The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 04, 1926, Image 1

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    Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Would Delay Adjournment ot
Congress Until Relief Leg
islation Is Passed.
Washington, D. C. With Presidem
Coolidge represented as standing alool
in the senate fight over farm reliel
legislation, agricultural leaders are
whipping their forces in line to pre
vent an adjournment of congress until
some measure is passed. '
They claim they have two-thirds ol
the senate pledged to stay in Washing
ton until a bill is passed.
So far all discussion in the senate
has been by advocates of the McNary
bill to appropriate 1375,000,000 for the
disposal of surplus crops.
After discussing the legislative pro
gram with President Coolidge, senate
leaders apparently were as far at sea
as ever on the probable date of the
adjournment of congress.
Estimates ranged all the way from
June 10 to July 15, with farm . relief
legislation and the French debt settle
ment admitted to be the principal bar
riers to an early adjournment.
Those who took their problems to
the president were Senators Curtis of
Kansas, the majority floor leader;
Wadsworth of New York, chairman of
. the republican steering committee, and
Butler of Massachusetts, chairman oi
the republican national committee.
Mr. Coolidge was represented as be
ing insistent that the French debt set
tlement be ratified at this session if
there Is favorable action by the French
parliament. The remainder of the leg
islative program was left to the lead
ers. In addition to farm relief and the
Frenoh debt, bills which will be press
ed by their proponents include the
army and navy air service expansion
measures; the $82,000,000 federal aid
road bill; the Dill measure for radir
control and the Copeland coal bill.
Santa Barbara, Cal. When-Luther
Eurbank, late plant wizard, perfected
the spineless cactus a large lot here
owned by S. G. and J. L. Kelley was
planted to the , desert growth and
thousands of persons marvelled at the
plant that grew without thorns and
bearing delectable pears. "
In the last few weeks, since Bur
bank's death, spines have appeared on
the cactus and the city of Santa Bar
bara served notice on the owners of
, the patch to destroy them as weeds.
Those who believe in the super
natural are speculating as to whether
- or not the plant wizard's passing has
anything to do with it.
Dr. Brougher of Oakland, California
Js Elected President,
Washington, D. C The ultra funda
mentalist faction of the northern Bap
tist convention suffered an overwhelm
ing defeca$ when its ticket for of
ficers of the American Baptist foreign
missions society, the only election in
which there was a contest, wai de
feated, 1708 to 48L
The winning ticket wag headed by
Carl E. Milliken, ex-governor of Maine,
'and represented the conciliation group
of the convention. , . -
A resolution providing for a six
months' truce on controverted sub
jects between fundamentalists and
modernists, "was adopted.
Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher of Oak
land, Cal., was elected president of the
The expected opposition from funda
mentalists to the election ot Brougher,
did not materialize.
Wet Bill is Offered (n Massachusetts.
Boston. A bill calling for a state:
wide1 referendum-on the question ol
modifying the Volstead act so as to
permit the manufacture, sale and dis
tribution, of beverage liquors to con
tain more than one-half of one per
cent alcohol, yet to be non-intoxicating,
was filed In the house by Repre
sentative Roland D. Sawyer of Ware.
President Signs' Alien Bill.
Washington, D. C The bill to per
rait admission to the United States of
aliens who served with the American
forces in the world war without regard
to immigration quota restrictions was
I'ssed by President Coolidge.
University of Oregon, (Special)
While it is unknown whether the
product of Oregon high schools is
better or worse than in other states,
the curricula of secondary schools
in the state compare favorably with
those in other parts of the country,
according to-F. L, Stetson, of the
school of education, who is studying
the problem.
The subject matter to be included
in the high school program of stu
dies has for some time been the sub
ject of investigation throughout the
country, attracting the attenion of
many of he foremost educators. In
Oreeon a state commission, which is
headed by Dean Alden of Willamette
University and which recently met
in Eugene with leading educators of
Oregon, is endeavoring to determine
what studies should be taught in
schools. The bill proposed by Sen
ator Eddy at the last meeting of the
legislature gave an impetus to the
investigation in Oregon.
"Teachers and the public all real
ize that high school studies need to
be examined closely," said Professor
Stetson, "if we are to keep the
schools in touch with the problems
of modern life. We want to deter
mine where any points of inefficiency
are located, although we can scarce
ly hope to reach a perfect selection.
"The problem should be handled
by a scientific , investigation of the
situation. We don't know whether
inefficency in the high school pro
duct is due to the grade schools or
the high schools; Possibly it may be
caused by young and inexperienced
teachers or by the lack of high
school supervision in Oregon. We
certainly need one or two inspectors
to standardize work m our second
ary schools.
