IMMMIIM High School Notes The Athena high school basketball team practiced in ; Adams Tuesday and Wednesday. This was done in order that the , te'am might become accustomed to a large floor. C. J. Keenan took orders Tuesday for High school rings. They are of two kinds plain .and initialed, the in itialed ones are $1.50. The plain ones are $1.25. Miss Hall who was to talk at the high school auditorium Friday, Feb ruary, 25, will speak next Friday Mrs. Ethel Montague visited the fifth and sixth grade room a week ago Wednesday. Mrs. Ross Payne visited the Primary room Friday of last week. Lois Mclntyre, yell leader of the High school, is trying to have a hundred per cent rooting crowd from the student body Friday morning, when we meet McLauglin high school. Helen Hodgen, transportation man ager, is trying to encourage every one to go and take their cars so that there will be a means of transporta tion for all. The board very kindly consented to dismiss school so that the students and faculty might at tend the tournament. Helix and Ad ams have also dismissed their high school pupils. Those in the grades receiving 100 per cent in spelling this month are: Second grade: Genevieve Barrett, Annabelle Payne, Cecil Clemmons, Third and Fourth grade: Maryjane Miller, Lenore Volwiler, Barbara Lee Aaron Douglas, Daniel Reeder, Fern Carstens. Fifth and sixth grades: Marjorie Montague, Roland Richards, Dorothy Burke, Howard Reeder, Mar-' jorie Douglas, Betty Jane Eager, Goldie Miller and Arlene Myrick. The purpose of the 0. A. C." Ed ucational Exposition is to render a service to . the High school students of Oregon who are looking forward to college. Emma Ringel represent ed the Athena High school. The chemistry class is planning to attend a scientific lecture at Whitman . college Tuesday. Pupils from Weston and Adams will also attend this lecture. Tillman Stone treated his class mates to oranges and candy last Friday afternoon. This was his sev enth birthday anniversary. Jack Cunningham returned Athena Sunday after spending eral days in Portland, ,' to sev- THE FEDERAL RESERVE A NATIONAL PROBLEM By WILLIAM E. KNOX President, American Bankers Associa tion The Federal Reserve situation Is the paramount problem before American banking today. The time is approach ing when It will be necessary tor the nation to consider the question of re chartering the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve System must be pre served. It Is one of the most systems in : the last ten years, William E. Knox scientific banking world. During the through all the stress ot war, inflation, depression and revival, it served this country as no country was ever served by a banking system. We know that without it our nation would have had a financial disaster far more devastat ing than any that ever assailed it. While we have this great loyalty and obligation to the System, we must recognize that among its friends there has risen serious controversy over many matters of detail. There are many demands for . change In the methods of its management and in de tails of Its .operation. Where these demands . represent broadly the great est good, of the greatest number we should support them. Where they represent merely narrow, diverse in terests of one part of the country or one type of business or finance, they should be eubordlnated to the common good. We should meet on the great broad ground of the common wel fare first to preserve the system in general as It Is now constructed, and secondly to. bring about, carefully and soundly, such changes as are required to adjust it to circumstances of today. The task of considering, sifting, weighing and co-ordinating discussion and suggestions regarding the Federal Reserve System has been confided to the Economic Policy Commission of the American Bankers Association. It is hoped that thereby the Federal Re serve System will be given the best thought and the best support of bank ing. There is no greater service bank Ing can render the nation than this. It goes right to the heart of good management ot the public economy of America.- - ' May Move Lumber Headquarters Portland, Or. Whether headquar ters of the Western Retail Lumber men's association shall be moved from Spokane,. Wash., to .Portland will be "AU window silence: it" Auto Window Silencer Stays "Put" forever no more noise. Per Pair, 75c PATENT APPLIED FOU. MANUFACTURED BY FROOM & CULLEY, ATHENA, OREGON Auto Window Silencer An'Enemy to all Vibrating Doors Per Set, $1.50 Stops the Rattle of the Old Ones New Car Windows Will Always Remain Firm decided by a referendum ot members of the association, it was determined at the final session of the meeting here. C. J. Baldwin of Brldger, Mont., was elected president and Tacoma, Wash., was selected for the annual meeting in 1927. The leading tribe of the southern division of the Athapascan stock of North American Indians was the Nava jo or Tennai,. which was the name used by themselves. Since first known they have occupied the land on and south of the San Juan river, In northern New Mexico and Arizona, and extend ing Into the states of Colorado and Utah. They were surrounded on ull sides by the cognate Apache tribes, ex cept on the north, where they met the tribes of the Schoshonean family. At present the Navajo are on the reserva tion bearing their name in Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona., -' ': iJou haVe got to have a mow I J "'The pick and shovel never built up a country; you have got - to have a plow," The wagon train divides in the desert One branch hearing of gold in California rushes southwest across the mountains; the main train continues northwestward to Oregon. At this dramatic point in the film version of Emerson Hough's great story "The Covered Wagon,' the old leader of the Oregon train gazes fondly upon his plow which he hopes soon to sink into Oregon soil. He is not distracted by thoughts of California gold. "The pick and shovel never built up a country," he says. "You have got a have a plow," .: Since the days of the pioneers of "The Covered Wagon" Oliver plows have been helping build up this country. Sturdy and practical, three generations of American farmers have depended on them to prepare the land. As new methods in construction and improved methods of agri ; .. ' . culture were discovered, Oliver quickly put them to the test and passed pn to users of Oliver plows the most up to date implements. You have got to havt plow, - This is just as true today as in the days of which Emerson Hough wrote in "The Covered Wagon." Modern Oliver plows and tillage tools assure their users today largest possible yields as did their predecessors of an earlier day. 19 B 2-base 16 inch Chilled. .": . . , .'