The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 12, 1926, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
"The Code of the Wilderness"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Charlie Russell spent Thursday in
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Barrett were
in Pendleton Sunday.
Mrs. Savannah Davis left today
for Hood River.
Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen of Adams is
reported seriously ill.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Haynie, March S), a daughter.
Mr. James Duncan and Ernest
spent Monday in Pendleton.
Joseph N. Scott of Pendleton, was
in the city yesterday afternoon.
C. C. Conner of Walla Walla paid
business calls in Athena Wednesday
Born, recently at the hospital in
Pendleton, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Walter, a son.
James Bruce traveling salesman
for Burbee Candy company was in
Athena Thursday.
Miss Ruth Hutt came over from
Walla Walla and visited friends in
Athena yesterday. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Read and .Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. McPerson were at
McKay dam Sunday.
William McLeod, deputy assessor,
will soon begin assessing property
owners of this section.
Mr. James Potts who has been in
poor health for some time, is re
ported to be improving.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Willaby and
Mrs. Fred Kershaw motored to Pen
dleton ,yesterday afternoon.
A number of young people of
Athena attended a dance at Happy
Canyon in Pendleton this week.
"The Night Club" a comedy
Sunday night,, Standard Theatre.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Booher were
in Walla Walla, Friday.
Walter Fuller of Weston mountain
spent Wednesday in Athena.
II. A. Barrett was a Walla Walla
visitor Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson
spent Tuesday in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Johnson of
Walla Walla, visited at the parental
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders visit
ed Ace Wagner at St. Mary's hospit'
al Sunday.
The Junior Endeavor society of
the Christian church are giving a
Fairbanks in "Don Q"
Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Mrs. Grant. Prestbye and Mrs. E.
C. Prestbye motored to Walla Wal
la, Tuesday.
Attorney Watts has had a number
of cases in the justice court at Pen
dlcton, this week.
Walter Adams who has spent the
winter in Walla Walla has returned
to his ranch south of Athena.
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and Mrs. F. B.
Boyd motored to Pendleton Wednes
day where they spent the day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn
motored to the home of Mr. John
Molstrom Sunday and spent the day.
Cleve Stanton and his mother,
Mrs. . Sarah Stanton expect to leave
party this evening in the parsonage. ; soon for Prinville. Mrs. Stanton will
Dr. Froom has been in Portland
this week in the interest of promot
ing sale of his auto window silen
cers. Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns and
family motored to Pomeroy, Wash
ington Sunday and visited with re
latives. Athena friends have received
word from Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Bak
er that they are sojourning in Los
Mrs. M. L. Watts left for Port
land Wednesday evening, where she
will be a guest at the marriage of
a niece, in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs.. Lee Johnson left
Thursday evening for Bend, where
Mr. Johnson will resume his posi
tion in the lumber mills.
Mrs. Jane Wallan, a pioneer resi
dent of Adams, died Wednesday
night at bt. Anthony s hospital in
Pendleton, after a lingering illness.
Mrs. Raymond Geissel who was
recently operated on at a Walla Wal-
i la hospital, will be removed to her
home in Milton, Saturday or Sun-
Lewis Stewart reports Mrs. Stew- day
art, and the little son born in Port-1 Mrs. George Thompson writes to
land on February 24, as doing finely, j friends that she is visiting at her old
Mrs. Jennie Gross and Miss Jen-1 home at Clarence, Missouri. She ex
namao Read spent the week-end in pents to return to Eugene, in May
Spokane. They made the trip by j or June.
motor. ; Gib Morrison was in town Thurs-
Mrs. J. C. Mitchell of Walla Wal-1 day from Adams, trading with Athe
la, Mrs. J. W. Hyatt and John Hyatt , na merchants and endeavoring to
of Weston visited at the J. E. Jones
home, Tuesday.
A baby born to Mr. and Mrs.
est Bell of Pendleton on March D
is reported to be in very delicate
Mr. Cooley representative of tin
International Harvester company of
Portland was a business visitor here
Mrs. Arthur Douglas, Mrs. C. M.
Eager and Mrs. Lloyd Michener mot
ored to Walla Walla Saturday where
they spent the day.
A regular
is announced
convince his friends that ho is work
hifC hard.
Income tax returns must be in the
office of the collector of internal re
venue at Portland, Monday. As a
result the late ones are busy figur
ing 'er up.
Ace Wagner has so far recovered
from a serious operation that he was
able to be brought to his home Mon
day from St. Mary's hospital, at
Walla Walla.
uriving nome the other evening,
Henry Koepke's car went into the
Saturday night dune ! ditch. But slight damage resulted
or tomorrow night, at to the car,, and Henry was only
Legion hnll, by the Athena-Westo'i shaken up a bit
American Legion Post. - j James Haworth, Penn Harris, Al-
Mrs. Carl McConnell has returred j ton Hodgen, Ray Jones and James
from a Walla Walla hospital and is j Hodgen attended the auto show
visiting at the home of her sister, 1 dance at Happy Canyon, Pendleton
Mrs. C. McFndden. Tuesday evening.
