The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 17, 1926, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Iiatea,
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One coov. three months 75
Athena, Oregon, September 17 .1926
The Morning Orogonian pertinent
ly remarks: To a British Columbia
snortsman trocs the unenviable dis
tinction of having been first to take
a human life in the deer hunting sea
son now merrily under way in the
northwest. The Oregonian cannot
well escape the necessity for these
time-honored annual observations
incident to the hunting of deer. Men
enter in the forest in search of ven
ison and happiness, and they emerge
on improvised litters, wounded or
dead; or they come home under the
shadow of tragedy and bitter self-re
Male deer wear horns, and men do
not. In Oregon, where only male deer
with horns may be killed, it should
be an easy matter to discriminate.
Do not shoot in haste or at the rust
ling of a leaf, the glimpse of a color.
Wait until the horns and head of the
animal are unmistakably visible.
Better a lost opportunity than a slain
companion. Observance of this par
ticular caution alone would prevent
many of the sad fatalities of the
hunting season.
But more than this is necessary.
A gun is a deadly weapon, and don't
forget it. Do not forget it when
climbing in or out of a vehicle, or
scrambling under or over a fence, or
when companions are near at hand.
The gun should be cocked only when
one is ready to shoot. At all other
times the gun should not be cocked,
and at all other times it should be
carried in a manner that insures
against harm and mishap. It should
never be brought loaded into camp.
It should never be left with cartridge
in the chamber. It should never be
used as a pointer. It should never
be handled carelessly, in any manner
or at any time.
A gun is a lethal weapon, and
don't forget it. If you do forget you
are likely to spend the remainder .):
your life in vain regret, or to be too
dead to care either way. Be careful.
Then be doubly careful. And here
after be twice as careful as that
The state market agent says-that
smut is taking a heavy toll from the
wheat growers of this country. The
smut balls are broken up in handling
the grain and millions of spores are
scattered over the fields, which cling
ing to the grain of wheat sprout
with it and grow up inside the plant.
The prevention is so simple and in
expensive that every grower should
u:',o it. The copper carbonate dust
treatment is generally recommended,
lining two ounces of the dust to a
bushel of wheat, mixing thoroughly
so that each grain of wheat will havo
a coating. The mixing may be done
in a revolving barrel, churn or con
crete mixer. A device may be made
on the farm by swinging a tight bar
rel so that it may revolve, using the
ordinary gas pipe for the axle and
rowed bronchos through the hotel
lobby at Buffalo, Wyoming, and were
fined $30 each.
Apples on the trees, under the
trees, branches breaking down under
their weight no market for them.
What'll we do with them? Why,
that's easy make apple ja-c-k out
of the- -, oh, heck!
The astute Briand was equal to the
occasion of lifting the hand of France
in the clasp of friendship with that
of Germany. Many attributes of ac
complishment ' has this Frenchman
That sea serpent has been seen
again in Okonogan Lake, this time
by a Britisher, which proves that the
same brand of Scotch affects all men
The Woodburn Independent see3
one more chance for Ma Ferguson
to run as the nominee of an inde
pendent party. Good idea. It's be
ing did in Oregon.
We're hep to those hip pockets the
ladies are wearing on their sports I
skirts. They are repositories for
vanity mirrors.
Rubber Important in
' Destinies of Nations
Almost from the hour when Colum
bus, the first European to see rubber,
observed it used as a plaything by the
Indians, who bounced It back and
forth hence the original name of In
dia rubber the substance has" been
bound up In romance and fiscal ad
venture, writes Isaac F. Marcosson in
the Saturday' Evening Post.
In every sense It Is another black
Golconda, because it has affected the
economic destiny of nations and Indi
viduals.'" It 'was not until the discovery of
vulcanization in 1839 by Charles Good'
year, a Connecticut hardware mer
chant, that the commercial era of rub
ber began. It Is worth noting that
Goodyear's only reference to tires was
a suggestion that they might be used
to lessen the noise of barrows used
for wheeling luggage at railway sta
tions. Rubber got Its name In business be
cause It was originally used to rub
out pencil marks. In London half a
cubic Inch of It once cost the equiva
lent of 75 cents. This Is said to be the
highest known price recorded for raw
rubber., jytj t;tuai to Best.
Philadelphia. America virtually
has made itself independent of the
world in dye3, the American Chemical
society was told hers. W. E. Austin,
New York industrialist, speaking be
fore the dye division of the society,
said 95 per cent of the dyed furs used
in this country were home products
and were equal to the best produced
in Europe.
Protection of the federal power act
and the existence of an elective pub
lic service commission in Oregon
safeguard the interest of taxpayers
and the welfare of the public. Under
the housewives' plan as presented for
decision of voters November 2nd,
there is no responsibility for the
expenditure of moneys other than the
recall, which may pe invoked. Con
ditions under a possible future ad
ministration by a board of five mem
bers, responsible neither to the gov
ernor nor to the public service com
mission, would net result in benefits
for the state. It means the differ
ence between financial safety and un
soundness. o
The McMinville Register vises in
defense of Missouri as the "show
me" state, and says many Missouri
tins were among the first of Oregon
pioneers. Sure. And these told their
uncles, aunts and cousins back there
about the country out here, and
showed em' it was better to be out
here than it was to live back there,
and then the rest of them came out
Plungeis in
clean up $."00,000 by simply usinj:
the grain as they would use chips ia
a poker game, while the wheat rais
er is using up everything on the
ranch to raise money enough to pay
interest on the mortgage,
Washington State Chairman Resigns,
Saoallle, Wash. C. B. Fitzgerald of
Seattle, chairman of the republican
state central committee, announced
his resignation. Fitzgerald said his
business interests will not allow him
time to manage the state general elec
tion campaign November 2. Fitzger
ald's withdrawal was declared by po
litical observers to presage a fight
between supporters and opponents ot
Ciivcrnor Hartley for selection of the
j'jw chairman.
Cne of Nature's Wonders
The elephant breathes and smells
hy menus of his trunk ; with it he puts
I'iMiil and drink Into his mouth, throws
dli t or hay on his back to protect It
from (lies, pulls down trees, ltfts heavy
luii'dens or safely picks up the most
delicate, fragile things. It serves the
purpose of a hand, having a sensitive
touch which enables It to unite knots,
open doors, or give himself a shower
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the Estate of Leo
Thomas McBride, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
William A. McBride, executor of the
last will and testament of Leo Thom
as McBride, deceased, has filed his
final account and report in the ad
ministration of the estate; that the
County Judge by order duly made and
entered has appointed Monday, the
20th day of September, 11)26, at the
hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon
as the time and the County Court
House at Pendleton as the place
where all objections and exceptions
to said final account and report will
be heard and a settlement of the es
tate made. Dated this 20th day of
August, 1920.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In tlie Matter of the Person and Es
tate of Ira Durrill, an incompetent.
It appearing to this Court from
the petition this day presented and
filed herein by Henry Craig, guardian
of the person and estate of Ira Dur
rill, sometimes known as I. W. Dur
rill, an incompetent person, praying
for an order of sale of all of Block
190, Reservation Addition to the
town, now City of Pendleton, Umatil
la County, Oregon, also the South
east Quarter (SE'4) of the South
west Quarter (SWVi) of Section 16,
Township 1, North of Range 35, E.
W. M. in Umatilla County, Oregon,
and belonging to said estate; that it
is for the best interest of said ward,
and necessary that said real estate
should be sold, and it appearing that
Ambrose Durrill of Laverne, Okla
homa, and Lizzie Durrill of Buffalo,
Oklahoma, brother and sister respect
ively of said ward, are the next kin
of said ward, and the Court being
fully udvised in the premises,
It is ordered by the Court that the
next kin of said ward, to-wit, Am
brose Durrill and Lizzie Durrill, and
: estate, appear before this Court on
! Saturday, the 23rd day of October,
1926, at the County Court Room in
the County Court house of Umatilla
County, Oregon, at Pendleton, at the
hour of 10 o'clock forenoon of that
I day, then and there to show cause
I why an order should not be granted
o nml mmj0 jor tne sue 0f slU(j reaj
Well, Germanv is in and Spain isolate- above described,
out of the league of nations. The j l is further ordered by the Court
, i. i , . that a copy of this Order be publish
Spanish have always had the kmul: at hast once a week for four con
cf being on the outside of everything, secutivo weeks before said day of
anyway, so her position on the back bearing, in the Athena Press, a news
doorstep of the league, will not make j m))i'L ,,,'i,n1t,t'a "ml Published at Athe
, , lm Umatilla County, Oregon,
for much, one way or the other. -,ime am, tlatud in 0Wfn Court this
o 1 5th day of September, 1926.
