The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 28, 1926, Image 2

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    Ik Mum
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00 copy, six months $1.00
0 ne copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon May 2S 1926
One of our exchanges observes
that though a flood of compulsory
automobile insurance bills were in
troduced in the various legislatures,
the tabulated list already exceeding
, sixty, very few of them got any
where. In great majority of cases
the strong arguments made against
the measures were sufficient to post
pone action.
The reasons against the plan are
many and cogent and were well set
forth in the report of the Committee
of Nine reported to consider such
measures. This report holds that
such laws would not prevent automo
bile accidents, but would rather tend
to increase them, and outlines the
other arguments against the plan
and the inevitable tendency to en
, courage state insurance.
Edson S. Lott, President, United
States Casualty Company, says the
one remedy that meets the whole
situation of automobile accident in
surance, compulsory or otherwise, is
prevention of accidents.
"The prevention of accidents," he
says, "is worth more than all the
compensation in the wide world for
accidents. Therefore, we should first
concentrate our efforts on preven
tion, and avoid any partial remedy
or mere palliative that might tend
to divert public attention from such
objective. Above all, we should avoid
any palliative that might tend to in
crease the public dangers from
motor traffic rather than to prevent
or reduce them."
Ballots cast in the primary elec
tion have resulted in the nomination
of two candidates for United States
Senator of whom the state of Ore
gon may well feel proud. Of op
posite political party affiliation, both
are gifted with competancy to re
present Oregon in the senate with
credit and honor to the state. In
Steiwer, the republicans have one of
the strongest, aggressive men of
statesmanship calibre in the state,
and the democrats made no mistake
in nominating Bert Ilaney. Mr. Stei
wer is a Umatilla county man,
young, vigorous, and on his own oar
has bent his way up to the eminent
position he occupies among his fel
lownien. The Press, in years oassed
over since Mr. Steiwer first became
a citizen of Umatilla county, has
noted with satisfaction and interest
the sturdy, straight-forward im
pulse that has characterized his ac
tivities in private and public life.
This, linked with blemished integ
rity and clean political ambition has
brought reward from his party the
tender of the highest office within
power of the state to give. Fred
Steiwer is one of us. He is nearer
to knowledge of the wants and needs
in national legislation accruing to
the benefit of the state as a whole,
than any other candidate he republi
cans of Oregon could have named at
this time. And Mr. Ilaney is endow
ed with all attributes claimed for
him by his party, and in event politi
cal fate should decree his election,
lie would doubtless live up to every
promise made for him, but in the
coming campuign The Press feels
justified in exercising it:; prerogative
as an independent newspaper, politi
cally, and will have no hesitancy in
udvocating the election of Mr. Stei
wer. o
On invitation, Ed Aldrich of the
East Oregonian will write a two
hundred word editorial for the Liter
ary Digest, in expressi m of his
views on the defeat of Slnnfield in
the primary election. That's a tine
und dandy way to " - in'' . all
right, but readers of. the dige note
that the Weston Leader and the Col
umbia Record "break in" without be
ing asked, with frequent recurrence.
And that's not saying Ed couldn't
do likewise, if he would taper his
pencil point in that direction.
These Me perilous high-priced times
to build school houses or any kind
of houses, for that matter. But
Weston needs a school building, hoi
districts have the wealth, so why
not? The splendid vote at her sihool
election verities the fact that she
On Saturday, Juno 5th, we are all
going over the hill to Woods' town
and fraternize with the Umatilla
County pioneers in their thirty
fourth annual reunion and we said
all of us.
remember as of yesterday the cow
paths winding over the Dry Creek
hills they used to travel to trip the
light fantastic in rythm to Bill's old
time fiddlin' tunes. And they were
good tunes, too.
The action of the school board in
having the grass and unsightly (weeds
on the school grounds mowed, is cer
tainly a move in the right direction,
and one that receives commendation
from everyone. Heretofore the prac
tice has been to allow the unsightly
tangle of vegetable growth on the
school grounds develop to maturity,
dry up and blend into a fire menace,
Ike Patterson, republican and Wal
ter Pierce, democrat had no trouble
in outdistancing their respective op
ponents in the primaries. Now
their race is scheduled to take place
in November.
According to his testimony given
in the Carroll case in New York,
Irving Cobb doesn't drink wine out
of a bath tub, and is one of the fore
most writers, "in my own opinion."
Suppose it should frost? Well, it
did frost, but the hoary wand fell
lightly hereabouts.
Find Alaskan Summer
Heat Hard to Endure
During the summer heat of the tem
perate zone the Arctic regions look
like a haven of rest and comfort from
this distance, and it Is hard to visual
ize the conditions which explorers da-
Summer Is very short In the Far
North, lint it Is fiercer in proportion
to its limited time. Under a sun shin
ing from twenty to twenty-four hours
a day, everything that grows and
breeds comes to life with n rush. The
land bursts in a very riot of flowers
ami the earth that In a few weeks now
will be Ice and snow-hound Is carpet
ed Willi delicate color. Seventy de
grees is cool for parts of the sub
arctic country.
There are inland valleys In Alaska
where the mercury rises to 100 de
grees In su ier and men and animals
wilt under the heat. There are places
in the Far North of Canada in summer
where the mosquitoes lire so bad that
neither man nor beast can face them.
but must flee for their lives.
Labor to Defy Secretary Hoover
Chicago, III. The Chicago Federa
tion of Labor will complete its new
radio station and broadcast on a wave
length of 391 meters whethor the
United States department of commerce
gives permission or not, It was an
nounced by Edward Nockels, secretary
of the federation. Nockels said he
had understood the license would be
denied on the ground that there are
too many stations already broadcast
ing in Chicago.
Indefinite Term
The word "few" has never been
authoritatively Interpreted to mean a
definite number. The word Is neces
sarily indefinite and implies a small
number, not many. In general the
number is above two. The word is
relative in respect to the number to
which It is compared. If a thousand
were expected, an attendance of a
hundred would be a few, while if a
hundred were a maximum, ten or
twenty would seem a few.
A number of little friends of Pat
Cunningham were pleasingly enter
tained at a birthday party given in
her honor at the home' of ner par
ents Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cunningham
Wednesday , afternoon. The little
tots spent the afternoon playing
games, and later ice cream and a
birthday cake were served by Mrs.
evening at 8:00 o'clock, Prayer serv
ice and Bible study. Next Thursday
evening short devotional and month
ly business meeting.
Beginning first of June all even
ing services one half hour later.
M. E. Churc:h
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morn
ning worship at 11 o'clock. Memorial
Day sermon: "Appreciation of Sacrifice."
For Sale Thoroughbred Poland
China male pigs. A. A. Mclntyre,
Athena. Phone 25F15.
For Sale Small phonograph and
oil stove. Mrs. Andy Rothrock,
For Sale Fine Rhode Island Red
spring friers 75c each. Mrs. Dean
Messenger Service Bobbie Lee,
messenger and errand boy. Phon
Incident That Upset
Dignity of Inspector
A quantity of milk bad arrived In
Hie North and was loaded on an ordi
nary trolley awaiting claim by the
consignees. The trolley bad on it
about ten of the large cans in which
milk Is carried by rail.
Along came a dignified Inspector,
bent on Inking samples of the milk 'for
testing purposes. Ife mounted the trol
ley anil proceeded to Insert the special
Implement he carried to mix the milk
before taking out the samples.
I!ut the front bogey wheels were not
well placed for such an operation. The
weight of the inspector upset the
whole trolley. The contents of all the
cans llowod freely over the stone pave
ment, and the dignified Inspector was
In the middle of it all. He must have
bathed In about 100 gallons of milk
and he bad to be picked up and put
Into a cab to go home and change his
The language of the milkmen wait
ing for the milk could not be printed.
London Answers.
The Churches
Baptist Church
Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Mr.
Hadley superintendent. Classes for
all. If not in Sunday school some
where come with us.. Morning wor
ship at 11:00 o'clock; Memorial dis
ccurse; Theme "The Turn of the
Century" What the world needs is
not more machinery but more inter
est in mankind. Junior young people
at 5:30 p. m. Senior at 6:30 p. m.
Our young people are wide awake;
are you interested? The hope of
the world's civilization. Song and
Praise service at 7:30 o'clock.. Theme
"Seeing the , Invisible." Thursday
Marcelling Expert Marcelling and
all lines of beauty work. Miss Chap
pelle, Weston, Oregon. Call 292 for
Marcelling Miss May Lanning.
Phone 582. Athena.
For Sale A good milch cow. F.
B. Wood, Athena.
Wanted Stock to pasture, called
for and delivered. $2 per head.
Room for 500 head. Plenty of water.
A. A. Bergevin, Gibbon, Oregon.
Lost My sable Scotch Collie, An
sweres to the name of "Pal." Re
ward. Henry Koepke, Athena, Oregon.
J. L. Harman
Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Delivery and
Truck Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena, Oregon
Prolific Tomato Plant
The bureau of plant Industry says
that It Is not beyond the bounds of
possibility to produce one bushel of
tomntoes from a single plant. This
yield is received, however, by giving
Individual attention to the plant, al
lowing plenty of room, liberal feed
ing and fertilizing. A trellis must
also be erected over which the plant
can extend Its shoots. There is little
advantage in trying to get a maxi
mum yield from a single plant, for
when the attention Is centralized on
one plant rather than six the plant
takes the space of five or six ordi
nary plants and the possible failure,
due to Insect pests or disease, is
greater. As many as fifteen pounds
Of tomatoes can be gathered from one
vine without abnormal effort on the
part of the grower.
Jl 1 Complete with Cabine
F.o.b. Douton.,0.
H. J. Cunningham, Dealer, Pendleton, Oregon
Tribute to Teacher
Frank, age six, was a mischievous
lad in school and along with several
others, just as bad, managed to give
the first-grade teacher no little
ills schoolhouse was situated on a
busy street, so that the teacher alwayi
went with the children to the street.
Frank was telling his father about
some of the pranks they played and
then began to explain how the teacher
couched them never to cross the
street without looking both ways for
machines, for they might be killed.
Frank exclaimed in surprise: "Yes,
sir, dad, as mean as some of those
kids are she doosu't want them to be
killed. What do you think of that?"
Umatilla county hears from ''Kuta-'
brigo Bill" Fletcher now and then, j
He recently won the championship j
of Alberta in an old fiddler's con-:
tost. There are boys and girls inj
these parts, now grown gray, whoj
More Land Offices Measure Passes
Washington, D. C A bill creating
four additional land offices In Mon
tana and one each in Oregon, South
I'akoia und Idaho, was passed by the
st'iiaie. It now goes to the house.
The Oregon office will be at La
Grande and the Idaho office at Hailey.
The offices would take the place of
those abolished by executive order.
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena
Our Aim:
To Serve
You Well
dLiu I
& (VATON-WDE jf)
The Year
Watch this column for
surpassing savings re
sulting from buying for
pur hundreds of Stores
New low price on
Men's Pay-Day over
alls and jumpers.
You don't want this Store to have so-called
"sales," to change its selling prices from day to
day, to increase or to reduce its prices to you.
You do want the same, fair, advantageous
prices every day in the year, thus enabling you
to determine whenever you are shopping just
what you are getting in Quality and Savings on
each article purchased. .
Furthermore, it is of great importance to you
to have comparatively fresh stocks to select
from day after day. We lay no claim to having
always the largest stock. The superiority of our
goods, for one reason, rests in . the fact that
shipments are constantly arriving from our for
ty buyers in New York' who are constantly in
the market. Thus our goods are never shop
worn, soiled nor undesirable in other ways.
Our 676-Store Buying Power means standard
quality and prices that are uniformly low.
Claud Dickenson
Phone 452, Athena, Oregon
Auto Truck Dray
City and Country
Always at Your Service
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Foley's Kidney Cure
nakes kidneys end btedJgr right
Ml state
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg.
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Mala St Phone 653
m 3Ai JM m om m m m hrx mx mx m
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athens, Oregon
ingham Springs
Dolph Thompson, Manager
The week-end Recreation Resort for Athena and vicinity. Good
Hotels and cabin accommodations at reasonable rates. Swimming
and fishing, picnics etc.
Dances every Saturday night
RmiMii nn out
DENVER $67.20
OMAHA 70.35
KANSAS CITY... 70.35
DETROIT 104.67
CINCINNATI .... 105.15
CLEVELAND. .... 107.61
TORONTO 112.80
ATLANTA 116.40
WASHINGTON... 140.61
NEW YORK 146.45
BOSTON 152.51
In pf f MJ
na$22 and SemblK
Vtnai lactam limit . Uctober 51J926
ABOVE are examples of. the generous low
rouna trip excursion tares wnicn will ob
tain daily on the Union Pacific to all important
Eastern Points from May 22 to September IS.
Firml return limit October 31, 1926.
Liberal stopover privileges both going and returning.
Plan your business or vacation trip East via the historic
and scenic U. P. Trail. We'll help you arrange your
itinerary, map out side trips to Zion National Park,
Yellowstone and other vacation spots, furnish all infor
mation, make your reservations and get your tickets.
M. Eager,
Agent ,
Athena, Oreg
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
la made in Athena, bj Athena labor, m one ol the verr best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
gTOcer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. :i Waitsburg, Wash