Kev. D. Loree and family have Miss Ruth Williams recently op
left for Pomeroy, Washington where erated on at Walla Walia, is im
they will make their home. Rev. proving. Mrs. Will Kirk is slowly
Loree will take the pastorate of the j recovering from an operation which
Baptist, church of that city. ! took place last week.
A letter from William Hoch, form-! Fred Baddeley is negotiating, the
erly manager of liingham Springs, j sale of his 4-10 acre mountain ranch of his heavy oil truck, skidded into
gives his present address, Oak j to Gus Olson, Roy Hyatt and Will i the ditch and turned completely ov
Ridge, Oregon. Mr. Hoch, and Mr. Hall, who will subdivide the acre-j er. Mr. Prestbye is nursing several
Biant, formerly of the fish hatchery j age. With the disposal of the ranch i bruises and was very fortunate in
at Bingham, nre conducting the fish j Mr. Baddeley will go to Los Angeles ! getting free from the heavy vehicle
hatchery at Oak Ridge. j to reside. . when it went over.
visit at the home of her son Will
Miss Thena Russell entertained a
number of her friends at a party
Tuesday evening. Cards and games
were enjoyed by the guests and at a
late hour delicious refreshments
were served.
E. C. Prestbye attended a banquet
in Walla Walla Wednesday evening
given by the Bar assocition of Wal
la Walla in honor of the Judges of
the Supreme Court of Washington
Mr. (and Mrs. Jesse Gordon and
John Gordon were in Walla Walla
Saturday. The elder Mr. Gordon
has so far recovered from his illness
that he was able to go to Spokane
on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Huggins were
in Pendleton Saturday and Sunday
returning home Monday. They made
the trip by motor and while in Pen
dleton were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Vaughan.
Mrs. W. E. Haynie and daughter,
Mrs. Walthia Gould have come over
from Bend on a visit to relatives
and friends. Mrs. Haynie is at the
Krctzer home in Athena,, and Mrs.
Gould is visiting in Pendleton.
Claude Dickenson has purchased
the truck and dray business from F.
M. Smith, taking possession Monday
of this week. Claude is prepared to
do hauling of all kinds, and will
handle express. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
will move to Idaho to reside.
Mrs. Nancy DeSpain, one of Pen
dleton's earliest pioneers, died last
Friday evening at the Good Samari
tan hospital in Portland, at the age
of 75 years. Death resulted from
the infirmities of old age, hastened
by a fall some time ago in which
she suffered a broken hip.
Word has been received here that
the Cameron-Yenney Grain company
has gone into the hands of a r vriv-
The J. T. club met Wednesday at
the country home of Mrs. H. M.
Hale. Fancy work and sociability
was enjoyed by the members pies
ent. Mrs. Archie Mclntyre ana :vi?3.
Alec Mclntyre served seasonable re
freshments. The next meeting which
is Wednesday March 24 will be at
the home of Mrs. H. J. Cunningham.
Mrs. J. M. Ferguson, mother of
W. S. Ferguson of this city, died
Friday evening at St. Vincent's hos
pital, Portland, where she was ill for j U
some time. Mrs. Ferguson came lo
Umatilla county in 1878, and with
her husband settled on a farm near
Adams. Besides the son she is sur
vived by two daughters, Mrs. Ida
Perringer of Pendleton, and Mrs.
Laura Lieuallen, of Adams.
Writing from Lamont, Washing
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenzweig
speak of enjoying the Athena pro
gram broadcast from KOWW last
Monday night. The solos were spec
ially mentioned with Mr. Johnson's
violin music, which kept Fred's feet
moving in time, so says Mrs. Rosenz
weig. Ralph McEwen as announcer
was highly complimented.
In the declamatory contests at
High School auditorium winners in
the grade school are Barbara Lee,
Betty Eager, Leo Sanchez, George
Pittman, Aaron Douglas, John Kirk.
High school winners are LaVone
Pittman, Granville Cannon, Ralph
McEwen and Ray Dudley. These win
ners will compete in an elimination
contest at Adams.
Walter Ely, former Athena resi
dent, is now manager for the Hen
ningsen Creamery company of Ta
comrf, which sustained the loss of
its $150,000 plant by fire Monday.
The fire was caused by an explos
ion resulting from heating tar on a
stove. Tacoma newspapers say the
loss is materially covered by insur
ance. Thousands of dollars worth of
butter, eggs and chickens were des
A number of people who gather
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph McEwen greatly enjoyed the
broadcasting from KOWW, sponsor
ed by the Athena Commercial as
sociation. In the party were Mr.
and Mrs. B. B. Richards, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Ames, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Michener, Mrs. M. L. Watts,
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson, Mrs. Henry
Dell, Mrs. Homer I. Watts, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Barrett, Helen and
A birthday dinner was held Sun
day February 28 at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Jones, celebrating the
birthdays of Vernita O'Harra, Mm.
