The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 23, 1926, Image 3

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i After Harvest
lou'll Go Camping
of Course!
You may seek recreation in the mountains, on the beach, or may visit the Na
tional Parks, but wherever you go you will need serviceable - f
Camping Equipment
We are prepared to supply all you need for the camp. Prepare now for
your summer's outing. We can supply you with
Camp Stoves, Camp Kits, Camp Stools,
Camp Beds, Tents, Etc.
Rogers CS, Goodman, Athena, Oregon
( A Mercantile Trust)
One of the best yields the Press
has heard of this season, is that of
Marion Hansell, whose entire acre
age yielded him an average of 51
bushels per acre. The 'warehouse
weights gave the first eighty acres
threshed at 50 V bushels per acre.
The remainder of the big field tuvn
ed out better, than the nrst eighty.
Marion is bulking his grain with
one of the new International ma
chines, and the machine did vety
satisfactory work.
Charles Kirk has had a very suc
cessful harvest run. He figures his
grain is making an average of near
ly 50 bushels per acre. His Feder
ation is testing well.
Watts Brothers big acreage north
of Athena is reported to be .averag
ing better than 45 bushels per acre.
General reports from the Federa
tion fields in this section place' the
average at from 40 to 45 bushels
per acre. . ' . ...
Every one of the new International
combines put in the field by Rogers
& Goodman, have been working Sat
isfactorily, from all' reports. Tha
season is an ideal one in which to
try out the machines. They are tak
ing care of the heavy straw growth
without' difficulty and cleaning and
saving the grain in first-class shape.
E. A. Dudley, after finishing har
vesting his crop with his big outfit,
pulled in and threshed Til Beckner's
crop, south of Athena. Eighty acres
of the St. Dennis place netted Mo.
Dudley 50 bushels per acre. The re
mainder of the field went 47 bushels
to the acre. '
A number of sales are reported
over the week-end, but general sel
ling pf the crop is not indicated by
the" present tone of ' market quota
tions. The Weston Leader reports that
the new $1400 cleaner installed by
Manager. Price in the Weston Ware
house' company's Weston elevator is
doing , excellent work. Of larger
capacity than the machine which it
replaced it enabled two men Monday
to take, in 90 tank loads of wheat
or about 9900 bushels. The best
previous ; day's record, made last
year with the old cleaner, .was. 83
tank loads. ; After being run through
the elevator, wheat is now almost
clean enough for seed.
Victor records on sale 47 cents each
on new discontinued 75 cent double
face records. Hundreds . to choose
from. Pendleton Music House, Pen
dleton, Oregon.
I Have Taken Over The Hoffman
as and Oil
and will sell exclusively
hell Gasoline
and Shell Products
I will make a specialty of washing and polishing
cars on short notice at reasonable prices;
Everett Knight at Hoffman's Garage
For Working Men
Also Canvass Gloves and
Master Hose
We order Tailor-Made Suits
G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Day's Length Varies
in Different Parts
It you met a man, and he casually
remarked that he ate 315 meals yes
terday, you would either be amazed
at his appetite or take him for a
hardened romnnclst. But the mnn
may be from Spltzbergen, where they
have a day three and a half months In
length. .
And on the whole it would be wise,
If one should undertake to do certain
work to receive so much a day In pay
ment, to understand just where the
work Is to be done, or one might have
to labor 18 hours nt Stockholm, if
It happened to be the longest day of
the year, or all the time from May 21
to July 22 If In some parts of Norway.
In Petrograd the longest day Is 19
hours and the shortest 5 hours. In
Finland there Is a 22-hour day. In
London and at Bremen the longest dny
Is 16 hours; nt Hamhurg and Dant
zlg 17 hours, anil at Washington about
15 hours.
Briand and His Cabinet Quit Posts.
Paris. Premier Briand's ninth cab
inet resigned. President Doumergue
accepted the resignation. The resigna
tion followed that of Minister of Fi
nance Raoul Peret, who left the cab
inet complaining he had been unable
to obtain essential support for his "ef
forts to save the treasury from bankruptcy.
Moscow Fire L0S3 Big
Moscow, Idaho.-Moscow r.-as hit by
the worst fire In 12 years when ware
housss and a concreto elevator were
totally destroyed. The estimated loss
will reach $90,000 which Is partly cov
ered by insurance.
Piano Must Be Sold Will sacrifice
fine piano in storage near here for
immediate sale. Will give easy terms
to a responsible person. For full
particulars and where it may be
seen, address Portland Music Com
pany, 227-6th Street, Portland, Oregon.
Piano to be sold at Athena Rare
bargain in high grade piano to be
disposed of at once. Terms $10
monthly. If interested in particulars
write Cline Piano company, 66 Front
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Piano Bargain The case of this
piano was marred in shipment. Will
sell at big discount. Can be bought
on Monthly payments. Penland
Brothers Transfer Company, Pendle
ton, Oregon.
For Sale Work horses and mules.
Ralph Dowd, Weston, phone 14F14.
For Sale or Trade Four horses,
harness and wagon for sale, or will
trade for good milk cows. Sterling
Parris, Athena, phone 24F22.
Marcelling Expert Marcelling and
all lines of beauty work. Miss Chap
pelle, Weston, Oregon. Call 292 for
Marcelling Miss May Lanning.
Phone 582. Athena.
J. L. Harman
Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Delivery and
Truck Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena, Oregon
22 Years Ago
July 22. 1904
Mr. Ernest E. Walden and Miss
Nellie A. Purdy were united in mar
riage Wednesday at high noon. Rev,
Armfield of the Methodist Episcopal
church was the officiating clergy
men, and relations and friends of the
contracting .parties were present at
the wedding.
Ed. Manasse, chairman of the
Fourth of July finance committee, re
ports all bills paid in full and a sur
plus of $29.16 retraining, which in
compliance with , instructions, he has
turned over to the treasurer of the
Caledonian society.
Ottumwa (Iowa) Courier: Rollo
Brown, right fielder, first baseman
and catcher of the Ottumwa baseball
club, leads the Iowa state league in
hitting for the month of June. Brown
has the distinction of batting .390, 41
points better than any other player
in the Iowa league. In the month of
May he batted 313. In June ho made
two home runs, one three baae hit,
eight two-buggers and 30 singles out
of 105 times- at bat. .
Mrs. Luna and her daughter, Miss
Gertie, will leave on this evening'3
passenger for Condon, where they
will visit Mrs. Luna's two- sons Ira
and Dr. Luna. ' Eber will accompany
them as far as Pendleton."
The Preston-Parton company have
let the contract for the installation
of 'the electric light plant to Mr.
Nixon, the well known electrical en
gineer. The plant will be installed
and ready for operation by the time
the power company has the juice
turned on.
The large barn being built on the
Coppock place by W. W., Jacobs, is
nearly completed. It is of commod
ious dimensions and is splendidly
Miss Merna DePeatt is visiting her
little friend, Minnie Gross, in Pen
dleton this week.
Jesse Killgore, a -Weston fanner,
has purchased a 3-horse power gaso
line, engine from C. A. Barrett &
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk and Mrs.
A. L. Jones left this morning for a
fishing trip up Meacham creek for a
few days.
July 26, 1904
. At Lowell Roger's place on . the
reservation a destructive grain tire
took place Saturday afternoon. The
fire originated near the - cook house
and before the crew could stop it
flames had devoured the cook wagon,
killed a horse and burned over, about
40 acres of stubble which ' had been
cut by a combine, charring about 600
sacks of wheat scattered over tho
cutting. i '
Ireland and Sweden mixed it Sun
day morning ,and both languished in
the city bastile the remainder of the
day. Each had a harvest job and,
promising to leave town, they were
given their passports by Marshal
E. R. Cox went over to Walla Wal
la Sunday and visited Mrs. Cox who
has been in Dr. Cropp's hospital for
some weeks. Mrs. Cox's condition is
improving,' and although very weak,
hopes are entertained of her . early
recovery. Owing to her extreme ner
vous state, visitors have been ex
cluded for the present.
Born, July 25, to Mr. and Mrs. N.
Taitenger, a boy.
A. T. Pennick, a pioneer and old
soldier of Adams, .died at his home
in that city Saturday. Interment was
held in the Athena cemetery yester
day. Rev. G. W.- Rigby, an old
friend and comrade,' conducted the
services, Gettysburg Post G. A. R.,
of this city assisting. The deceased
was well known throughout the coun
ty and was a man highly esteemed.
Bob Francis, a Yellow Kid who
played ball with that famous aggre
gation during their first season, is
up from Corvallis, greeting old
. Ex-Marshall Gholson still gives
evidence of being familiar with the
saw and hammer. He has recently
been making some needed repairs to
Athena crosswalks. :-
The city rock crusher stands idle
after a long run. The men were paid
off Saturday night and no more un
til next year will the chug-chug of
the big crusher be heard.
J. W. Smith returned Sunday even
ing from his mining property on up
per Snake river.
Mrs. O. G. Chamberlain and child
ren returned last evening from a sev
eral months' visit to Valley points.
Maurice Hill is in Elgin, where he
expects to spend the balance of the
summer vacation with his brother,
Will Rider.
Ed Barrett and family moved Sat
urday into the new Curtis cottage on
Third street, near the public school
Workers Unearth Bone fragments.
Spokane, Wash. Discovery of an
Indian arrowhead and fragments of
bone at the spot where Professor Olaf
Opsjon declared 12 Norsemen were
buried In the year 1010 A. I), was an
nounced here by the Spokane Chroni
cle. '
Phone 453
or 761
DENVER $67.20
OMAHA 70.35
BT. LOUIS 80.35
DETROIT 104.67
CINCINNATI .... 105.15
TORONTO 112.80
ATLANTA 116.40
WASHINGTON... 140.61
NEW YORK 146.45
BOSTON 152.51
vm indirect to Jfnri'mnTiu
and the Union Pacific makes your
journey economical by low round-trip
excursion fares to all important points
in the East, Middle West and South.
enable you to visit the big eastern
cities or America's greatest wonder
lands Zlon National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountain National Park
all reached via the scenic and historic:
Union Pacific. DeLuxetrains. Superior
service. Descriptive booklet on request.
C M. Eager,
v Agent
Athena, Oreg
Father, mother and daughter and
son, can make a regular practice of
visiting us for a course of chiraprac
tic adjustments. It's the wise and
sensible plan to safeguard the fam
ily health. No drugs just common
sense methods.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Phone 703
957 J
Stangier Building,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Attorney s-At-Law
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Will. M. Peterson and G. II. Bishop
Practice in State and Federal Courts
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad- '
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena
Established 1891.
' - t
So's Ycr Ole Man!
Most of his famliy and a lot of his neighbors
Get their Barber work at the Penn Harris Shop. $
wny not your ,we cater to no one m particular,
every one in general. Agency Iroy Laundry. Make
old Rugs like new. Phone 583.
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Lee Whitehead, Proprietor
Having purchased Russell's Barber Shop, it will be
my aim to give the public the best service at all times.
Fair and Courteous Treatment
Agency for Trey Larundry and Twin City Cleaners
Phone 492