The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 16, 1926, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
"Kentucky Pride"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Mrs. Shelton of Freewater was in
Athena, Monday.
Mrs. Lilla Kirk has purchased a
new Nash sedan.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Foss spent Fri
day in Walla Walla.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson spent Tues
day in Walla Walla.
Lafe Mc Bride of Weston, was an
Athena visitor Monday.
Arnold Wood transacted business
in Pendleton, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards are
driving a new Nash sedan.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFadden are
in Portland on a short visit.
Harold Kirk and Roy DeFreece
were in Walla Walla, Monday.
M. I. Miller has moved into the
Dickson house on Adams street.
Mrs. Raymond Geissel of Milton is
visiting with relatives in Athena.
J. S. Norvell and Letcher Norvell
of Helix, were in the city Sunday.
Mrs. A. J. Wagner is moving into
her home on North Fourth street.
Mrs. Sarah Gross and Mrs. Bryce
Baker spent Friday in Walla Walla.
Charles Alpach, Helix realtor,
transacted business in Athena, Tues
day. In a 14-inning game at Echo, Sun
day, Hermiston won by the score of
1 to 0.
J. T. Lieuallen, democratic war
horse, was an Athena visitor, Wed
nesday. Jay Williams, realtor and old time
Walla Wallan, was on business here
The fishing season opened yester
day, but no limit catches have been
Attorney Archie Mclntyre of Pen
dleton was in Athena on legal busi
ness Monday.
Miss Wavel Mitchell of Weston
spent the week end at the Fred Pitt
man home here.
Mrs. Ernest Ilaney recently under
went an operation at St. Mary's hos
pital in Walla Walla.
Lee Whitehead the new barber lias
moved his family into the Patterson
cottage on Second street.
D. Loree and his father-in-law Mr.
Kimbrell, were in Athena the past
week from Ponieroy, Washington.
Mrs. Clark Mace, who teaches in
school district No. 113, was a week
end guest of Mrs. H. J. Cunningham.
Missess Letha McElrath and Ruth
Fia.ier and Mr. Harry Jeffrey of
Walla Walla were in Athena Sunday.
The members of the County Court
and Roadinaster Shannon were view
ing roads north of Athena, Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eager of Seat
tle and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eager
of Dayton, visited in Athena Tues
day. Mrs. L. G. Stott of Dayton, Wash
ington is spending the week at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Emmett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nye of Wal
la Walla passed through Athena
Tuesday. Mr. Nye called on Charles
N orris.
Dr. J. A. Host, republican candi
date for state senator, was in the
eily from Pendleton, Wednesday afternoon.
"The Lucky Devil"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Mrs. Charles Dudley, Mrs. Lou
Kretzer, Mrs. Charles Miller and son,
and Mrs. Mollie Danner, motored to
Milton, Monday.
E. T. (Tug) Sturgin, old time
sheep herder of this vicinity, has
returned, accompanied by his two
faithful sheep dogs.
The Main street fronts of Rogers
& Goodman's hardware store and
Harden's billiard hall are receiving a
fresh coat of paint.
Mrs. D. H. Mansfield and daugh
ter, Miss Velva Mansfield were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Logsdon, Sunday.
J. W. Maloney of Pendleton, has
been chosen chairman of the Oregon
game commission, to succeed Harold
Clifford of Canyon City.
' Mrs. M. M. Johns has returned to
her home in Athena, from California,
where she spent the winter at the
home of her son, Melville Johns.
Mrs. David Stone reports the sale
of the first fries of the season. She
has also just ordered from Prosser
hatcheries 1500 more baby chicks,
A number of Adams, Helix and
Weston people were in Athena Tues
day evening, attending the annual
class play at high school auditorium.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goff will ar
rive Saturday by motor rom New-
berg. They will visit at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. R. B. McEwen.
C. L. McFadden proprietor of Mc
Fadden's Pharmacy, will open a drug
store at Helix. Charles Wilson of
this city, will manage the Helix
George Perry, brother of Mrs.
Lucien Gagnon, has been in Athena
the past week from his home in Se
attle, and has been a guest of his
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell
spent Tuesday away from home. Mrs.
Russell visited relatives in Milton,
and Mr. Russsell went on to Walla
Seth Hyatt, range rider for the
Weston Cattle Association, was on
business in Athena Saturday. Mr.
Hyatt's spring duties will soon commence.
John Beardon, who formerly op
erated J. E. Froom's fruit ranch in
the Walla Walla valley, died recently
at his home in Port Angeles, Wash
ington. Miss Katherine Froom came up
from Washougal, Washington, ac
companied by Mr. Lyman Cooley and
spent the week end with her parents
in Athena.
R. B. McEwen is serving on the
jury. Ralph had timed his plowing
pretty close to the coming jury ser
vice, having pulled in the caterpillar
plow outfit Saturday.
Miss Edna DeFreece and Miss
Dorothy Geissel were in Weston Sat
urday afternoon distributing bills for
the Athena High school play, which
was presented Tuesday evening.
