The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 14, 1926, Image 1

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' -i
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Claee Mail Matter
Former Supporters of Wash
ington Governor to Ask
Him to Explain Policies.
Seattle, Wash. The Constitutional
Government league, meeting In Seat
tie, voted to send between 30 and 60
original supporters to Governor Hart
ley to the chief executive to give him
, an opportunity to explain his stand
on educational policies before it takes
any action looking toward a recall,
E. B. Cox, Seattle, chairman of the
league, was appointed to name the
Among those attending the meeting
were William Short, president of the
Stale Federation of Labor; Worrall
Wilson, a Seattle business man; Sam
Walker, former republican state chair
man; William Pitt Trimble, Seattle
capitalist; State Senator Fred Hast
ings, Representatives Pliny L. Allen
and Ralph Knapp, Seattle; Corpora
' . tion Counsel Kennedy, J. Y. C. Kel
logg, republican state committeeman,
and Thomas P.Fisk, a Kelso attorney.
Olympia, Wash. Governor Hartley
will be "glad to meet" any delegation
which wishes to talk over pending Is
sues, he declared, when informed that
the constitutional government league
was contemplating sending such a del
egation to Olympia.
London. An unofficial suggestion
has now been put forward that as nei
ther side in the general strike, now in
its second week, will budge from their
declared intentions, the king might
usefully take a hand in the dispute by
calling a conference of the rival par
ties. "
Sir William Joynson-Hicks, the home
secretary, says the government will
win. The Earl of Balfour asserts that
the country is threatened with revo
lution, and that success of the strike
would mean that the country would
be ruled by a relatively small body of
extremists who regard the trades un
ions as a political instrument by which
the industrial system might be de
stroyed, i
The outstanding development of the
week end was the successful convoy
ing of food trucks by cavalry and ar
mored cars from the Victoria docks
to the distributing center in Hyde
Ex-Attorney General and Ex-Custodian
of Alien Property Accused
New York. The special federal
grand jury investigating the i. le of
the American Metals company indict
ed Harry M. Daugherty, ex-United
(( States attorney general; Thomas W.
Miller, ex-alien property custodian,
and John T. King, ex-republican na
tional committeeman from Connecti
cut, for conspiracy to defraud the gov
ernment. The grand Jury, concluding investi
gations begun last January, charged
' Daugherty, Miller and King with con
spiracy to defraud the government in
, connection with the transfer of $7,-
000,000 of American Metals company
funds from the custody of the govern
ment to the Societe Suisse Pour Val
ours l)e Metaux, a Swiss company al
leged to have been German owned.
128 Injured In Cable Car Crash
San Francisco, Cal. A California
street cable car ran away for four
blocks down a steep hill, crashed into
another car that was standing on the
same track at the bottom of the hill,
injured one passenger, a woman, per
haps fatally, and less seriously hurt
approximately 125 others.
Senator Myers Asks for "Reasons"
Seattle, Wash. State Senator Chas
K. Myers of Davenport, Wash., made
public here a letter which he bad
written Governor Hartley demanding
the reason for his removal as a Che
ney normal trustee on the grounds of
"misconduct in office."
Alton B. Parker Dies Suddenly
New York Alton B. Parker, demo
cratic nominee for president in 1904,
died Monday afternoon while driving
through Central rark. Judge Parker
was en route from here to his country
home near New York.' He was 74
years of age.
Construction of approximately 430
miles of new railroad in Central
Oregon and northern California,
which would serve the largest area
in the United States now without
railroad mileage, was given outright
and conditional approval by the in
terstate commerce commission.
Three railroads would do the build
ing, the territory to be served equal
ing the combined areas of Massachu
setts, Connecticut, New Jersey and
At the same time the commission
authorized the Southern Pacific com
pany to acquire control of the Nevada-California-Oregon
railway by pur
chase of its capital stock; condition
ally authorized the same carrier to
acquire in like manner the Oregon,
California and Eastern railway and
dismissed the petition" of the Oregon
public service commission for an
order requiring construction ;of new
railroads in interior Oregon.