"Almost every one agrees on gen
eral principals, but what we need is
the scientific approach, support of
premises by experienced evidence
The disagreement ' generally comes
in working out the specific content of
the curriculum. There are three
ways of doing this: by following lay
opinion, by referring to expert judg
ment, or by making a scientific study
of the facts,, drawing from them the
necessary conclusions and following
up these conclusions in actual prac
tice. The last method is undoubted
ly the niost satisfactory, although it
may not secure action as quickly."
Students in Oregon high schools
spend most of their time on English,
mathematics, sciences, ' foreign lan
guage, history, and civics, Professor
Stetson said. The state is rather back
ward in the introduction of electives
because the per capita cost of in
struction in small classes runs very
hieh. but in the larger schools more
flexibility might be provided.
Experimental work on the efflcien
cv of the different phases of the
studies is1 particularly needed, Pro
fessor Stetson said. One problem
which should be attacked is whether
elementary school work should be
continued in the high schools. Opin
ion on this point is divided, Profes
sor Stetson explained, although the
majority believe that the grade
schools should be primarily respon
sible for all fundamental work such
as reading,' writing, arithmetic and
mmmer. thus leaving the high
schools free to develop the necessary
content of subjects, particularly
those that will srive ' an intelligent
understanding of the present day
Sale of 1440 acres of wheat land
at a figure in the neighborhood of a
quarter of a million dollars 13 an
nounced by the East Oregonian. A
section of land, 640 acres, was pur
chased by J. W Schafer from Manon
Jack and Mr. Jack in turn purchased
800 acres from H. W. Collins, local
miller and obtained a lease on 160
acres adjoining. Mr. Collins reserv
ed the growing crop on 480 acres of
the land. ,
The Pasco-Elko air mail service
was resumed Tuesday morning, "when
planes left Pasco and Elko on their
respective flights. The service was
started April 6 but stopped because
of difficulty which developed in the
plane motors. Now motors have been
installed and a week's test has been
given them under actual flying con
ditions. Results have been very
satisfactory and it is stated that the
service starting Tuesday will be con
tinued without faiL
Wheat head cutworms have entire
ly destroyed the crop on approxi
mately 40 acres of wheat owned by
Lowell Granger and George Stangier
of Pendleton, Mr. Stangier tells the
East Oregonian, and ruined approxi
mately 20 per cent upon a ' number
of acres more in 400 acres of wheat
they own. The cutworms, he said,
came from the sod on adjoining land,
traveled into the wheat, and climbed
up the stalks of which were too fib
rous to eat, attacking the. wheat
heads which at this time are turning
from the milky stage into - soft
dough. ' Y V "'" 1 f
; This condition, it was announced
at the office of the county agent,' is
very unusual and has caused consid
erable interest. With' the exception
of the Stangier place, no reports
have been received of damage to oth
er crops. The Stangier-Granger
ranch is located 10 miles northwest
of Pendleton. "
- O. D. O. CLUB
The O. D. O. club met Thursday af-;
ternoon at the home of Mrs. George
Johnston. Sixteen members were
present. The afternoon was spent in
needle-work, conversation and elect
ing officers for the coming year. Mrs.
Forrest Zerba was chosen president,
Mrs. Jess Smith vice-president, Mrs.
Charles Smith secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Jess Gordon . reporter. Plans
were made for the club picnic which
is to be held June 13 at Cayuse sta
tion. The club having finished a
very enjoyable year, will discontinue
meetings until September. Delicious
refreshments were served by the
hostess assisted by the club commit
tee. Guests included Mrs. William
Potts and Mrs. Sam Haworth.
The picture program at the Stand
ard Theatre ' for the coming week,
begins tomorrow night with the pre
sentation of Anita Stewart in "Ba
ree, Son of Kazan," who will be sup
ported by at eminent cast in the
presentation of this splendid North
ern photoplaySunday night the
Standard will offer popular Richard
Dix in "The Shock Punch." Wed
nesday night Fox's fine picture,
"Dick Turpin," will be screened.
There were no public exercises at
Athena Memorial Day. Private de
coration of graves in Athena ceme
tery took place Sunday. Monday,
the legal holiday was observed only
by the two banking institutions and
the , postoffice force. Stores and
business houses remained open for
customary transaction of business.
Major Lee Moorhouse of Pendleton,
one of the best known men of East
ern Oregon, Umatilla county pioneer
of 1861, died Tuesday evening after
a month's illness. Besides his widow
he is survived by three daughters..
Funeral Services were held yesterday
afternoon from the residence.
Details of the murder of Mrs. Em
ily Reynolds, formerly of Walla Wal
la, at Hawthorne California by her
husband, according to a confession
alleged to have been made to police
of that city by the spouse, are con
tained in a clipping from the Ingle
wood Daily News received at Walla
Walla by Fred Bowman, says the
Union. The killing took place on
May 26, in the early morning. Mrs
Reynolds was the daughter of Nick
Wierk, formerly a contractor in this
city, who is now residing at Ingle
wood. , The husband and alleged confessed
slayer, was formerly a banker of
Hawthorne. It is believed that fin
ancial reverses which resulted in his
being forced out of his bank, con
nected with ill health, led to the slay
ing. According to the newspaper report,
three revolver shots, one througlt the
heart, entered the woman's body.
The other wounds were in ' the chest
and the right side. The shooting h
said to have been preceded by a quar
rel. Neighbors summoned the police
after the shooting.
Returning from Walla Walla Sat
urday night, Mr. and Mrs. ' Francis
Lieuallen, Miss Jennamae Read and
Dr. W. G. Cowan met with
an accident, when the car,- driv
en by Mr. Lieuallen, left the road
while making a curve. Lights from
an approaching car, it is said, some
what blinded Mr. Lieuallen and caus
ed him to swing too far to one side.
The car turned over, bruising the oc
cupants Bomewhat, and damaging the
The Union Pacific will build a new
depot at Milton-Freewater station in
the near future. According to pres
ent plans, The new building will be
135 feet long, 35 feet wide and. will
be of brick and stucco construction
with a wide concrete platform, the
office and the waiting room will be
commodious with special ' built in
features and the entire building will
be steam heated, and modern in ev
ery particular.
India will have practically no
wheat for export this year, accord
ing to a forecast of the Indian De
partment of Agriculture of a crop
of 328,208,000 bushels, compared
with 324,651,000 last year and the
five year average of $329,571,000.
Normal consumption in India wi'l
take the entire harvest.
Mrs. Etta Y. Sanderson, editor of
the Freewater Times, was elected
vice-president of the Rebekah As
sembly of Oregon, at the meeting of
Grand Assembly at Salem, last week.
--Sty 1 1 r-J
Ex 44 1 ' Zh
William de Leftwich Dodge, famous mural artist, In his studio at the
Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition grounds in Philadelphia, where
the 150th anniversary of signing the Declaration of Independence will be
celebrated from June, to December, of this year, giving instructions to a group
pf young artist who are creating the "Rainbow City." Mr. Dodge is the
color expert for the exposition, and every bit of color work done must be
approved by him. . .. -
Approximately $80,000 loss was
suffered at Imbler, Oregon, 11 miles
northwest of La Grande, Saturday
night when fire razed a grain elevat
or and its contents, two warehouses
and the stockyards. , The origin of
the fire, which started in the J.
Blackington warehouse, was undeter
mined. The fire spread rapidly and
in a short time attacked the F. N.
Martin warehouse, the stockyards
and the elevator, leveling all. Imb
ler, without fire fighting equipment,
called La Grande and Elgin for he,lp.
Both towns responded.
i Sunday ball games . in the Blue
Mountain league, resulted in Walla
Walla winning from the Reservation
Indians at Pendleton, 2 to 1. Pen
dleton defeated Pasco at Pasco, 4 to
0. Walla Walla is in first place, hav
ing won six and lost one; Pendleton
second, with five won and two losses;
Indians two wins and five losses;
Pasco one win and six lost.
The wheat crop in Walla Walla
county is considerably spotted thl3
year according to B. F. Brewer of
the farmers agency. Some of the
wheat in the foothills is clean but in
the light land sections it is quite
weedy. Mr. Brewer does not believe
the crop will be up to last years.
Pendleton chapter DeMolay held
their annual picnic at Bingham
Springs, Sunday. Forty members of
the order were present.
, . . . , . , .
Here Comes the Bride
m , WTOn " -
. Itmr-tH. W W ' ' r ' i
Weston is prepared to entertain
the Umatilla county pioneers and
their friends today and tomorrow at
the 34th annual pioneers' reunion.
Splendid entertainment has been se
cured fo rthe occasion by the pro
gram committee, according to the
Weston Leader.
Among the singers are the Walla
Walla Kiwanis Club quartette; Mrs.
David T. Stone, Mrs. R. B. McEwen,
and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton of Athe
na; Mrs. Bernice Blomgren of Wal
la Walla; Marvin Roy, yodeler, and
Rollin McBroom of Pilot Rock; Grant
Bean, baritone of Walla Walla; Bess
Lane . Munselle of Milton; Anna
Compton Winn and Jean Campbell of
Weston, and the Weston quartette.
Ruby Price Webb of Weston is re
union accompanist.
The readers include Mrs. David T.
Flynn of Walla Walla; Jean Camp
bell of Weston, who will appear Fri
day afternoon in pianologues and
Saturday afternoon in her Colonial
group; Viva Bentley of Freewater;
Harriet Ahearn of Milton; Ralph
McEwen Jr. of Athena; Margarot
Calder and Billy Ashworth of Wes
ton. Novelty dancing will be featured.
Among the contributors enlisted are
Audrey Jones and Ilene Anderson of
Weston, who will appear in a "bal
loon dance;" Edwin McEwen of
Athena, who will do the Charleston;
Delores Kellough of Weston, with
"fairy dance" and "butterfly dance;"
Ada and Margaret Calder, Lorene
Patterson, Kathryn Lucas, Elizabeth
Avery and Mildred Ross in a "tam
bourine ballet."
The Rev. G. L. Drill, pastor of
the First Christian church of Pen
dleton, has consented to give the
stated address on Friday, June 4.
The speaker for Saturday will be an
nounced later.
The exercises will be held, as us
ual, in the open air, under a big
pavilion which will probably be
pitched this year on the terrace of
the Weston school campus. The fact
is emphasized that there will be no
raised seats and all danger will be
obviated of an accident similar to
that of last year the only unpleas
ant incident to mar the reunions dur
ing the third of a century in which
they have been held at Weston.
Baseball will be a noteworthy pi
nic attraction. On Friday after
noon the Athena-Weston team will
play the fast Indian aggregation of
the Blue Mountain league. This will
be a tough engagement for the lo
cals, and Manager O'Harra expects
to materially strengthen his lineup,
The Helix team is coming for Satur
day's encounter with Athena-Weston,
which insures another real game.
The British government has fixed
the price on bacon for an imlefiniti
period at the maximum prieh which
prevailed on the first day of May,
Canadian haled bacon is quoted at
27, American at 23',i, Irish 31i and
Danish 29', 4.
Contract Completed in Spite of
Senate Committee's Vote
Against It.
Washington, D. C. The closing
chapter of the futile struggle by the
shipping interests of the Pacific north
west to prevent sale of their only fast
freight line to the orient to the Dollar
Interests of Sun Francisco was marked
by a touch of grim humor when Presi
dent Coolidge decided to intervene at
the last moment only to learn that
the United States shipping board had
signed the agreement of sale a few
moments before.
Senators McNary and Jones called
at the White House after the com
merce committee, by majority vote,
had passed a resolution condemning
the sale. They read the committee's
expression to the president along with
the telegram of the northwest bidders
offering to pay 82,500,000 more for the
Admiral-Oriental fleet than R. Stanley '
Dollar had bid, and discussed the feel
ing in Oregon and Washington against
the proposed sale at some length.
At the conclusion of the interview
Mr. Coolidge summoned Chairman
O'Connor of the shipping board to the
executive offices," presumably to ask
whether the whole transaction might
not be reviowed. O'Connor appeared
in the company of Commissioner J. H.
Walsh and informed the president that
he had exercised the discretion confer
red on him to direct final signing of
the sales contract a short time before.
Thus the last hope of thej northwest
to block the sale withered and died.
Atlantic City, N. J. Uncompromis
ing support of the eighteenth amend
ment and the Volstead act was pledged
by the General Federal ion of Women's
Clubs, There was not a single dissent
ing voice against passage of the reso
lution, which was adopted without dis
cussion. In the motion offered by Mrs. Gil
bert F. Davis of Windsor, Vt., it was
recited that thore had been much agi
tation for modification of the Volstead
act during the sixthy-ninth session of
congress, and very pronounced poli
tical activity in the states. It was
doomed necessary, therefore, that the
general federation should "renew Its
unequivocal stand taken at the Chau
tauqua and Los Angelus biennlal3."
A "know your courts" resolution
also was adopted, urging every club
to include such work in its program
for the coming year. It was stated
that the organization views with con
cern the grout increase in crime la
the country.
State Executive Breaks Rib In Tumble
at Flax Plant.
Salem, Or. Governor Pierce is suf
fering with a displaced and possibly
fractured rib resulting from a fall Mon
day while he was inspecting the flax
plant at the state penitentiary. A
flax wagon while passing a flight of
stepscollided with the steps and knock
ed the underplning from under one ot
them, but left the step in place, Short
y afterward the governor was descend
ing the slops when the damaged one
collapsed with him.
Although in some discomfort ho was
able to be ut his office in the Capitol.
U. S. EXPORTS $397,195,833
Imports for January Amount to $19,
570,580 More.
Washington, D. C. Revised figures
on the foreign trade of tho United
States for January, made public by
the commerce department, showed the
unfavorable trade balance against
America for the month was $13,570,
080. Preliminary figures had placed
It at approximately $15,000,000.
Tho imports for tho month were val
ued at $115,706,413 and exports were
f397,l!)5,ii33. Europe held first place
in the trade, sending here goods val
ued at $111,210,059 and taking Ameri
can goods to the amount of $199,794,
These figures showed exports to Eu
rope hail fallen off approximately $70,
000,000 as compared with a year ago,
while imports from Europe had iii
creased more than $S,000,000.