.
When he was returning from Pen
dleton Wednesday, Bryce Baker, who
was driving Dr. Cowan's sedan, had
the misfortune of skidding on a
curve due to the slippery condition
of the pavement. The car left the
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McFadden'S Pharmacy
hichway '' and when "broueht ' to
standstill suffered two broken wheels
a damaged fender and numerous
scratches on the body. Mr. Baker
was not injured.
0. L. Turner, horse dealer of Athe
na and Walla Walla was in the city
for a few hours Tuesday, receiving
mail and attending to business mat
Don Wilks who has been employed
at The Dalles for some time has re
turned to Athena and has taken his
old position at the Athena Meat
Miss Dorothy Koepke sailed from
New York Wednesday at noon, on
tVip second Ian of her journey to
Italy, where she will attend school
this winter.
James Haworth was united in mar
riage to Miss George, at Knoxville,
Tennessee. September 9. Mr. and
Mrs. Haworth will make their home
at Knoxville.
William Crow was here from Yak
ima. Saturday. He formerly resided
in Athena, and was a member of the
Athena band, when it was directed
bv C. C. Sharp.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burke and
family of Garfield, returned to their
home Tuesday after spending sev
eral days in Athena, with Mr
Burke's parents.
Mr. Piersol and Dr. Kern of Pen
dleton were here Tuesday looking
over the losses sustained by the fire
which destroyed Mr. Piersol's pro
perty Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Reeder have
returned to their home in Athena
after spending some time in Tacoma
where they were called by the ill
ness of Mr. Reeder's mother.
Miss Katherine Froom, after sev
eral weeks soent in Athena, visit
ing her parents, left Sunday for
Washougal, Washington, to resume
her work in the schools there.
Mrs. Charles Alspach and daugh
ter Wanda of Helix, visited Monday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Jenkins. Miss Alspach left Wednes
day for Monmouth Normal school.
J. H. Mathers, wife and two daugh
ters spent Saturday night in Athe
na. Mr. Mathers was formerly Un
ion Pacific agent in Athena. He is
now stationed at Zillah, Washington.
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and mother,
Mrs. Bowles left yesterday morning
on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Grover
Bowles, at Phillipsburg, Montana.
Mrs. Bowles will proceed to Mis
souri, to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geissel, Taylor
Oliver and Bob Irish motored up
from Portland Friday night and at
tended the Round-Up Saturday. They
visited in Athena with Mr. Geissers
mother Mrs. Dora Sanchez.
Miss Genevieve Rogers returned to
Portland Monday evening, after
spending several "days at the home
of her parents in Athena. Miss Rog
ers is a student at Behnke-Walker
business college at Portland.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest
Zerba this week were, Mr. Reeves
and Miss Carter cousins of Mrs.
Zerba and Mr. and Mrs. Mays all of
Lebanon. They visited other relatives
in Athena before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke Sr.,
will leave Saturday for their home
in Glendale, California. They will
go by way of Seattle spending this
week end at Ellensburg with their
daughter Mrs. Schultz. After a vis-
j High School Notes
At Steves
New line of Hats and Caps for Men and Boys
Winter Underwear
Slip-overs, Blazers, and Sport Coats
Negligee Shirts
Hose and Neckties
Celebrated Alaska Buckskin Gloves
Fonda Gloves
We specialize in Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries of all kinds. If we haven't
them, they are not cn the market.
Quality Quantity. Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
ii ii t--t Tr'Tlf
it of several 'days witK" Ernest
Koepke and family at Seattle they
will proceed '' south through Portland
where they will be .joined by Miss
Mildred Weeks who will accompany
them to California.
Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens and son Dale
spent part of 'last week at the home
of Mrs. A. A. Kimball in Pendleton. .
Mrs. Ben" Burroughs of Seattle,
visited "friends here Wednesday.
, Mr. and . Mrs. Claire Gurney left
Wednesday for their home at "Haines,
after spending several days as guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. 'Littlejohn,
parents of Mrs. Gurney.
Thursday evening Miss Bateman
attended the monthly banquet of the
Freewater Commercial club. The
program of the . evening was in
charge of the members of the Great
er Oregon Committee. Miss Bate
man gave the address of the evening
on the subject "Qregon's Semi-Cen
tennial Celebration" This . celebra
tion which marks the-fiftieth anniver
sary of the opening of the University
will be held in Eugene September 18
to 23. ;
The Athena football team is look
ing a little better , after some good
stiff practice following the Round
Up., The boys were rather tired and
sore after the first evenings of prac
tice, but are pretty well back in
shape at the present. The Adams'
"Warriors" will journey to Athena
Friday afternoon September 24 to
display their skill and strength at
football. It is to be -only a scrim
mage game as we have dates with
Milton, Weston, Touchet and Pendle
ton. Dean Clark, Ellen Henry, Elsa Rin
gel, Genevieve Rogers and Mrs.
