The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 07, 1926, Image 1

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Entered at the Post Office at Athena. Oregon , as Second-Class Mall Matter
Only $317,000,000 Fop Which
No Agreement Has Been
i Washington, D. C For the first
time since the treasury began sending
billions of dollars across the Atlantic
: nine years ago, officials are able to
present a-clear, tomposite -picture of
what the government may reasonably
expect in the way of return from these
loans during the next half century.
The funding of the four billion dol
lar French debt virtually wiped the
foreign debt slate clean of the major
- Of 'the $10,655,000,000 In outright
cash advanced to foreign powers in
the war period of 1917-1920, there re
mained only $317,000,000, on which no
promises to pay have been reduced to
writing. Of this unfunded amount,
$270,000,000 is owed by the Russia of
the czars and $16,000,000 is owed by
Armenia, neither of which can proper
ly be said longer to exist .
Of the principal amount advanced,
the treasury has promises in writing
that if fulfilled will bring into the
treasury approximately $21,817,000,000
during the next 62 years. This amount
is slightly in excess of the total na
tional debt of the United States as it
exists at present.
The government's income this year
from the foreign debt settlements is
reckoned at approximately $209,716,
000. ; .
For the next half century the an
nual federal income will range be
tween this figure and about $420,000,
000, which is the maximum to be real
ized in" any one-year. The larger
amount, however, will hot be coming
in uptil about 1950. -
While the foreign debt payments
would seem to afford a hope for fu
ture tax reduction, such is not the
case, at least in a direct sense. The
foreign payments are to be devoted to
the retirement of Liberty bonds, of
which there are outstanding today be
tween $16,000,000,000 and $17,000,000,
000. Thus the benefit to the taxpay
ers will be indirect, rather than direct
Olympia, Wash. Several resolutions
urging a number of legislative changes
as regards existing school laws of the
state and nation were adopted after
discussion here by the 39 county
school superintendents of the state,
after being in session for three days.
Among one of the changes urged
was one resolution' favoring the enact
ment of a federal law providing for
a department of education with a sec
retary of education to be included in
the president's cabinet. - -
Another resolution adopted would
eliminate the present statute prohib
iting graduates from the state normal
schools from - teaching grade school
classes, and being restricted to serv
ice In high schools. "; It was pointed
out that the graduates from similar
schools in' other states were unre
strained in being permitted to come to
the Washington grade schools. : ;:
Among a score of resolutions of var
ious kinds, the delegates adopted one
recommending that senate bill No. 166
of the recent special session be enact
ed so as to provide for a countrywide
uniform adoption, of textbooks, and
that a fund for this purpose be raised
by state taxation. . .
Plan Would Have Helped Oregon
Trunk Railway Project
Washington. D. C A proposed
amendment to the interstate com
merce act which would have permit
ted the Oregon Trunk railway to build
an extension southward Into Klamath
Falls from Bend without procuring any
certificate from the interstate com
merce commission has' been blocked
for .this session .of congress in the
house committee on interstate and
foreign commerce, where It was In
definitely tabled after the senate had
passed it without a dissenting vote.
The house committee voted to post
pone any action on the amendment
for the remainder of Ibis session after
a number of railroad had mnrie stren
uous, objection against any change In
the existing law.
Speaking of Glenn Dudley's can
didacy, the Freewater Times says:
"Glenn G. Dudley of Athena repub
lican candidate for representative
of the twenty third district was a
visitor in Milton and Freewater on
"Mr. Dudley is a native son of
Umatilla county, was born at Athe
na where his parents settled in 187?
and they have made that place their
home since that time.
"Mr. Dudley is a graduate of the
"University "of Oregon in the class of
1917, he served two years in the
United States army during the late
war and is a prominent member of
the American Legion and has been
honored by that organization in being
chosen president, of the county coun
cil, district committeeman, sargent
at arms for five years and delegate
to the national conventions held at
San Francisco and New Orleans.
"Mr. Dudley is associated with his
father in wheat 'farming near Athe
na and is vitally interested in the
matter of taxes. He believes that if
and income tax is adopted for Ore
gon, a certain percent of the revenue
derived from that source should re
vert back to the several counties in
that state to lessen the , burden ;-of
taxation locally.
"In speaking of his candidacy for
the legislature, Mr. Dudley states
that he wishes it distinctly under
stood that he is not opposing Mr.
Miller of Milton-Freewater. He has
the highest - regard for Mr. Miller
and if nominated and elected will
work in perfect harmony with our
"Mr. Dudley is a man of deserving
confidence and will look after the in
terests of Umatilla county and the
state if elected to the legislature
with honor and distinction. He has
adopted as his slogan, "Governmen
tal Efficiency and Economy.""