The railroads applications were
described generally as in substitu
tion for the Oregon commission's
proposal as far as "meeting local
needs" was concerned.
The Central Pacific railway, the
only one to receive outright author
ity from the commission, plans to
build a line 36 miles long from a
point on its line two miles south of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, to Cornell,
California and another road 62 miles
long from Cornell to Altura, in Mo
doc county, California.
The Oregon Trunk's new line would
run from Bend, 66 miles to Pauning,
a station on the recently constructed
portion of the Natron cut-off of the
Central Pacific, thence across Klam
ath Marsh and along the Williamson
river to Sprague river, approximate
ly 70 miles and thence approximate.
ly 42 miles to Klamath Falls.. .
The road was authorized to build
from Bend to a connection with the
Oregon, California and Eastern sub
ject to the condition, if it is granted
trackage rights over the Southern
Pacific between Paunina and Klam
ath .Falls, it shall construct only to
a point of connection with the Nat
ron cut-off. -
The Oregon, California and East
ern proposes to build three branch
es, one running from its terminus at
Sprague river, 63 miles to Silver
Lake; another from a point on the
proposed Silver lake branch along
the Williamson river approximately
15 miles and the third from Sprague
river approximately 65 miles to
The authority to the road was con
ditioned upon the granting by it to
the Oregon Trunk of operating
rights over its present and project
ing lines between a point of connec
tion and Klamath Falls, in event the
Oregon Trunk failed to reach an ag
reement with the southern Pacific for
joint operation over its line.
Authorization of the Southern Pa
cific to acquire control of the Oregon,
California and Eastern, was condi
tioned upon consumation of an ar
rangement under which the Oregon
Trunk, would be enabled to operate
over the Natron cut-off, or the line
of the Oregon, 'California and East
It is probable that grain inspec
tion will hereafter be done locally
in Umatilla county. Committees
were recently appointed at a meet
ing of growers, millers and buyers
at Pendleton to establish a grain
inspection office in this county, where
weights and grades will be handled,
instead of through the Portland of
fice. M. L. Watts and A. R. Coppock
of Athena are the local committee
Six of a shipment of twelve Mc-
Cormick-Deering Harvesters, order
ed by Rogers & Goodman, have ar
rived in Athena and are in process
of assemblage by the firm's mechani
cal force.
One of the machines, in the rear of
the Rogers & Goodman store has
been in stationary operation during
the week and has been the center of
interest of farmers and grain grow
ers of this district. -
The machines are especially built
for hillside farming, and are so con
structed that the. header platform is
parallel with the ground at all times,
thus leaving no skipped grain. The
24 inch cylinder runs . on self-aligning,
enclosed ball bearings.
Five square feet of grate surface
beneath the cylinder and main beat
er provides for immediate separation
of 80 to 90 per cent of grain at the
cylinder, and a feature which is ap
pealing to harvester men is the wide
44 inch separator, which permits the
straw to spread thinly over the
straw racks for thorough separation.
The new machines, the first of
their kind to be introduced here,
have many other practical features
for grain saving and economical op
eration, and present a compact, me
chanical thoroughness in every respect.
Report in Athena is to the effect
that Bruce, little son of Mr. and Mrs,
J. H. Samuels of Vernonia, Oregon,
former residents, of this city, bled
to death one day last week as the
result of cutting his thumb, while
his parents were absent from home,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuels and family
left Athena several months ago, to
reside on a farm near Vernonia.
The ladies of the local W, C. T. U.
are inviting the public to hear a pro
gram of entertainment in the recep
tion rooms of the Christian church,
Thursday, May 20, at 2:30p. m. Mrs.
A. F. May of Pendleton, county
president, will address the voters on
the temperance side of the question
of the coming primaries, as to the
qualifications of the nominees for of
fice. Vocal solos will be rendered by
Mrs. Otha Reeder and Mrs. David T.
Stone, and a reading by Betty Jane
Eager.. Refreshments will be served,
and all are invited, ,
Graduating exercises for class '26
of the Athena High school will take
place this evening al high school au
ditorium when nine girls and sevfin
boys will receive their diplomas. The
commencement address wul le deliv
ered by the Rev. Howard Stover, who
last year delivered the baccuhureate
sermon. .
The Christian church was taxed to
capacity Sunday morning, when Ev
angelist Hutton, who is holding a
series of meetings there, delivered
the baccalaureate sermon for the
class which graduates tonight His
subject was "The Master Life."
The class members are: Gail An
derson, Genevieve Baker, William
Campbell, Roma Charlton, Charlotte
Gross, Wilbur Harden, Helen Hod
gen, Dorothy Lee, Melvin Coppock,
William Coppock, Phyllis Dickenson,
Leonard Geissel, Lois Mclntyre, Dean
Pinkerton, Genevieve Rogers, Jua
nita Woodruff. The program follows:
Commencement March. ...Lois Johnson
Invocation Reverend Bollinger
Instrumental Duet
....Lois Johnson and Edna DeFreeee
Presentation of Class Gift
Dean Pinkerton
Class Salutatory and Oration
William Coppock
Vocal Solo.....; ...Kathryn Mclntyre
Commencement Address ........
Reverend Ilowari Stover
Instrumental Solo....Genevieve Rogers
Presentation of Awards...'. ,
Superintendent O. C. Hadley
Presentation of Diplomas
Lawrence Pinkertan
Reverend Dwight Hackett
"Brownie," Homer Watts' little
Fox Terrior, died this week, presum
ably as the result of being run over
by an automobile.
G. W. Bradley, former county
treasurer, is a republican candidate
before the primaries for that office.
Mr. Bradley announces that if elect
ed to the office, he will employ no de
puty, only when absolutely necessary.
In his campaign literature he draws
comparison of cost to the taxpayer
in maintaining the office during the
respective terms of his successors. .
His statement discloses that in
1917, the treasurer's salary was rais
ed from $1200 to $1500. Grace Gil
liam was treasurer, then, and the
most that deputy cost under her ad
ministration v-m $690, in 1921; un
der C. K. C-.r,ton, in 1922, deputy
hire was only '.3.0 but in 1923,
under the DeHart regime, deputy
hire jumped up to $1,175.
According to Bradley's figures,
Bettye DeHart as deputy (now a re
publican candidate before the prim
aries for the office of county treasur
er) was paid $1200 in 1924; $1200 in
1925 and has been drawing $100 per
month since January 1, of this year.
His figures show that under the De
Hart administration, the coat of
maintaining the office has increased
from $2,378.30 (under Cranston), to
$2,700.00 per year.
Returning from Walla Walla Wed
nesday morning, Fay LeGrow meet
ing a truck, was in the act of pass
ing it, when a Ford driven by Rev.
Harrah of Weston, darted out from
behind the truck and collided head-on
with Mr. LeGrow's car. , The shock
damaged both machines considerab
ly. The LeGrow Cadillac received a
smashed fender, a broken spring,
bent axle and the steering gear was
put out of commission. The Ford
was badly damaged. From reports
the accident was due to careless
driving on the part of Mr, Harrah.
Mr. LeGrow was off the pavement at
least two feet on his side of the road
when the machines struck.
HI I u
'nV 1 4 Si .-
i'W'At. geilSy ISiallt Sor
it Harvesting!
James Haworth, accompanied by
his father, arrived safely at New
Market, Tennessee, going from Athe
na in a Ford coupe in about two
weeks. They went through many
points of interest, and enjoyed their
overland trip. Returning to the coast
they will come through .California
and up to Marshfield, where James
may reside permanently.
1. Can be used with equal success
, on hillside or level fields.
2. A real 2 -man machine. Bagging
platform, centrally located, well
balanced. Men work close to
gether. 3. Header platform is parallel to
ground at all times. No grain
4. Operates equally well up hill or
5. Cylinder, 24" long, runs on self
aligning, enclosed ball bear
ings. 6. Five square feet of grate surface
beneath cylinderand main beater
provides for immediate separa
tion of 80 to 90 of grain at the
7. Wide separator (44") permits
straw to spread thinly over straw
racks for thorough separation.
3. Air blast of shoe fan is distrib
uted evenly over entire area of
shoe screen, whether machine is
going up or down hill.
9. Recleaning device in addition to
ehoe similar in action to fanning
mill. Cleans grain thoroughly.
10. Power-operated leveling cfe
vice. The operator merely moves
a clutch lever the power does
the rest. '
11. Screens are automatically lev
eled. 12. All bearings supported on brack-
ets attached solidly to the frame,
not to sheet metal siding.
13. Auxiliary engine same as used in
Harvester trucks and tractors.
Ball-bearing crankshaft
14. All drive chains are short Double
roller chain and cut steel sprock
ets on cylinder drive..
These cTVIachines are now on display"
at our Store
ROGERS & GOODMAN (A Mercantile Trust,) ATHENA, ORE'
Hillside Harvester-Threshers
Mothers of members of the Etude
club were honored last Thursday at
the home of Mrs. B. B. Richards on
Jefferson street. The attractive
rooms were decorated with a pro
fusion of spring flowers and the
guests were entertained with an
appropriate program.
Mrs. O. O. Stephens and Mrs. Max
Hopper played a piano duet follow
ed by a history of Mothers day and
its observance here and in European
countries, by Mrs. O. C. Hadley.
"Old Black Joe" with variations was
played by Mrs. David Stone as a
piano solo; Miss Lorraine Terry sang
"The End of a Perfect Day" by Car
rie Jacobs Bond; A humorous music
al reading "I've got the Mumps"
was given by Mrs. Lawrence Pink
erton, she was accompanied by Mrs.
Max Hopper; "Carry Me Back to Old
Virginny" was sung by Mrs. David
Stone, Mrs. R. B. McEwen and Miss
Lorraine Terry; Miss Eva Randall
gave a musical reading "Just an old
fashioned picture"; The club chorus
sang "Rain Song" and the program
closed with a spirited piano duet by
Mrs. Frank Ames and Miss Gertrude
A feature of the afternoon was the
presentation of prizes to the com
mittee arranging the best program t-f
the year. These awards were made
to Miss Lorraine Terry, Miss Eva
Randall and Miss Dorothy Rodman
Mrs. R. B. McEwen read appropri
ate verses of personal composition
in general review of the programs of
the past year.
The president of the club, Mrs,
Max Hopper expressed regrets that
Miss Merle Best, Miss Gertrude Mc
lntyre will not return next year and
gifts were presented to them in ap
preciation of their services to the
A delightful social hour followed
and refreshments served from a
beautifully appointed table centered
with columbine and roses. Mrs. M
L. Watts cut ices and Mrs'. H. H.
Hill nresided at the samovar.
Out of town guests included Mrs.
Otis Whiteman of Walla Walla,
Mrs. J. A. Best, Mrs. A. C. Mclntyre,
Mrs. Randall and Mrs. A. A. Kim
ball of Pendleton and Mrs. Alva
Blalock of Bend.
This was the last meeting of the
club for the year, a vacation to be
taken during the summer months.
Convict Ends Life With Bed
Sheet In Oregon State
Salem, Ore. Tom Murray, noted
outlaw, under sentence ot death for
his part In the murder of two guards
in a break at the Oregon state peni
tentiary, "August 12, 1925, hanged him
self in ' the death cell hero Sunday
night with a rope made from a bed
Murray's case was on appeal to the
supreme court. He was sentenced to
be hanged January 8, hut the execu
tion was held up by the appeal. James
Willos and Ellsworth Kelley are under
sentence of death for the same mur
ders, both the victims being guards
at the penitentiary.
The three men, with Bert "Oregon"
Jones, escaped from prison by cutting
through the roof and lowering them
selves to the yard In front of the war
den's office, and in a battle to get over
the wall killed John Sweeney and Mil
ton Holman, and seriously wounded
Lute Savage, all guards. Jones waa
killed by John Davidson, a guard.
Murray loft a note in which he said:
"I killed Sweoney, Jones killed Hol
man. Kelley and Willos shot no one,
or even at anyone."
