The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 12, 1926, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon March 12 1926
The San Francisco Chronicle be
lieves that the homes of the world
are what the work of the world is
done for. To build them and keep
them is the first concern of a stable
civilization. So essential to happi
ness are homes that many European
countries have made their construe
tion a public utility. Ihere is no
such need of paternalism here, where
' a liberty-loving people will provide
iits own homes without government
A new spirit is born of ownership
There is dignity in a permanent set
tlement. It was the hand on the
plow that made America great. What
was owned was worth fighting for.
In an industrial age, with population
massed in cities, that proprietorship
which steadied the farmer must be
transferred to ownership of homes
Home ownership means better cit
izenship. The family that the land
lord is apt to discriminate against
is encouraged in the home. In good
home districts there is a dearth of
juvenile delinquency. Anything that
enhances the dignity of man en
hances his character.
The proper time to begin to think
about buying your own home is
right now.
The first telephone message was
sent in 1876, 50 years ago. So great
hns been the growth of the system
that now in 1926, 67,700,000 tele
phone conversations take place each
day. The two telephones of 1876
have increased to 16,000,000 instru
ments today. The first telephone line
of 30 feet has grown to a network
of more than 40 million miles of
, wire; and switchboards, buildings,
pole lines, cublos, conduits, and oth
er forms of plant have been con
structed, costing over $2,500,000,000.
As President W. S. Gifford, of
the American Telephone and Tele
graph Company, recently said, "The
advances which have been made dur
ing the fisrt 50 years of the work
of the Bell System are unparalleled
in the history of communication.
They are contributions which will
make forever memorable this great
epocn in our progress, we are now
at the beginning of a new era filled
with boundless opportunities for ad
vancement in the business and
science of telephony. Upon the foun
dations that have been so securely
laid, we can look forward to the
telephone system of the future,
which in effectiveness and useful
service, will surpass all that has
gone Del ore."
al prices there. Speculators are be
ginning to study the condition and
amount of the present winter wheat
crop. There is a very slight de
crease in the acreage planted to
winter wheat in the northern hemis
phere. There will probably be a
bigger carry-over thi8 year than
last. In Oregon, there is usually
little tendency among dealers to car
ry over, as it is usually good ware
house practice for the dealers to
own as little as possible of wheat on
March 1, the time of assessment of
Exit at last Mayor Brown. Enter
Mrs. Mayor Landes. Now for
show down; the first of which will
be to lower those skirts! And both
eyes are to be worn free in styles
of bobs.
Longview-Rainer private toll; bridge
promoters will find that the Colum
bia river's navigation possibilities
are not to be interfered with, re
gardless of who wants to fatten
their pocket books.
Kubies and diamonds now grace
the shoe heels of the Parisan fash
ion leaders. It is safe to say that
on retiring, their shoes are not care
lessly tossed under the bed.
Another singer has struck the
rocks in lil' old New York. Miss
Mary Knoll of San Francisco, a
student of dramatics has been ar
rested for shop-lifting.
If you are owner of a gas wagon,
it may be of interest to you to learn
that you are about to ante two cents
more per gallon for gasoline.
With the settlement of the an
thracite coal strike, we supposed it
was all over. Now the barbers at
Rellingham are at it.
The Social Side
Mrs. Henry Dell was hostess Fri
day afternoon when she entertained
the Athena bridge club. Clusters of
yellow tulips and jonquils, violets
and pussy willows lent a spring-like
atmosphere to the affair. Three
tables were in play, Mrs. Frank
Ames winning high score and Mrs.
Fred Kershaw the consolation. The
hostess served a dainty collation at
the tea hour.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla county.
