1 J u 3 'JA1 LAM M. Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mall Matter . VOLUME 47. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 26. 1926 NUMBER 9 OPERATION OF RUM RINGjATION-WIDE Liquor Sales of Big Combine Believed to Total Over Half Billion. Cleveland, O. More than two week Of federal grand jury Investigation here Into an alleged nation-wide con spiracy to violate the eighteenth amendment, have served to show how extensive were the operations of the supposed "ring." The chain - of evidence now reaches from San Diego to Providence, and links up "ring" operations in New York, Boston, Atlantic City, Baltimore, Newark, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cleve land, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and other large cities. Stories emanating from the district attorney's office from time to time in dicate the following operations of the "rum ring": The conspiracy was headed by four Philadelphia millionaires. Associated with the millionaires were 30 others who controlled 75 per cent of the alcohol business in the United States, regulating the price from coast to coast. Fifteen distilleries were operated by the "ring," producing $1,000,000 worth of alcohol each week at dis tillery prices. The output was sold to wholesal ers for $140,000,000 a year, and re tailing at $10 to $20 a gallon, brought the country's alcohol bill for liquor from this one source to more than $500,000,000 a year. Patent Applr OLMSTED AND 20 OTHERSJONVIGTED Seattle. Roy Olmsted, former po lice lieutenant, and twenty other de fendants were convicted on two counts charging conspiracy to violate the na tional prohibition act In a verdict in United States district court here. Olmsted and the others convicted are liable to a maximum fine of $20, 000 each and four years in prison. Among those convicted along with Olmsted were Attorney Jerry L. Finch, former deputy prosecuting attorney; JE. H. Mclnnis, Emery A. Kern, Charles S. Green, William P. Smith, Ed Eng dahl, Z. J. Hedrick and Ed Erlckson, charged by the government with being operators and crews of rum running boats. Among those freed were Patrolman George F. Reynolds, Mrs. Elise Olm sted, wife of Roy; Wilbur E. Dow, customs house broker; John H. ("Doc") Hamilton, colored proprietor of the Barbecue Pit; C. V. Harvey, former patrolman, and a Japanese caretaker at the Olmsted home here. The convictions brought to a close one of the most spectacular and earn est efforts on the part of government authorities at prohibition enforcement in the northwest. NEW DRY AIDE APPOINTED Maurice Smith of Spokane Chosen by Administrator Lyle. Seattle, Wash. Maurice Smith of Spokane is now an assistant federal prohibition administrator for the 20th district, comprising Washington, Ore gon and Alaska. "The appointment of Mr. Smith fills a position hitherto vacant," said Ad ministrator Lyle, "and completes the organization of the executive force tor this district." Smith was police commissioner of Spokane for five years. He is a law yer, an ex-member of the legislature and a veteran of both the Spanish and World wars. Hunter Confesses Slaying Warden. Newport, Wash. Roland van Blarl com, one of two brothers held here charged with the murder of Edward Jarrlsh, deputy game warden, confes sed the slaying to officers. He said be shot Jarrlsh accidentally while try ing to frighten him. Confronted with the confession of his elder brother, Everett van Blarlcom, denied . any knowledge of the killing. The confes sion followed an exhibition of the rifle found near the scene of the killing. pioneer Spokane Business Man, Dead 8pokane. Waldo G. Paine, pioneer business man of Spokane and vice president of the Spokane A Eastern Hallway k Power, company and .the Inland Empire railway, died here. fcJeath was the direct result of a heart puck, , ATHENA MAN INVENTOR OF AN AUTO WINDOW SILENCER Dr. A. C. Froom, Athena dentist has invented and applied for a pat ent on a practical automobile win dow silencer, which most effectively puts a stop to rattling glass in the doors of all closed cars from a Ford to a Rolls-Royce. . Associated in partnership with Dr. Froom in the manufacture and marketing of the Auto Window Sil encer, as the simple contrivance is called, is Cliff Culley, antomobile salesman of Weston. The first thousand of the window silencers were received this week from the firm making them in Los Angeles, and at once interested Athena owners of closed cars. That they are destined to meet with ready sale