Montague visited school during the
Genevieve Rogers reports that she
is doing well with her business course
at Behnke-Walker's Business college.
Mr. Hensley, the Singer sewing
machine man from Pendleton demon
strated the machine for Miss Cornel
ison's sewing class Thursday afternoon.
Ruth Hutt reports that she was
able to complete the typing course at
Walla Walla Business college in
three weeks due to her typing work
in Athena high school.
Mrs. Hadley's mother and nephew
left for their home in Portland Mon
day after a three week's visit in
The following teachers . attended
the Round-Un Saturday: Miss Sel-
lars, Mr. Miller, Mr. Hadley, Mr.
Stolzheise, Miss Cornelison and Mis3
The Sophomore class held a meet
ing September 2Uth. l hey .made
plans and appointed committees for
the Freshman reception which will be
held Friday evening, September. 24th
at eight o'clock in the school building.
Emma Ringel accompanied by her
father, and her sister Elsa, left Tues
day morning for Marshfield. After
a two or three days visit they will
return to Corvallis where Elsa will
enter college. Emma will return to
school next Monday.
Those receiving 100 in spelling, in
the third and fourth grades, for the
last two Weeks are: 3rd grade: An
nabel Payne, Genevieve Barrett, Dor
is Jenkins, Cecil demons, -Jack Mil
ler. Fourth grade: Arlene Foster,
Fern Carsten, Barbara Lee and Aar
on Douglas.
Mrs. M. I. Miller and her sister
Miss Land Visited the upper grades
Tuesday. Miss Land is a supervisor
in the General hospital at Tacoma.
Mr. Hadley tvent to Weston Tues
day evening to arrange foot ball
The Churches
M. E. Church
Church school at 10: a. m. Morn
ing worship at 11: a. m. Rally Day
October 3. u
The Church of Christ V
This "will be our third Sunday in
Athena and with . the Church here
and we are pleased with the pros
pects before us, especially the out
look for Christian service. We hope
to make each Lord's Day profitable
to the spiritual life of the people.
Sunday morning the theme of the
sermon will be "The Great Highway"
and the theme of the evening will be
"The Great Invitation." Come and
hear these Bible subject's for they
will do you good. Then let us re
member the assembling of ourselves
around The Lord's Table on The
Lord's Day. There will be special
music at both the morning and even
ing services. The music will inspire
you to better living. Come and n
joy it. The Sunday school and En
deavor Society are looking forward
to a greater work for th winter.
You are invited to, these services al
so, come! l he church needs you and
you need the church. Do not neglect
the things of the soul. A Christian
welcome and fellowship awaits you.
Arriving Daily
Blankets, - Robes, Quilts, Sweaters, Blazers, Wool Shirts, Wool
Sox, Wool Underwear, Heavy Cotton Underwear, Overcoats,
Makinaws, Stag Shirts, Leather Vests, Blanket and Sheepskin
Lined Coats and Jumpers.
Come In, Our Stock Is Complete
Fancy Packed Jonathan Apples per, box $1.25. ;
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Saturday September 25-One Night Only
Paramount' Super-Western Special
An epic production which glorifies Heroic
Riders of the Plains
Featuring Betty dompson, Ricardo Cortez, Ernest Torrence and Wallace
Beery supported by a brilliant cast in a titanic spectacle romance of the
frontier West. Directed by James Cruze, the director who made "The Cover
ed Wagon." Westward the course of - empire takes its flight, borne on flying
pony hoofs through the night. "The Pony Express" It covered 2,000 miles
in 7 days It linked the East and West It employed the world's greatest rid
ers, including "Buffalo Bill" It fought Indians, highwaymen, ice, snow, rain
and blazing heat It saved the Union.
International News Comedy Admission Prices, 10c-35c-50c
Sunday, September 26
Charles Ray and Eleanor Boardman
"The Aucti on Bl ock"
"You bought mebut I hate vou!"
He paid $2,500 for one dance with her the gorgeous winner of the great
beauty contest! And then what a stirring romance between the dashing
young millionaire playboy and the beauty who found adventure along the
path of wealth and sudden fame! Rex Beach's best-seller, now a sensational
film expose of Society's sale of human lives.
Pathe Review
Admission Prices. 10c-35c
Wednesday, September 29 ,
Claire Windsor and Owen Moore
A Fast-Moving Comedy
All aboard for thrills and fun ! Never such a film cruise of laughter and ex
citement. Here is the picture that has been hailed as the comedy surprise
sensation! A thousand and one breath-taking moments! The fast-moving, hi
lariousvscreen tale of a man who organizes a health cruise, then finds him
self in the midst of a feud of rum-runners and "hi-jaekers," with Navy re
venue cutters roaring in pursuit. Don't miss it!
Comedy Admission Prices 10c-35c