Ed Welch, Plaintiff
Rose Cornoyer, executrix of the last
will and testament of Gustavus
Cornoyer, deceased; Rose Cornoy
er; Sophia Cornoyer Bellinger;
Evelyn Cornoyer Hall; Iris Corno
yer; Gustavus Cornoyer; Edward
Cornoyer; Leona Cornoyer; De
lorne Cornoyer; George Cornoyer;
Eugene Cornoyer; also all parties
or persons unknown claiming any
right, title, estate or interest in or
to the real -property described in
the application for judgment fore
closing tax lien herein,
To Rose Cornoyer, executrix of the
last will and testament of Gusta
vus Cornoyer, deceased; Rose Cor
noyer; Sophia Cornoyer Bellinger;
Evelyn Cornoyer Hall; Iris Cor
noyer; Gustavus Cornoyer; Ed
ward Cornoyer; Leona Cornoyer;
Delorne Cornoyer; George Cornoy
er; Eugene Cornoyer; also all par
ties or persons unknown claiming
any right, title, estate or interest
in or to the real property describ
ed in the application for judgment
foreclosing tax lien herein, the
above named defendants:
You are hereby notified that Ed
Welch the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency numbered 1749, issued
on the 13th day of May A. D. 1922,
by the Tax Collector of the County
of Umatilla, State of Oregon, for
the amount of $13.14, the same be
ing the amount then due and de
linquent for the year 1918, together
with penalty, interest and costs
thereon upon the real property as
sessed to you, of which you are the
owner as appears of record, situated
in said County and State, and par
ticularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit: Lot Three, Block
Six, Richards Addition, City of Athe
na, Umatilla uounty, Oregon.
You are further notified that said
Ed Welch has paid taxes on said
premises lor prior or subsequent
years with the rate of interest on
said amounts as follows:
Ami. Int.
When Mrs. A. A. Kimball of Pen
dleton entertained the Spizzeringtum
club at her home Monday she in
cluded a group of Athena ladies
among her guests. Those motoring
down for the affair were Mrs. M. L.
Watts, Mrs. B. B. Richards, Mrs. O.
O. Stephens, Mrs. R. B. McEwen and
Mrs. II. II. Hill.
Total number of forest fires show
ed a considerable decline last year,
leading to the assumption, that at
last the campaign of educating the
public to reasonable rare against
lire is beginning to bear fruit.
For example, the acreage burned
over in national forests in California
was only about one-eighth of the
area of last year and cost of fire
fighting was only about one-tenth.
This is more remarkable because
there was an increase in number of
fires from spontaneous conbustinn
and other natural and unavoidable
The 1925 report sets a good ex
ample for this year and if the need
for constant vigilance is kept in the
public mind we may succeed in still
further reducing destruction of our
forests through heedless handling of
In discussing the necessity for
businesslike and reasonable taxation
laws, the Philadelphia Public Ledger
As government developed tho de
magogue appeared and the improvi
dent began to hate the provident.
There were demands that the rich
should divide with the poor, that
the thrifty should give up his sav
ings to the unthrifty. The demag
ogue docs not care that the destruc
tion of wealth reacts upon the very
pour whose comfort his heart bleeds.
National prosperity is fostered by
fostering the prosperity of the in
dividual. And the very weaklings
who want to penalize wealth are
benetited by the overflow of that
prosperity which they would check
by ill-considered taxes."
The wheat market continues un
certain as the world grew more cere
al in 11125 than in 192-i. European
production, outside of Russia, has
returned to pre war average. Rus
sia produced about 1500,000,000 bush
els more than for 1924. This means
n total for the world of about 560,
000,000 bushels more than last year.
Tho large German cereal crop with
unemployment has caused low cere-
At a table centered with yellow
daffodils Mrs. Otis Whitman of
Walla Walla entertained at a lunch
eon Tuesday. Mrs. B. B. Bichards,
Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. R. B. Mc
Ewen and Mrs. H. I. Watts were
guests from Athena. Later the en
tire party played bridge at the Elks
temple where the Sunshine club
were hostesses at a benefit for the
orthopoedic hospital.
Much interest has been evinced in
the contest conducted by the ladies
of the Baptist church. An auto
graph quilt was made the ladies
finishing their share of the blocks
first were banqueted Friday night
by the losing side. About thirty
eight sat down at the tables effect
ively decorated with potted plants.