is demonstrated by the number of inquiries coming by mail from jobbers and accessory dealers. The Auto Window Silencer is -a neatly made appliance and very simple in construction. ' It com prises a piece of highly polished nickeled metal, formed to carry a rubber roller which is firmly press ed against the glass and held at the required tension by a screw insert ed through a slot in the metal piece. The silencers, two against each win dow, are placed in position by re moval of one screw in the window sill for each, and insertion of the screws through the slot. That is all there is to installing them. The Silencers have been tried out on all kinds of cars and on all makes of doors, and the window is yet to be found that the little Ap pliance doesn't immediately knock out the rattle. The Auto Window Silencer is made to retail at 75 cents per pair. Drop in and the doctor will he pleas ed to demonstrate them to you. RECEPTION TENDERED TO ' DEPARTING PASTOR'S FAMILY Rev. D. Loree and family who will leave Athena the first of March for Pomeroy, Washington, were honored Tuesday evening at a reception giv en by the members of the Baptist church. A splendid program consisting of the following numbers was enjoyed by the guests. Violin solo, Kohler Betts accompan ied by Mrs. O. O. Stephens; Reading, Miss Juanita Woodruff; Vocal solo, Miss Loraine Terry; Musical read ing, Barbara Lee; Song, Junior de partment. In behalf of the mem bers of the church Mr. O. C. Had ley made appropriate remarks and presented the honorees with a beau tiful Pendleton Indian robe. The program closed with a pray er by Miss Bamford, following which a social hour was enjoyed. Unique menu cards were used at supper time causing much merriment. PARTY FOR MRS. WALTER Mrs. M. L. JVatts entertained a group of friends Saturday after noon in honor of Mrs." John Walter. The rooms were gay with varl-color-ed spring flowers and the hours were spent with sewing and chat. At the tea hour the hostess served dainty ices and cake using a pink and white color scheme. Out of town guests included Mrs. Anderson of Portland, Mrs. Merrill of Walla Wal la and Mrs. Everett Eager of Day ton. Others present included Mrs. F. B. Boyd, Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs. E. C. Rogers, Mrs. F. B. Radtke, Mrs. O. O. Stephens, Mrs. B. B. Richards, Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn, Mrs. I. L. Michener, Mrs. C. M. Eager and Mrs. R. B. McEwen. AIR CIRCUS PROBABLE Another air circus for Walla Wal la this spring is regarded as prob able says the Union, as the result of negotiations being conducted by the Chamber of Commerce with the Clover Field Flyers of Hollywood, California. Dates are now being ar ranged in various cities of the North west, and Walla Walla is likely to be one of the cities visited by the air men. The Hollywood aggregation consists of six planes and nine performers. GOVERNOR'S CANDIDACY DEFINITELY ANNOUNCED Governor Pierce for the first time has made a definite announcement that he would seek re-election. The governor committed . himself in the presence of a small group of people gathered around him follow ing the entertainment at the armory at Eugene, where he had been a speaker at the Children's Farm Home benefit performances. In a confidential discussion Gov ernor Pierce disclosed that he had striven hard for the interests of Ore gon during his incumbency, and made the remark that he -would be a candidate again. "Governor, you have never made a definite announcement, although it is generally understood that you will run again. Do you want to make this your announcement?" he was asked. - "I will run again, you may say if you wish," and the governor added, "it's pretty well known." INSANE PATIENT DROWNS IN THE UMATILLA RIVER While walking with 200 other patients not far from the Umatilla river on a regular jaunt for exercise, F. E. Hickman, patient at the east ern Oregon state hospital, eluded attendants and jumped into the riv- er before noon Monday. The swift current carried him downstream for half a mile before one of the attendants was able to lodge the body against a sandbar. Authorities at the hospital ex? pressed belief that Hickman was try ing to escape from the hospital and had no intention of attempting sui cide. Hickman was 34 years old and was committed ' from La Grande about two years ago. ' He has relatives in Anzona. ON INSTALLMENT Residents of Walla Walla countv bought a million and a half dollar's worth of stuff on conditional sale during last year, according to fig ures compiled by George B. Day, secretary of the Walla Walla Valley Merchants' association. Of this to tal, automobiles represented $1,153.