The district track meet, to be held
on the base ball ground in Athena,
tomorrow afternoon, is the center of
interest of the schools of Helix, Ad
ams, ' Weston and Athena this week.
In the game at Helix Sunday, Wes
ton won by the score of 5 to 3. Mc
Garrigle and McPherrin did the bat
tery work for the winners, and Wil
bur Harden played first. Helix will
play at Weston next Sunday afternoon.
Buck Jones in "Hearts and Spurs"
Standard Theatre Wednesday night
J. E. Jones and wife visited in
Pendleton Sunday at the E. C. Al
bert home. In the afternoon the
party motored to the McKay dam
where the concrete is now being
The fifth and sixth grade children
accompanied by Miss Dorothy Rod
man treated themselves to a hike in
the country last Friday evening and
later enjoyed a weenie roast over a
camp fire.
The J. T. club will meet Wednes
day afternoon April 21, at the coun
try home of Mrs. Will Piper. Mrs.
Arthur Douglas and Mrs. Grant
Prestbye comprise the refreshment
Milton Eagle: Glenn Dudley of
Athena, candidate for the republican
nomination for representative in the
state legislature from Umatilla
county was in Milton Monday in the
interests of his candidacy.
Twelve of the B. Y. P. U. mem
bers attended the Young People's
Rally at Helix, last Sunday after
noon. Kholer Betts lead the Devo
tional meeting. Miss Lorraine Terry
sang a very pleasing solo.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bom of
Spokane, arrived in Athena Friday
and have been visiting at the home
of Mrs. Lilla Kirk, Mrs. KirK is a
sister of Mr. Bone. The visitors
left for their home, Sunday.
Favorable growing weather has
put flower plots and lawns surround
ing Athena homes in better condition
than for years past. As a result
many new shrubs and plants have
been placed in Athena yards this
D. J. Thompson, stockman of Uma
tilla river near Gibbon was in town
Saturday. Mr. Thompson is fencing
his Weston mountain farm with
sheep tight fencing and will raise
sheep in pasture hereafter without
Weston Leader: Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Booher and Mrs. Fred Pittman
were among the Athena people in
town Wednesday to attend the fun
eral service in honor of James Kirk
patrick. Fred Faulkner, sheepman of Pen
dleton, made a trip out into the
Range country northwest of Athena
one day last week. He was accom
panied by Henry Barrett. They re
turned by way of Milton and the
Little Miss Mary Powell, of Port
land who has been staying at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. Charles Dud
ley, in company with Mr. Dudley of
Athena and Mr. and Mrs. Akey of
Pendleton, left by motor yesterday
for Portland.
The Jolly Twenty-five club met
Wednesday of last week at the coun
try home of Mrs. Flint N. Johns with
nineteen members present. Mrs.
Forest Zerba was a guest of the
club. At five o'clock the hostess ser
ved seasonable refreshments.
The women of the Loyal Gleaners
class, Christian church Sunday
school, will have a social evening at
the parsonage this Friday evening
at 7:30 o'clock. All members are
urged to attend and each one is
privileged to bring a friend.
Miss Marybelle Walter, came
down from Walla Walla for the
spring vacation, where she is at
tending school, and visited at the
esi On the Marke
are made of cAlaskan Buckskin, retain their shape
and outwear all others
Canvas Gloves
15c, 20c, 25c
High Quality Vegetables are again on the Market
-We have the kind the big stores sell
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Walter. Miss Walter returned
to her studies Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Ralph Cannon who has been
in Athena at her home for several
days after returning from a Walla
Walla hospital, where she was oper
ated on .several weeks ago, was forc
ed to return to the hospital, as she
was not recuperating as expected.
Mrs. C. L. McFadden, of the local
committee soliciting funds for the
Louise Home for unfortunate gills,
expresses her thanks for the pat
ronage given by the public at the
"Round the World" dinner given at
the Methodist Episcopal church, last
Saturday evening.
Rebekah lodge met Tuesday even
ing, with a fair attendance. An inv
portant business session was held at
which time it was decided to give a
pastry sale at Rogers & Goodmans'
store, on Saturday April 24th. A
very pleasant evening was spent by
the members present and delicious
refreshments served by Mrs. Bert
Logsdon and Mrs. H. J. Cunningham.
High School Notes :
The students of the grades and
high school enjoyed the program of
the seventh and eighth grade Friday
Ruth Wiiliams visited the High
school Monday.
The senior class is expecting to go
to Pendleton Friday afternoon to
have their pictures taken for the
High school paper,
Athena High school is finding dif
ficulty in securing an athletic coach
for next year owing to the fact that
eight Umatilla county schools are
trying to secure coaches.
Those on the Honor Roll for the
past six weeks are: Belle Anderson
93 1-3; Edna DeFreece 93; Lois Mc
lntyre 93; Alberta Charlton 92 1-3;
Phyllis Dickenson 92; Jessiedeane
Dudley 91 1-3, Kathleen Radtke 91;
Jennamae Read 90 1-3; LaVone Pitt
man 90 and Lois Johnson 90.
The Primary room is planning a
wiener roast for Thursday evening
on the lot behind Barrett's house.
Eldon White was registered in the
Primary room, Monday of this week.
Phyllis Dickenson received a silver
medal from the Remington Typewrit
er Company for writing 42 net words
per minute for fifteen minutes.
The Staff for the A. H. S. Review
has been selected and the work on
the annual paper will be started
sometime soon. .The staff is as fol
lows: Editor, Juanita Woodruff; As
sistant Editor, Lois Mclntyre; Busi
ness Manager, Granville Cannon;
Assistant Business Manager. Dal-
breth Taylor; Joke Editor, Belle
Anderson; Assistant Joke Editor,
Kathleen Radtke; Freshman Class
Reporter, Alberta Charlton; Sopho
more Class Reporter, Jessiedeane
Dudley; Junior Class Reporter, Edna
DeFreece; Senior Class Reporter,
Genevieve Rogers; Football News,
William Coppock; Basketball News,
Fred Radtke: Track News. Rav Dud
ley; Tennis News, Phyllis Dickenson.
The Sectional track meet to be
held at the local grounds next Sat
urday will have contestants from
Adams, Weston and Helix. The high
school contestants from Athena are:
Granville Cannon, Armand Bell, Ray
Dudley, William Campbell, Dalbreth
Taylor and Arthur Taylor.
The Juniors and Seniors took in
$9.65 in their candy sale Tuesday
night at the High school play.
Tuesday, April 13, the High school
presented their play "Three Live
Ghosts." It was a success financial
ly as the proceeds amounted to
$135X5. The Seniors and the Jun
iors received $20 each, the Sopho
mores and Freshmen $10 each, and
the remainder went into the general
Student Body fund. There was n
royalty of $15.00 on the play.
Due to the kindness of the Citv
Tennis Association the tennis match
between Helix High school and Athe
na High school was held on the town
courts Thursday evening. It is ex-
pected that the future matches will
be held on the town court.
The Churches
M, E. Church
Sunday school Bfc 10: A. M. Morn
ing worship at 11: oclock. Sermon
subject: "Thanksgiving for a Sure
Baptist Church
Bible school 9:45 A. M. Perachjng
11: A. M. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 P. M.
Preaching 7:30 P. M. You are wel
come at all of these services.
Church of Christ
Sunday April 18 is the first day of
our evangelistic campaign. We ex
pect a big attendance at Bible school.
There were 104 last Sunday and w$
should have 130 this Sunday. There
will be a basket dinner served at
the church Sunday. Everybody bring
a basket filled with good things to
eat. We expect a great day with
wonderful fellowship.
Tresh Vegetables
This is the time of year fresh Vegetables are at their best. Eat
lots of them, says the doctor. We receive them fresh and crisp
every other morning. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrots, Celery,
Asparagus, Radishes, Green Onions, Head Lettuce, Spinach,
Beets, Turnips, Etc. ,
Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple 2 1-2 Size. Each 29c
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Free Tickets for this show to
Saturday April, 17
enry B. Walthall
See the world's famous race horses, Man, O'War, Negof ol, Morvich, Fair
Play, The Finn, (Sire of Zev) Virginia's Future and others. Everybody who
loves a horse or a dog, or even a cat, must often wonder what is taking place
inside their heads, behind those watchful eyes; what they really think about
themselves and us; what they could say if they could only talk. In "Ken
tucky Pride" Virginia's Future takes the bit in her teeth and talks right
out about horses and life in general. . You'll never forget this picture.
Pathe Review Comedy Admission Prices, 10c-35c
Free Tickets for fiiis show to
Sunday, April 18
"The Lucky Bevir
Clear the Road!
Here's Dix at the wheel of a roaring racing romance that wins the Enter
tainment Sweepstakes with thrills and laughs to spare. You'll be out of luck
if you miss "The Lucky Devil." An Action-comedy of love, luck and light
ning. Written especially for Richard Dix by the author of "The Air Mail,"
"Code of the Sea" and the famous Wally Reid auto racing stories. Support
ing cast includes Esther Ralston, "Gunboat" Smith and other well-known
International News.
Admission Prices, 10c-35c
Wednesday, April 21
Buck Jones
earis and Spurs
Based on the story, "The Outlaw"
The story is replete with adventurous moments and terrific action. In trans
cribing the novel to the screen, the activity of the plot has been greatly en
hanced. Buck is just the kind of man you would imagine the hero to be. He
is rugged, lives and breathes the great outdoors, and conducts himself like a
true westerner. The big Fox sta?s forte is performing hazardous deeds. The
present story gives hijn ample opportunity to wade literally through peril
ous ventures. There are fights aplen-ty hard fast rides more fights.
Admission Prices 10c- 35g