By virtue of the fact that he wore
a pair of rubber boots, in all prob
ability is the reason that Lucien
Gagnon is alive to tell the incident
of being severely shocked by light
ning, at his farm home south of
Athena, Thursday afternoon of last
Mr. Gagnon was engaged in re
pairing a fence near the creek, and
was standing in the water when
during a shower a bolt of lightning
slivered a large tree near him, and
tore up the ground for a considerable
A hammer was knocked out of Mr.
Gagnon's hand, and for a time he
was stunned and remained in a daz
ed condition. He has not wholly re
covered from the effects of the
shock, but realizes that he values
rubber boots more highly than ever
Wayne, eldest son of Mrs. Ida
Banister, met with a painful and
serious accident at the intersection
of Main and Fourth street, Sunday
forenoon, when the. bicycle he. was
riding collided with a car driven by
Orville Walden of Weston. Both ve
hides, according to witnesses were
moving slowly. Walden came up
Main street, and was making ' the
turn ..south on . Fourth. The boy was
coming north on Fourth street and
whether he lost control in steering
the bicycle, seems to be a question,
but he turned to the left, and his
bicycle collided with the rear wheel
of the automobile.
The little fellow was picked up
immediately and taken into Dr. Cow
an's office, where examination re
vealed that one of his legs was frac
tured. Later Dr. Cowan took tho
lad, to Walla Walla, where the X-ray
revealed a compound fracture, locat
ed above the ankle and beiow the
knee.t After reduction of the frac
ture was made, Wayne was brought
home, and is resting as well as could
be expected. . .
Miss Mildred Bateman,. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bateman of
Milton has been employed as English
teacher in Athena high school. Miss
Bateman will graduate in June from
the University of Oregon where she
has been prominent in debate activities.
' While pinned against the wall of
a small pen unable to defend himself,
William French, 61, a resident of
Crook county for 40 years, was gor
ed fatally by an enraged Jersey bull
belonging to Lloyd J. Powell, who
lives four miles east of Prineville on
the Ochoco project. French died
three hours later.
That there is to be a general
shortage of water throughout the
state unless copious rainfall comes
to the relief of the situation, is be
ing forecast from different sections.
Unless there is rain, Portland will
face a water shortage this summer
and sprinkling may be prohibited be
cause this has been the driest spring
in 51 years, , according to John M.
Mann, commissioner of public utili
ties in charge of the cjty water bur
eau. . : ' '
The Hermiston project is short
2000 acre feet of water in the reser
voir and project farmers will have
to govern their season's irrigation
accordingly. There is at the present
time virtually no snow in the moun
tains and the only relief possible is
from what amount of rain falls be
tween now and the middle of June.
The Athena water system is bai'e
ly holding its own with the gravity
supply being augmented by daily
pumping at the well situated near
the springs. . The regular pumping
station is yet in reserve and will not
be operated until it is necessary to
do so. .
. The crop 'prospect in the Athena
district still remains flattering, with
the growing grain well advanced and
some are of the opinion that there
is sufficient moisture to mature the
grain, and if any injury results it
will be caused by hot winds.
Already complaints are. heard in
the light soil districts that growing
grain is beginnng to show effects
from warm weather and shortage of
Farmers in the Tule Lake district,
Klamath county, are having a hard
time facing them. Legions of grass
hoppers are ravaging range and
crops. Northbound wild geese stop
in their flight to eat the growing
Athena High school commencement
week exercises will begin Sunday at
11 o'clock a. m., at the Christian
church, when Evangelist Glenn Hut
ton will deliver the Baccalaureate
The Athena Etude club will have
charge of the music for the occasion.
The church auditorium will be decor
ated ' by the sophomore class, the
senior class colors, pink and white,
predominating. - r-
Athena high school graduates one
of the larges'. classes in its history
this year, v'-.o: girls and seven
boys will be given their diplomas at
the , graduating exercises, at high
school auditorium, Friday evening,
May 14.
Class members are: Gail Ander
son, Genevieve Baker, William Camp
bell, Roma Charlton, Charlotte Gross,
Wilbur Harden, Helen Hodgen, Dor
othy Lee, Melvin Coppock, William
Coppock, Phyllis Dickenson, Leonard
Geissel, Lois Mclntyre, Dean Pinker
ton, Genevieve Rogers, Juanita
Rev. Stover, pastor of the Feder
ated church at Freewater who last
year, delivered the Baccalaureate ser
mon, will deliver the address at the
graduating exercises.
At the meeting of the city council
Tuesday evening, Ordinance No. 185,
granting the Preston-Shaffer Mill
ing company 30-year franchise for
covering construction, maintaining
and operating an electric light and
power system within the corporate
limits of the city of Athena, was
passed. Another ordinance provid
for the licensing and regulation of
public dances in Athena, went
through its second reading, when
under discussion it was . referred
for final passage at the next meeting.