- 965 and furniture and musical in struments $54,614. SUBSTANTIAL INSPIRATION Weston Leader: Nard Jones ought to be able to give an inspired inter, pretation of his leading role in "The Copperhead" this Friday evening At the Keylor Grand. The inspiration comes from the fattest check he has yet receieved for a story. It is a novelette entitled "New York via Hollywood," and he sold it to C. H. Young for $105. PICTURES CANCELLED The Leader says because of Blim attendance at Tuesday night's pict ure show, which was given at a loss, the Memorial hall board decided to cancel by wire all further picture show dates and this decision was an nounced by Manager Barnes, REPUBLICANS IN A SCRAP OVER SENATE PRESIDENT Harry L. Corbett, state senator for Multnomah . county, is a candidate for president of the senate at the 1927 session of the legislature, says the Oregonian.' With this announce ment by Mr. Corbett to some of his legislative friends during the past week, the struggle for organiaztion has started, for B. L. Eddy, senator for Douglas county, announced his own candidacy recently. Coincident with this senatorial ac tivity comes the first two avowed candidates for house nominations in Multnomah county James : H. Cas sell and Walter G. Lynn while throughout the state candidates are popping up like dandelions on a well kept lawn. There are 30 members of the stags senate and 60 members of the house of representatives. Scratch a sen ator, as a rule, and you find a can didate for the presidency, but the desire to preside over the house is not so widespread. In truth, John H. Carkin, veteran legislator from Jackson county, is the only aspirant in the field for speaker. In the Pen, ate matters are different and. many have been and are pursing the presv dency complex, Following the announcement of Mr. Eddy, Ed W. Miller of Jose phine county was in Portland and said he was considering the presi dency, as "some of the , Portland boys" had talked to him. A. W. Norblad, who intends seeking the. no mination in the primaries in Clatsop county, has scattered the word that he will be a candidate for president if he is nominated and elected. Mr. Norbad, hpwever, hps two barriers to overcome before he. is in position to go after votes, and in the mean time holdover senators who are after- the presidency have plenty of time to work. Also there is talk of R. R. Butler of Wasco county as presidential material and Sam Brown of Marion, who is seeking renomlna tion and election, his first term hav ing expired. STANDARD PICTURES Tommorrow night a big, fine Para mount Western photoplay will . be presented at the Standard, when Jack Holt and Lois Wilson, with Noah Beery and Raymond Hatton and a cast of Famous players, will be seen in "The Thundering Herd," The story Is by Zane Grey and deals with the Western Wilderness of 1876. In this picture 2,000 maddened buffalo are seen in a real stampede. Sunday night Tom Meighan, who has not been seen at the Standard for some time will be presented in "Old Horn? Week," supported by Lila Lee. WESTON PIONEER ILL The Leader reports Porter Graham Sr., one of the Weston community's oldest pioneers, suffered, a stroke of paralysis Sunday and has since been lying at his home in a helpless condition, SCHOOL PREPARING FOR THE ANNUAL ORATORICAL CONTEST The annual oratorical contest was held Friday. Mrs.' McPherson, Mrs. Read and Rev. Hackett acted as judges. The winners in the third grade were: Barbara Lee, first, Fern Carsten, second, and Aaron Douglas, third. In the fourth grade Violet Burgess, first, Maryjane Miller, sec ond and Leo Sanchez, third. Fifth grade, Marjorie Montague first, Rob ert Lee, second and Helen Barrett, third. Sixth grade. Betty Eager, first, Arlene Myrick second, George Pitt man third. Seventh grade Arthur Crowley, firs'1 Herbert Reeder, sec ond and Ror.ald T7'lon, third. Eighth grade, John Kirk, first, Virgie Moore, second and Jack Moore, third. In the high school there were three divisions, the dramatic, the or atorical and humorous. The freshman class winners were: Humorous, Ralph McEwen, Dramatic, Alberta Charlton, Oratorical, George Gross. Sophomore class: Humorous Dorothy Loree, Dramatic, Jessiedeane Dud ley, Oratorical, Ethel Pittman. Jun ior class, Humorous, Belle Anderson, and Ronald Lieuallen, Dramatic, Margaret Lee and LaVone Pittman, Oratorical, Granville Cannon. Senior Class, Humorous, Juanita Woodruff, Dramatic, Genevieve Baker, Oratori cal, Wilbur Harden. These winners will speak in a con test Friday evening March 5th, at which time the school representat ives will be chosen to take part in the sectional contest which is to be held at Adams, March 18th and. 19th. ATHENA PROGRAM WILL BE BROADCAST MARCH 8 The voice of Athena is to be heard again over the radio Monday even ing March eighth when the Com mercial club will sponsor a program to be broadcast from station KOWW at Walla Walla. Numbers by members of the Etude club, Jolly Joy-Maker's orchehstra and old time dance music will be features of the evening's entertain ment. Prizes will be offered to listeners who wire in commenting on the pro gram, The program presented several weeks ago was highly appreciated by listeners as the studio manager assured the performers that the re sponse by wire and mail was great er than for any program ever broad cast from station KOWW. The sack of flour offered as a prize by Preston-Shaffer Milling company to the most distant listen er wiring in was sent to Dan Thomp son at Petersburg, Alaska. INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC Our neighboring town of Weston is in the throes of an epidemic of influenza. To combat the spread of the disease the schools have been closed and all public gatherings or dered postponed for a time. The disease seems to be in ft severe form and members of a number of fam ilies are quite seriously ill. Dawning V ; il-AKitf-i'-ta" was, STANFIELD BILL SLAPPED BY THETATE FORESTER The so-called grazing bill intro duced in congress by Senator Stan- field of Oregon is unfair to the fed eral forestry department and is out of step with the conservation policies of the United States gov ernment and the states, says F. A. El liott, state forester, according to a special from Salem. "The bill," said Mr. Elliot, "is the final outcome of the hearings of (he sub-committee on public lands which made a trip through" the west last fall with the purpose of investigat ing the situation. The committee was openly hostile to the federal administration of grazing in the na tional forests and arranged the stage so stockmen would have opportunity to tell their stories. The questions were frankly leading and designed to fill the records with the utorv which the stockmen wished to tell and which the committee wanted them tc tell, "The outcome of these hearings was the introduction of a bill, the passage of which would result in western stockmen being granted vested or property rights to gracing in the national forests. It practical ly grants contracts to stockmen in perpetuity and gives them the right to sell, lease or bequeath these rights to others. Furthermore it places no limitation on the maximum number of stock which can be grazed and in this way will, in niany casus, lead to over-grazing. "The authority of the federal of ficials is "practically nullified in that the bill provides for appeals from administrative decisions of forest officials to state boards of three men, who must have knowledge of the range and who must be appoint ed by the president of the United States., An appeal to the secretary over the board's decision would have to be based solely on the board's finding of fact, a provision which practically nullifies the administra tive control of the secretary of ag riculture." , ATHENA DEFEATS PENDLETON AND LOSES TO HELIX HERE In a well played game on the lo cal floor Thursday evening, Athena high school won from Pendleton, 20 to 15. Thy game was fast and the lightweight Athenaians put up a wonderfully offensive game and their defense effectually kept the Buck- aroos away from the basket. In a close contest Friday night, Helix won from Athena 16-15 in the hardest fought game of the season. The first quarter ended 2-0 in favor of Athena. The second string play ers were sent In and Helix hooped 8 points against them. The regular team gradually cut down the Helix lead, and at the end of the fourth period the score ritood 15-15. It took three extra three minute periods to play off the tie. Helix winning one point on a free J v mrow. The Helix girls defeated the Athe na girls, 11 to 10. Athena is at the tournament, and this afternoon is paired with Mc Laughlin High school, in the pre limanaries, MacLAUGHLIN WINS Playing a wonderfully good de fensive game, until the last quarter, when MacLaughlln High broke through for eleven points, Athena High lost Its preliminary