The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 26, 1926, Image 3

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The Universal Range
Leads in Efficiency and Economy
Wi S- If:
'v is Aim in ir
1 ir"v..i t iiiimi in iiiiiikiiiiinjitgxmnimii a
wSsiiiiTiPi Pit
. Lffl IISJ 1H '
11 1 1 V.7 - . XV
Sj We now have on our floor, a full line of these Ranges.
j 22 Years Ago.
March 29,- 1904 ;
After casting about for a location
for a lodge hall, the local Odd Fel
lows and Knights of Pythias lodges
have selected the Fischer property,
on the north side of Main street for
the site. The trustees of the two
lodges have purchased the property,
and after proper incorporation, it
will be owned jointly. The price paid
was $2,000, and the tansfer in owner
ship has been made.
The Caledonian society met on Satr
urday evening in response to call of
President Botkin, to consider the ad
visability of holding a picnic this
season, when it was decided by an
animous vote that a two day's picniq
be held at Athena, and the dates flx-.
ed for May 27 and 28. v--
The Oregon Lumber Yard is the
name of the latest business enter
prise to be added to Athena indus
tries. Mr. Ed. Barrett, the well
known contractor and builder, is the
manager of the new yard, which is
located on the south side of Main
street, near the 0. R. & N. station.
Ord Bostwick visited with friends
in Milton Sunday.
Mrs. Bert Warren and Miss Cassie
Mclntyre visited Miss Eva McLean
in Milton Saturday and Sunday.
Arthur Stone, catcher for the high
school ball team, of this city, is quite
i!l this week at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stone,
near Adams. ,
George Perringer, the well known
race horse man, will move his string
of horses from Pendleton to Walla
Walla, on account of superior track
facilities in the garden city.
The Athena public school ball team
is scheduled to play in Adams Sat
urday afternoon. . -
At a recent meeting of Mignonette
Itebekah lodge, four members were
initiated. This one of the most pro
gressive lodges in the city, and has
about 125 members in good stand
ing. -
Baseball fans in Athena are fa
miliarizing themselves with the base
ball schedule of the Coast League.
Their interest will settle mainly in
the fortunes of the Portland team in
asmuch as it represents the state in
the baseball arena, and further, be
cause of the fact that Dan Shea, a
"Yellow Kid," plays behind the plate
for the Portland Browns.
April 1, 1904
John Thompson, the stockman, who
returned from -the foothill range
southeast of town yesterday, tells of
the terrible . condition in which the
stock cattle are at the present time.
Mr. Thompson estimates that the
number of dead cattle lying in the
draws and canyons from Gibbon up
to Bingham Springs is 250 head, and
says this is but a starter in the loss
that is yet to come.
Yesterday, shortly before noon, the
little two-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Brotherton, while play
ing, fell into a pan of hot water and
was seriously burned about the hips
and thigh.
The democratic primaries will be
held next Thursday , April 7. Dele
gates to county convention, which
will be held in Pendleton, Tuesday,
April 12, will be elected.
Stone for the foundation of the
new Stahl building is being received
and with good weather will soon be
placed in the wall.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Winship is sick this week.
Misses Lula Tharp and Lulu Gross
will visit Mrs. H. C. Manela in Wal
la Walla tomorrow.
The Friday Afternoon club met
today with Miss Nellie Foss, at her
home in the north part of town.
John Bonewitz, of Newberg, Ore
gon is in the city; Mr. Bonewitz is
desirous of securing a 10-acre tract
of land adjoining town, but he can
find no such tract for sale at 'this
time. Dozens of families could be
attracted to Athena if such tracts of
land could be obtained.
Maurice Hill and Bennie Gross, of
the 7th grade, were exempt from
monthly examination, Jiaving ob
tained an' average of above 90 per
cent in all studies.
Melville Johns has been quite sick
with tonsilitis the past week, but is
now recovering.
T ' t "
Hunters Care Little
for Gnu s Ferocity
The gnu, with the head of a horse,
the long, narrow face, the body of a
horse, an antelope's legs, an upstand
ing mane and a flowing tail that
reaches to the ground. Is Indeed a fan
tastic creature, writes Lillian Gish,
F. Z. S.
His terrlbie vpice, his pose every
thing about him suggests fierceness.
But though savage in captivity, he Is
extremely nervous, with a great regard
for his own safety.
A herd of these gnus on the veldt is
an alarming sight. Prancing and
wheeling, and tossing their heads, they
approach a strange object in single file,
forming themselves into a solid square
as they come pear.
In this position they will stand for
hours, glaring at a tent set up on the
plains, as though ready to tear It to
But this is a game of bluff. Let the
owner of the tent show himself with a
gun, and though they may gambol wild
ly around him, uttering loud snorts, it
will be in ever-widening circles.
The first shot sends tbem flying, and
so great Is their speed that they van
ish within a few seconds.