T. L. McBride and J. E. Jones, whose
lew Spring Amvals
'1 r"ill" " M
4 Ladies Silk Hose, all colors - - - 1.00
Ladies Munsing Silk Hose - - v 1.50
Ladies Munsing Silk Chiffon Hose 2.25
Ladies Patent and Kid Slippers 3.50 to 5.00
Childrens Slippers
Si 'j
f F
Good Brooms 49c and 59c
Phone Your Order To 152
a Atnena y
UJ KM r-
vu.lC uu.Muei pCU1nC ... l.k- combined ages were 10Q years, The
vicinity are interested in the com- hirthdnva of the nhovo nWfnnH I
pany. Leslie Holcomb has been ap
pointed receiver.
The new court of the Athena Ten
nis club at the upper end of Main
street is being leveled and surfaced
with a layer of clay. The court will
be modern in every respect. Tape
markers are being installed, and the
nets are up-to-the-minute in design,
with rachet wind conveniences.
Due to the slippery condition of
the road west of Athena Monday
evening Grant Prestbye lost control
from February 6 to 13, and the din
ner is an annual event, commemor
ating the birthdays of the three!.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Sylven Kennard of Pendleton, Mr.
and Mrs. P. L. McBride and son
Lawrence, Purde McBride, Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon O'Harra, Mrs. T. L. Mc
Bride, Vernita O'Harra, o Weston
Mr. and Mr.s J. E. Jones and Ray
Jones of Athena.
WailaWalla Hlver
igh Grade Apples Without Blemish or
Flaw, From the
John Ross Orchard
Present and Absent
A curious Instance of Israel Zang- 'j j
will s ahsent-mimlectness came to my .
notice the other day. He was rehears- !
lng one of his plays a,t the Scala, and !
arrived punctual to the minute on the !
stage. Taking up his position he '
opened tlie prompt copy and addressed j
an empty stage as follows : "I am here j
to the minute. Why Is lr that no mem- I g
ber of my company can be as punctu- ! S'
al?" At that moment his stage limn-! 1
ager, who had been searching for 'htm, I f
put in an appearance, and gently re- !
minded hlin that the rehearsal was in !
the foyer, where the entire company j j,;
was already waiting for him ! Loudon ! i
Mail. i 'ji
High Quality Vegetables are again on the Market
-We have them. See our window
j Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
Early Rising Duke
The duke of AVellington was a very j
early riser. Ilis early habit of punctu- i
ality Is. pleasingly Illustrated in the !
following anecdote : "I will take care
to be present at five tomorrow morn
ing," said the engineer of New Lon
don bridge, In acceptance of the duke's
request that he would meet him at j
that hour. "Say a quarter before j
five," replied the duke, with a quiet I
smile. "I owe all I have achieved j
to being ready a quarter of an hour :
before it was deemed necessary to be !
so, and I learned that lesson when I j
was a boy."
The Churches
M. E. Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m., sermon
subject. "A Growing Tree and a
Growing church."
Church of Christ j
We are expecting SO present at ;
Bible school Sunday the 11th, and 15 I
men in the men's Bible class. This !
class is something new in Athena, j
come join us men you will enjoy it. j
The regular preaching services both '
morning and night. We invite you ;
to enjoy these services. Sunday t
from 5:30 to 7:30 there will be a;
young peoples rally, we will have j
visitors from all oer the county.
There will be a social hour from j
5:30 to 6:30. Everybody welcome,
Free Tickets for this show to
Charles Alden Seltzer,s Popular Novel
The Code of
1Wrild if ncs
John Bowers, Alice Calhoun, Alan Hale, Otis Harlan
International News. Comedy
Admission Prices, 10c-35c
Free Tickets for this show
Sunday, March 14
In the Ci
k i m
N H 2s
can, iioMiciung Lome
a f - t'J rZ n L-
Pathe Review
A Paramount Picture
with a . Cast of Famous Plavers
Comedy Admission Prices, 10c-35c
Vednesday anU Thursday fsrch 17 anil 11-Sps
Douglas Fairb
ifrlMi tfirit Hi . it j
Son of Zorro
..Trigger Action and startling surprises feature this great Fairbanks' picture.
The finest adventure tale ever screened. The dashing, during, Don Qears
all worry arid you live in laugh and thrills. A Lightning Streak is no faster
than the movement in this greatest of all Fairbanks pictures that marks his
return to a super-melodramatic role. High Speed Adventure cuts through
plot, counterplot, mystery and intrigue, as the lash of Don Q's vrhip cuts his
enemies down and saves his followers. Romance and Comedy a tender and
sweetly romantic story flows swiftly and surely but is coupled with humor
that neither youth nor age can resist.
Admission Prices 10c 3oc 50c
1 1