The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 19, 1926, Image 4

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"The Unholy Three"
Standard Theatre, Saturday night.
Glen Dudley was in Pendleton
Wednesday evening. ,
Mr. and Mrs. James Potts were
Walla Walla visitors Wednesday.
Coach John Murray of Tendleton
was an Athena visitor Wednesday.
Vonderache brothers of Freewater
were Athena visitors Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Max Hopper and a party of
friends motored to Walla Walla
H. A. Barrett spent Tuesday in
Pendleton where ho went on a busi
ness mission.
Mrs. E. A. Zerba will be hostess
to the Study club at her home next
Friday, the 26th..
Herman O'Harra and Lester Wil
tsey, Weston business men made calls
in Athena Wednesday.
Miss Pearl Ramsey was in Athena
over the week end from LaGrande,
where she is employed.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Lee and family
motored to Dayton Friday evening,
returning home Saturday.
Miss Gertrude Mclntyre, Athena
teacher, attended the play at Helix,
Wednesday evening of last week.
Jim Ashworth, old-time fiddler of
Weston, recently won the prize at
the old fiddler's contest at Pendle
ton. William Wilkinson, for many years
a watchmaker of Pendleton, died m
that city Monday at the age of 87
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton,
Jewel and Mrs. Gray were dinner
guests Sunday at the C. M. Eager
Mrs. J. E. Jones and daughter,
Mrs. Vernon O'Harra, have been re
ceiving medical treatment at Walla
Mrs. Raymond Geissel of Milton,
and George Banister of Walla Walla,
were in Athena for a short time
Charles Pinkerton of Weston vis
ited here Wednesday. Charles and
Fred Pinkerton of this city are
Z. F. Lockwood has been in the
hospital at Walla Walla this week
for treatment. He is reported fco he
Bert Logsdon has purchased a
new Dodge Brothers commercial car
for use in connection with' his meat
market business.
Mrs. R. B. MeEwen returned Fri
day after spending the week visit
ing friends and relatives at New
berg and Portland.
George Ilartman of Pendleton
and president of the Farmers Bank
of Weston called on business friends
in Athena Wedensday.
Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. C. M. Eag
er, Mrs. I. L. Michener and Mrs. H.
I. Watts motored to Walla Walla
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beckner enter
tained about 40 of their friends at a
progressive curd party last Saturday
evening nt their home near Nolin.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders were
in Walla 'Walla Tuesday, where they
went to visit Ace Wagner, who is
seriously ill in St. Mary's hospital.
Jack London's "Adventure"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Ed Gwaltney, representative of
the Seattle Hardware company was
a business visitor here Wednesday.
Otto Purcell has been confined to
his home at Weston with a serious
attack of influenza. He has been at
tended by Mrs. Cora Geary, Athena
Mrs. E. C. Rogers and daughter
Helen have returned from a motor
trip to Pullman and Lewiston. They
accompanied Mrs. Frank Rogers of
The Helix K. of P. Lodge will
sponsor a dance at Helix tonight, the
proceeds of the dance will be given
to the K. of P. Home, at Vancouver,
Mrs. W. B. Shaffer of Waitsburg,
who has been visiting in California
during the winter has returned to
her home. She was a visitor in
Athena Monday.
Jasper O'Harra, an old timer of
Umatilla county, now a resident of
Gold Hill, Oregon, is at Weston,
where he is visiting his brother,
Marion O'Harra.
Miss Hilda Dickenson spent the
week end in Walla Walla and visit
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.
P. DeFreece, she also visited with
Miss Myrtle DeFreece.
Mrs. John Froom spent Tuesday
in Milton visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ad Pinkerton. Mrs.
Froom and Mrs. Pinkerton are
friends of thirty years standing.
W. S. Ferguson returned to Athe
na Monday morning from Portland
where he was called by the serious
illness of his mother. Her condition
is somewhat improved at present.
F. B. Wood, Northern Pacific rail
road agent in Athena, has returned
from the hospital at Tacoma. He is
improved in health, and is again at
his office in the Northern Pacific de
pot. Mrs. Jennie Proebstel of Weston,,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Cunningham, Sunday. She was ac
companied here by Mrs. J. A. Lums
den who spent the day with Mrs. Lil
la Kirk.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stockstill and
Miss Thena Russell were entertained
at cards Monday evening at the
home of Misses Ethel and Dorothy
Geissel. Refreshments were served
by Mrs. Rose Miller and the host
esses. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw, Mr.
and Mrs. F. B. Boyd, Mr. H. A. Bar
rett and Mr. Henry Koepke were en
tertained at the Ralph McEwen home
Wednesday evening, when the Wes
ton community program was received
over the radio. '
The Athena-Weston Legion Post
announces a unique dance for tomor
row night, at Legion Hall. From
8:00 until 9:30 old time dances will
be in order with the orchestra play
ing old time music, and good callers
announcing the changes in the yood
old way. The regular dance will be
from 9:30 to 12:00.
A group of Athena people motored
to Walla Walla Saturday night when
they attended a dance at the Armory
given by Henry Halsteads orchestra
of San. Francisco. This orchestra
which is making a tour is famous
for its dance music and is well
known to radio fans, having been on
the air for several years.-
Charlie Chaplin's "Gold Rush"
Next Wednesday and Thursday
Marion Hansell returned fiom
Portland Saturday, following an op
eration for the removal of a cyst
tumor from his neck. The operation
was successful.
Jack Cunningham left Tuesday
evening for Portland, where he went
to consult a specialist about his
throat. He expects to be home Sun
day. Mrs. Cunningham and children
motored with him as far as Pendle
ton, where he took the train.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker will
leave this afternoon by motor for
California. . They will visit at the
home f of Mr. Baker's parents Rev.
and Mrs. D. E. Baker, at Gerber,
California. They will also visit with
other relatives and will be away In
definitely. "
Mrs. Gray who has been the guest
of her daughter Mrs. Lawrence Pink
erton for several weeks left Wednes
day morning for her home in Idaho.
Mrs. Alva Blalock, who has also been
a guest at the Pinkerton home left
with her two children Saturday for
her home in Bend.
Rev Otis B. Harris returned to
Athena today from Aberdeen, Wash
ington, after his children who have
been staying at the home of their
grandmother, Mrs. DePeatt. Mr.
and Mrs. Harris will now reside at
Aberdeen, where Mr. Harris is pas
tor of the Christian church.
Miss Charlotte Gross was hostess
to a number of her friends at a Val
entine's dinner Sunday. Among
those present were, Miss Phyllis
Dickensori, Miss Roma Charle;on,
Miss Wanda Alspach of Helix,
Messrs. Wilbur Harden, Clifford
Wood and Claude Dickenson.
Friends . of Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Basler were pleased to hear num
bers by them on a program broad
cast from Idaho Station KFAW at
Boise Tuesday night. The program
was presented by the Tuesday musi
cal club of Boise. Mr. Basler sang
a solo and Mrs. Basler gave two pi
ano numbers and accompanied sever
al of the soloists.
High School Notes
Mr. Dempsey, coach at Umapine,
drove his car into a ditch last Fri
day evening. This delayed some of
the Umapine players so that the
first game was not started until
nearly eight o'clock.
The Sewing class is going to pre
sent a five scene play entitled, "How
the Story Grew," before the Student
body, March 5.
Mrs. Read and Mrs. Rogers visit
ed the grades last week.
The members of the fifth and
sixth grade had a party in the par
ty room last Friday evening.
Miss Best, Miss Randall and Miss
Mclntyre attended the musical com
edy, "My China Doll," in Pendleton
Monday evening.
A basket ball team composed of
sixth and seventh grade boys went
to Weston last Friday after school
and defeated the Weston eighth
grade team by a score of 5-2.
Blanche Gerking visited the high
school Friday.
The pupils of the entire school are
Walla WalSa
High Grade Apples Without Blemish or
Flaw, From the
John Ross Orchard
High Quality Vegetables are again on the Market
-We have them. See our window
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
trying out in oratorical work this
week in class contests. The winners
of the classes will speak in about
two weeks, when the school repre
sentatives will be chosen to go to
the sectional contest to be held at
Adams the 18th and 19th of March.
Miss Metzger, eounty health nurse,
visited the school last week.
The birthdays of Lincoln and
Washington were observed this
morning in assembly. An interest
ing program, to which the grades
and high school contributed, was giv
en. Mr. Miller entertained pupils of
his room at his home Friday night.
The first, second, third, fourth, fifth
and sixth grades are having window
display, Friday February 19 in the
window adjoining the Pure Food
Grocery. This will include work per
taining to Washington's and Lin
coln's birthday, Valentine's day and
other school work.
The following students were enrol
led in the grades this week: Gail
and Glen Moore in the primary
room; Ralph and Maxine Moore in
the fifth grade and Jack and Virgie
Moore in the eighth grade. Before
coming to Athena they attended the
Washington school in Pendleton.
Mr. Lawrence ' Pinkerton and Mr.
Arnold Wood, high school directors,
visited the high school Tuesday.
Each year the Illinois Watch com
pany of Springfield, Illinois holds a
contest in the High schools through out
the United States, awarding in
each school for the best essay on
Lincoln a bronze medallion of the
famous Volk head of Lincoln. The
Senior English class has just finished
their essays, but the medal will not
be presented until the night of the
At a meeting of the grade school
tfoard, Monday, 15,; it was decided to
reelect the present teachers.
Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton visited
the third and fourth grades Tuesday.
Attempt on Northern Pacific Laid to
Desire for Excitement
Kelso, Wash. The attempt to wreck
Northern Pacific passenger train 408
in a rock cut near Sunday
morning, January 31, was solved when
Sheriff Clark Studebaker of Cowlitz
county and Deputy Sheriff M. E. IJull
obtained a confession from Melvin
Plamondon, 17, an Indian, son of John
Plamondon, who has lived at Olcqua
all his life.
In his signed statement young
Plamondon said he placed a tie across
the track and some rocks between
the rails to get some excitement out
of seeing the train go into the ditch.
He said: "I did not have it in for
the railway company and did not wish
to kill anyone." i;
Coos Bay Sawmill Cuts 700,000 Feet.
Marshfield, Or. The large Coos Bay
Lumber company's mill here establish
ed what is believed to be a world's
record for lumber production during
an eight-hour shift when it turned
out 700,000 feet of finished product.
A new monthly record was set in
January with a daily average of 582,
000 feet, which' went up to 605,000 feet
daily during the latter part of the
Evil Spirit of Sea
Feared by Sailors
Punta Flechas, a promontory on the
northeast coast of Palawan, Philip
pines, has become a well-known land
mark to Yankee skippers voyaging to
minor ports of the Philippines- to pick
up cargoes of sugar, coconuts dried
Into copra to be shipped to vegetal
oil mills, and Manila hemp and other
fibers for the cordage Industry. An
Interesting superstition of Filipino
sailors attaches to, the name Punta
Flechas, which means In English Ar
row point. The granite cliff figures
In Philippine mythology as the' dread
abode of an ogre of the sea who could
conjure winds and typhoons to trouble
the water of Dumaran channel and
wreck the little navies of those who
refused to pay hint' homage. He de
manded prowess in his worshipers,
and the way to appease his wrath was
to sail close under the cliff and
launch .arrows Into It. Shots falling
short were an evil omen If they are
not yet.
The Churches
M. E. Church
Sunday school at 10:00 a .m. Morn
ing worship at 11:00 a. m. Sermon
subject: "Stewardship of the Physi
cal Life." This is the first of a
series of sermons coacerning our
possessions as a trust. "Know ye
not that ye are the temple of God,
and that the Spirit of God dwelleth
in you?" I Cor. 3:16.
Church of Christ
Sunday February 21. Morning
subject "The Uplifted Christ"., even
ing "Some Excuses Answered." Both
C. E. societies meet at 6:30. We are
enjoying the fellowship among the
people in our new labor. The Bible
school will have a food sale on Sat
urday February 27. Watch for fur
ther announcements.
In All the New Colors and Patterns
Hollywood Voile, Normandy Voile, Boulevard Voile,
Chamois Crepe, Suede Crepe, Newport Broadcloth,
May brook Satinette, Meadowbrook Rayon, Pamico
Cloth, Cretonnes, Ginghams, Etc, ;
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Free Tickets for this show to
Saturday, February 20
Lon Chaney
Mae Busch and Matt Moore
. In
One of the 'most discussed photoplays of the year
a Hercules, a Giant and a Dwarf in a thrilling
Mystery Story
You'll Never Forget It
International News.
Admission Prices, 10c-35c
Free Tickets for this show to
Sunday February 21 '
Jack London's Best Seller
On the Screen at Last
cA stirring Action Tale, rich in Drama, Thrills
and Love Appeal
Pathe Review
Admission Prices. 10c-35c
Wednesday and Thursday, February 24 and 25
U Two Nights ' iCl
Clwtlse GOiapBomi
A Dramatic. Comedy written and directed by him
self, and put over by thousands of
lovers of good Pictures
There have been several Gold Rushes, but
. there is only one - Chaplin - -
Admission Prices 10c 35c 50c