1 ( Press Paragraphs "The Thundering Herd" Standard Theatre, tomorrow night. Herman Hoffman was in Pendle ton, Sunday. James Haworth spent Sunday in Walla Walla. Grant Prestbye was an Arlington visitor Sunday. Henry Koepke was in Walla Wal la Saturday night. Mrs. Will Campbell was a Pendle ton visitor, Saturday. John Hayworth and family are suffering with influenza. Mrs. W. S. Ferguson has been quite ill with a severe cold. J. C. Baker was a business visitor in Walla Walla, Wednesday. II. A. Barrett was a business vis itor in Walla Walla Tuesday. Mrs. L. A. McNair has been ser iously ill this week with la grip. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jeffries of Walla Walla, were in the city Tues day. Miss May Lanning spent Sunday at the home of relatives in Wnlla Walia. Mrs. Arnold Wood is visiting at the home of her sister, at North Powder. Ralph Lansdale came down from Weston Saturday, and spent the day in Athena. Miss Seville Marty of Pendleton was a week end guest at the A. E. Shick home. Mrs. S. J. Bowles and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow will leave week for a brief visit in Seattle. Mrs. J. F. Herr and son-in-law, Lewis Stewart and children left for Portland, Tuesday. Harry McBride and Eldon King Wild Horse creek farmers were in Athena Wednesday. Charles Williams, Miss Ruth Wil liams and Frank Williams were in Pendleton, Saturday. James Sturgis, well known Pendle ton business man paid a business call here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stockstill en tertained a number of their friends at their home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eager of Dayton, spent the week end at the hime of their son C. M. Eager. Mrs. Rose Portwood of Walla Wal la, a sister of Mrs. George Finch spent Tuesday evening in Athena. Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton has been confined to her home for several days with an attack of influenza. A short meeting was held by the members of Rebekah lodge Tuesday evening, only a few being present. Ace Wagner who was recently op crated on for appendicitis at a Wal la Walla hospital is steadily improv ing. Verne and Glen Dudley are plow ing the Dudley land west of town. They are using a seventy-five Holt caterpillar. Neil Mclntyre, who is employed at the Veteran's Hospital at Walla Walla spent Sunday with relatives this week. A new part is expected to arrive from San Francisco in time to be used for next week's publication. The Christian Missionary society will meet next Wednesday, March 3rd at the home of Mrs. William Willaby, who will be assisted in en tertaining by Mrs. Hodgen. W. H. Jeffries and grandson Har ry Jeffries, were in the city Sunday from Walla Walla, visiting relatives Mrs. W. M. Linebaugh of Freewat- er, visited in Athena, Monday. D. C. Baker is minus a window glass at his home, where a dog be longing to Gail Anderson, crashed through a window in pursuit of a chicken. The chicken got away. Tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon, the young folks of the Christian Sunday school will hold a pastry sale. The patronage of the public is solicited. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell and daughter Thena, returned home from Condon, Monday, after spending the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Booher. Mr. Fred Ames and Jim Hodgen motored to La Grande Saturday night where they attended a dinner dance given by the Standard Oil company in that city. Miss Frederica Kershaw arrived in Athena Wednesday morning from Pullman, Washington where she is attending college. She will spend a week here visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw. James Duncan has bought the Frank Martin land, consisting of two hundred and eighty acres dir ectly south of Athena. This is con sidered one of the best tracts of land in Umatilla county. Miss Ruth McCorkell is ill with pneumonia at the home of her par ents on Read and Hawley Mountain. Dr. Cowan is the attending physic ian, and the patient i3 being cared for by Mrs. Geary, nurse. W. S. Ferguson who was again called to Portland by the serious illness of his mother, found upon his arrival there her condition so much improved, that he was able to re turn here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Reeder return ed last week to their home in Athe na after being called to Tacoma by the illness of Mr. Reeder's mother. He reports both his mother and father to be slowly improving. Mrs. J. E. Jones of Athena and Mrs. Vernon O'Harra of Weston who have been taking treatments in Walla Walla for the past three weeks have recovered sufficiently to be able to return to their homes. Mrs. O. C. Hadley and son Rol and have returned from Portland where they have been since before the holidays. During their absence they both suffered attacks of in fluenza but have fully recovered. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Piersol have leased their residence to Charles Williams and family, and moved to Pendleton, where Mr. Piersol will do janitor work in the new apartment house of his son-in-law, Mr. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Geissel and Mr. and Mrs. George Banister i Athena. Mrs. John Green of Walla Walla, ! were over from Milton Sunday and i Johns. was a guest last Saturday of Mrs. S. J. Bowles and Mrs. F. S, LeGrow. A broken part in the linotype machine necessitated a limited a mount of local news in the Press has been in Athena for several weeks visiting relatives and friends. Rev. and Mrs. 0. D. Harris, who have departed for their new field, will be stationed at Everett, instead of Aberdeen, as stated in the Press last week, Mr. Harris will be pastor of the First Christian church there. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley moved this week to the cottage own ed by Mrs. Wall on Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson and family will take up their residence in the dwell ing vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Dud ley. Mr. and Mrs. Ame Wineland and daughter Hilda, and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Gholson and son motored here from Portland where they have been residing and will visit with re latives and friends in Athena in definitely. The 0. D. 0. club met Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. A. H. Swandt. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by those present and the next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. J. Cunningham, Wednes day March 3. Athena has been visited by various weather conditions this week. High winds accompanied by rain, snow and hail have prevailed with lower ing temperatures. Only a few hours of sunshine have been enjoyed dur ing the entire week. Plowing op erations have been halted. Wayne Banister was host to about fifteen of his friends yesterday af ternoon, when he celebrated his 11th birthday. Games were enjoyed from four to six. Appetizing refresh ments were served by his mother, Mrs. Ida Banister. Ralph Carsten is now prepared to shine shoes at 15 cents a shine in the shoe shop and cleaning and pressing department of George Finch's place of business. Ralph has been busy this week getting the stand in order. Kenneth Johnson, son of Rev. J. E. Johnson, formerly pastor of the Baptist church here has written to several boy friends from Detriot, Michigan. He has been as far south as New Orleans, and expects to come west this summer. Friends of Fred Johnson, who now makes his home in Los Angeles, will regret to hear of his serious ill ness with small pox. He has been in quarantine for three weeks but is reported out of danger at this time. He is a son of Alec Johnson. A daughter was born to Mr. and and Mrs. Carl McConnell, Sunday night at the hospital in Walla Wal la, but did not live, the little one was buried Monday in Kees ceme tery. Mrs. McConnell is getting along as well as could be expected. Mrs. McLaughlin who underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton is improving. Mrs. McLauglin will be remembered by Athena people as Miss Ethel Hodgen and is a daugh ter of Mrs. Julia Hodgen of this city. A correction is made in fairness to the 6. D. 0. club committee, who furnished the program recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flint Instead of cards and danc- visited at the homes of relatives. Mrs. Savannah Davis in company with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cahill of Pendleton, has left by motor for Great Falls, Montana. Mrs. Davis ing, a diverting program of games was enjoyed, including dancing the old Virginia reel, which no doubt gave rise to the error in the Press report. "Old Home Week" Standard Theatre, Sunday night. Pythian Lodge Knights of Pythias will give an old fashion dance at K. of P. Hall next Wednesday evening. There will be good music, capable callers and a good time. Everybody is invited. Tickets, $1.00. Beryl Hodgen, of Athena, a sopho more in the School of Business Ad ministration at U. of 0. has been turning out for spring football practice. He is trying out for guard position under the University's new football coach, Captain John J. Mc Ewan. Miss Emma Ringel of Athena and Miss Alma Rohrman of Pendle ton returned " to their homes from Corvallis, Tuesday, where they spent several days. Miss Ringel was an official delegate from the Athena high school to the 0. A. C. educa tional exposition. Miss Ringel was not sent by the school, and paid per sonally her expenses. The county court is assembling road building equipment at the head of Thorn Hollow, preparatory to be ginning work on the Thorn Hollow grade and the connecting links of the Eagle Hollow and Adams roads, leading to it. Buildings are now be ing erected to house the machin ery to be used in crushing rock, and for living quarters of the workmen. , Members of the Athena Bridge club were entertained at a one o'clock luncheon Friday at the home of Mrs. W. S. Ferguson. A vivid color note was effected by the use of yel low daffodils which centered the tables, and a spring note was evi denced by pussy willows about the rooms. After luncheon the usual three tables we're in play, , Mrs. H. I. Watts making high score and Mrs. Lloyd Michener receiving the consolation. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Catron enter tained a number of their friends at a delightful old fashioned dancing party last Friday evening at their country home northeast of town. Dancing was enjoyed until a late hour when refreshments were serv ed, and then more dancing took place. Ray Jones and Vernon O'Har ra furnished music for the occasion. Mrs. Ethel Montague and Lee John son relieved them several times. Ev ery one enjoyed the evening. George Banister, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bern Banister of Athena aid Miss Frieda Eichler, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. G. Eichler of Walla Walla, were married at three o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Eichler performed the marriage ceremony. Those present were, Mv. and Mrs. Raymond Geissel of Milton, Lee Ban ister of Athena and Freiija Schreiner of Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Ban ister are now at the home of Mr. Banister's parents and yesterday evening several car loads of young people motored out and charivaried the couple. Music and dancing was enjoyed and refreshments were served. rawer S3 Walla Walla esaii y High Grade Apples Without Blemish or Flaw, From the John Ross Orchard Win High Quality Vegetables are again on the Market -We have them. See our window THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon 8 ETUDE CLUB DINES Members of the Etude club were hostesses Wednesday evening at a delightful dinner at the Knights of Pythias hall. At a long tabla gay with red carnations and lighted with tapers of the same shade about for ty members and their guests were seated. Favors reminiscent of Wash ington's birthday lent a colorful tone to the table. Following dinner games were played and tractive prizes were presented the winners. the Et- to The Churches Baptist Church On Sunday .February 28th I will close my work as pastor of the Athe na Baptist church. I wish to ex press my thanks to all those wh have helped to make my stay and work in Athena so pleasant and suc cessful. I believe the church has taken a forward step in the last years and I sincerely hope it will continue to go forward doing the work a church ought to do. It can do this if those who believe in its work will all. work together for that one aim, the building of true christ ian character. I ask those who have helped me during my stay to be as helpful to the man who follows me, hoping under his guiding hand greater good may be accomplished. D. LOREE, Pastor. Christian Church The Church of Christ will have all it's regular meetings on February 28th. We in vite you to attend if you do not at tend any other church In town. On Saturday February 27th the Bible school will hold a food sale at Rogers and Goodman hardware store. Come and get your Sunday cakes and pies. Dwight L. Hackett, Pastor. M. E. Church Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m., the subject of the ser mon will be: "The Stewardship of the Mental Life." '"Bringing every thought into captivity to the obed ience of Christ." II Cor. 10:5. zn ii mnr I Willi re White King Soap qucuoh uticgi on I 1.30 I ft 20 Bars White King - 100 2 Bars Ko-Ko-lem Toilet Soap .20 1 Bar Mission Belle Toilet Soap .10 All for Phone Your Order To 152 Athena Department Store I THE STANDARD THEATRE Free Tickets for this show to MR. LUCIEN GAGNON Saturday, February 27 Jack Holt and Lois Wilson In hie hunderihg Herd see , 2000 Buffalo Stampede This fine big Western Picture kicks through with true Western wilderness incidents as they were in 1876 Have you seen "The Covered Wagon' or "North of 36?" If you have you'll know what we mean when we say that "The Thundering Herd" belongs in the same class. The story by Zane Grey has the same historical importance. The production is of the same gigantic dimensions. The result is just as thrillingly entertaining. Picture the setting the Western wilderness of 1876. Enormous herds of buffalo running wild across the plains. The rush of pioneers to the new fields of fortune. The wanton slaughter of the buf falo by the hide-hunters, inciting the Indians to new and savage uprisingo. Picture Zane Grey's greatest romance against that, thrilling background! International News. Free Tickets for this Bhow to MR. SHELDON TAYLOR Comedy Admission Prices, 10c-35c Sunday February 28 Thomas Meighan Old Week In tilome Tom at his best, in a story rich in dramatic situa tions, gushing with emotion and spouting with humor The happy triple alliance of Meighan, Ade and Tom Geraghty, expert scen arist the same winning combination that was responsible for the sensa tional triumph of "Back Home and Broke" has scored another box office bullseye with "Old Home Week." Here is a picture that portrays the sunny side of Main Street and does it in such human and humorous fashion that the memory of it will linger long after other photoplays have been forgot ten. "Old Home Week" is just a big wholesome, smiling story with a dash of thrill, flavored with suspense, and a charming love interest It is the American small town in all its glory and it deals with the average kind of people who make up the backbone of this country. Pathe Review Comedy Admission Prices, 10o35c - Coming: Saturday March 6--"Havoc" St