. $105.00 19 B 2-base 16 inch Steel. $110.00 19 B 3-base 16 inch Chilled $135.00 19 B 3-base 16 inch Steel ; $140.00 Less 5 per cent for Cash- Plow Repairs in stock. ROGERS & GOODMAN A Mercantile Trust French Literary Men Dispute Over Unicorn Was there ever such an animal as the unicorn? Its existence has been testified to by no less authoritative writers than Aristotle and Pliny, and even in 1877 the members of the French academy, Including the dis tinguished names of Renan and Victor Hugo, were so doubtful on the sub ject that in their dictionary they gave the ambiguous definition that, accord ing to the most general opinion, the unicorn never existed. Rut the present members of the academy, still at work on the new edition of the famous dic tionary, have tried to settle the ques tion for once and all. The unicorn, say the immortals, is a fabulous ani mal of antiquity. The French press refuses to accept the dictum as final. . Why, queries Andre Billy, - a well-known writer, should the members of. the academy, counting not a single naturalist In their ranks, be allowed to settle the question? And, in the century of radi um an the wireless, why should we deny the testimony of Pliny and Aristotle on the existence of a beast remarkable only In that it had a horn on Its forehead? Paris Letter. Human Ruminants Not Unknown to History The first case of a human ruminant reported in a scientific Journal was that of Robert GUI, a cobbler of Dor setshire, whose death was reported In the British Annual Register under date of October 1, 1707. In ancient times and In the Middle ages men who' chewed the cud were apparently very far from rare, but modern science would be prone to dis miss such tales were they not sup ported by evidence of more recent time. Roger Gill died after suffering "great tortures" due to the loss of his strange faculty. Gill usually began his second chew ing a quarter or half an hour, some times later, after dinner, when every morsel came up successively sweeter CLASSIFIED Hatching Chicks Hatching eggs must be gathered at least four times a day, to insure good hatches and they must be turned once a day and kept at a temperature at about 55. Donald McFadyen will get good hatches for you if your eggs are hatchable for 7 cents per chick. In quire for prices on baby chicks, White leghorns and Rhode Island Reds. Give your hens all the alfal fa leaves they can eat. For Sale Rhode Island Red hatch ing eggs. Ralph McEwen. For Sale A fresh E. Froom, Athena. Milch cow. J. For Sale Good alfalfa and bundle wheat hay, in quantities to suit. Clar ence Tubbs, phone 30F14, Athena. For Sale Pure bred Plymouth Rock cockrels for breeding purposes. Ralph Allen, phone 24F11, Athena. For Sale A 60-egg capacity "Old Trusty Incubator" new, has never been unpacked. Phone 132, Athena. Piano for Sale We have a high grade piano left on our hands, near Athena. We will sacrifice the price and make reasonable terms. If in terested, write to Jason Piano Com pany, Spokane, Washington, P. O. Box 35. uu sueeier to tile tiisiB. The chew ing continued about an hour or more, and sometimes would leave him for a little while, "In which case he would be sick at his stomach." Many other and later Instances might be cited of men who have been "brother to the ox" In the possession of this faculty. Chicago Journal. Plow as Wedding Guest The recent appenrnnce of tractors has created great excitement in Isolat ed villages of Turkestan, Central Asia. The mullahs, or priests, are strongly opposed to the invention, which they call "shnitan omach," or "the devil's plow," and they utter durk prophecies of crop failures and other disasters that will follow It3 use ; but the Turkestan peasants take kindly to the tractor after they realize its superior ity over their primitive wooden, ox drawn plows. One case is reported in which a Turkestan peasant Insisted that the tractor should be present at his mar riage, as a sort of honored guest. Snake Fares Well in Japan " While luborers were at work In the grounds of the "Imperial palace in Tokyo, they enme across n live snake, so large that they first believed it was a log and started to move It. The rep tile came to life and the workmen scattered. However, they could linve done nothing anyway, as the court officials ordered that the crawler not he needlessly disturbed and they em phatically declared there would be no snake hunt. The snake, Japanese be lieve, Is the spirit of the ancient fortress that wns once on the site where it was found, nnd If lot alone will harm no one. The Richards CHOP MILL Is Now Carrying a Full Stock of Mill Feed, Chop Barley, Hay and Chicken Feed Prices Reasonable Strictly Cash Wm. Hoggard, Manager ALLEN BELL DRAYMAN Phone 24 Transfer and Express Prompt Service Dealer In ICE The Lumber You Need If you are planning alterations or ad ditions to your building, let us give you an estimate on the Lumber need ed. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasonble total we will quote. Wood and Coal Fence Posts Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena ! "Scrip t Form Butter Wrappers iitmninmMmtHMiiiiMnmmiuiiiiM EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Yes we have plenty of Haircuts to fit your Head, and Shaves to fit your Face. In fact anything in the Barber line. We have it. "Come On Over." IIAWORTII & HARRIS BARBERS Agency for Troy Laundry Cleaning of all kinds a specialty. Make old Rugs like New. Phone 583. UHHHHMMHiMIMMMIMMHHMI THE ATHENA MARKET For Sale Choice Barred Rock eggs for hatching:. $100 per setting, $6.00 per "hundred. Phone 81F5, F. M. Smith Athena, Oregon Auto Truck Dray City and Country HAULING .Always at Your Service We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kipnered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon.