TfO Are You Prepared to Take Care of Your vvJolCSlIt Crop We are unloading and assembling McCormick-Deering Harvesters, and to secure one of these machines for this season's work, orders must be made at once. We invite anyone interested in a machine to call and see one of these harvesters now assembled and ready for action. We are prepared to' take care of your harvest needs, regardless of the kind of machine you oper ate. ' Rogers C& Goodman, Athena, Oregon (A Mercantile Trust) 22 Years Ago .. June 7. 1904 E. A. Dudley has purchased a fine new family carriage. Mart Ferguson, the Advance man, was up from Adams Saturday. Born, Sunday, June 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Curtis, a daughter. W. D. Chamberlain came up from ; Pendleton yesterday and voted in his home precinct. '. .: . Marion Mulkey, a former Athena hoy, was over from Milton and spent Sunday, with Athena friends. Miss Bessie McBride returned to her duties as stenographer in Pendle ton, yesterday, after a visit with her . parents here. Grandma Swaggart was , up from Pendleton attending the" Pioiieers' picnic at Weston, and visited with her . sons, Link and Milt, north of town Sunday. The girl friends of Miss Minnie Tharp gave her a surprise party yes terday afternoon, n honor of her 1 3th birthday. About fourteen were pres ent and the time was passed with outdoor games. D. B. Jarman left Sunday for Spo kane, where with the other members of the Cash Buyesr' union he will se lect goods for the fall and winter trade. He will return tomorrow or Thursday. ' Mrs. Annie Mclntyre and her daughter, Laura, accompanied . by Mrs. Donald McDonald, who lives north of town, left today for an ex tended visit in Toronto, Canada. They go by the way of Chicago nnd will visit other points of interest on the way. Z. F. Lockwood was in town yester day. He recently returned from his mining property near Seattle. L. J. Robinson and daughter, Miss Bessie, went over to Walla Walla yesterday, returning in the evening. Dr. A. W. Cole was called to see Floyd Marsh at his home near town Saturday. The doctor advises a change of climate and "travel for the young man, who . is suffering with stomach trouble. " ' June" 10," 1904"' ' ' A camp meeting will be held at Ad ams by the Free Methodists, begin ning on the evening of June 15. Dist rict Elder E. W. Achilles, of The Dal les, will preside. ' M. W. Smith, the popular 0. R. & N. depot agent, has been on the sick list this week and Wednesday went over to Walla Walla. He is at his post again, however. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McLean have moved to the farm .for the present. THE VOICE OF THE LIBERTY BELL I w 1 Jf S 1 vj , ?A - Their son, Hughie, who has so long been afflicted with rheumatism, is improving and is now able to walk about. -s Mrs. Alfred Coppock is down from her home near Pullman, Washington visiting numerous relatives here. Hyle, the horseman who comes to Athena with a Morgan horse, has the smallpox at Walla Walla. Bagley & Ely this week shipped a carload of potatoes to the commissary department at Fort Walla Walla. Jap Harden left this morning on a trip to Helix, Adams and Weston, where he will hang Athena's 4th of July posters. The Sargent Brothers, carpenters will go to Weston mountain next week, where they will commence the erection of a fine farm residence for William Leach. They will be accomp anied by their families, who will en joy camping out In that vicinity. ' . Victor Shick and family left yes terday for Latah county. Idaho where they have invested in a farm, and will make their home.. Their many friends in this vicinity regret to lose Mr. and Mrs. Shick, but hope they may prosper m their new . home. Their postoffice address will be Freese, Idaho, where Vic orders the Press sent. Joe Stone is down from North Yak ima for a few days. He came down to recover a colt which recently sold at the city pound. Mrs. I. M. Kemp and two little daughters drove over to the fruit farm of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kemp, near Milton, Wednesday. Mrs. E. R. Cox arrived home from the hospital at Walla Walla Wednes day evening. Mrs. Cox is suffering with acute stomach trouble and ner vousness, but her condition is some what improved since her arrival home. GUESTS HONORED For the pleasure of Mrs. A. B. McEwen