The . eighth annual convention,
American Legion, department - of
Oregon, will be held this year on
Coos Bay, August 5, 6, 7. Marsh-
field and North Bend are the two
cities already preparing to make the
convention the greatest American
Legion days in the history of Ore
:- Following numerous requests, the
convention commission has decided to
stage a bathing beauty contest; and
it has put up to the different Posts
the proposition to put on local con
tests, selling votes at one cent each.
: Drum Corps contests will be held
the second day at the convention at
10 a. m. Approximately $1000 in
prizes will be offered and distribu
tion will be in such a way that every
entry will have a crack at some
prize. Complete details will be pub
lished in The Pacific Legion.
Dances, watersports, torpedo boat
flotilla, seafood dinner and many
other events are in course of prepar
ation. Six destroyers with 750 men
will be in harbor for one week. Ar
rangements are being made to feed
2000 visiters at the seafood dinner
on Saturday August 7th.
. C. K. Cranston,, republican candi
date for county " treasurer was in
Athena. Tuesday. Mr. Cranston is
well known to the people of Umatil
la county, having filled an unexpir
ed term in the treasurer's office. He
says that if elected, he will run the
treasurer's office without asking the
court for a full time deputy, and
that ke will not aeeept paid deputy
ship in any other county office.
.A W ' , . H T Ik III
Specially Built iow
MiflllsM Mas? Testa
1. Can be used with equal success
on hillside or level fields.
2. A real 2-man machine. Bagging
platform, centrally located, well
balanced. Men work close to
gether. 3. Header platform te parallel to
ground at all times. No grain
4. Operates equally well up hill or
5. Cylinder, 24" long, runs on self
aligning, enclosed ball bear
ings. 6. Five square feet of grate surface
beneath cylinderand main beater
provides for immediate separa
tion of 80 to 90 of grain at the
7. Wide separator (44") permits
straw to spread thinly over straw
. racks for thorough separation.
8. Air blast of shoe fan is distrib
uted evenly over entire area of
shoe screen, whether machine is
going up or down hill.
9. Recleaning device in addition to
shoe similar in action to fanning
Vj mill. Cleans grain thoroughly.
10. Power-operated leveling de
vice. The operator merely moves
a clutch lever the power does
the rest
11. Screens are automatically lev
eled. 12. All bearings supported on brack
ets attached solidly to the frame,
not to sheet metal siding.
13. Auxiliary engine same as used in
Harvester trucks and tractors.
Ball-bearing crankshaft.
14. All drive chains are short. Double
roller chain and cut steel sprock
ets on cylinder drive-
One of these Machines will be on
display soon at our store
ROGERS & GOODMAN (AMercaritile Trust,) ATHENA, ORE
Hillside Harvester-Threshers
Attorneys representing both in
terests in the million dollar libel
suit brought by Aaron Sapiro against
Henry Ford and the Dearborn Indep
ent, a Ford publication took testi
mony by deposition at Walla Walla
last week.
Lawyers representing Mr. Ford
were Ward N. Choate, special coun
sel and J. G. Bruce of the Ford legal
staff, both of Detroit. They were
accompanied by William A. Sim
onds, of the Ford Motor eompany of
Seattle. '
William Henry Gallagher, of De
troit, conducted the examination for
the Sapiro interests. He was assist
ed by two attorneys from the Sapiro
offices at Chicago, Walter F, Lynch
and R. S. Marx.
Testimony taken at Walla Walla
was relative to articles on
wheat and hay, published in the
Dearborn Independent, it is under
stood. " Among . the witnesses who
were examined were Oliver T. Corn
well, Ernest Freepons, J. J. Spencer,
Carl Roe, A. J. Gillis, Frank Brew
ster, Ulrich Mauser, Harley J. Spra
gue, U. B. Adkins, "Casey" Jones, of
Walla Walla; and N. B. Atkinson
and Zoe Atkinson, of Waitsburg.
The testimony was taken before
Glenn L. Bean, as notary.
The case comes to trial in Detroit
in September 14, at which time the
testimony now being taken is ex
pected to be used. Depositions are
being taken to spare the huge ex
pense that would accompany the
transportation of witnesses to Detriot.
Both parties of attorneys came to
Walla Walla from Lewiston, where
they were engaged in taking deposi
tions the first part of the week. One
of the attorneys representating Mr.
Ford states that they have traveled
over 12,000 miles since they left De
troit several months ago in search
of testimony. They examined wit
nesses in Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky,
Minnesota and Washington. The
Washington field will soon be com
pleted, after which they will turn to
Oregon and California. It is estim
ated that over 1,500 depositions will
have been taken when the case is
called to court.
A gasoline engine which will start
on a zero morning without fuzzing
or cussing har been designed by Del-co-Light
engineers. Any farmer who
has cranked a balky engine, with
frost bitten fingers, while his thirs
ty live stock fought about an empty
water tank will appreciate its ad
vantages. This improvement results from
use of a new carbureter of simple
design, with only one adjustment.
This carbureter is standard equip
ment in the new Model 750 Automa
tic Delco-Light electric light and
power plant, which supplies current
at the turn of a switch, yet operates
without storage batteries.
In experimenting with this new
plant, a number of installations were
made in the far North, where they
were operated in temperatures of
twenty degrees below zero. Although
the plant engine must start automa
tically whenever a switch is turned
and must stop each time the current
is turned off, these plants operated
satisfactorily throughout the entire
winter of 1925.
H. J. Cunningham, local agent for
Delco Company in selling light plants
is just now installing Frigidaire cool
ing systems, manufactured by the
Delco company. Mr. Cunningham, in
the last six weeks has sold soda
fountain equipments to the McFad
don Pharmacy in Athena; three in
Milton; two at Pendleton; one each
at Umatilla, Hermiston and Helix.
He has also sold ten household machines.
Mr. Sterling Parris of Athena, and
Mrs. Laura Bartlett, of Caldwell,
Idaho, were united in marriage at
Walla Walla, last Saturday, May 1.
Relatives and friends were present
at the wedding ceremony after which
a wedding dinner was served. Mr.
and Mrs. Parris are at home on Mr,
Parris' farm, west of Athena.
Government Arranges to Ration
Food, Fuel and Other
Elmer Merritt, who is in a Walla
Walla hospital, underwent an opera
tion Monday, when a plate was in
sorted in his leg, recently broken, to
assist in reducing the fracture. Mer
ritt was run into by an automobile
last week, while driving a band of
sheep along the highway in the Wal
la Walla valley.
London.-Great Britain Monday faced
the gravest domestic mennce which has
overhung the nation since the fall of
the Stuart dynasty. This was a gener
al (Strike 'which It was estimated would
call out' some 1,405,000 men to join
the 1,120,000 coal miners, who went
on strike at midnight Friday
Premier Baldwin told the house of
commons that continuance of the gov
ernmental subsidy to the coal industry
was out of the question.
Premier Baldwin presented a mes
sage from the king, declaring the ex
istence of a state emergency and
moved that a humble address be pre
sented to his majesty thanking him
for the message. The motion was
carried by a vote of 308 to 108.
To meet the emergency the govern
ment "made elaborate preparations.
The country was divided into 10 dis
tricts, each under a civil commission
er with large staffs of officials. These
will assume complete control of public
The last hours before the general
strike call went forth were anxious
ones. Thousands of citizens assem
bled In Parliament square and the ad
Joining streets, while within the house
ministers of the crown and ex-ministers,
representing labor, battled in
support of their respective conten
tions. The scenes at Westminster were
reminiscent of July, 1914.
Downing street was impassable.
The crowds lining both Bides of
Bridge street, leading to the houses
of parliament, and Parliament square
Itself were estimated at many thousands.
Washington, D. C-Pacific North
western interests represented by W.
B. Keeno are willing to offer more
than $4,000,000 for the five liners of
the Admiral-Oriental line running out
of Seattle, Senator McNary, republi
can, Oregon, told the senate commerce
committee. .
This would compare with the $4,
500,000 bid of the Dollar Interests,
which the shipping board has voted
to accept, but which has been held up
as a result of a senate resolution of
T. V. O'Connor, chairman of the
board, Insisted at the very outset of
the Inquiry into the deal begun by
the commerce that any
effort to block sale of tho ships to
Dollar would be ineffectual, as the
board's attorney had declared it com
plete and therefore subject only to
court review. Senators Jones of
Washington and McNary of Oregon
denied just as vigorously that any
move had been made by tho board
which could not be revoked.
The raising of this iasuo Is be
lieved to forecast lltigaiion before
the question of sale Is settled, but in
the meantime the senate committee
will complete Its Inquiry.
President Approves Mcrsure Granting
$19,000,000 to Spanish War Vets.
Washington. Affixing his signature
to the Spanish war veterans bill, add
ing 119,000,000 to pensions for them
and their dependents. President Cool
idge formally declared that unless
federal expenditures are checked taxes
must be Increased.
The president's warning followed a
series of conferences with congression
al leaders, upon whom he urged the
necessity for considering the deficit
of $40,000,000 threatened for the com
lug fiscal year.
The chief executive explained that
ho approved the Spanish war measure
only after being assured that, by econ
omies elsewhere, funds could be found
to meet the fixed charge of $111,000,000
against the treasury.
Nicaragua Has War of Revolution
Managua, Nicaragua. The Nlearag
uan congress declared the country in
a slate of win-, li ia reported that
Liberal revolution! its have seized tha
Blueficlds National bank of Nicaragua
and have captured Rama, a small
town 60 miles inland rem Blueflelda.