The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 02, 1926, Image 2

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    26c Stthcna xm
C 'ie copy, . r year
0 e copy, six months ........
Die copv.thice mcnths
'bena, Oregon July 2
ports gave her the heat record the
other day at 120 plus in the shade,
VK'J nPAPFK lne 01 town was hotter m the collar
r.d Publisher ;an h'.'tte. t -day ever recorde)
there. Investigati n revealed tha'
the official thermometer was out of
.$2.0.. j v-hack, the mercury having divided
j itself in the tube, causing inaccurate
' L j registration. But the division of the
..1926 mercury how come? Everybody
I wants Pendleton to have all that's
A Los Angeles resident whispers j coming to her, and then some; so if
this in the ear cf a Morning Oregon- j Jt Eets hot enough down there to
ian reporter.: "California is securing j bust merury bulbs once in a while,
vast advertising through its auto-1 ne record is one to be proud of, so
ir ..bile license plates. I've been tour- far " supreme temperature tests
it g the east and the northwest and j
are concerned.
Farmers in Jackson county want
the incoming legislature to pass a
law licensing and bonding commis
sion dealers
I arm products. Dunne the tias
three years many complaints of un
fair dealing have been made to the
State Market Agent, many of which
were justified upon investigation.
There are many reliable commission
an on my way homo, ad I've been
running into cars -rith California li
censes everywhere. People think
these cars are carrying Calif ornians.
Apple sauce! Here is what I've dis
covered, and it's correct: Thousands
of visitors in California apply for a
license. This costs $3 a year. The
license in California is low because
t, e machine goes on the property tax
r ,!L These outsider?, however, get
their cheap license and then wander j houses in Portland, but many farm-
out of the state, so that is all Calif- ers are not familiar with them and
ornia gets, in money, is the $3, for : have shipped products to concerns
not a penny is ever collected from j that simply closed up and went out
the cars as property tax. On the oth-1 of business. Licensed firms, unuer
er hand, California receives hundreds I bonds, would weed out these shyster
of thousands of dollars' worth of a. i-! concerns.
vertising, for these foreign cars with j o
the $3 license plate percolate every-1 Mrs. w T perhani( of Glendive,
where through the United States j Montana, declared at a meeting of
a id- these wanderers keep the nau.e the Washington Federation of Wo
ol Lalilornia betore the public, in
the long run I think that California
wins by the arrangement, although
the foreign car owners think that
they are doing something prettv
o '
Notice is given by water Superin
tendent Taylor, that beginning today,
ihe hours for SDrinklinp will h
from 4 p. m. to 8 p. m. The desig
nation of sprinkling hours at this
-me is to conserve the water supply.
Draft Horses
Coming from Union county 20
head .of young horses, better stock
cannot be found anywhere, weighing
from 1400 to 1700 pounds, 4 to 7 :
years old. Every horse guaranteed
to be right I will do this: If your
horse has seen too many moons I will
take difference in a trade, and help
ytu that much. See stock at corral
east of Lumber yard, Athena.
and others who buyiIn the County Court of the gtate of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Maiy
E. Schrimpf, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed their final ac
count and report in the above entitled
iratter and that the above entitled
Court has fixed Saturday, tb.2 17th
day of July 1926, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. of said day as the time
and the County Court room of the
C ounty Court house of Pendleton.
Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place for hearing said account and
report. Objections to said final ac
count and report should be filed on
or before said date.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 12th
day of June, 1926.
J18J16 Administrators
year thereafter $550.00, and the bal
ance of said principal sum payable
on the 1st day of February, 1934,1
witn interest at the rate of 5 per'
cent per annum, payable annually.
We will receive bids upon said des
cribed property at the law office of'
Watts & Prestbve at Athena, Ore
gon, up until 10:00 o'clock A. M. Sat
urday July Srd, 1926, at which tiue '
we will dispose of said property to ;
the highest bidder. I
Dated this 4th dav of June, 1920. !
