ATHENA HIGH SCHOOL WIN FROM UMAP1NE AND ADAMS The boy's team, of Athena high school won two games in the schol astic conference the past' week, 'by winning from Umapine and Adams The Athena girls' team lost to the Umapine girls, by the score of, 1(5 to 10. K The Umapine boys' game was rather onesided the score being Athe-. na, 20; Umapine, 5. However, some good basketball was played. The Athena team developed some clever passing and was strong on defense. Adams was defeated in her new gymnasium Tuesday evening by the close score of 20-17 in one of the fastest and best played school games of the year. . The score at the end of the first quarter was 6-2 in favor of Athena, at the end of the half 12-9 still in Athena's favor. A rally in the last five minutes netted Athena five points and gave hej they, lead tht won the game. ; As ra preliminary, Mrf Miller's second, team ; wasudef eat ed j!V2 by the i Adams, grades This was one of the best , "little" games staged this year. - '' ' 1 : A doubleheafler will be played to night on the Athena floor between Athena and Helix boys and girls' teams. GOOD WEATHER CONTINUES Farmers in this section are rejoic ing over the abundant moisture as the.' result of recent rains, ,'fhose farming the lighter soil are already plowing -and sowing spring- grain; while others are overhauling mach inery preparatory to the soring cul tivating. The fall wheat is making a wonderful growth due to perfect weather conditions; bright sunshine interspersed with showers. A few ambitious gardners are already lay ing off the home plots, studying seed catalogues betimes. PRIZES AT STEVE'S The Pure Food Grocery store was filled with people after the theatre closed Saturday evening, when the drawing for prizes was made. Del bert Crimmins . held the lucky ticket which drew the first ;prize, a beauti ful blanket. H. J. Cunningham drew the second prize, the 41-piece set of dishes. 0. E. Lee drew the basket of Heinz' assorted products, the third prize. WITH "THE 60LD HUSH" For two nights next week,' Wed nesday and Thursday, the Standard Theatre patrons will have the pleas ure of seeing Charlie Chaplin in his latest big super comedy, "The Gold Rush." Wherever this photoplay has been seen in the big theatres it has been acclaimed the greatest that Chaplin has ever produced, and with out exception, it has been held over for from one to two weeks extra showings. ' . : A number of Athena theatre-goers have seen it, and all pronounce it to be a wonderfully entertaining pict ure. The Standard is one of the first small theatres to book "The Gold Rush." In order that the entire com munity may see it from good seats, "The Gold Rush" has been booked for two nights. , Tomorrow night one of the most talked of pictures of the year, "The Unholy , Three," will be presented by Jfletro-Goldwynat. the Standard. Lon Chaney leads the cast in a mystery play ' which tnvdfves "the criminal code of-a circus trio of crooks, ; in cluding a hercules. a dwarf and a giant. Sunday night is given over to a fine Paramount picture, .tack London's . "Adventure," famous as a novel, wonderful as a photoplay. WESTON AT KOWW Athena radios were tuned in on KOWW; station at Walla Walla, Wednesday evening, and radio parties heard with much pleasure the broad casting of the Weston community program. Payant's orchestra selec tions, the , numbers sang by the double quartet, vocal solos by Anna Compton Winn and Virgil P. Cas sady,' the' talk on the Weston coun try by C P. Overhulse, and the fid dling by Jim Ashworth, were the out standing features of a splendidly rendered program. MACK SWAIN Mack Swain, who plays the part of Big Jim McKay, opposite Char lie Chaplin in "The Gold Rush," will be remembered by a number of Athe na people. Several years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Swain came to Athena with a stranded theatrical troup They put on a local show, here, and after going , to, Seattle, reimbursed new found friends here for obligations incurred. On the stage, Swain ev entually became successful, later go ing into' screen comedy work. 22 Years Ago February 26, 1904 W. T. Rigby is one of the unfort unates that has been caught in the meshes of the Wade failure. He pur chased a ranch of Wade, located in the Grand Ronde valley, for which he gave notes for $35,000. Later he paid in $16,800. Wade, previous to this payment had pledged the notes to other parties, and of course did not cancel the notes, but used the money in his own interests. Now Mr. Rigby will have to pay this amount over again and may lose the property mixed up in the deal. Jim Joshua, one of the best known of the Umatilla Indians, suicided at his home near Thorn Hollow Mon day morning. He used a Winches ter rifle and sent two bullets into his body, one in his breast and ths other in his head. Joshua was one of the brightest and also one of the most conscientious Indians of the tribe,- and was considered- honest in his dealings. Domestic troubles are said to have caused the deed, and his" suicide is said to be the second committed; on the reservation m 35 years. Joshua's funeral took ulace Wednesday. ' "' r Mrs." Austin Foss, Misses Nellie Fobs, Bethene Swaggart, Lizzie Mc Intyre, Elida Stackland, Lizzie Mc- Kenzie, , and Messrs. James Foss, Ora Rhodes and numerous others return ed from Pendleton the first of the week, where they attended the Christian' Endeavor convention. ' R. Eurns, general agent for the O. R. & N. Company was in the city Monday. Mr. Burns is a baseball fan of the true blue order; and stands ready to lease the Walla Walla grounds, in event Pendleton and Athena organize teams for this year Mr. Burns is no friend to the league proposition, and favors strictly local talent, with the possible exception of pitchers and catchers. The wooden buildings at the corn er of Main and Fourth streets are be ing removed for the purpose of mak ing room for the new bank building. The rooms formerly occupied by the Davis shoe shop are being torn down and the photograph gallery will be moved to ' the lot back of the St. Nichols, hotel, on Third street. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor, February 19, 1904, a son. The old "Corner" landmark has disappeared, and excavation for the For Sale Good alfalfa and bundle Wheat hay, in quantities to suit. Clar ence Tubbs, phone 30F14, Athena. s - u , : - Jtou haVe got to have a blow ! j. "The pick and shovel never built up a country; you have got to have a plow." The wagon train divides in the desert. One branch hearing of gold in California rushes southwest across the mountains; the main train continues northwestward to Oregon. At this dramatic point in the film version of Emerson Hough's great story "The Covered Wagon," the old leader of the Oregon train gazes fondly upon his plow which he hopes soon, to sink into Oregon soil. . He is not distracted by thoughts of California gold. "The pick and shovel never built up a country," he says. "You have got to have g plowi" ' gince the days of the pioneers of 'The Covered Wagon" Oliver plows have been helping build up this country. Sturdy and practical, three generations of American farmers have depended on- them to prepare the land. As new methods in construction and improved methods of agri culture were discovered, Oliver quickly put them to the test and passed on to users of Oliver plows the most up to date implements. You have got to have a plow. This is just as true today as in the days of which Emerson Hough wrote in "The Covered Wagon." Modern Oliver plows and tillage tools assure their users today largest possible yields as did their predecessors of an earlier day. 19 B 2-base 16 inch Chilled , 19 B 2-base 16 inch Steel 19 B 3-base 16 inch Chilled. . 19 B 3-base 16 inch Steel. Less 5 per cent for Cash Plow Repairs in stock. $105.00 $110.00 $135.00 $140.00 ROGERS & GOODMAN A Mercantile Tnwt Stahl building will commence at once. A. B. McEwen, G. W. Gross and William Tompkins, on Wednesday drove out to the farm of. the late Angus McDonald, on Couse creek, and appraised the . estate at $11,226, 35. They were accompanied by H. O. Worthington, administrator of the estate. . Athena continues to contribute to Alberta investments. ; Sunday Nick Taitinger, John .Mclntyre and other land seekers, left for the north coun try. , . . Born, February 20, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .William Tompkins, in this city, to the wife of James Woodruff, a daughter. Mr and Mrs. Woodruff reside in Sand Hollow. Charley Brown has been conduct ing mining operations on Main street this week. It is said Charley panned out a few "colors" on, the old "Corn er" saloon site... , CLASSIFIED Hatching Chicks? Hatching,, eggs must be gathered at least four times a day, to Insure good hatches and they must be turned once a day and kept at a temperature at about 55. Donald McFadyen: will get good hatches for , you if your eggs are hatchable for 7 cents, per chick. In quire for prices , on baby chicks, White leghorns and Rhode Island Reds. Give your hens all the alfal fa leaves they can eat. For Sale Rhode Island Red hatch ing eggs.' Ralph McEwen. Mrs. D. H. Mansfield has . opened an Art Shop at ; 222 East Court street Pendleton, Oregon, next door to Forshaws. , Leave your hemstitch ing while shopping, For Sale Pure ' bred Plymouth Rock cockrels for breeding purposes. Ralph Allen, phone 24F11, Athena. For Sale A 60-egg capacity "Old Trusty Incubator" new, has never been unpacked. '' Phone 132, Athena. Piano for Sale We have a high grade piano left on our hands, near Athena. We will sacrifice the price and make reasonable terms. If in terested, write .to Jason Piano Com pany, Spokane, Washington, P. O. BOX 35. . i ;.' i .. ' For Sale Choice ' Barred Rock eggs for hatching. $1.00 per setting, $6.00 per hundred. Phone 31F5.: For Sale Bundle wheat hay. Law rence Pinkerton, Athena Phone 26F 12. For Sale Second Hand furniture. C. M. Eager, Athena. Rupture Shield Expert Coming to Pendleton on Monday, Tuesday March 1 and 2 at Dorion Hotel from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Evenings by Appointment Two Days Only Retnrning Every Six Months (No Charge for Consultation Mr. C. F.'Redlichj the successful expert says: ..,,,. The "Perfect Retention Shields," hold the rupture perfectly no matter what position the body assumes or how heavy a weight you: lift. They give instant relief, contract the open ing on the average, case in ten days and strengthen the weak tissues (the real cause of rupture) so that they frequently recover their previous natural retaining power needing no further outside support. While providing safety and com fort to all old and aggravated cases, the results are most favorable when the rupture is just discovered and still small; it will save you no end of trouble, pain and expenses in the future if you now take advantage of this opportunity. No leg straps or elastic bandages are used. Can be worn while bathing. letters from highly satisfied clients flVflilflblc WARNING: Never wear old-fashioned trusses or elastic bandages with chafing, filthy leg straps, with worthless guarantees and medicines, sold by mail. Thev never hold the rupture at the right place, thereby making it worse and .expose the wearer to often fatal strangulation necessitating immediate operation. Let me explain this personally; it costs you nothinsr. 95 per cent of all children, accord ing to statistics, get rid of their ruptures if fitted with the right kind of sanitary appliance. No children below 18 months nor ladies accepted on this trip. Business engagements prevent vis iting any other city in this section. C. F. Redlich. Rupture npliancc Ex pert, Home Office, 535 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minnesota. ; . . We are Equipped to do Printing All.Kinds. Short Notice Rural England in 1825 Had Little Over China The Chinese minister of communica tions sent from Peking a long cable gram of poetic prose felicitating the managers of the Darlington railway exhibition In England on ihelr centen nial of George Stephenson's "Locomo tion No. 7." i , Unless the railway track was laid over the graves of ancestors In an in land province, the spectacle of the puffing monster, once regarded os first cousin to the earth-dragon, would ex cite far less confusion in the celestial republic todny than it did among, the honest English yokels of Stephenson's era. , Then, according to contemporary re port, "in many bosoms the arrival caused the greatest consternation. They fled In abject terror, many hid ing themselves In the church, others seeking consolation in the bottle, while some !of the Jnore courageous climbed, into trees and at a safe distance from the monster's claws watched It pass." Reading that account one is Inclined to believe that Europe in 1825 was riot many leagues In advance of the cycle of Cathay, remarks the Philadelphia Ledger. ,. . , Ef.orU to Ditch N. P. Train Falls- Kelso, Wash. Northern Pacific )as3enger train No. 408, northbound, aarrowly . escaped wrecking Sunday morning about 11 o'clock when It itruck a tie and several rocks, which 'iad been piled onto the track in a ,'ock cut on the Lewis place, six miles lorth of Castle Rock. The attempt to wreck the" train is believed to have been the work of a maniac or of soma person who had a fancied grievance against the railway company. The Richards CHOP MILL Is Now Carrying a Full Stock Of Mill Feed,Chop Barley, Hay and Chicken Feed Prices Reasonable Strictly Cash ' Wm. Hoggard, Manager ALLEN BELL DRAYMAN Phone 24 Transfer and Express Prompt Service Dealer in ICE F. M. Smith Athena, Oregon Auto Truck Dray City and Countty HAULING Always at Your Service The Lumber You Need If you are planning alterations or ad ditions to your building, let us give you an estimate on the Lumber need ed. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasonble total we will quote. Wood and Coal Fence Posis Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena MMtMMMMMMIMMtMiMtlllMtllMMtff "Script Porm i Butter Wrappers EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Yes we have plenty of Haircuts to fit your Head, and Shaves to fit your Face. In fact anything in J the Barber line. We have it. "Come On Over." HAWORTII & HARRIS BARBERS Agency for Troy Laundry Cleaning of all kinds a specialty. Make old Rugs X like New. Phone 583. THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. 3 A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon.