The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 24, 1926, Image 1

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Entered at the Poat Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Friendly Meeting Held and So
lution of Thorny Problems
Is Foreseen.
Geneva. France and Germany,
through their foreign ministers, have
reached a preliminary agreement for
an accord between the two countries
cn all problems in which they may be
mutually interested. '
... ..lTh -accord, -which must be placed
before the respective governments foi
acceptance, is considered in League oi
Nations circles as meaning much for
the political and especially the eco
nomic development of Europe.
It was reached by Foreign Minister
Brland of France and Foreign Minister
Stresemann of Germany during a pri
vate luncheon.
Although nothing officially is known
of the questions discussed, the belief
prevails that gradual reduction of the
French forces of occupation in Ger
y many and a possible pooling of eco
nomic and financial interests, based
on the theory that what Europe most
needs is economic prosperity, were
among them. European debts to the
United States are said to have been
among the matters discussed.
France's political influence in con
tinental Europe, coupled with the per
sonal popularity of Foreign Minister
Benes of Czecho-Slovakia, resulted in
the election of four countries who are
practically France's allies to non-permanent
seats in the council of the
league of nations. These states are
Poland, Rumania, Czecho-Slovakia and
The other states chosen were Co
lombia, Chile, Salvador, Holland and
China. The Irish free state lost its
battle to represent the British domin
ions in the council, receiving only ten
votes. Colombia, the highest winner,
received 46 out of the total of 49.
Westbury, N. Y. Two men lost
their rives when the trans-Atlantic air
plane of Captain Rene Fonck crashed
in flames in an attempt to take off on
a 3600 mile non-stop flight to Paris.
They were Charles Clavier, French
radio operator, and Jacobs Islamoff,
Russian- mechanic. They were trap
ped in the closed cabin of the huge
three motored biplane.
Captain Fonck, the French ace, in
command of the flight, and Lieuten
ant Lawrence W. Curtin, TJ. S. N.,
American alternate pilot, leaped to
safety before the plane burst into
,The crash was caused by the buck
ling of a wheel on an extra landing
gear that was to have been dropped
into the ocean as soon as the plane
got under way.
Consolidated 8ervlce to Europe Soughl
By 8hlpplng Board
" Washington, D. C. Specificatlone
approved under which the shipping
board will advertise for sale the Uni
ted States lines and the American
merchant lines Include either the out
right sale of all or a part of the ships
with a view to creating a consolidat
ed passenger and freight service tc
Europe. : ; '
The board will accept for considers
tion any independent plan for private
acquisition of the ships, provided It
contains assurances of maintained
service and of improvement in the
trans-Atlantic service.
The specifications have not been
made public. Under the board's gen
cral policy the ships would not be
sold to any line other than one Amer
ican owned and flying the American
Mt. Angel, Or. Mount Angel col
lege. Catholic institution at St. Bene
diet's, near Mount Angel, was wiped
out, except for the postoffice and a
small printing press building,' by fire
early Tuesday. The big stone semin
iary building Is a shell of blackened
stone and the gymnasium, the bakery,
the sisters' house, the chapel and the
garage were destroyed.
Lieut Kelly Weds on Pendleton Trip
Pendleton, Or. Lieutenant Oaklej
G. Kelly and Miss Marie Veness New
man of "Portland 'were married here
Monday by Justice of the Peace Nor
borne Berkeley,
; 'It is almost certain that the sum
mer of 1927 will see the road up the
mountains completed as far as Toll
Gate, and the skyline from Dayton
to Toll Gate finished. John W. Lang
don stated in making a report to the
Walla Walla Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Langdon, who is president of the
Blue Mountain Highway association,
purpose of which is to have complet
ed the road across the mountains to
connect .thaWalla. Walla .and -Grand
Ronde valleys', attended a -meeting in
Portland Monday with forestry of
ficials and the Oregon highway com
mission. Present also were: S. A.
Miller, Milton; S. A. Barnes, Weston;
Roy W. Ritner, Pendleton. , Meeting
with them was district Engineer Da
ter of the forestry service and others.
"We are . heartened by what Mr.
Dater told us," said Mr.' Langdon.
"He has done his full part and he
gives- good reasons why the road
should be completed at least as far
as Toll Gate. One reason is that the
sky-line road from Dayton to Toll
Gate is nearly finished. It is built out
from Toll Gate toward Dayton about
14 miles,, and from Day torf as far back
as Table Rock, leaving a gap of eight
miles or so. Money is available for
completion of this read and it will
be finished soon, probably early next
year. It will not be hard surfaced
for the present, but will be a good
safe road, and through a beautiful
country. The other reason for the
road is that between the great val
leys, the Grand Ronde and the Wal
la Walla, communication is difficult.
"Mr. Dater proposes that at the
meeting of the bureau of roads and
forestry service to have an applica
tion on file for an appropriation for
completing the road from McDoug
al's camp to the Toll Gate, a distance
of about four and a half miles, so it
can be finished in 1927. We got word
at Portland that the bureau of public
roads has sent in a crew to complete
survey for this road. It is estimated
this road will cost Bine to ten thous
and dollars a mile.
"We are heartened further by word
that the county court of Umatilla
county, which has built seven miles
of road up the hill from Weston, will
add not less than four miles, and
perhaps five, to the road next sum
mer. This will take it almost to Mc
Dougal's camp. This ought to be a
state road, on through to Grand
Ronde valley. At present a fran
chise is held by some people but we
believe this can be secured, and if
this 4s done Umatilla county, Union
county and the state of Oregon will
be asked to complete the read,"
A tribute to the pony express rid
ers, the pioneer mail carriers, an epic
of the trail from the Missouri to the
Pacific coast, rhas been . brought to
the screen by James Cruze who made
"The Covered Wagon," and it will be
shown tomorrow night at the Stand
ard Theatre "The Pony Express."
It is a big Paramount super-Western
production, with Betty Compson, Ri
cardo Cortez, Ernest Torrence and
Wallace Beery heading a .brilllaiit
cast of Famous Players.
Sunday night a-stirring picturiza
tion of Rex Beach's "The '' Auction
Block," starring Charles Ray and
Eleanor Boardman,. who the other
day was married to King Vidor, will
be shown. Sally O'Neil and David
Torrence are also featured , in the
Wednesday night of next week the
Standard will take pleasure , in pre
senting a new laugh sensation by
Rupert Hughes, Archie Mayo's "Mon
ey Talks." ., Here is a fast-moving
Comedy-Farce cf health resort life;
Featuring Claire Windsor, Owen
Moore and Bert Roach.
Reuben Lakin, father of. . Mrs.
Frank Jackson of Weston, and Ed
Zimmerman of Seattle, .died Sunday
night , at St. Mary's hospital, Walla
Walla, Funeral - services were held
Tuesday afternoon at Weston. In
terment took place at Athena ceme
tery. Mr. Lakin died at the age of
79 years, 10 months and 12 days.
Samuel Warfield, for many years a
resident of Basket Mountain, died at
Milton, Wednesday afternoon of last
week, as the result of a paralytic
stroke. He is survived by his wife
and nine grown sons and daughters.
Fire originating from an unknown
cause., completely destroyed the Pier
sol residence at the corner of Fourth
and College streets, at eight o'clock
Tuesday morning. The ' contents of
the house -which was occupied by
Charles Williams! and his -son and
daughter were totally destroyed, with
the exception -of some fruit that
was carried from the cellar "by the
first persons to arrive on the scene.
The house was locked; the Williams
naying, spent "Monday night at the
farm home, south, of Athena, and no
one was at home when the fire broke
out, although members of the family
had been there Monday evening.
When discovered, the flames were
bursting from the east side of the
house. The alarm was promptly giv
en, but delay in -getting, water was
encountered when the fire could not
be coupled to the nearest hydrant,
that in front of the Downing place,
because - of a broken valve stem.
This necessitated a transfer of the
apparatus to another hydrant, the
distance being so far that the hose
barely reached the rear of the burn
ing building, and by the time, water
was secured the building was past
saving, and all that could be done
was to conserve the limited supply of
water for use in event of the fire
spreading to nearby residences.
While the fire was in progress, gun
cartridges crackled in miniature ex
plosions. It is understood that Mr.
Piersol carried but $1000 insurance
on the house. The loss of Mr. Wil
liams involves all household effects,
including even the family's clothing.
Athena hunters who have brought
in deer since the season opened are
Dean Dudley and Bert Logsdon two
pointers, Horace Payne a four-pointer.
Bert Logsdon and his companion,
Ralph Cannon, also enjoyed some fine
trout fishing in the lakes around
Bend, where they had no trouble in
taking the limit.
Mrs. H. A, Barrett is in Portland,
where she attended the wedding of
her sister Thelma Thronson a.nd Pal
las Smith Monday night. Mr and
Mrs. Smith are spending their hon
eymoon in Southern California and
upon their return will make their
home in Portland.
Junior Banister celebrated his sev
enth birthday Wednesday afternoon
by inviting a number of his boy
friends down to his home , after
school, Games i were played by the
little fellows and Mrs. Banister ser
ved refreshments.
James Potts respected . citizen of
Athena, passed.- away at College
Place' sanitorium- Sunday -evening at
8:30, after bravely ' battling against
waning health for a' period of many
months', at the age' of 61 years.
. Mr. Potts was removed to College
Place several, weeks ago for treat
ment, and every thing possible was
done to prolong his life. - As a last
resort blood transfusion was made,
the , transfer being made from A.
Mackenzie Meldrum, friend and form
er pastor of the deceased, who was at
the bedside in the last hours.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Ret
ta Scott Potts, Miss Myrtle Potts,
foster daughter; W. E. Potts, broth
er;, of Helix; ' H. M: 'McLean, half
brother; and Mrs. Bella ' McLean, of
Athena. FuHeral services were held
in the Christian church in Athena,
where the deceased had been a de
vout poembeF for many, many years,
conducted by Mr. Meldrum!
Born in Ontario, Canada, on April
6, 1865, Mr. Potta came to the Pacific
northwest when he was 21 years old.
Pendleton was his first western home
but he went "to 'Walla 'Walla to visit
and work with his half brother, H.
H. McLean, who was for a time
manager of, the Farmers' Union
there, but now lives in Helena, Mon
tana. .
Moving to Athena he bought farm-:
ing lands : and soon expanded his
business to wide dimensions. In 1319
he retired and moved to Portland to
live but returned to Athetta when his
health failed three years ago.
Retort US , wHw W&W&
F. W. DeCar has come from British
Columbia to Umapine, where he has
purchased a 10-acre tract of land.
He brought five pairs of mink with
him and will start a mink farm.
The East Oregonian estimates that
more than 30,000 people packing the
grandstand and bleachers at the Pen
dleton Round-Up park almost to ca
pacity saw the fourth and closing
day's events of the Pendleton Round
Up run off which decided a number
of world's championships for the
year in the cowboy -wCirld.
Norman. Cowan of Glen Ellen, Cal
ifornia, with-, 112 points was the win
ner of -'the Roosevelt trophy this
year as the world's best all around
cowboy. Everett ' Bowman with 50
points was' runner up and Guy Cash
with 12 ,' points was third. Shark
Irwin was announced by . the judges
as the world's . champion bucking
broncho rider, - Hugh Strickland as
world's champion w steer roper and
Norman Cowan as world's champion
Pat ' Woods was declared cham
pion of the' northwest in bucking
.broncho riding. ' ;
" More than 40 men were arrested
at Pendleton the last two days of the
Round-Up by ' the sheriff's office
charged with violation of the prohibi
tion laws.-; Bonds and fines . so far
put up in the cases amounts to near
ly a thousand, dollars the sheriff 's of
fice reported. .
