AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Ratea. Cne copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy, three months 73 Athena, Oregon April 2 1926 AS WE FIND THEM No intelligence test yet devised beats the ballot. New Orleans Item. 1 . '- - ( The old-fashioned girl who knead ed the dough now has a daughter who -whether she needs it or not, generally gets it. Fort Wayne News Sentinel. ' ' ' Geologist claims the world is' on ly one million years old. Flatterer. Lawrence, (Mass.) Eagle. News item says that in Vermont and Georgia the law entitles a man his wife's earnings. What have Flor ida and California to offer to offset this? Arkansas Gazette. A missing western cashier was des cribed as six feet tall and $6,000 short. The six feet got away; the shortage remains. Louisville Courier-Journal. The fire hydrant knows exactly where the best parking place is. Miami News. Yes, as somebody remarked, sew age is a serious problem. Especially when its printed. Rockford Star, What is needed is less advice for the merchant marine ' and more freight. Jersey City Journal. Many a wife craves nothing for her husband lives on his account. Judge. The most complete "booze wlo" list will be the one the undertakers are now compiling. Memphis Com mercial Appeal. According to some of our foreign critics it's a supreme outrage not to lend a debtor enough money to pny what he owes. Westerly Sun. Famous last words: "I'll tell you how to cure that cold. The Tedcstrians Protective Associ ation recently organized will un doubtedly take for its emblem the grasshopper. Greenboro News. Does France pay her premiers by the job or day? Buffalo News. Even the passing interest in re lativity was relative. Boston Her ald. Too many people think opportunity means a chance to get money with out' earning it. Milwaukee Leader. California reports a seedless lem on, but what the country really need;) is a Nuiiiitloss grapefruit. Indiana polis Star. The pedestrian at iTie street cross ing knows he's on his way, but doesn't know where he's going. At lanta Constitution. Now that llryn Mawr permits it, it would be interesting to know what the faculty of Duke University thinks of co-ed smoking. Detroit News. One good way to study the scorn ful tone is to tell the burlier that you usually shave yourself. St. Paul Pioneer Press. Well, Russia has gone back to li quor and sin. -Ohio State Journal. Premier Priar.d seems determined to inflate the currency arid deflate the "war debt. Seattle Times. "Sovietism." It has another alias, 'Bolshevism." But is the -fsame old devil in a red shirt. Los Angeles Times. '': Man showed up at his golf club on Sunday and said it was a toss-up whether he should go to church or out on the links. He had to flip the coin fifteen times. Seattle Times. One Elgin matron is trying to in yent a pocketjsize letter box to hold letters which she requests her hus band io- mail.; ,The, bqx, if perfected, will work on the principal of an al arm clock and will ring a bell every 15- minutes until the letter is mailed. Elgin Recorder. When government ownershop dis places private business, the loss in taxes, as well as the excessive cost of operation, is levied upon property and business which survive. Baker Democrat. The French chamber of deputies, in its attitude toward all measures thus far proposed to liquidate the nation's indebtedness, seems to have adopted the war-time slogan: "They shall not pass." Roseburg News-Review. Grants Pass men appear to be vie ing with the ladies in bright colored hats for the spring, so far, they seem to be getting the best of it. Grants Pass Courier. The fact that a committee of some kind has awarded the blue ribbon to some lady in New Jersey as the "per fect mother" is not one of any par ticular consequence. The judges did not examine into the situation thor oughly at all. Most any of us could have told them of a mother who had this one beaWn in a thousand ways. Yakima Republic. Bad company Only two words, but a whole sermon. This was the statement made by W. R. Lloyd just before he was hanged for the murder of Clinton I. Baum of Independence. Bad company since boyhood had led to a life of crime, which was ended abruptly on the scaffold when he was only 26 years of age. Polk County Itemizer. The inventor of barbed wire is dead. Any boy who has ever invad ed a melon patch and left in a hurry will agree that the inventor was no benefactor of mankind. Everett Herald. It may be more contrariness of course, but occasionally a man ceases to be a grouch when people begin calling him one. Kent Adviser-Journal. Spaniard Gets Credit for the Frankfurter What Is a hot