Much credit is due tho ladies for the
delicious dinner served. Mrs. Char
les Betts gave a short talk.
1919 Apr 5 1922 5070 $10.56 12
1920 Apr 5 1922 5931 10.61 12
1921 Anr 5 1922 5932 5.92 12
1922 Nov 5 1923 14080 5.50 12
1923 Dec 28 1925 0173 5.54 12
1924 Dec 28 1925 0174 5.47 12
Said Rose Cornoyer. executrix of
the last will and testament of Gus
tavus Cornoyer, deceased; Rose Cor
noyer; Sophia Cornoyer Bellinger;
Evelyn Cornoyer Hall: Iris Cornover:
Gustavus Cornoyer; Edward Cornoy
er; Leona Cornoyer; Delorne Cornoy
er; Ueorge Cornoyer; Eugene Cor
noyer; also all parties or persons un
known claiming any right, title, es
tate or interest in or to the real pro
perty described in the anDlieation
for judgment foreclosing tax lien
herein, are hereby further notified
that Ed Welch will aDDlv to the Cir
cuit Court of the County and State
aforesaid for a decree foreclosing
the lien against the nronertv above
described and mentioned in said cer
tificate. And you are hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
after the first publication of the
summons exclusive of the day of said
first publication, and defend this ae-j
tion or pay the amount due as above
shown together with costs and ac
crued interest and in case of your
failure to do so, a decree will be
rendered foreclosing the lien of said
taxes and costs against the land and
premises above named.
This summons is published by or
der of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Umatilla, and said order was made
and dated this 9th day of March
192G, and the date of the first publi
cation of this summons is the 12th
day of March A. D. 1926.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
mentioned. Address. Pendelton, Ore
M12A23 Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
fEauitv No. 4138)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla county.
Carrie Orr, Plaintiff, vs. James E
Orr. Defendant..
To James E. Orr, defendant above
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of
the plaintiff filed against you in the
above entitled suit within six weeks
of the date of the first publication
of this summons, namely, on or be
fore Friday the 16th day of April
1926, and you will take notice that if
you iau to answer or otherwise plead
thereto within said time, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for the relief
prayed for, to-wit, for a decree dis
solving the marriage contract now
and heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant, for an ab
solute divorce from the defendant
and for a change of plaintiff's name
from that of Carrie Orr to that of
Carrie Childers, and for other equit
able relief.
mi t i , -
mis summons is published pur.
suant to an order made herein by
Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the
above entitled court on the 3rd day
ot March, laae. The first publication
oi mis summons win be made on
Fnday the 5th day of March, 1926
and the last publication on Friday
the 16th day of April, 1926, and will
be published for six consecutive
Dated this the 3rd day of March
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Kesidence and Post Office Address
Pendleton, Oregon. M5A16
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mich-
ell Thompson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Cecil Curl has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Mitchell
Thompson, deceased, and has quali
fied as such. All persons having
claims against his estate are notified
and required to present them with
proper vouchers to said administra
tor at the law offices of Will M. Pet
erson, Smith-Crawford Buildiner. Pen
dleton, Oregon, within six months
from the date of the first publication
of this notice which is Friday the
Zbtn day of February 1926.
CECIL CURL. Administrator
Will M. ' Peterson. Attorney for
Administrator. F26M26.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Kate
Hendnckson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled mat
ter and that the above entitled Court
has fixed Saturday, the 27th
day of March, 1926, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said
day as the time, and the Coun
ty Court room of the County
Court house: at Pendleton, Umatilla
County, Oregon, as the place, for
hearing of the said final account and
rcDort. Objections to said final ac
count and report should be filed on
or before that date.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this
26th day of February, A. .0. 1926
F. S. LEGROW. Administrator.
Watts & Prestbye Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys ior estate. I'ZGMUG.
In the Matter of the Estate, of Jack
son Nelson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his Final Account
as Administrator of the y estate of
Jackson Nelson, deceased, in the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Umatilla County, and that
Saturday, the 27th day of March,
iuzb, at the hour ot 10:00 o'clock A.