and Mrs. C. H. Smith of Portland who were visiting here last week. Mrs.'H. A. Barrett and Mrs. R. B. McEwen entertained at bridge Thursday evening. Three tables were in play at the McEwen home which was attractively decorated with snap dragons and syringa. Mrs.'C. M. Eager held high score and Mrs. C. L. McFadden received the consolation prize. Ices and confections were served. Those present were Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mrs. Lloyd Michener, Mrs. W. P. Little john, Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. C. L. McFadden, Mrs. W. F. Ferguson, Mrs. Fred Kershaw, the honorees and the hostesses. GYPSY SOCIAL The young people of the Baptist church are making plans for an ice cream social to be given on the lawn at the M. L. Watts home Saturday evening June nineteenth beginning at seven o'clock. The idea of a gypsy carnival will be carried out and a complete program will be published next week. The proceeds will be used to start a fund for church re pairs and general improvements and it is hoped that a new lawn may be started around the church building. This is one of the two new official posters of the Sesqul-Centennlal Inter national Exposition, opening in Philadelphia June 1 to celebrate 150 year ! of American Independence. The Exposition will continue to December 1. Dan Smith, the artist, has symbolized the epoch la history which the tolling of the Liberty Bell in Independence Kail. July 4, 1776. marked and has depicted the growth of the United States from the original thirteen states, represented by Ux thirteen liars which emerge from the mouth of Ute Liberty Ml. SUPERVISION OF MUSIC Miss Frederica Kershaw, dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw of Athena, who graduates from W. S. C, at Pullman next week, has ac cepted a position of supervisor of Music at Ontario, Oregon, high school. WESTON PIONEER PICNIC ATTENDED BY BIG CROWD Saturday, the second day of the Pioneers' Picnic, at Weston, was at tended with perfect weather condi Hons, a spienaia program, and a town full of visitors. v Sim J. Culley was ' elected president of the . as sociation for the ensuing year. Wil liam Blakeley of Pendleton, was el ected vice-president; S. A. Barnes of Weston, treasurer and Pink Harbor of Weston, secretary, ( The exercises were held in a pa vilion, giving natural seating facili ties on the old Eastern Oregon Nor mal school grounds. The association's, committee on pro gram and entertainment had left nothing undone that added to the pleasure of the' occasion. Talent from Umatilla and Walla Walla county was drawn on lavishly, with the result that one of the most suc cessful reunions Iti the history of the association was realized. "KLATAWA" PAGEANT When the big transportation page ant "Klatawa," the central feature ot Eugene's celebration in honor of the Completion of the Eugene-Klamath Falls branch of the Southern Pacific, is presented on Hayward field, Aug ust 19 and 20, it will present numer ous evidences of University of Ore gon cooperation in the "Trail to Rail" festivities. AIR ROUTE SURVEY Sunday afternoon one of the Pas co-Elko mail planes flew low over Athena and vicinity surveying land ing conditions here in event planes should find it necessary to come down while flying in the mail ser vice. The Pasco-Elko mail planes are now flying . on regular schedule, one plane each way daily. OFFICERS ELECTED Rebekah lodge met Tuesday even ing and . the following officers were elected: N. G. Mrs. Celia Harden; V. G. Miss Gladys McLeod; Secretary, Mrs. Maud Logsdon; Treasurer, Miss Ethel Geissel. Mrs. Fred Gross and Mrs. Claud Dicknson served delicious refreshments. DIES IN ACCIDENT Wilbur Talbert, former Walla Wal- lan, was killed by ' a falling tree at his home near Port Townsend, Sun day. Mr. Talbert formerly owned the Park street grocery store at Wal la Walla, moving to the Sound sever al years ago, where he engaged in dairy farming. ORDERLY MARKETING Orderly Marketing was the keynote of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the Cattle and Horse Raisers As sociation of Oregon, held at Bend, May 28 and 2d'. One of the most earnest and profitable meetings was experienced. MEDFORD HAS 108 The peak of the Pacific heat wave was centered at Medford Sunday, when the thermometer registered 108.7. ECHO OUT OF IT Echo has retired from the Irriga tion baseball league. Games with Umatilla and Arlington have been cancelled. Fantastic Titles Given to Court Favorites Among the whimsical titles which appear on the pages of national his tory few are more apparently frivolous than the duke of Manmilnde, the count of Lemonade and the earl of Brandy. They are, or were, however, real titles bestowed by a genuine monarch on three favorites during the last century, In 1811 a revolution occurred In Haiti, and Christophe, a negro, de clared himself emperor. Through con spiracy and plot he retained power until 1820, preserving to the last the appearance of a royal court and cre ating numerous' nobility. Among thein were the three men tioned; and far from being instances of the frivolity of the African char acter, they were names of places, the first two being originally plantations, but latterly towns of some importance. Good Reason for Returning Commodore Albert B. Arrnltage of the British navy, In his book, "Cadet to Commodore," gives the following glimpse of the explorer Shackleton In the role of a reporter: "Shackle ton and some of his comrades Joined the Isis In Port Said on their home ward Journey after tils wonderful dash for the pole. He was cheery and full of vim ns ever. The publisher of his book, The Heart of the Ant arctic' a copy of-whlt-Ii he sent to me several reporters, ond Italian officials met him. I took him to nee my home, and then to our agency, where he composed a number of tele grams. He wanted, so he said, a catchword.' He walked up and down the room, muttering severul phrases to himself. 'I've got It at lant,' he cried, 'Death lay ahead and fowl be hind, o 1 had to return.'" We are Equipped to do Job Printing . All Kinds. Short Notice THE GUIDING STAR TO HEALTH is the modern practice of chiroprac tic. It has been evolved into the science of vertebral adjustment. Ev ery nerve of your body connects with your spine and has its seat there. We utilize this knowledge to keep you healthy. Dr. W. Boyd yVhyte Stangier Building, Phone 700 Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J WATTS & PRESTBYE A ttorney s-At-La w Main Street. Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice Will. M. Peterson and G. II. Bishon ATTORNEYS Pendleton-Frecwater Practice in State and Federal Courts To Cure C'oiitipcion f orever. TnUc CiiHuarets Caiul.v Culliartlo. 10c or 215, f C G. J. .'uil to euro. druiri-'Uts rufuiid moneJi , ROUND TRIP TO DENVER $67.20 OMAHA 70 KANSAS CITY... 70 JS DES MOINSS 76.30 ST. LOUIS 80.35 CHICAGO 85.05 DETROIT 104.67 CINCINNATI .... 105.15 CLEVELAND..... 107.61 TORONTO 1121 ATLANTA 116.40 PITTSBURO 118.81 WASHINQTON... 140.61 PHILADELPHIA. 143.97 NEW YORK 146.45 BOSTON 1S2J1 THE EAST INVITES YOU and the Union Pacific makes your journey economical by low round-trip excursion fares to all important points in the East, Middle West and South. LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILBOIS enable you to visit the big eastern cities or America'! greatest wonder lands Zlon National Park Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountain National Park ell reached via the scenic and historic Union Pacific. De Luxe trains. Superior service. Descriptive booklet on request. VACATION ROUTE POR INFORMATION AND RUERVA- C. M. Eager, Agent Athena, Oreg The Lumber You Need If you are planning alterations or ad ditions to your building, let us give you an estimate on the Lumber need ed. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasonble total we will quote. Wood and Coal Fence Posts Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena 1IMIIMHHI-IUI i i 1 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA Established 1891. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 So's Yer Ole Man! Most of his famliy and a lot of his neighbors ?Wha? Get their Barber work at the Penn Harris Shop. Whv not VOU? Wg cater to no onp in narfiVnlnr. every one in general. Agency Troy Laundry. Make old Ruffs like npw. Phone fifilV PENN HARRIS BARBER Whitehead's Barber Shop Lee Whitehead, Proprietor Having purchased Russell's Barb;r Shop, it will be my aim to give the public the best service at all times. Mr. Norman will continue in service here. Fair and Courteous Treatment Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Cleaners Phone 492