The Philadelphia of Our Ancestors
Here is shown a section of "High Street," a reproduction of Philadelphia's
famous Market street in the days of 1776. It is one of the outstanding features
of the Sesqui-Centennlal International Exposition now being held In Phila
delphia to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Declara
tion of Independence. Every building has been built to actual size and In
actual architectural detail. The furnishings of each building are exaot repro
ductions of those used in the Revolutionary days. Many of the piecc-J on
display are the originals and today are wqrth thousands of dollars boc-aua
of their historic value. The Expqt(it.iqn continues until Decamber 1.
Athena and vicinity are enjoying
bright fall weather following hard
showers accompanied by high wind
the fore part of the week.
Summer fallow is in ideal condition
for seeding operations which are weH
under way on many of the ranches,
Farrners who sowed wheat last week
are pleased to see it coming through
the ground already.
Pastures are green and as a result
much country butter is being brought
to market. A few weeks of continued
good weather will see most , of the
fall work finished. .
Thomas Thompson, prominent
farmer, politican and postmaster of
Pendleton, was united in marriage to
Miss Dorothy Wiseley. The bride,
who came from Long Island to Pen
dleton, three years ago, is prominent
in campfire and church work at Pen
dleton, and has made her home with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frazier, near
that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rainville and
daughter Francis of Colfax, motored
down from their home Thursday and
visited at the home qf relatives in
Athena. They also attended the
Round-Up. Sunday they returned
Successful hunting parties from
Milton have succeeded in bagging
ten deer and one bear, during the
past week.
v Smile of the Harvest Moon 1
v. ,. ,; , ; ;
7 ' i
The first lecture in a radio home
study course on seed production will
be broadcast from KOAC, the state
college station, Monday evening,
September 27, at 8 o'clock. , Great
'opportunities are open to many parts
of Oregon in developing a seed in
dustry, according to findings of coun
ty economic conferences in the Wil
lamette valley, southern and eastern
Oregon. The radio course on seed
production, to be given by Professor
G. R. Hyslop, head of the college
farm crops department, will touch
upon the important factors relating
to successful production and market
ing of seed crops especially adapted
'to Oregon. One lecture will be giv
en each Monday night from Septem
ber 27 to December 13.
Opening lectures in three features
that will run through the entire fall
college term will be broadcast Friday
evening, October 1, from KOAC, ra
dio station of the Oregon Agricultur
al College, Dr. F. A. Magruder, with
a talk entitled "Law and Its En
forcement," begins his homo study
course . en national government at
7:30. A series on constructive ele
ments of music will start at 8 o'clock.
Lillian Jeffreys Petri, who will give
this series, will illustrate on the
piano the points made in her lectures.
Umatilla county physicians are be
ing asked to cooperate with the State
Board of Health in a state wide cam
paign against diptheria, according lo
announcement made by Dr. W. T.
Phy, of the Hot Lake sanatorium,
presidtnt of the health organization.
The local medical men will be asked
to urge all under their care to either
be immunized against the disease by
a course of toxin-antltoxen or to
have the Schick test which deter
mines whether or not in maturing,
they have developed immunity. Child
ren are immune only in rare in
stances so all should have the toxin-antitoxin.
A man who said he was Father
Ryan, Catholic priest of Weiser, Ida
ho, was arrested at Pendleton Satur
day night on charges of illegal pos
session cf liquor and lodged in the
county jail. He was released late
Sunday, when Henry W. Collins
furnished cash bond of $250 for him.
A new six-cylinder car he was driv
ing was confiscated by Sheriff
Cockingham but was released when
Ryan was fined $150. It was the
second time in two days that Ryan
had been arrested,
Athena Hisrh school junior class,
chaperoned by Miss Bateman, teach
er, visited the mechanical department
of '.he Press office, Tuesday forenoon were shown the mechanical in
tricacies of the linotype machine and
j the printing presses. Incidentally,
at the close of the visit, the mystery
of "type lice" was explained to the
1 " - P,
full force of the explanation. Come
Death Toll is Over 400 and
Property Damage Estimated
at $125,000,000.
Jacksonville, Fla. Estimates of th
loss of life from the hurricane which
swept over a fifty-mile stretch of th
Florida east coast reaching froni
Pompano on the north to Miami on
the south amounded to over 400 In
re vlsedr figures from the storm-stricken
Property valued at more than $50,
000,000 was destroyed and the injured
were estimated at 4,000.
In the stricken belt were Miami
Miami Beach, Homestead, Little River,
Lemon City, Hialeah, Miami Shores
Coral Gables, Ojus, Hallandale, Holly
wood, -Davie Dania, Fort Lauderdale
Prospecto, Floranado, Pompano aud
There was lesser damage north ti
Palm Beach, including Lakewood and
Boynton, though it will reach into the
hundreds of thousands in these towns
Business In these cities and towm
doos not exist. Banks and stores arc
closed. The great percentage of them
if not completely destroyed, are mer
hulk. Thousands of great plate glass
windows were smashed like eggshells
by the force of the hurricane. In many
the stocks of goods were tossed aboul
like bits of paper and lie In crumpled
heaps, wet and soggy masses from the
rain that accompanied the wind.
National -guardsmen and hospital
units were ordered into the area bj
Governor Martin. The entire resourcei
of the American Red Cross were plac
ed at the disposal of the sufferera
Military control was ordered in tht
stricken city of Miami. '
At Miami, where the dead wer
estimated at BOO, undertakers wert
unable to take care of bodies.
Shipping along the coast was wiped
out. Scores of tugs, freighters
yachts, pleasure-boats and dredgei
were dashed against the docks at
Miami and sunk or lifted by the tlda'
wave, which was driven up Blscayn
bay from the ocean, and deposited E(
yards or more inland up Blscayne
boulevard, recently become one of th
most sightly avenues of the world.
$2,000,000 Loss Occurs In Rain-Swept
Central West.
Chicago. Storm clouds which pelt
ed the central west with flood and
disaster from Ohio to Nebraska, left
a gaping wound In northwestern Iow
A torrential blast of rain, hall, wind
and lightning ravished a wide area,
taking at least two lives, inundating
30,000 acres of crop laden farm lands,
uprooting lines of traffic and com
munlcation and visiting Its havoc on
four counties north of Sioux City, neai
the Iowa-Nebraska line.
Property damage was estimated
above $2,000,000 with Hawarden, Le-nmi-s,
Hull, Akron, Shelon and Chep
okeo counting the loss. Rain of al
most unprecedented severity Bent th
Sioux river up 18 feet in 11 houn
and flooded the valley of the Floyd
The severest damage to city prop
erty was at Hawarden.
Ranks of Q. A. R. Not Down Yet.
Des Moines, la. "The men of thi
Oiand Army of the Republic hove an
other decade of victorious actlvitj
ahead of them." Tlila vas the reply ol
Commander John B. Inman, Spring
field,' 111., to reports that the natlona;
encampment of Civil Wur Veterans,
which openH here Monday, would be
the last. Inman denied there was anj
likelihood of the annual meetings bi
lng discontinued because of thinning
Frenohman Wins U. S. Tennis Title!
Forest Hills, N. Y. Reno Lacoste,
22-year-old French star, won the tennli
championship of the t'nited States bj
defeating hU countryman, Jean Bor
otra, In straight sets In the first all
foreign final In American history. Th
scores were 6 4, G O, 6-4.
Coolidg Returns to Washmgiw...
Washington, D. C President and
Mm. Coolide returned lo the capita)
Sunday niu r a vacation of 10 weelt
iu the Adirondacks.
President Asks Aid fop Florida.
Washington. Y. C President Cool
ldgo appealed to tin: American peopl
to corijj to the assistance of sufferer!
U the Florida diaasttvir.