The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 19, 1926, Image 2

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    Wu Metro
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Hates.
On f rmr r m itnr . 2.00
One copy, six months 11.00
One copy, three months 75
sheet, hiding in a cemetery to fright
en them, while engaged in sorority
initiatory work. -After pulling his
hair and disrobing him of the sheet,
they left him tied fast to a tombstone.
Athena, Oregon February 10 1926
Mussolini continues to muss up
European affairs. His recent unbridl
ed diatribe against Germany and the
Germanic people, caused pronounced
disgust throughout the civilized
world Italy perhaps excepted. Be
ing of Irish extraction, we feel quali
fied to say impartially that compar
ison may easily bo drawn between
the people entering the United States
from Germany, and the Italian emi
grants passing through the gates of
Ellis Island. Once here, the German
steers clear of the Bowery and the
slums of the big city, distributes
himself over the country, hops into
the "melting pot" and gets busy nt
home building. You seldom if ever,
find him among the gangsters. He
is absent from the ranks of gun
men, when you round them up
There is no trouble in securing juries
in the community where the German
resides; ones life is perfectly fafe
serving on juries there. He dies
not believe in blackhand coercion,
would stifle in a cooped-up tenement
and couldn't pronounce the word
"Mafia" if he had to.
Secretary of Agriculture Jardine
says the income of the average farm
er in this country last year was
$846 $510 in cash and $336 value
of food produced on the land." Since
the investment of an average farm
is a little over $5000, the interest on
the investment at six per cent would
reduce the net return per farm to
$546, or $70 per month. With an
average of four persons to a family
the per capita return would be $11.
25 per month. Labor has days works
to sell and by union strength it has
been able to fix its selling price in
many lines of industry, in localities
where it is solidly organized. Farm
ers have no such control of what
they have to sell they cannot fix
prices they permit world-wide com
petition and manipulation to set
prices on their products and fix their
The Tress is in receipt of a copy
of Joseph Locb's newspaper, "The j
Oregon Investor's Friend," pub-'
lished at Portland. Thff-copy at1
hand bristles with denouncement of,,
the shrewd crookedness of ... one
Frank Keeler and other swindlers,
and seems to be published in the' in
terests of an institution, or :atlier
organization, of what Mr. Loeb
terms "The Better Business Bureau."
From the fact that Athena was ILecl
erized to the amount of about $8000
in a fraudulent bond issue some
yours back, we readily sec that Lcob
has at least one crook harpooned.
O ;
Agitation for a normal school to
he located somewhere in Eastern
Oregon is under way and undoubted
ly the question will be kept in the
foreground until it is voted on at an
election. The state now has two
normal schools; one over-crowded in
stitution nt Monmouth, and a new
one at Ashland, which will at once
serve to relieve the pressure exut'.ng
at the Monmouth school. The statu!'
of Eastern Oregon's claim for a
normal school at this time is based
on the indisputable fact tliat geo
graphically, she is entitled to one.
The Toronto Sun gives sonic start
ling figures of grain losses from I
smut and winter injury of Canadian
wheal. In one day, it states out of
1'278 cars handled in the western di
vision, 518 were classed as "No
grade" against 154 No. 1 Northern,
:;14 No. 2 and 179 No. 3. The dif
fi'vence in price that day was 42
cents per bushel.
o .
Ornaments similar to earrings and
pendants, may soon bo seen protrud
ing alluringly from the waves and
curls of the bobbed head. In this in
stance the brunette will have it
slightly on her blonde sister, for the
darker the background, the more
lustrous does the jewels sparkle.
Oh, splash!
What would be the matter with a
:tate income tax measure, carrying
provision for a property offset?
And if it is found necessary to hold
state platform conventions to get
this proposed measure and others be
fore the people, what's the matter
with that ?
Spring stories are coming from
everywhere: One locality reports
the cutting of a crop of alfalfa, and
somebody down Hermiston way pick
ed a dish of strawberries. Nothing
on Athena they tell us that Billy
Pink pulled a bunch of radishes
from his garden, six weeks ago, and
has been feasting on asparagus daily.
The radio communication record
for distance has been smashed. For
thirty-five minutes a two-way com
munication was established between
the United States army station at
Fort Shafter, Honolulu and OAVV
station in South Africa, a distance of
14,000 miles.
McCamant is a good sport, any
way. He will leave it up to the sen
ate say whether or not he will sit
on the federal bench as a reward
for once nominating Cal for vice
president of the United States.
We've seen it, 'and the Charleston
is for the stage, not the ball room
for the very simple reason that there
are not enough Ann Penningtons to
go 'round.
If the anthracite coal industry
were located on the Pacific slope, no
one out here would have realized the
strike was going on.
Once in a while Oregon does a
thing exceptionally well in athletics
basketball, for instance.
British Expert Sees
Addition to Wealth
Experiments In producing oil from
coal, In which various science depart
ments nt Birmingham (England) uni
versity have been collaborating for
three years, have shown that 01 per
cent of liquid can be extracted from
Lancashire coal by powdering it and
subjecting It to very high pressures
of hydrogon gas. Professor Nash, who
lias taken a leading part in research,
when asked as to the significance of
the discoveries from the standpoint of
Industrial utilization of British coal
resources, said he was only able to
announce that the laboratory tests
had demonstrated nil could be got
from coal. The commercial exploita
tion lie was not competent to dis
cuss. The liquid products have not
been Investigated In detail, but apart
from small proportions of unidentified
substances they consist of hydro-carbons
which are basis of all fuel oils.
South Staffordshire coal gave 37 per
cent of liquid, while a South Wales
coal gave 20 per cent.
As Dad Sees It
"My boy," siild the Billvllle father
to his literary offspring, "this here so
called 'lire of genius,' Is well enough
In the lazy, dreamful summertime, but
when the winter wind Is rumbling in
the hollows and cavortin' round the
frosty hills, It can't hold a tallow can
dle to cordwood and hard coal. Here's
a new nx that has never cut' down a
pine saplin', or a oak tree, and split
'em to kindling wood. Suppose you
christen It, and make the chimney
blaze? There's no better way to keep
up your college athletic exercises. It
beats an apple a day for downright
good health and spirits. So roll up
your sleeves and get busy." Atlanta
t'hicago medical circles brand as
a hoax the arrival in the windy city
of Villa's head for scientific study.
More likely its destination after ex
humation, was to some head hunter
in the South Sea islands, where
"heads count heads, when tails don't
Ghosts, goblins and graveyards af
ter dark, have no terrors for Peoria,
Illinois, girls. Bradley institute
maidens found n man wrarins
Viviant's Memory Prodigious
One of the sources of the late Bene
Vlvhinl's eloquence was his profound
knowledge of French literature. He
knew by heart thousands of verses
and could recite entire acts of the
classic tragedies without an error.
He demonstrated this at the time
of his baccalaureate, when he agree
ably surprised the examiner by his ac
curate analysis of "The CId."
"Can you recite a few verses of It?"
the examiner asked.
"Certainly," said Vlvlanl, and had
recited The whole of the first act be
fore he wus halted. On another occa
sion he recited the whole of "Horatlus"
and "l'hedre" from beginning to end.
Cause Enough
A camel has Its limit of endurance
as the old saw concerning the ultimate
straw and the broken back will testify.
Mrs. North also had her limit, which
was finally reached when an argument,
about which little could be understood,
continued with unabated fury for two
hours lu the Smith household next
door. '
Calling to Willie Smith, who was
playing In the back yard, Mrs. North
asked the seven-year-old shining light
of the warring Smiths:
"What Is all the row about, Willie?"
"Oh, niiiinnia put her cushion on
daddy's chair and ho sat dowu on It,"
replied the small lad.
"Why, that Is no cause for such an
argument, Is it?"
"Sure It Is I It was mamma's pin
cushion 1"
22 States Reject Child Labor Measure.
Washington, D. C. Twenty-two
states have rejected or postponed ac
tion on the child labor amendment to
the constitution, while four, Arisona,
Arkansas, California and Wisconsin,
have approved it, Secretary Kellogg
informed tire house.
(, m. Western Newspaper Union.)
Don't talk so much about your
hardship. Conserve your energy
and use It to plan, create and
work. If you suffer keep still
about tt until you have succeeded
and then probably you won't feel
so much like talking- about it.
To serve a variety and at the same
time maintain economy, Is the aim of
every thrifty
Combln at I o n
Salad. Take one
cupful of chopped
cabbage, one-half
cupful each of
diced pineapple
and apple, shred
ded almonds and diced marshmallows.
Mix the Ingredients, sprinkle with
salt, add boiled dressing, using pine
apple Juice and lemon instead of vin
egar. Garnish with spoonfuls of
whipped cream and almonds. Serve
on lettuce.
Fruit Imperial Arrange on rounds
of cake, halves of peaches. Cook to
gether one-quarter of a cupful of
water, one-half cupful of brown sugar,
two tahlespoonfuls of flour; when
thick, add a tablespoonful of butter
and one and one-half cupfuls of peach
sirup ; then add one-half cupful of
raisins. Arrange the peaches on the
cake and pour over the fruit sirup.
Serve hot or cold.
Peppers Stuffed With Raisins. Par
boll six medium-sized peppers in salt
water five minutes, after removing the
tops, 'and seeds. Fill with two cup
fuls of bread crumbs, one-half of the
pepper tops, a few chopped walnut
meats, a little minced ham, three
fourths of a cupful of raisins, salt and
butter to taste. Moisten with soup,
stock or water and bake, setting the
peppers In gem pans in a little water.
Bake one hour.
A delicious sauce to serve with
sliced roast beef Is:
Bordelaise Sauce. Take two toma
toes, one small onion, one green pep
per, two tahlespoonfuls each of but
ter and flour, a clove, half a tea
spoonful of salt, a salt spoonful of red
pepper and a half cupful of . water.
Chop the vegetables, except tomatoes,
add seasoning and simmer five min
utes, rub through a sieve. Melt the
butter, then add the tomatoes, and
water. Simmer ten minutes, add an
other tablespoonful of butter. Serve
hot. '
lluut 7W&
Northwest States Will Receive $4,
- 801,247 In 1926.
Washington, D. C The four Pacific
northwest states Montana, Washing
ton, Oregon and Idaho will receive
14,801,247 for federal road aid for the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 1926, Sec
retary of Agriculture Jardine announc
ed. The total apportionment for all
states was $73,125,000. , -
Montana receives the largest share
of any of the northwest states, f 1,551,
660. Oregon follows closely with $1,
182,945. . Washington gets $1,130,080
and Idaho $936,589.
California leads all western states
with an apportionment of $2,484,706.
Texas receives more than any other
3tato, $4,426,917.
Lillian Nelson, 1004, West Alder
street Walla Walla, was struck in
the knee by a bullet fired from the
gun of Special Officer Brice of the
police department, when he fired at
the automobile of Herbert Morrison.
The bullet passed through the radia
tor of Morrison's car and penetrated
the wall of Miss Nelson's bedroom.
She was taken to the hospital where
an Xray will be taken.
Walla w Walla, Yakima and other
cities in the district are joining in
an effort to reduce power rates
charged -by the Pacific " Power and
Light company, will be called upon
for more money to fight the case, it
was announced during a conference
of committee men representing the
cities. Frank M. Lowden, of Walla
Walla, announced that the commit
tee's fund of $20,000 is depleted.
The Social Side
A novel means of raising funds
is being employed by the ladies of
the Baptist church. Each lady has
agreed to make a block upon which
will be embroidered sixteen names
to be secured from residents of
Athena. The privilege of having one'a
name on the block will be paid for
at the rate of a cent a letter. When
the quilt is completed it will be sold
and already there are several cust
omers in prospect.
Another musical treat is in store
for Athena people, as the Etude
club is making' plans for an Easter
cantata to be given Easter night.
It is the intention to make the af
fair a union service and the choirs
of the several churches have been
asked to take part. A committee
has been appointed to select and
order appropriate music' and further
notice of its activities will be re
ported in the near future.
That the Jolly Twenty-five club
lives up to its cognomen was again
evidenced last Friday night when
members and their husbands enjoyed
ja! hard times party at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Art Douglas. At a
table spread with colored cloths
and lighted by old fashioned kero
sene lamns about ' t.Tiirt.v-irVif. ant
I- 1 j "o - -
down to a dinner at six-thirty. Tin
dishes were used ,, exclusively but
were bountifully filled as the reputa
tion of the club warrants. Some of
the guests were garbed in old fash
ioned costumes while others wore
clothes patched for the occasion. Af
ter dinner the men were required to
trim spring bonnets for their part
ners, and in the judging that follow
ed, the hat trimmed by Will Piper
and worn by Mrs. C. L. McFadden
won the prize; Five hundred was
played during the remainder of the
evening. ...
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce
Baker was the gathering place of in
vited guests at a five hundred party
Tuesday evening. The following were
present, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Har
wood, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Hirsch,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Douglas, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Gross, Mr. and Mrs.
E. CV Prestbye, Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Prestbye, Mrs.,. Jennie .Gross, Miss
Jennamae Read and. Norman Mcln
tyre. Prizes were won by Mrs. E.
C. Prestbye, who received first and
second went to Mrs. Hirsch. Mrs.
Baker served seasonable refreshments.
The Christian Endeavor society
recently organized' "at the Christian
church was entertained at a party
at the parsonage last Thursday even
ing. About twenty-eight young peo
ple were present. Many games were
played, one indoor, track, meet being
a feature of the " evening. Delicious
refreshments with a valentine motif
were served by an efficient committee
of young ladies.
The Athena bridge club was en
tertained last Friday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. I. L. Michener on
Jefferson street. There were three
tables in play and special guests
were Miss Merle Best and Mrs.
Charles Dudley. High score was
held by Mrs. H. I. Watts, second by
Mrs. H. A. Barrett and Miss Merle
Best the consolation. The hostess
served a dainty lunch following the
Py. , .... , .
The newest club in Athena recent
ly organized by eight school girls
and known as the Happy-Go-Lucky
club will entertain at a basket par
ty Friday night. There will be eight
guests and baskets will be sold to
start a fund fon the treasury of the
club. ' - !
Little Miss Virginia Eager was
honored last Saturday afternoon
when ten little girls were invited to
Established 1891.
assist in the celebration of the
young lady's seventh birthday. Jol
ly games were played during the af
ternoon hours which were followed
by dainty refreshments carrying out
the Valentine , idea. Those present
were, Dorris Jenkins, Genevieve Bar
rett, Fern Carstens, Mildred Crim
mins, Jewel Pinkerton, Cleora Vol
weiler, Joyce Pinkerton and Phyllis
Schutz of Adams. The honoree was
the recipient of many dainty gifts.
L. H. Basler, formerly . coach of
Athena high school and now coach
ing Boise high, has had a most suc
cessful season in : basket ball. His
team has won seven games and lost
one, thus eleminating the team from
the district meet but giving the priv
ilege of playing in the State tourna
ment which will be held in Boise in
the near future. Mr. Basler was one
of our most popular coaches and his
many friends and admirers will be
glad to hear of his success in work
ing up a winning team, . .
George, Payne who has been , ser
iously jll at his. home in Athena is
reported improving.. . ? r, ; -f
. ...... ... ... . :
Attorney s-At-Law ...... .
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Will. M. Peterson .and G. H. Bishop
Practice in State and Federal Courts
South Side Main Street. Athena
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Hairs Catarrli
Medicine :$JtV-
rid your system of Catarrh or Deafnest
caused by Catarrh. .
. Sold by druggistt for ovtr 40 ytart ,
F. J. CHENEY &. CO Toledo, Obic
' Now 45c
PAYMENT PLAN. ' '. ' .' ' '
- Farm Loans At
5 per cent
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg.
French Optical Parlors 1
15 K. Main St Phone 653 .
JJ . mmUTON-
"Honor" Muslin For Service
Our Own High-Quality Brands
To feel it is to know its worthy weave and its soft
texture, promising splendid wear. The bleached,
39-inch shrunk to 36-inch width, the yard,
. ' ' 18c
The unbleached muslin, 39-inches wide, in just the
right weight, the yard, .; -
. 16c - ;
Famous House Frocks!
Of Nation-Wide Fame:are'6&"'',H(se,',rbi'
Thousands upon thousands of women .thruout this,
land acclaim them as economical practical, and at
tractive!. This. is to announce a new shipment of,
them. ' . . : ',,' .. - '-'v----
79c '
The Company of which this Store is a member,
trains men to become Store Managers. When they
have become proficient, a city is selected for one
of our Stores, a third interest in the capital stock
of the Store is sold to the Manager and he with his
family take up their future home there.
His Store then is no different than many other
stores which are partly owned in town with large
interests held by outside capital.
Our future being here our interest in the future
growth and prosperity of the community is none
less than others. We strive to do our part in pro
moting this civic betterment.
1 : Eat at the 1
3 H
Lunch and Meals Served at all Hours. You can buy
Golden Crust Bread Here.
. . .t.c.baker
Foley's Kidney Care
makes kidneys and bUdJer rtiht
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Men, W
and Children
Are Known Largely By the Neatness
And Looks of . Their
Clothes and Shoes
So Why Not Let Us Keep Your Clothes Looking
Neat. We Also Make Your Old Shoes Like
New in Our Up-to-Date Repair Shop.
$1.50 .
Shoe Repairing in Proportion
G. W.. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
la made in Athena, by Atbena labor, in one ol the very" beat
equipped mflla in the Northwest, of the best selected Blueatem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize horns industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers !
Athena, Oregon. . . Waitsburg, Wash I