West is east, and east is west I. M. SCHANNEP,
two Harvard sophomores of Boston WM M & nty Jujg
attempted to rule a couple of bor- Attorneys for Guardian. S17015.
Washington, D. C The United
States now ho!d3 a clear title to the
Panama Canal zone. Acting Secretary
of the Treasury Winston has paid, $5,
000,000 to Colombia as the final in
stallment on land obtained from that
country for the ocean-to-ocean canal.
The full purchase price paid Colombia
war. S2S.1.00.000
Universities Have Long
and Glorious Records
The university, In the modern sense,
dates to the Twelfth and Thirteenth
centuries as aft outgrowth of earlier
schools In connection with cathedrals
and monasteries. This despite the
fact that a number of European uni
versities have legends carrying their
origin considerably farther back as
for instance Oxford, whose tradition
Is that it was founded by King Alfred
about 872. .
Oxford dates, however, to early in
the Twelfth century. The universities
of Paris and Bologna, which exercised
the greatest Influence upon the later
Institutions, were founded about 1200.
The oldest Spanish university Is that
of Salamanca, dating to 1240. The
earliest Italian universities, besides
Bologna, were Padua, 1222; Naples,
1224; Genoa, 1243, and Perugia, 1271
About ten others were founded In that
country before 1550, and Italy was the
greatest resort of students for the
higher education during those times.
The University of Prague was es
tablished In 134S; the first college at
Cambridge in 1257, and the University
of Jaglelle, in Cracow, Poland, in 1364.
The University 'of Copenhagen dates
to 1479, and of Edinburgh to 1581
. Decoration
"That there new sweater of yours
makes you look like a tattooed man I"
remarked Farmer Corntossel In deep
"That's the ideal" replied bis boy
Josh. "But the sweater has the ad
vantage of being put on without hurt
ing you."
j ; I - l
! iff0 dim
1 ta -a
These entertainers have been brought to the Sesqui-Centennial Interna
tional Exposition in Philadelphia where 150 years of American Independence
is being celebrated, by the Los Angeles County, California, Chamber of Com
merce. The westerners have built a fine old Spanish mission in the PfjJacf
of Foreign, Civic, Fashion and Agriculture Display and there show thin re
sources and advantages of their native heath. The musicians and dancers
entertain all visitors who enter the patio to rest a bit after "doing the exposi
tion." The Exposition continues until Deoember 1.
J. L. Harman
Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Delivery and
Trunk Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena. Oregon
v Jrrz 1 m It..".?.-"' i .a
- " T-
A thorough cultural and professional scholar
ship ia the outstanding characteristic of the
State University.
Training is ocred tn:
22 departments of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts.
Architecture and Allied Arts
Business Administration Educa
tion Journalism Graduate Study
Law Medicine Music Physi
cal Education Sociology. Social
Wbrh Extension Division.
51st Yfaf Opens September 27, 1926
Ftr mof morion or catalogue write
Tht Rtiistrar, tniWreir? of
OrejoA, ugene. Ore.
The Athena Hotel
Treatment, Clean
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Thone 24
Transfer and Express
Prompt Service
Dealer in
GERALD KILG0RE, Proprietor
Short Order Lunches and Meals served at all hours.
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks. A full line of Candies.
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
ffhn nrnrrTir-,n tip)
Pendleton, Ore 4 Sept 15-16-17-18
Low Round Trip Fares
From Walla Walla $1.25
From Milton $1.00 From Weston $1.00
Tickets will ke
elal trala
Stew eJ sale.
AM ,
fee laeaa eevarlBg
eatare tttU et tfce
ka4.u, ss lar
NiiaiM awrllealare,
Local Agent
WeiL, ttwn frf., aaa,
Mtpt, sf ia-7-
Lt Wall WalU 8:15 aa
9:50 ara
Wsa, tkar ffrl, eecdal
Lv Peadletoa 6:30 em 10:30 pa
Af Walla Walla 8:10 pi lt-Haai
We are Equipped to do
Job Printing
Ml Kinds. Short Notice
Real state
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
"i' Jrflwl
Claud Dickenson
Phone 452, Athena, Oregon
Auto Truck Dray
City and Country
Always at Your Service
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
French Optical Pariora
15 E. Main St Phone 653
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street .. - .. Athena, Oregon.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, t Atbena labor, in one oi the very- best
equipped mflla in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sella the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon.
Waitsburg, Wash