Bird's Mother Love
Example of Heroism
The boy who "stood on the burning
deck, whence all but he had fled," has
won the Immortality of a well-known
poem, but probably a certain skylark
will not find her poet, although the
certainly deserves one.
While beating out a field fire at Felt
bam, in Middlesex, firemen noticed a
skylark sitting on her nest on the
ground, In the direct path of the
flames. The bird continued to sit on
her egge with dense smoke rolling
round her, and even when the flames
caught the grass of which the nest
was constructed she did not stir until
the firemen were close upon her.
So struck were the men with the
bird's heroism and devotion that they
determined to save her home at all
costs. They set about Isolating the
nest, and were so successful that, al
though the fire spread all around, the
nest was scarcely damaged and the
eggs remained Intact London Tit-Bits.
Polar Explanation
Early efforts in polar exploration
were largely for commercial Inter
ests. During the Twentieth century
the renewal of exploration In the
Arctic and Antarctic regions has been
due largely to the spirit of scientific
research, but also for geographic
achievement Peary, at the North
pole, made a great number of ob
servations which are very valuable
In the study of geography, physiog
raphy, meteorology and oceanography.
Visitors Find Ready
Welcome in Denmark
It Is a common habit of American
towns to erect a' colossal "Welcome"
sign by the railway stations for the
Information of tourists. In England
and also in America, hundreds of
homes have Inscribed the magic word
on the doormat, where of course, the
visitor wipes his boots. In Denmark,
however, there are no electric signs to
bid you welcome, and no house "says
it with doormats," but I venture to
say that there is not a town or vil
lage In the country, where It Is not
written on the face of every blue-eyed
Dane that you meet. From modern
Esbjerg to ancient Elslnore, from
Frederikshavn to Moen,. every face
seems to say, "We are glod to see you
In our country." And what a country
It Is, In which to take pleasure In such
a welcome 1 Surrounded by the sea
on nearly nil sides, a kingdom of Is
lands, lakes and woods. From the
shelving duties of Jutland to the
rugged cliffs of Bornholm, wood-encircled
fjords and romance-encrusted
castles provide a welcome whose sin
cerity can never be doubted. From
"My European Excursions," by Edwin
Robert I'etrle.
Declare Birds Are
Insensible to Color
Bavarian scientists claim to have
made certain the fact that birds cannot
see color, are not affected by It; In
fact, any color is good with the birds,
even those of bright and gay plumage
having no appreciation of the fact that
they are better dressed than others.
' Even the gorgeous display of the
male peacock brings no sensation of
beautiful colors to the eyes of other
birds about.
The test with birds' eyes show, the
scientists assert, that birds do not look
at things as human beings do, that all
flying birds by day see everything In a
bright, red orange light and are only
sensitive In a slight way to the short
waves of light that make blue and vio
let visible. Night-flying birds are less
sensitive to colors than those that
make their flight by day, the eyes of all
birds being screened from Intense light
by tiny globules of oil In the retina of
the eye that act as color screens. The
Bavarian scientists say the Darwin
Idea, that beautiful plumage of birds
Is a factor in the selection of mates, is
merely a fanciful theory, poetic and
interesting but lacking scientific support.
Famous European Canal
The Marseille-Rhone canal Is a
notable European project executed dur
ing the war period involving on artificial
waterway SI miles long and extending
from the Rhone river at Aries to the
Pay of Marseille. It Is also notable In
that It includes a tunnel 4V4 miles long
which pierces the mountain ridge north
of the city .and affords direct access to
the harbor. In addition to the tunnel
there was Involved a breakwater con
struction between Marseille and Port
de Bone.
112 Indicted In Rum Plot
Cleveland, Ohio. An indictment
naming 112 persons in an alleged boot
leg alcohol conspiracy was returned
by the federal grand Jury here. The
document charges 165 overt acts and
includes millionaires, real estate men,
manufacturers, railroad employes,
warehouse men, government employes
and bootleggers in 12 cities. Forty
six of these indicted are from St. Paul,
21 from Cleveland, 15 from Duluth,
10 from Philadelphia, five each from
Chicago and Minneapolis, four from
San Jose and San Francisco, three
from Pittsburgh and one each from
niroit. Ronton and Providence. F I
Miss Margaret Mason, of Dayton,
Washington winner of the prize box
of Winesap apples, offered by Steve
for the most original message re
ceived during the Athena community
Radio concert broadcast by KOWW
recently, acknowledges receipt of the
prize as follows: '
On the Seventeenth of Ireland,
When all the world was gay, .
There arrived a box of apples
From a friend not far away.
Now, these were extra fancy
And proved a great delight,
To some of my good neighbors,
Who happened in that night.
You told me to display them
If possibly I could;
And truly I intended to,
And really tho't I would. .
But I could not be selfish
And as their appetites increased,
I took some up to Main Street,
And gave them all a treat.
Now you may tell your orchardist
I have advertised them, well;
Their flavor you see, was hard to resist,
So he'll probably have chances to
Since receiving your gift, just lately
I have acquired a new name;
They are calling me Winesap Peggy,
And may those apples be blamed.
And now Mr. Grocer of Oregon,
I wish to extend my thanks,
For the prize you gave so easily
Should be praised amid highest
I'd like to see you in person;
Perhaps someday we'll meet,
And. I shall be able to thank you
For that one glorious treat.
Value Bumblebees
at Weight in Gold
Bumblebees ore worth much more
every day to the United States than
all our gold mines. Yes, they are worth
more than all gold and sliver mines
together even If you multiply the
mines by two. i'ou con rate the bum
blebees nt about $00,000,000.
Perhaps you did not know It, but
we owe our clover hoy crop to the
bumblebee. And our clover Is worth
more than $300,000,000. every year.'
When Uncle Sam tried to Introduce
red clover In the Philippines he mode
a big discovery. Red clover would not
reproduce Itself In those1 Islands.
, It took considerable time to find out
the reason for that failure-was ab
sence of bumblebees. These buzzing
tollers are the chaps who fertilize red
clover distribute the pollen and so
complete the yearly cycle of maturity.
And no Insect except the humble
bee with his tibnoriiuilly , long tongue
can do thut little trick In a red clover
When Uncle Sam took a corgo of
bumblebees out to Manila the Job of
raising red clover liny In the Philip
pines was accomplished. Philadel
phia Inquirer.
South American ttonorea
The statue of Gen. Jose de San
Martin In Judiciary park Is the first
statue of a South American to be
erected In Washington. It is a replica
of one In Buenos Aires and was
thought a fitting gift to this country,
since San Martin was a patriot to
whom many South Americans accord
the reverence that people In this coun
try pay to the memory ''f Ooorge
Walker had been going about for
two days with a worried look on his
usually smiling face. A friend stopped
him and asked the reason for the sud
den change from Joy to1 gloom.
"I fear my wife Is going Insane. It's
those people next door," Walker sold.
"What have they done? What's the
trouble?" the friend asked.
"She can't hear a sound of them all
day long." ','.;
Marcelling Miss May Lanning has
taken over the Marcelling Parlor,
formerly operated by Miss Florence
Gagnon, and will appreciate the pa
tronage of the ladies of Athena and
vicinity. Phone 582.
Piano for Sale near AthenaBeau
tiful high grade piano mustbe sold
at once. Big discount and terms $10
monthly to reliable party.. For par
ticulars write Cline Piano company
66 Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Invest in a year's subscription to
the Press, $2.00.
For Sale Netted Gem seed po
tatoes. Phone 32F5.
For Sale Pure bred Plymouth
Rock cockrels for breeding purposes.
Ralph Allen, phone 24F11, Athena.
For S1a A RQ-ei?se canacitv "Old
TruRtv tncuhator" new. has never
been unpacked. Phone 132, Athena.
For Sale Choice Barred Rock
eggs for hatching. $1.00 per setting,
$6.00 per hundred, rhone 31F5.
We are Equipped to do
Job Printing
All Kinds. Short Notice
Discovery of Value
One day an English physician, who
loved growing green things, found on
the Islund of Trinidad a few tiny
grasslike plants In a ribbon conefield.
The Englishman, delighted that he
had caught nature napping and found
out one of her secrets, took the little
plants to his home garden, and In due
time he discovered that he had sev
eral fine new vorletlos of sugar cone
One of these new varieties was car
ried to Hawaii, where It multiplied
and produced a new race of sugar
cane that will grow on poor luhd.
In n handful of years Cuba fairly
won the nickname, "The Sugar P.nwl
of the World." So great Is the de
mand for Cuban cane sugar that sho
has never been able to satisfy her
eager buyers. Marian Benton Sal
lard, In St. Nicholas.
Uncle Knows Everything
Bobby, age seven, who had nevei
seen a negro, was visiting his uncle
one day, and his uncle took him to
While walking down the street a
negro woman passed.
"Uncle," usked Bobby, "why did that
lady have her face blncked that way?"
"Why, Bobby, that was her natural
color," the uncle informed him. "She's
a negress."
"Is she black thut way all over?"
"Yes," he was told.
"Gosh, uncle, you know everythlngi
don't yu"
and no medicines and ordinary prac
titioners will help you, you some
times turn as a last resort to a chiro
practor. Why not come to us in the
first place and save pain and ex
pense? We can surely help you as
we have helped many, many others.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 708
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Phone 24
Transfer and Express
Prqmpt Service
Dealer in
Claude Dickenson
Phone 572, Athena, Oregon
Auto Truck Dray
City and Countiy
Always at Your Service
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena
"Script Porm
Butter Wrappers
So's Yer Ole Man!
Most of his famliy and a lot of his neighbors
Get their Barber work at Haworth & Harris Shop.
Why not you? We cater to no one in particular,
every one in general. Agency Troy Laundry. Make
old Rugs like new. Phone 583.
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.