J. V. BELL !
Administrators witn the will an
nexed of the Estate of John Bell, De
ceased. J4J2.
men's clubs that "widespread tales
of orgies among our boys and girls
are but a smoke screen to veil the
sinister purpose cf influencing pub
lic opinion." "Do you doubt the in
tegrity and purity of the rank and
file of our high school youngsters,"
she asked. "The bobbed hair and hik
ing togs are suited to an age of
With perfect weather conditions
all spring and so far into the sum
mer Athena gardens have never been freedom and are far more comfort
so beautiful. Almost every kind of j able than the stuffy transformation
flower may be seen ; perfect specimens ; or long trailing skirts cf days gone
of roses, sweet peas and snap drag- i by."
ons.lend color while all types of old i o
fashioned flowers are blooming pro- j Long Droven to be a woman of ac
Lfic-ally. Lawns are green and in i tion McPhm-soti h Wn th
most cases mucn more interest man , top-liner in newspaper headlines the
usual has been shown by property past wefck Announcements are to
holders in keeping their home sur-. ihe effect that ghe buUd & hotd
roundmgs in good order. Vegetable , has set up her ideal for a husband;
gardens should not be overlooked. : win jnstitute two libe, Euits. dra.
All the early vegetables have Iron . raaticaliy appears tor thousands in
..Lvu, BU1B u hw tabernacle; plans a trip to Eur
ope; has pictures taken of self in
hospital bed; declares she preaches
In the matter of the Estate of W
R. Taylor, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed their final ac
count as administrators of the Estate
of W. R. -Taylor Deceased, in the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County cf Umatilla, and that
Saturday, the 10th day of July 1926
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of
the said day, at the County Court
Room in the Court House in Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, State of Ore
gon, has been fixed bv the said Court
as the time and place for the final
hearing and settlement of said ac
count. All persons interested are herehv
notified to annear at such time in
said Court and file any objections as
they may have to such account or
any part thereof.
Administrators of the Estate of W.
R. Taylor, Deceased,
R. I. Keater, Attorney for Admin
istrators. Address Pendleton, Oregon.
For Sale Thoroughbred Poland
China male pigs. A. A. Mclntyre,
Athena. Phone 25F15.
lettuce, corn and tomatoes will soon
be ready for the table. The markets
are full of every kind of fruit, in
cluding peaches, apricots, cherries,
apples and all kinds of berries. And
every ingredient for a combination
j-alad can be procured by the house
wife. When we read of snow and
cyclones, and drouths in the east and
middle west surely we should feel
more than thankful for our good
salvation from sin, but denies being
' a savior.
i o
Athena's population will be wide
ly scattered on the glorious Fourth.
Some will hie themselves to moun
tain resorts, others to Bingham
Springs, while the Freewater cele-
In the County Court of the State of 4
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Bell, Deceased.
Notice is hereby civen that under
and pursuant to an order made and
entered in the above entitled matter
by the above entitled Court on the
Jrd day of February, 1926, we J. V.
Bell and Catherine Bell, Administra
tors with the will annexed of the es
tate of John Bell, deceased, will pro
ceed to sell to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all of the right, title,
interest and estate of John Bell, de
ceased in and to the following des
cribed realty, to wit:-
The SEV4 of Sec. 33 and the
SWi of Sec. 34. Tn. 5 N. R. 34
tKs &nXn& owfern-in I p d mules,
fee simple of said described realty, RaIP" Dowd, Weston, phone 14F14.
subject to a certain mortgage there- tj; c I j Z
on in the sum of $18,500.00 to The I Kadl Set to trade for Plan0- Pen
Prudential Insurance Company of i d'eton Music House, Pendleton, Ore
America, dated January 19th, 1924, ;gon.
payable on or before 10 years, in an-!
nual installments as follows, to-wit:-l For Sale Span of 5-year-old geld
beginning cn the 1st day of February 1 ings, well broke. Ralph Allen, Alhe
U2i, and on the same day in each 1 na. phone 24F11
High grade new piano near here.
