The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 20, 1926, Image 4

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    j Press Paragraphs
Wade Goodman, was over from
Walla Walla,, this week.
Dr. Sharp made a professional call
in Walla Walla Tuesday.
Miss Kathren Froom i.s home from
her visit in California.
George Brace, Thor.ihollow store
keeper, was in Athena Tuesday.
Steve has istalled a new oil tank
and pump in the rear of his store.
Mr and Mrs. James Huggins have
returned to their home in
atttnd a conference of the Methodist
"Lassie," thoroughbred Scotch Col
lie belonging to the McEwen twins,
is the mother of six fine puppies. All
are perfectly marked, showing their
aristocratic lineage. They are about
two weeks old.
James Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs
Miss Marybel ,Walter joined her
aunt, Mrs. Rudolph Leisinger of He
lix, on a motor trip to Portland.
Wm. Hendricsen the painter, has
been painting and papering rooms in
the Louie Ringel farm home, south
of Athena.
Mrs. Lydia Sheard and Mr., and
Mrs. George Sheard left Sunday by
motor for an extended trip through ; TT s Knight, died Tuesday at his
Alberta. home in Idaho, of heart failure. He
Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins and j iPavcg a w,fe and seven children.
daughter are enroute to Yellowstone j Everet an(j Henry Knight left Athena
Park. They are driving a new Stu-1 Tues,iay to attend the funer-
debaker car. ! al.
Vnm Smith is in Portland, where Mr., and Mrs. Will Eager, of Bell-
Athena. '!, . . . , om:n, ,,.v,n went there i.nMi;im. Wash.. Mrs. Clara Eairer and
Jeff Olson of Walla Walla and well j to se(,ure mi!Jkld aU(.riti0n for their Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eager of Day
lown here, was in town Wednes- iul(; (j.iugnter ton, Wash., spent Friday night here
Mr. and Mrs. Ncvie Desper mid at the C. M. Eager home. 1 he party
children returned to their home at : was en route by motor to Boise, Ida
Portland, Sunday, after visiting rel- ho, where they are spending the
atives in Athena. ' week.
The Misses Vera and Flossie Dell, j A land deal in Gerking Flat which
of Walla Walla, attended the funeral; has been pending for some time has
Mr... and Mrs. John Stanton and
daughter spent the week at Wallowa
Tom Norman, now of Walla Walla,
was here Monday, inspecting his on
ion crop.
E. Prestbye and Venard Bell made
a business trip to Wallowa Lake and
return, Tuesday.
Miss Helen Eubanks of Walla Wall
was a week-end guest at the R. B.
McEwen home.
Dolph Thompson, manager Bing
ham Springs, was a business visitor
in Athena, Tuesday.
E. C. Prestbye, attorney, made a
professional trip to The Dalles Wed
nesday of this week..
MMiss Merle Best came up from
Pendleton ' and visited friends in
Athena with friends.
Lee Banister is driving the oil
truck for Grant Prestbye, during the
hitter's visit to Canada.
Virgil Wilks, who has been employ
ed here during the harvest season,
left Wednesday for Pendleton.
by the
This marvelous new invention will
poliah your iloors ten times faster
than other methods and will give
you a higher, evencr and more beau
tiful lustre than can be obtained by
hand. It actually burnishes the Wax
to a lovely hard, wear-proof polish.
For $2.00 a day you can rent this
wonderful new labor-saver. Runs
from any light socket. Kcquires not
the slightest exertion it runs itself
you just guide it.
Rent it lor a day and polish all of
your floors and linoleum this new,
easy, quick, electric way.
Athena, Oregon
of their uncle, the late Dr.. Dell, in
Athena, Sunday afternoon.
Little wheat is selling at the pres
ent time. A few farmers sold on the
early market, profiting by higher
prices than now prevailing.
Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens received by ex
press last week two beautiful Per
sian kittens. They are both smoke
gray, and are fine specimens.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen and dau
ghter Ethel,, are here from Corvallis
visiting at the home of their son,
Ralph Allen, west of Athena.
E. A. Dudley and sons, Glen and
Verne, spent several hours fishing on
the Umatilla Tuesday, and brought
home a fine basket of trout.
Bill Switzler came up from Uma
tilla, took a peep at Fay LeGrow's
Frigidaire plant, and placed an order
for one with Agent Cunningham.
The Will Campbells returned last
I week from the Motet Meadows dis
' tiii t. As a result of the trip, their
S fruit jars contain 102 quarts of de
j Ralph Cannon is working at the
First National Bank of Athena, sub
i stituting for Miss Velma Schubert,'
j who is spending her vacation at Sea-
j Marion Hansell and family rcturn
! ed Monday from Portland. Sickness
I in the family of a relative interfered
with arrangements for a trip to the
i Rich Thompson and family and A.
j L Mc Ewen and family left Sunday
by motor for St. Regis, Montana, to
visit Mrs.. Thompson's brother, Jack
j McDonald. ,
Mrs. Charles Stockstill and son
j Everett are here from Grant's Pass,
; visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Stocksttill and Mr. and Mrs.
j Forrest Zerba.
! Charles II. Carter, former promi
! nent Pendleton attorney, is critically
i ill at San Pedro, California, where
he was recently taken for benefit to
, his failing health.
; Mrs. Frank Van Winkle of Mo
!desto, California, who visited at the
i Watts homesin Athena, after spend
t ing the week with friends at Pendle
ton, departed for her home,
j Mr and Mrs. W. C. Russell and two
i daughters Thena and Mrs. Elmer
j Booher, Miss Genevieve Baker, Frink
' Williams and Gale Anderson,, will
; leave today for Wallowa Lake.
I Mr. and Mrs. John Banister and
j Rev., and Mrs. Carl McConnell mot-
oi ed to Portland this week, the Mc
i Connell's going on to Corvallis to
been consummated, and Hint Johns
now owns the half section, known as
the John Bell homestead. The enttire
tract is in summerf allow and will ba
seeded this fall.
Heavy showers, accompanied by
south-westerly winds visited Athena
and vicinity Tuesday and Wednes
day, breaking the long dry spell and
freshening the lawns and gardens.
Country roads are somewhat better,
and the water situation has been re
lieved to some extent..
Miss Dorothy Koepke left Monday
for Los Angeles, where she will under
go a minor operation as a result of
injuries received in a fall several
years ago. Upon her recovery, she
will proceed to New York and sail
from there September 22. " She will
study art and interior decorating in
Italy. ' ; , ... ' ;
Miss' Pearl Ramsey has opened her
beauty parlors in the rooms former
ly occupied by Dr. Froom the dentist.
The rooms have been thoroughly ren
ovated and redecorated. The parlors
will be known as Pearl's Beauty
Shoppe. Miss Ramsey recently com
pleted a full course in beauty parlor
work at La Grande.
Tomorrow night the Standard
Theatre will present Fox's fine pict
ure, "The Wheel," featuring Clain
Adams and Harrison Ford. Sunday
night that funny silk hat wearer,
Raymond Griffith, will be seen in
"He's a Trince." The Regular We I
nesday night shows will he rwuil
on next Wednesday, August 25, vttii
"Reckless Romance," a sterling Al
Christie feature-length comedy
Mr., and Mrs.. II. I. Watts left
Athena Wednesday morning by mo
tor for Canadian points. They will
drive to Edmonton and leaving the
car there, will proceed north to the
Grand Prairie by train. Here Mr,
Watts will join a party of New
York sportsmen, who with guides
will hunt on the head of Peace River.
Mrs. Watts will visit Ci.nadian re
sorU during Mr. Watts' absence and
will spend a part of the time at
Banff and Lake Louise.
The Miller drill completed work at
the Hamp Booher home Monday, af
ter striking a fine quality of water
at a depth of 78 feet. The well has
been cased and the water will be
used for domestic purposes as well
as for irrigation, a pumping plant
having been purchased by Mr. Booh
tr for that purpose. The drill is
now operating at the Otho Reede
it irmr-mra',Tim7iiiriinTBiwBBrwiBTOTWnriiWTiFwrirBt lint imntwrtHTWRnP'.rg'M m tP W imiCTHTMnMMIAiWTOnWM
i Steves Grocery and Men and Boys
Clothing Store
have you seen our line of socks. The classiest and
most up to date you ever saw and the right prices.
We have just received a line of Men and Boys
Slip-overs and Blazers
and Winter Underwear. If we have not got what
you want now, watch us before school starts for
we have more coming.
home.. Mr. Reeder will also put in
a pumping plant..
Members of the Athena bridge club
were charmingly entertained friaay
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred
Kershaw. Fall flowers of many col
ors decorated the rooms. Guests suf
ficient for two tables were present
and the hostess served refreshing
punch.. After play, the guests en
joyed several piano numbers by "Miss
Frederica Kershaw, who played with
inimitable technique and dashing style
Miss kershaw has just completed her
course at Pullman, and will leave
shortly for Ontario Oregon, where she
will have charge of the music in the
schools there.
Bowman Nash Co., of Pendleton,
are closing out their used car stock
of about 30 good used cars,-at Pub
lic Auction, Saturday, August 21, at
1:30 p. m. at their salesroom, corner
of Court and Thompson streets. Reg
ular terms will be given. This will
be your chance to buy a good used
car at your own price. Adv.
We specialize in Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries of ail kinds. If we haven't
them, they are not cn the market.
PVmnA 171. Athena. Orc&on
yuamy vumiuiy, otivtvc . -. uunw ..... ... - g
France Restores 14,199
Buildings Razed in War
Washington, France's war recon
struction progniii), which has required
the expenditure of 70,000.000,000
francs, Is fur advanced with little
proposed restoration work remaining
to he done (Ids year, the commerce de
partment has been advised by Trade
Commissioner Green at Paris.
Some of the accomplishments of the
French toward restoring damaged
property were outlined In the report.
A total of 5:1,1(55 kilometers of high
ways have been repaired out of a
total of 58,097 damaged, while 2,301
kilometers of railway lines of local
interest have been restored to opera
tion out of a total of 2,408 destroyed.
Of 37,010 public buildings destroyed
or damaged, 11,343 have been rebuilt
and li NoO provisionally repaired, and
of 8,344 projects of various sorts con
nected with highways, railroads and
water courses, 0,749 have been re
stored. Out of a total of 1,923,479 hectares
of land requiring restoration, 1,815,4-10
hud iignin been placed under cultiva
tion ; of 800,844 fixed properties de
stroyed or damaged, 521,913 have been
rebuilt or repaired, of which 304. KM
were residences or business quarters;
42,100 temporary homes have been1
creeled wilh materials left over from
the war, mid 10S.001 temporary wood
en homes which were built during or
since 1 lie war, were still serving us
( ) ,'iiil ions have been resumed in
S.22S out of 9,332 destroyed or dam-.
:in'd factories, each employing at
least (en laborers. Pumping and olhf f
work In the mines has been com
pleted In the departments of Nord.
Alieiirl!ie-el-;Uoselle and Mouse, but
considerable work remains to he done
iti the department of Pas-de-Calla. '
Milwaukee Woman Builds
Home for Dumb Animals
Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee's stray
birds, dogs, cats and all other animals
without comfortable quarters and food
will lind n haven in the new animal
homo which Miss Lenore II. Cawker,
Milwaukee's self-appointed guardian
of neglected pels, frill erect at her
home here this summer. An architect
will provide pans for the latest things
Hi kennels, catteries, aviaries, stables,
paddocks and cages.
Leavenworth Chief, Mayor to Resign,
Leavenworth, Kan., After having
boon summoned to appear before State
Attorney General C. B Griffith Tues
day to answer informal charges in
volving alleged laxity of law enforce
ment in Leavenworth, Mayor Henry
Fraaer and Chief of Police William
Rowe announced they would resign.
Continental Steel Trust to be Formed.
Paris. Negotiations for the forma
tion ot a continental steel and iron
trust have been virtually completed.
The agreements will be submitted to
the industrial Interests, of France, Bel
gium, Germany and Luxemburg, who
are concerned with them, for approval.
The Churches
M. E. Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning
worship at 11 o'clock. Everybody
welcome; that means you.
Accept this remarkable Gift offer. A Silver-plated,
I Genuine Gillette Safety Razor, complete with blade,
I free with a full size Tube of Palmolive Shaving
Cream at '
one to a customer
One bottle Palmolive Shampoo 50c. One -regular 25c
oon TTrrxrnri'an Talrnm PnwHpf Free. One tO SL CUS- t!3
tomer. '
Phone Your Order To 152 ,
lit Store
Athena Departme
Saturday, August 21
A Picture Version of Golden's Stage Success
Baptist, Church
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. fol
lowed by preaching service at 11 a.
m.; topic, "Receiving and Giving."
Junior Young People at 6:00 p.. m.
Senior at 7:00 p. m.vith song and
praise service at 8 p. m.; topic, "A
Random Life." Young people's pray
er service every Tuesday evening at
8 :00 o'clock. Mid-week meeting on
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
zA Brilliant Cast, including Margaret Livingston,
Mahlon Hamilton, Claire Adams, Harrison Ford
With each turn of "The Wheel" the lives of three human puppets-a woman and
two men-were altered "in a series of dramatic, episodes that will reach the heart
of every person who sees this great screen play.
So Spins The Wheel!
International News
Admission Prices, 10c-35c
Sunday, August 22
Raymond Griffith
lie s
Mary Brian
Howl with His High Hat Highness! He's a Prince in the Kingdom of Kom
edy! Raymond's royal romance is a roaring riot! Take the X-hilirating Ray
treatment for the blues! The gay tale of a Crown Prince who tried to quit
his job and couldn't. Long live the laughter! They wanted to give the heir
the throne but the Prince wanted to give the throne the "air." A side
splitting comedy of royalty and revolutions.
Pathe Review
Admission Frices, 10c-35c
Church of Christ
Bible school at 10 a. m.; preaching
ajid worship at 11 o'clock. The morn
ing message will be "The Two King
doms." . The evening message will be
"Visions of Jesus."
D. L.. HACKETT, Pastor.
Card of Thanks
We this method cf express
ing our heartfelt thanks for the as
sistance and sympathy extended ais
in our bereavement.
York Dell,
Henry Dell and Family.
Wednesday, August 25
Reckless Romaiice
Al Christie's
Great laughing feature with Harry Myers, T. Roy Barnes, Wanda Hawley,
Tully Marshall, Slyvia Breamer, Lincoln Plumer, Jack Duffy and Morgan
Wallace. From the New York stage success "What's Your Wife Doing?"
And what a story ! This merry love-tangle will make you giggle, chuckle,
roar and bellow right out loud! t
Comedy -
Admission Prices I0c-35c