Envoy L. A. Gray, State Campaign
worker was in our city Wednesday
and Thursday of last week. She is
the State Campaign worker for the
Salvation Army, being the only
worker having credentials in the
state, excepting her assistant Envoy
Rynbtrgen who accompanies her
and her invalid husband.
She addressed the High school on
Wednesday a. m. in the interest of
the Army. Envoy Gray has been in
public work for over 30 years and is
from the Army headquarters in
She addresses clubs, schools and
churches whenever the opportunity
comes. She was In Athena in the
interest of the Army last year. She
is very appreciative of her treatment
in this city,
A new liquid carbonic soda fountain
with full equipment of accessories
will be installed this week at Mc-Fad-den's
Pharmacy. Frigeratiori is ob
tained throughout the plant hy the
modern Frigidaire method, and !s
complete in every respect. There is
storage capacity for 30 gullons of
bulk ice cream and 10 gallons of
biick ice cream. The counter is of
tile, 12 feet in length, accommodat
ing ample room for eight stools in
front. The back fixture is of the
buffet type and is of the very latest
design. The location of the new
fountain will be on the cast side of
the store rom, near the entrance.
Washington, D. C. Despite exten
sion of general debate on the three
surplus crop bills, house leaders were
hopeful that they could be brought to
a vote before the end of the week.
One of the principal lines of attack
on the Huugon price stabilization
measure, which Is first in line for such '
consideration, will bo an effort to elim
inate the provision of a $375,0U0,00O
apppopriation designed to finance tha
federal aid machinery it would set up
pending application of pi-ice stabiliza
tion fees on basic commodities two
years after its effective date.
Some members think it likely that
the Haugen measure and tha Tincher
credit bill will "kill each oilier" la
the parliamentary scramble growing
out of the peculiar status of the pro
posals, and that the latter, which has
the backing of Secretary Jardine, may
then be called up under a special
As it stands, the Haugen bi'l is tech
nically "beforo the house" and the
Tincher measure with the Curtis-As-well
commodity marketing bill, Is in
the position of a substitute proposal.
Thus, the Tincher and Curtls-Aswell
bills must be voted upon first.
Industrial Advance Will Be Observed
By Idaho City
Lewlston, Idaho. Citizens of Low
Iston selected May 14 for what th.y
term on "industrial celebration." The
event was arranged to show tho ap
preciation of the city for the decision
of the Clearwater Timber company to
establish a big sawmill h;"-,', and for
the decision of the Inlau.l Light &
Power company to install a dam in
the Clearwater river.
The power company, by agreement
with the timber company, ii iiIho to
Install the big log storage that will
serve the mill. The outlay lo Id mada
by the mill and power companies will
total about $0,000,000 and the railroad
Into the timber belt will cost over
"How Baxter Butted In," a good
comedy-drama, will be shown at the
Standard Theatre, tomorrow evening.
Sunday night Paramount presents
"The Street of Forgotten Men," the
strange story of a Bowery Cinderel
la. Wednesday night, Tom Mix, the
man, Tony the horse, and Duke the
dog, will be seen in "Teeth," a west
ern picture teeming with the thri'la
of a great forest fire.. Unusually
good comedies, news reels, etc., ere
on these programs.
Asserts Congress Can Call Dry Vote
Washington, I). C The moot ques
tion of whether congress has the pow
er to authorize, a national referendum
on prohibition leaped into proininenc-a
-on Capitol Hill when the senate ju
diciary committee made public a sor
ies of rebuttal arguments growing out
of the recent hearings, Including one
by Frederick V. Lee, tbo senate's own
legislative counsel, declaring that con
press had such power under tho con
stitution. The drys, led by Wayne H.
Wheeler, generalissimo of tho Antl
Saloon league, have vehemently de
nied congress possessed such powers.
Would Increase Federal Judges' Salary
Washington, I). (.'.-Increased salar
ies for all federal Judges were voted
by the Herat- 'iB to 8. Th bill now
g t'S to tho !.. where an identical
nwnsure is perilling. Favorable action
by the house is forecast.