The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 11, 1926, Image 4

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    j Press Paragraphs j
"The Desert Flower"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
B. B. Richards spent Wednesday
in Pendleton on a business mission.
Mrs. Henry Pinkerton of Portland
is here visiting relatives and friends.
Miss Helen Hodgen has accepted a
position at the McFadden pharmacy.
Marion Hansell and Omer Stephens
' attended the trap shoot at Echo, Sun
day. Miss Phyllis Dickenson is acting as
substitute at the Athena telephone
Sunday night at the Christian
church a children's program will be
given at eight o'clock.
Edwin and Ralph McEwen Jr.,
spent Sunday in Walla Walla visiting
Miss Helen Brinker of Freewaler,
was a week end guest of Miss Gene
vieve Baker.
Mrs. Anna Cartano is visiting at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Jane
Harden this week.
Goodman & Rogers delivered three
new McCormick-Deering binders to
Athena farmers this week.
A guest at the Arthur Jenkins
home in Athena Sunday was Mr. Jen
kins mother of Freewater.
Glen Arbogast is up from his home
at Ritter, and is employed on the
Flint Johns farm, west of town.
Mrs. Lowell Harder (nee Carrie De
Freece) who now resides in Milton,
was an Athena visitor Wednesday.
Miss Zola Keen and mother return
ed to Athena Sunday. Miss Keen was
a teacher in the high school at Hood
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bichards and
son Ronald returned Sunday from
Portland, Eugene and other valley
Phone 24 '
Transfer and Express
Prompt Service
Dealer in
"Wild, Wild Susan"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Miss Areta Littlejohn is home from
her school at Marshfield where she
acted in the capacity of a high school
Cora M. Clark has brought suit for
divorce from Gay L. Clark. The
Clarks were residents of Athena, at
one time.
Clem Reese, an old timer of Wes
ton, came from San Francisco to be
in attendance at the Pioneers' picnic
at Weston.
Miss Ruth Proebstel has finished
her year's teaching at Hood River
and will return to her home in Wer
ton shortly.
W. C. Russell, Sanford Stone and
Millard Kelley are at Bend, where
they are hunting the fishing streams
for big trout.
Mrs. H. I. Watts and Mrs. M. L
Watts will leave the first of the
week for Portland. They expect to
return Saturday.
Watts brothers are busy cutting
wheat hay at their ranch east of town
and E. A. Dudley and sons have also
begun operations.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Michener and
son Oral and Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Mil
ler and children enjoyed Sunday at
Bingham Springs.
Miss Ethel Geissel spent Friday
evening and Saturday at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Daniel
west of Pendleton.
J. A. Lumsden who resides in Wes
ton and well known by Athena peo
ple was taken to a hospital in Wal
la Walla, Monday.
The 0. D. 0. club will picnic at
Cold Springs Sunday June 13. Hus
bands and families of the members
will be their guests.
Mrs. Ella Martin of Ellensburg,
Washington, who has been visiting
her son Earl Martin and family re
turned to her home Sunday.
The B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist
church will conduct a cooked food
sale at Steve's Grocery next Satur
day afternoon at two o'clock.
Green Estes was in town Saturday
from Arlington, where he recently
added a new business building to his
property possessions in that town.
John Stanton is home from Hep
pner, where he sheared sheep. He
will proceed on to Montana next
week for the shearing season there.
The ice man was very much in de
mand in Athena Saturday and Sun
day, when the temperatures reached
the highest registration of the year.
For a nice box of Chocolate, try
Nationally cAdvertised
McFadden'S Pharmacy
"The Dixie Merchant"
Standard Theatre, Wednesday night
Miss Lenore McNair has returned
home from a fortnight's visit with
friends at Ontario, Oregon. She was
also a guest of friends at Nampa,
Mrs. E. J. Burchill and grand
daughter Mary Bond of Pendleton,
spent the week end at the home of
Mrs. BurchilPs daughter, Mrs. C. M.
Miss Hazel Miller is here from Se
attle .and is visiting at the home of
her pajrents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mil
ler on the corner of Adams and
fourth streets.
A letter from Miss'Velma Wilk
inson, teacher in the Portland schools,
announces that she has changed her
address from the Carlton, to the
Heathman hotel.
David Atkinson representative of
several well . Known . insurance com.
panies was a visitor at the B. B.
Richards home Wednesday. He was
traveling by automobile.
Miss Hazel Sanders, who has been
teaching school in Western Oregon,
returned home Wednesday, to spend
her vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. H. Sanders.
Maurice Hill, until recently cashier
of the bank at Prescott, Washington,
has moved to Walla Walla, where he
is the manager of a recently formed
loan and trust company.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba and
sons and Miss Ruth Williams left by
motor Wednesday morning for a few
days visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Beckner at Nolin.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow have
returned to Athena after an absence
of three weeks. Mr. LeGrow is re
covering from an operation and his
condition is considered favorable. .
' Rev. and Mrs. Dwight L. Hackett
who left several weeks ao for a
motor trip through California, where
they visited relatives and friends, are
expected to arrive in Athena this
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Radtke and
Kathleen and Fred Jr., will leave
for their vacation about June fif
teenth. They will visit Crater Lake
and other points of interest in South
ern Oregon.
Mrs. Sherman and daughter Miss
Maude Sherman, arrived in Athena
Friday, from Estacada, where
Miss Sherman has been teaching
school, and where she will again
teach next year.
Delbert Crimmins has resigned his
work at the mill and with his family
will leave Athena shortly. They will
visit friends and relatives in differ
ent parts of the state before taking
up a new location.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shick and Mrs.
Mary McKay left Tuesday morning
for Portland where Mr. Shick will
attend an Undertaker's convention.
They will also visit at the home of
Jap Harden in Salem.
According to the county court,
work on the Thorn Hollow grade is
progressing and the heaviest part of
the work will be completed in time
for hauling grain over it after har
vest. Completion of th grade will
not be however, for some time after
Mrs. Castleman and daughter Bar
bara of Ontario, Oregon, and Mrs.
Goldie Bacon of Vancouver, Washing
ton, are visiting at the W. P. Will
aby and Fred Kershaw homes. With
the Kershaw and Willaby families,
Steve's New Gent's Furnishings Department Carries
oss of the Road
Park Mills Men's Fancy Hose, Workmen's Sox, Boss of the Road
Sox, Rockford Shirts, Fancy Negligee Shirts, Dress Shirts.
Workmen's Shirts, Men's Underwear including N. B. Fullback
Union Suits, Park Mill Light Weight Ribbed Underwear. Full
line of Garters, Suspenders, Belts, etc., and last but not least, a
big line of Canvass and Yukon Buckskin Work Gloves.
rices on These Goods
Are Right
Quality Quantity, Service Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
they will go to Pullman, Washington
next week, where Miss Frederica Ker
shaw will graduate from Washington
State college.
' Athena farmers have been busy
this week cutting and shocking their
wheat hay crop. The" firat cutting
of alfalfa was put into the stack in
splendid condition, no rain interfer
ing with the hay harvest.
Mrs. W. .S Ferguson left Wednes
day for Nampa,' Idaho where she will
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Horace
Belknap for several days. When she
returns she will be accompanied by
her daughter and children.
The Jolly Joy-Maker's orchestra
put on the stunt of driving to Wes
ton Friday and Saturday evenings,
and playing-on the streets there to
advertise the Legion dances given in
Athena, on those evenings.
Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen is seriously ill
at her home in Adams. Little hopes
are held for her recovery and Satur
day her children were called to her
bedside. Her son, Dr. Fred Lieual
len of Bend is in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Richmond and
son Junior of Walla Walla, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Booher of Pendleton, Mr.
and Mrs. John Walker and Jennamae
were guests at the Clifford Walker
home in Gerking Flat Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell and
daughter Thena and Mr. and Mrs.
William Booher returned to their
homes in Athena, Sunday after
spending the week in Condon, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Booher.
Miss Elizabeth Holwager who is
taking training at St. Mary's hospit
al in Walla Walla will spend her va
cation at the home of Mrs. B. B.
Richards. She will arrive June
twentieth and will be here for two
F. B. Radtke and son Fred, spent
the week end at Mirror Lake, in Wal
lowa county. Leaving the car on the
south fork of the Wallowa river, they
hiked over a mountain trail, seven
miles to the lake, where they caught
some fine trout.
Frank Carstens who has been em
ployed in Portland for some time,
arrived home Sunday and is at the
home of his parents in Athena He
will work in .the shoe shop depart
ment owned by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Finch.
Mrs. A. B. McEwen accompanied
by her daughter Mrs. H. A. Barret
and her granddaughter Genevieve left
for her home in Portland Sunday.
Mrs. Barrett will be away for sev
eral weeks and Genevieve will spend
the summer in the city.
The Legion dances given at Legion
Hall in Athena on the evenings of
the Pioneer picnic at Weston were
largely attended. A dance ia an
nounced at Legrion hall for tomorrow
night, the Jolly Joy-Maker's orches
tra furnishing the music.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mitchell and
daughters Opal and Lillian arrived
here by motor from their home at
Cottonwood, Idaho, Thursday "and
spent the week end at the F. L. Pitt
man home. Mr. Mitchell and Mrs.
Pittman are brother and sister.
Glen W. Hutton left Monday for
Spokane where he will deliver a com
mencement address at the Spokane
University. He expects to return the
last of the week. Carroll Fairbanks
has also gone to Spokane to uttend
the exercises, he having attended the
Mrs. C. H. Smith and Mrs.
F. D. Watts, who motored up from
Portland to visit friends in Athena
and Weston and attend the Pioneers'
picnic, returned home Monday. They
were accompanied to Portland by
Mrs. E. C. Rogers, Miss Genevisve
Rogers and little Helen Rogers.
Charles Dickey who has been work
ing on the Central Pacific railroad
at Lewiston, drove down from there
the first of the week. Mrs. Dickey
who was with him at Lewiston, has
been quite ill and was not able to
make the trip to Athena. Mr. Dick
ey returned Tuesday to Ferdinand,
where Mrs. Dickey is at the home of
her sister, and if her health will per
mit she will accompany him on his
return here, within a' few days.
This is an age of out door sports and every sport has its correct costume.
Swimming is no exception. Today's swimming suit must be above reproach -in
fit, color, lines and in every thing that makes for comfortable action and
pleasing appearance.
The Churches
' M. E. Church
Sunday school at 10: a. m. Morn
ning worship at 11: a. m. Every
body always welcome, come June 20,
for the Children's day program.
Baptist Church
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Kohler
Betts assistant superintendent Gar
ner the grains? Yes! and the boys
and girls also. Worship at 11:00.
Theme, "Triumphant Faith" We can
worship at home, in forest by stream
or lake but chances are we won't.
Young peoples meeting, Junior at
6:00. Senior at 7:00. Begin young
in life. It is easier to stay out than
to get out after you get in. Song
and praise service 8:00. Themo,
"Daily Life". Blood is the price of
liberty. Indifference to the Cost
makes us unappreciative of its worth.
Young peoples prayer service every
Tuesday evening at 8:00. Here the
light shines and darkness must take
notice. Mid-week meeting every
Thursday evening at 8:00. Devotion
al and Bible study,
Swimming Suits
are made to fit snugly, to give the utmost freedom of action- and to please
with their bright, permanent colors and smart style.
We have them for Men, Women and Children, in
one and two piece suits
$2.25 to $7.50
Per Suit
Phone Your Order To 152
A t h e n a D e p a ri m e n f S t o r e
Free Tickets for this' show to
Saturday, June 12
Colleen Moore and Lloyd Hughes
In the Superb Western Picture
A dash of pepper and spice that's Colleen in this play of desert adventure
just full of fun and pep and laughs and thrills, but hidden in it is that great
ness of drama that'll bring a tear A desert wildf lower , is she who tames
the bad men until love tames her own fiery heart ! She tames the bad men
she's the desert wildf lower and a thorn in everv bad man's side. Is it ffood?
B We're yelling "It Is!" See it it's a knockout! It's the best of her line
1 1 J.1 L. 1 1 lJ
Dar none ana mat means re Deais some migmy Dig ones.
International News.
Admission Prices, 10c-35c
Free Tickets for this show to
Sunday, June 13
Bebe Daniels and Rod LaRocque
Here's the Bebe of "Miss Bluebeard" and "The Manicure Girl" as a rebel
lious society girl, who goes out searching for a thrill and finds it with a
vengeance. Bebe in her finest role to date in a de-luxe comedy knockout
Come and see-what should be done with the wild, wild Susans of today! , J
Pathe Review Comedy Admission Prices, 10c-35c
Wednesday, June 16
Madge Bellamy and Jack Mulhall
Dixie Merchant
Based on Barry Benefield's Novel, "The Chicken Wagon Family"
A thrilling handicap of love and trotting thoroughbreds a. fine picture story
of the old South that will give the most exacting theatre patron an evening
of splendid entertainment . .
Admission Prices I0c-35c
Coming: June 25 and 26-Two Nights
John Barrymore in
tiie jea joeasi
Moby Dick
s "if-..