dog? Wei!, it is most ly hull ; hull meat mixed with pork, highly spiced, (.eain cooked and smoked over hickory smoke. It orig inated in Itologua, Spain, long ago that only the main facts may he re ciiIUhI. They used to slaughter an enormous niimlier of IuiIIh In the arenas of Spain in days when hulllightlng was more popular nml more brutal than It Is today. It looked like a great economic crime to see so much prize beef wasted. P.ut nobody wauled bull beef Just so; bulls are lough and not so delicious as- cows and steers are. A butcher in llologna had an idea and bought bulls that were killed In the bull ring and made the meat Into a sausage, mixed with pork and highly seasoned. Bologna sausage appealed to the popular taste. Hermans borrowed the formula, put the same saus-uge mixture Into small casings and llologna became "Frank furter" in Frankfort and "Weenie" in Vienna. Coney Island gave It the name of hot dog and popularized it. One stand in Coney Island that has been selling hot dogs for half a cen tury Is reputed to have a sale of live to ten tons of Frankfurters a day in the busy Reason. Somebody has- to sell a lot of 'em to get rid of that 4tX),. 000,000 pounds a year. Colliers' Magazine. Chicago grave diggers strike. Ov-' 1 1 1 .11.- . eiwoi'Keu pronamy oecnuse in kmiik activities. F.veielt Daily Herald. Loose gravel and blinding lights are running synthetic gin a close race in the death columns. Sioux Falls Argus-Leader. Samson had the right idea about : advertising. He took two columns ami brought down the house. Char leston Gazette. About the only thing that will make a modern flapper blush is a box of rouge. -San Francisco Examiner. When a man savs 'I run things at my house," he may mean the wnsh ing machine or furnace. AUoona Mirror. In some financial circles it is being hinted that La Belle France is rapid ly becoming La Dunibelle. -Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Fifty years ago the Russian re gime was called "Anarchy." Today it flourishes under tho new ram oi Columbia Basin Pact Favored Washington, I). C The house has placed its stamp of approval on a measure to authorize $25,000 for pro moting a Columbia river compact di recting distribution of its waters among states of Washington, Montana, Idaho and Oregon. Both this bill and one resembling it, which has been passed by the senate, are designed to promote the development of irrigation projects in the Columbia river basin. First Loves Lose Out Few men marry the first woman with whom they fall In love, says F.lsn Itema, tho Dorothy Dlx of Germany. Chance, sho says, Is mightier than Cupid and usually first loves become separated, . . . Men marry readily when young, Frauleln Itemu finds, but when they nre confirmed bachelors It lakes sympathetic housekeepers to land them. Widowers nre easy marks because they no longer know how to live alone. They nre used to a homo nnd feminine caresses and are unnble to do without the comforts and ten derness that goes with married life. . . . Same on this side of the water. Bemn. Same on this Blue Carper's Weekly. Juniper Tree Older Than King Solomon , There 1$ something about an ancient tree that 'wins aur reverence whether we know much about trees or not. And sometimes one of these veterans Is found of such age that we seek In vain for a word that expresses our feelings about It. . In Logn: canyon, Utah, a knotted old Juniper has very recently been dis covered; the men of science say that It had reached a vigorous life before King Solomon was born. A student in the Utah agricultural college dis covered It. The tree Is still growing, Its roots Imbedded In rock at an ele vation of 7,300 feet above sea level; It Is about forty-four feet high. The old tree has been taking its nourish ment from the limestone cliff for 3,000 years. All that time this noble vet eran has fought a lonely but victorious fight against wind and storm nnd drought.. Through Its long struggle the old Juniper has acquired such strength that It Is actually breaking apart the ledge on which It grows and gradually pushing several tons of rocky material away from the edge of the cliff. The national forest serv ice has been asked to protect this tough old settler from the souvenir hunters, by surrounding It with a strong steel fence. Youth's Com panion. Oregon Ballot Titles Finished Salem, Or. Ballot titles for Initia tive measures providing for old age pensions in the-state of Oreson and repeal of the so-called motor vehicle registration title law enacted at the last session of the legislature were completed by the attorney-general. WILL GO TO PARIS Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFadden, in company with Dr. and Mrs. Smith of Portland, are contemplating going to Faris in September, 1927, where the two ex-service men will attend the International Legion convention. WOODMEN MEETING The local Woodman Camp is pre paring for a big meeting on the evening of April 7, when the Walla Walla degree team will put on the initiatory work. A big feed will be a feature of the evening, and all Woodmen are requested to be present. THE B. Y. P. U. The B. Y. P. U., will hold a Sun rise prayer meeting Easter morning on a hill on the Jesse Smith farm, Mrs. E. M. Bollinger leader. Miss Lorraine Terry song leader. After the services an Easter breakfast will be served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cannon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla county. , Ed Welch, Plaintiff ' vs Rose Cornoyer, executrix of the last will and testament of Gustavus Cornoyer, deceased; Rose Cornoy er; Sophia Cornoyer Bellinger; Evelyn Cornoyer Hall; Iris Corno yer; Gustavus Cornoyer; Edward Cornoyer; Leona Cornoyer; De lorne Cornoyer; George Cornoyer; Eugene Cornoyer; also all parties or persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate or interest in or to the eal property described in the application for judgment fore closing tax lien herein, i : ' Defendants. To Rose Cornoyer, executrix of the last will and testament of Gusta vus Cornoyer, deceased; Rose Cor noyer; Sophia Cornoyer Bellinger; Evelyn Cornoyer Hall; Iris Cor noyer; Gustavus Cornoyer; Ed ward Cornoyer; Leona Cornoyer; Delorne Cornoyer; George Cornoy er; Eugene Cornoyer; also all par ties or persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate or interest in or to the real property describ ed in the application for judgment foreclosing tax lien herein, the above named defendants: You are hereby notified that Ed Welch the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1749, issued on the 13th day of May. A. D. 1922, by the Tax Collector of the County of Umatilla, State of Oregon, for the amount of $13.14, the same be ing the amount then due and de linquent for the year 1918, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property as sessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and par ticularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Lot Three, Block Six, Richards Addition, City of Athe na, Umatilla County, Oregon. You are further notified that said Ed Welch has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: Tax Rate Year Pale Roc. at Tax Paid No. Amt. Int. 1919 Apr 1920 Apr. 1921 Apr 1922 Nov 1923 Deb 1924 Dec 5 1922 5 1922 5 1922 5 1923 28 1925 28 1925 5070 $10.56 12 5931 10.61 12 5.92 12 5.50 12 5.54 12 5.47 12 5932 14080 0173 0174 SCHOOL BUILDING At an estimated cost of $80,000, Weston school district No. 19, is' con templating the construction of a new school building, reports the Leade'. A meeting was recently held and the matter was enthusiastically discus sed. It is said that the present building is unsafe, reports to that effect having been received from the state fire marshal and Architect Os terman. Hairs Catarrli Medicine SLdof:Mt rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. Sold by druggish for oyer 40 ytan F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo, Ohic Said Rose Cornoyer. executrix of the last will and testament of Gus tavus Cornoyer, deceased; Rose Cor noyer; Sophia Cornoyer Bellinger; Evelyn Cornoyer Hall; Iris Cornoyer; Gustavus Cornoyer; Edward Cornoy er; Leona Cornoyer; Delorne Cornoy er: George Cornoyer; Eugene Cor noyer; also all parties or persons un known claiming any right, title, es tate or interest in or .to the real pro perty described in the application for judgment foreclosing tax lien herein, are hereby further notified that Ed Welch will apply to the Cir cuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above described and mentioned in said cer tificate. And you ; are hereby sum moned to aDnear within sixty days after the first, publication of the summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, arid defend this ac tion or pay the amount due as above shown together with costs and ac crued interest and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published bv or der of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Umatilla, and said order was made and dated this 9th day of March 1926, and the date of the first publi cation of this summons is the 12th dav of March A. D. 1926. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. Address. Pendelton, Ore ion. PROEBSTEL & SCHMIDT M12A23 Attorneys for the Plaintiff. For Sale Good Horses and Mules At' J0: Wright's Bam THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA Established 1891. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SU0.OOft.OO '. SUMMONS (Equity No. 4138) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla county. Carrie Orr, Plaintiff, vs. James E. Orr, Defendant. To James E. Orr, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled suit within six " weeks of the date of the first publication of this summons, namely, on or be fore Friday the 16th day of April, 1926, and you will take notice that if you fail to answer or otherwise plead thereto within said time, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for, to-wit, for a decree dis solving the marriage contract now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant, for an ab solute divorce from the defendant and for a change of plaintiff's name from that of Carrie Orr to that of Carrie Childers, and. for other equit able relief. This summons is published pur suant to an order made herein by Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the above entitled court on the 3rd day of March, 1926. The first publication of this summons will be made on Friday the 5th day of March, 1926, and the last publication on Friday the 16th day of April, 1926, and will be published for Six consecutive weeks. Dated this the 3rd day of March, 1926. i WILL M. PETERSON Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and Post Office Address, Pendleton, Oregon. M5A16. WATTS & PRESTBYE Attorneys-At-Law Main Street. Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice Will. M. Peterson and G. H. Bishop ATTORNEYS Pendleton-Freewater Practice in State and Federal Courts DR. A. C. FROOM Dentist South Side Main Street. Athena DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon DR. W. G. COWAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon For Sale Rhode Island Red hatch ing eggs. Ralph McEwen. For Sale A fresh Milch cow. J. E. Froom, Athena. Real state Insurance Farm Loans Cheap Money B. B RICSARSS, Athena Jensens Blacksmith Shop HorseshoeiBg Prices Reasonable Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Ore. DRS. A. D. & R. A. FRENCH OPTOMETRISTS - French Optical Parlors 15 E. Main St Phone 653 WALLA WALLA, WASH. T(T (bo irV 0 RATION-WIDE fl JJ . INSTITUTION- eanesr . INC. L department stores Men's Waverly Caps Ready i They , Have Personality, ' " Value and Are Low Priced Every Waverly cap has dominating character. The name spells Excellence. Made of the best domestic and imported woolens. Silk linings, soil-proof sweatbands and unbreakable visors. Let us be your hatter. $1.98 Men's Knitted Union Suits Fasten at Shoulder ; WitK ; C ; v Two Buttons No Others Men like these well-shaped, full-cut, perfect-fitting, knitted athletic union suits. They fasten at should er with two buttons on and off like a bathing, suit; closed crotch, buttonless fly-front. Cool, comfort able, well-made. All sizes $1.25 The Upset Of A Little Lamp The disasterous fire at Chicago in 1871, resulting from a cow upsetting a small lamp, shows how lit tle things grow into enormous proportions. It was not the kicking over of a lamp that started a little store but it was the little store itself that started a business growing into one of National im portance. The first J. C. Penney Company Store then known as the Golden Rule Store transacted less than a $29,000 business the first year. Less than a quarter of a century later, we find it with 676 Stores, doing a business of approximately $90,000, 000. That's a reward of service ! lllilllllllllllllllllffiKilllil lilil!!IIIIUII!llllllli!!!l!HIIIIP!!l Eat at the am m B II I ATHENA I. RESTAURANT I Lunch and Meals Served at all Hcurs. You can buy I Golden Crust Bread Here. . J.C.Baker iiinniBM Men, W omen and Children Are Known Largely By the Neatness And Looks of Their Clothes and Shoes So Why Not Let Us Keep Your Clothes Looking Neat. We Also Make Your Old Shoes Like New in Our Up-to-Date Repair Shop. SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $1.50 Shoe Repairing in Proportion G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon A Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end blddJer risht The Athena Hotel J. E. FROOMF, PROP. ' ' Court eons Treatment. .Clean Good Meals Ceda Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Corner Main and Third Athena. Oregon Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY ESTABLISHED. 1S65 FLOUR is made in Athena, b ' Athena labor, in one o! the very- best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers f X Athena. Oregon. . Waitsbure. Wash ? . - r,, R KtHIMMIMtHHtHtMHIIIHIIIHIMUMItHtmii