game in the district tournament this morning, by the score of 30 to 16. The first oeriod ended, MacLauglin 8, Athe na 5. At the half the score stood, MacLaughlin 14, Athena 8; the third quarter, MacLauglin 19, Athe. na 13. At the end of the last per iod MacLaughhlin won out. 30 to 16. ELK AT WALLACE A uhlpment of sixty elk from Yel lowstone national park, arrived a' Wallace, Idaho and was later releas ed in tho. North Fork country, 30 miles north of Wallnce. Sportsmen procured the animals after negotia tions with interior department au thorities at Washington. AGGIES WON OUT A number of Athena basket ball fans witnesned the game between O A. r. and Whitman at Walla Walla, Monday night. The Aggies nose! out a victory by a scant margin, the score being 30-29. K CONFERENCE ADOPTS MODIFJEDJAX BILL Measure Provides For Total Reduction of $387,000,000 Below Present Law. Washington, D. C -House and sen ate conferences agreed upon a modi fled tax bill to reconcile the differ ences between the measures as pass ed by the two houses of congress. The conferees accepted the house provision for a 20 per cent maximum estate tax in place of the present 40 per cent and the senate provisions for a lower levy on estate taxes for the period 1921-1924, which are not yet paid.- The senate voted to repeal the estate tax altogether. The total reduction of $387,000,000 is $69,000,000 below the amount pro posed by the senate and is $56,000,000 above that voted by the House. The senate's surtax recommenda tions were adopted. The bill as accepted will be present ed to the house and senate for con firmation. The automobile tax of 3 per cent as passed by the house was accepted by the conferees. The senate voted .to abolish this. The theatre admission tax of 10 per cent applies to admissions of 75 cents and over, compared with the present 50 cent figure, which the house vot ed to retain. The senate voted to abolish this tax altogether. The conferees agreed to the repeal of the capital stock tax as voted by the senate, but reduced the corporation tax from 13 per cent as voted by the senate to 13 per cent for 1926 and 12 thereafter. GRANGE FAILS TO APPROVEMEASURES Washington, D. C. The executive committee of the national grange end ed Its two-day session here without in dorsing any of the farm relief bills now pending before congress. In a formal statement the commit tee declared that it recognized "the ad verse conditions under which agricul ture Is lnboring and believes that be lief legislation is desirable, but It Is confronted by the fact that various farm organizations and various sec tions of the country are badly divided on a method of bringing relief." Many measures are pending before congress dealing with this subject, most of them having several points of merit" said the statement, "but the ex ecutive committee cannot indorse any of the measures now pending In their preanet form." Other action taken by the commit tee Included declarations favoring In. creased applications for the eradica tion of bovine tuberculosis to $6,000,. 000 In 1927; opposing Increased freight rates on western roads; opposing the Stanfield grazing bill, and calling for amendment of the Watson-Parker bill sotting up new agencies for settlement of railroad labor disputes to protect further Interests of tho public. U. S. RUM DEAL OPPOSED Cootldge Against Government's Taking Over Liquor. Washington, D. C President Cool ldgo Is opposed to any proposal for government ownership and distribu tion of bonded medicinal liquor. A terse statement of the president'! position was made at the Whito House disclosing that the executive's viewi on the matter coincided with those held by Secretary Mellon of the treaa ury. Assistant Secretary Andrews of the treasury, who Is in charge of prohibi tion enforcement, Is conducting a sur vey of the situation, however, with the view that eventually the govern ment must take over the bonded stock. Advocate Withdrawal from Court Chicago. Washington's birthday was celebrated In Chicugo by the open ing of a national campaign against the world court and 'VntangliiiK alliances" against which tho first prtmident warn ed the nation. Senator William Borah, Idaho, republican, and Senator James A. Heed, Missouri, democrat, were the central figures In the program. Oregon Convict Rioter Dies of Wounds Salem, Or. Albert Corley, 30, negro, ona cf nina convicts ahol during the riot In the slate prison dining room here last week, died at the prison hosnita) as a result of his wounds.