Must be sold at once at a liberal dis
count and on very easy terms to re
sponsible party. If interested, write
Bush & Lane Piano Company, Port
land, Oregon.
21 A
r - - '
1 r
""''. .isoflflUTv . .....'.
in iwonnriiiaiHflr i'iiiiiniirniiiniHariBiiiiiiiiMn'wninMfliiiiMKiinwviaiinir ,nrll' ivn- nr.fiii
5 474
The giant arena In the centre of the Sesqul-Centen-nlal
International Exposition Bite in Philadelphia was
built In approximately 300 working days. It was com
pleted and In use a month before the opening of the big
exposition which celebrates the 150th anniversary of the
signing of the Declaration of Independence. This photo
graph, made from the air, shows nearly 3,000 boys on
the playing field, massed there for the dedicatory exer-
Photo hy AERO Service Corporation. 1
cises on May 1 which formally opened the structure. la
the Btands are seated 10,000 persons watching the pro
gram. A group of 10,000 persons Is a Jarge crowd but
they are only a "drop in the bucket" in the big Philadel
phia stadium. The boys paraded onto the field to tha
accompaniment of fourteen bands aud there went througa
their drills and athletic exercises for the benefit of city,
officials and parents.
Will trade Phonograph for Piano.
Pendleton Music House, Pendleton,
Claud Dickenson
Phone 452, Athena, Oregon .
Auto Truck Dray
City and Country
Always at Your Service
I bration will attract AtVi ana
fortune in the location of our homes, j offerir)fr no entertainment to visitors
It is a well known and conceded
fuct that Athena is the center of a
dry farming section where; "water is
water" and until this year the in
habitants have been forced to deponi
almost entirely on old Jupiter Pluv
ius for moisture for flower and vege
table garden. But this season, by
dint i,f much hard labor and expense
on the part of city officials, the Athe
na water system has been brought to
a point where the reservoir is full,
and property cwners have had suf
f cient water for necessary irrigation.
But this condition will not obtain un
less strict economy on the part of j
n!I water users is practiced. An ob
server who is much interested in the
beautifying of the town has been
shocked to note that numbers of peo
ple allow the water tu run full force
through an open hose, without noz
zle or sprinkler, thereby wasting gal
ions of precious water. This only
goes to prove that many j topie can
not stand prosperity ami thai ' we
never miss the water 'til the well
runs dry." It is to be hoped that
vater consumers will unite in con
certed economy and enable us to get
through the dry season with enough
water to keep our lawns p-eeii and
our flowers blooming.
Scintilating from Mr. Coolidge's
declining star of stateciaft is the
glowing fact that he has hastened its
netting by aligning his administration j
with the great interests of the c -ap- j
tains of industry in marked prefer-1
inent, to the disadvantage of agri
culture. His slogan of "rule or ruin"
as borne out in his attitude aguhst
u'giMuuoii lor lurm reliet on aiiv
basis other than a money loaning
policy, stamps the president to be
the 'true blue easterner that he is,
always has been and will ever be.
His failure to see in the demand ot
agriculture an even break in the
protective principals and policies of
his party given the industialists, is
the rock that will surely capsize
the C'oolidge canoe. And the agri
cultural states of the nation will
little to assist in the salvaging of
the wieck. It is not the thame t .
b irrow eav money that will satisfy
agriculture. It's an even chance, giv.
en other branches of industry, to be
able to keep a margin of profit on
the yearly product, that the fanm r
i demanding.
. o
Pc-nJletu!.. the Round-Up c:t.
holds several records and is proud of
Ithera. But when newipapei' re-
will be serenely calm and quiet on
the nation's birthday anniversary.
With nodding heads of golden grain
beckoning the harvester into the field,
the Athena farmer feels the call of
the fruits of this years' labor at hand
and accordingly is busy with prepar
ations to handle his bumper crop.
For Sale Small phonograph and
oil stDVP. Mrs Anilv Pj-tkl-
j Joe Clemmons has Rhode Island
I Red friers for sale at 30c per pound,
(live weight. -Will dress them on re
For Sale or Trade Four horses,
harness and wagon for sale, or will
trade for good milk cows. Sterling
Parris, Athena, phone 24F22.
The Milton Eagle reports, Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Cockburn returned Sun
day evening from middle Western
states where they had been cn an ex
tended visit to Mr? Cockburn's old
home in Missouri. Leaving Milton in
May they drove by auto to Southern
California where they visited with I
old friends and relatives for a short !
time before making the long drive!
East. They went through El Paso
to Fort Worth, Texas, thence north
to St. Louis. I
Park This Year
It's Different
T. B. Wood, Azmt
Athena, O.-etcn
Plans for improving the fish hatch-;
ery of the state at Bingham Springs j
are beintr discussed hv Stoto Vih !
and Game Warden Averill and J. W '
Maloney of Pendleton, member of the j
state fish and game commission. The '
plans, if sanctioned by other officials, '
will call for making the hatchery a ,'
year-round place for fish propagation.
Books or trip I an
interested ib ly)
O Velmstone rVrfc
BRockv Mtt,(Helcn-Butte)
inlaid Empire (Spokane)
D Pacific Nortfcweat j
0 Rainicu. Park . . I luiai
Q Alaska (Skagwar)
J will eisdlr wots yew Botet or
OtUmur. StmrwiumtL
'Route oi tht IN aria Ceaat Limited
"TteTrovtt Triumph"
Messenger Service Bobbie Lee,
j messenger and errand boy. Phon
j Marcelling Expert Marcelling and
j all lines of beauty work. Miss Chap-
pelle, Weston, Oregon. Call 292 for
j appointment.
Marcelling Miss May Larming.
i Phone 582. Athena.
i Mules for Sale Twenty head-of
I young work stock broke, ready for
j harvest. Inquire of McClintock &
jSimpston. Pendleton, Oregon.
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
:eal Estate
Dolph Thompson, Manager
The week-end Recreation Resort for Athena and vicinity. Good
Hotels and cabin accommodations at reasonable rates. Swimming
and fishing, picnics etc.
Dances every Saturday night
J. L. Harman
Blacksmithin g
Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Delivery and
Truck Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena, Oregon
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
, jj0 Frigidaire
Ji Gomphte with Cabinet
f.o.b. Daijtoa.O.
H. J. Cunningham, Dealer, Pendleton, Oregon
j At Ukiah July 2 and 3 will be held
the Camas Prairie Cowboy Conven
tion and Fourth of July celebration.
i he 'Jazz Gulch" dance will usher I
in the event on Thursday evening,
j July 1. Races, bucking and riding!
contests will be features on the con
i vention program.
l-'Script Porm
Butter Wrappers
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg.
i' ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii linn i iiiiinii i miiim 1 1 nun imm Win imi
Eat at the
Foley's Kidney Cure
TaAes Irideeys end NjdJer right
ALLEN bell
Phone 24
Transfer and Express
Prompt Service
Dealer in
m mm Mi A lltuil aTX 1 mr.Lm.JLJ
I 1
I if1 i We carry the !
KM; Meai
1 J lf That Money Buys !.
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 653
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
I Lunch and Meals Served at all Hours. You can buy j
I Golden Crust Bread Here.
i i.e. Baker I
I4"1 WMUW4WWWHmMtt ,
rresion-snaffep Milling Co.
Tourists Made Welcome
ivippered balmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
isn, uysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Mam btreet Athena, Oiegon.
Special Attention Giren
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
j Athena, Oregon
tTvtl" tM;b A,hen ,'bo'-- o. the verr bes.
W NOrthWeS, f the '-elected BJuestem
errSrLT Pron home industry-. Your
frocer ,eU. the hmou. American Be,,y Flour
Merchant jMillers & Grain Buyers I
Athena, Oregon. .. . .
tiiiiiiim in