M. of said day, and the County Court
Room in the County Court House at
Pendleton, Umatilla County, State of
Oregon, has been fixed by said Court
as the time and place for the settle
ment of said account.
All persons interested are hereby
notified to appear at such time and
An event which is being looked
forward to with a great deal of in
terest is the banquet to be given this
evening at six o'clock at the Knights
of Pythias hall. Business men and
farmers who have been most inter
ested in the high school basket ball
team will be hosts at the affair. B.
B. Richards will be toast master and
there will be a number of informal
talks given. About fifty will be in
cluded in the guest list The ladies
of the Baptist church will serve the
banquet. The Jolly Joy-Maker's or
chestra will furnish music and there
will bo vocal solos by Miss Jenna
wae Read and Miss Loraine Terry
and a vocal duet by Miss Kathryn
Mclntyre and Miss Edna Tinkerton.
The Nervous System
The human nervous system Is really
n living telegraph line made up of elec
trical condensers, thinks lr. W. It,
Whitney of the livnorut Electric Co.,
according to Science. This Idea Is
sharply disputed by scientists, who say
that nerve messages do not travel nt
the speed of electricity, but Doctor
Whitney demonstrated with condenser
apparatus that the transit time of a
message can be slowed down even to
three seconds, a time much longer than
the known nerve reaction time of a
human being.
Div Charles H. Whiiiaker
Chiropractic Specialist
Chiropractic, Electricity, Massage used in treating Ac
ute and Chronic Diseases Headache, Lumbago, High
Blood Prer sure, Female Trouble, Nervous and Diges
tive Disorders.
Consultation and Examination
Free of Charge -
18-20 Judd Building, Main and Court Streets
Pendleton, Oregon
place in said Court and file any ob
jections they may have to such ac
count or to any part thereof.
trator of the Estate of Jackson Nel
son Deceased.
R. I. Keator, Attorney for Admin
istrator. Address: Pendleton, Oreg
on. F26M26.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Wright, Deceased. -
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed Ad
ministrator of the Estate of John
Wright deceased, by the above en
titled Court.
All persons having claims against
the said Estate are hereby notified
to present them to B. B. Richards,
at his office in Athena, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
the first publication of this notice.
All claims must be verified a by
law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this J 7th
day of February, 1926.
B. B. RICHARDS, Administrator.
Main Street. Athena; Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Will. M. Peterson and G. H. Bishop
Practice in State and Federal Courts
South Side Main Street, Athena
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Phone 582 Athena .
Hall's Catarrh
If edicisie ikiSSK
local and internal, and has been success
ful in the treatment of Catarrh for over
forty years. Sold by all druggists.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio
Real Estate
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
First Showing
Spring Coats
Styles Which Merit Enthusiasm
How do we know that Spring is here? Because
our new and dazzling styles in Coats have arrived
and are being tremendously admired by all who
see them! In the different and appealing new colors:
Mixtures Are the
Chosen Materials
The Tweeds and novelty mixtures sound the new
est fashion note ! They are the essence of all that's
smart. Tailored modes, fitted styles, and loose
back Coats are all shown! Our same welcome Val
ues prevail ! For the Woman and Miss.
S.90 to
New Spring Millinery
The Last Word In Style
You can easily tell by one glance that these distinct
ive new Hats will be captivating when tried on! The
lines are smart and the trimmings new and beauti
ful! Silk and straw combinations. Priced at
I . , Eat at the 1
I Lunch and Meals Served at all Hours. You can buy
i Golden Crust Bread Here.
I T.C.Baker
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg.
Established 1S91.
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 653
en, women
and Children
Are Known Largely By the Neatness
And Looks of Their
Clothes and Shoes
So Why Not Let Us Keep Your Clothes Looking
Neat. We Also Make Your Old Shoes Like
New in Our Up-to-Date Repair Shop.
Shoe Repairing in Proportion
G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes tddoeys end blddJer right
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment. Clean Deds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made In Athena, br Athena labor, in one ot the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash