The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 19, 1926, Image 1

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Entered at tbe Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Bill Approved By Upper House
Makes Cut of $456,251,000
In Tax Burden.
Washington, D. C. Carrying a re
duction of nearly half a billion dollars
in the annual federal tax burden, the
senate passed the Tevenue measure.
The vote was 68 to 9, six republican
progressives, two democrats and Sen
ator Shlpstead, farmer laborIteof Min
nesota, voting; against it. The others
were: Senators Frazier of North Da
kota, La Follette of Wisconsin, Mc
Master of South Dakota, Norbeck of
South Dakota, Norrls of Nebraska and
Nye of North Dakota, all republicans;
Reed of Missouri and Wheeler of
Montana, democrats.
The $126,000,000 cut made by the
senate over the house bill must run
the fire of conference between the
two houses.
Besides accepting all of the reduc
tions proposed by the house, the sen
ate made these major changes in the
Repealed the inheritance tax.
Struck out the tax on admissions
and dues.
Eliminated the. tax on passenger
Repealed the capital stock tax but
Increased the 12 Mi per cent corpora
tion tax 1 per cent.
Cut $23,000,000 from the surtaxes on
incomes between $24,000 and $100,
000. Reduced further the taxes on cigars.
The additional tax reduction voted
by the senate was assailed an "eco
nomic folly," by Chairman Green of
the house ways and means committee.
The senate, in going $126,000,000
beyond the total approved by the
house in Its $330,000,000 bill, not only
threatened a treasury deficit, but jeo
pardized the enactment of many pend
ing bills calling for increased govern
ment expenditures,, including the. pub
lic buildings bill, said Mr. Green.
Chairman Green is supported in his
position by other house leaders.
Washington, D. C. The Norris con
stitutional amendment, changing in
auguration day from March 4 to the
third Monday in January, and the date
for meeting of congress from Decem
ber to the first Monday in January,
was adopted by the senate by a vote
of 73 to 2.
Blease, South Carolina, and Kang,
Utah, democrats, cast the only dis
senting votes on the resolution, which
now goes to the house.
The house committee on elections
of president and congress favorably
reported a resolution proposing that
- congress meet on January 4 and that
the executive be Inaugurated on Jan
uary 24.
An important provision ' of the
amendment proposed by both senate
and house is that designed to insure
the choice of an executive in the event
no candidate receives a majority of the
electoral votes.. In the last presi
dential election it was shown that if
the triangular contest had thrown the
election into congress' that body might
have been deadlocked and the country
have been without an executive on
March 4. ,
Congress is almost unanimous in
favor of the proposed amendment and
it s expected to be submitted tp the
States before this session ends.
CoolldgeHModifiea Mitchell Penalty,
Washington, . D. C, By action of
President Coolidge, William Mitchell,
formerly a colonel in the army air
service, passed off the commissioned
roll for five years. The president ap
proved the court-martial sentence Im
posed on him, insofar as suspension
from all rank and duty was concern
ed. He modified the total forfeiture
ef pay and allowances, however, to
permit Mitchell to receive daring his
suspension half of his non-flying pay
. and certain living allowances "at the
pleasure of the president"
A Salem special to the Oregonian
gives details of the riot participated
in by 450 convicts in the dining room
of the Oregon" state penitentiary,
when nine of the most desperate con
victs in the Oregon state penitentiary
were shot by guards when approxi
mately 200 of the 450 prisoners
started a riot in the dining room of
the "prison during the supper hour
Wednesday evening.
C. R. Moore, Lane county, serving
three years for larceny from a dwell
ing. Pat Burke, Multnomah county, serving-
ten years for a statutory of
fense. H. Smith, Multnomah county, serv
ing two and one-half years for as
sault and robbery.
J. M. James, Wasco county, serv
ing eight years for a statutory of
fense. Albert Corley, Multnomah county,
serving ten years for man-slaughter.
D. Cadena, Klamath county, serv
ing life sentence for murder.
Frank Davis, Linn county, serv
ing three years for larceny.
J. Arnold, Umatilla county, sorv
ing life term for murder in second
William Short, Jackson county,
serving three years for operating a
still. ,
Prison officials said that the riot
was a part of a plot to burn the
state flax plant and, possibly, escape
from the institution. At 5 Q'clpck
in the afternoon two fires were dis
covered to have broken out simult
aneously in the threshing department
of the state flax plant, which is op
erated in connection with the pen
itentiary. By prompt action on the part of
the prison officials and the city fire
department the fires were extin
guished with nominal damage to the
plant. . '
It later developed that the fires
were, set: and that -Carl Murray and
William Stroud, convicts, were re
sponsible. . J. P.; Lillie, warden of the peni
tentiary, said that he had scented un
rest among the convicts for the past
48 hours, and doubled the number of
guards in the prison dining room and
strengthened the several posts.
The convicts had scarcely entered
the dining room when one of their
number shouted, "All right, boys,
let's go."
In the meantime the dining room
door had been locked and the five
unarmed guards were at the mercy
of the prisoners. Tables were upset,
chairs were demolished and dishes
were hurled at the guards. One or
two of the guards were struck by
the flying missiles, but none of them
were seriously injured.
.When it become apparent that the
dining room guards were unable to
control the situation, an alarm was
sounded and a dozen or 15 guards
who were eating " supper in their
quarters outside of the prison en
closure rushed to the institution ar
senal, obtained rifles and started for
the dining room. In the meantime
Warden Lillie, who was in the prison
office at the time the riot started,
grasped a rifle and was the first of
the armed officials and guards to face
the rioters.
Upon the refusal of the convicts
to restore order, Warden Lillie and
his guards opened fire on the leaden
of the riot. It was estimated by the
warden that less than 15 shots were
fired in the dining room and that
the convicts were cowed within five
minutes after the alarm was sound
ed. ' , "
As soon as quiet was restored
Warden Lillie ordered the wounded
convicts taken to the hospital ward
on the second floor of the prison,
while the other convicts were march
ed to their cells under armed guard.
No attempt was made by the prison
ers to resume the demonstration af
ter reaching their cells.
Warden Lillie said-that all of the
convicts wounded in the riot had been
under surveillance of the prison of
ficials and guards for some time and
that none of them had received anv
institution privileges.
More than 250 wheat growers, rep
resenting every important wheat
producing county in eastern Oregon,
as well as representatives of all
commercial or government agencies
directly concerned with the wheat
industry attended the economic con
ference of wheat growers of the
state, concluded at Moro Saturday
afternoon after a three day session,
was very successful, according to the
Umatilla county wheat growers who
Organization of the Eastern Oregon
Wheat, league was completed Satur
day" with the adoption of a constitu
tion and election of officers. F. B.
Ingle's of Dufur is the first presi
dent, Charles B. Cox of Hepnner,
vice-president and Harry B. Pinker-
ton of Moro, secretary treasurer.
An executive committeeman from
each of. the 11 counties was elected.
These were A. V. Swift, Baker; John
Withycombe, Gilliam; Ward Farrel,
Jefferson; Pete Tensen, Malheur; J.
C. Turner, Morrow; W. S. Powell,
Sherman; James K. Hill, Umatilla;
J. A. Gaskill, Union; H. B. David
hizer, Wallowa; C. T. Emerson, Was
co, and Mike Dukek, Wheeler.
Every phase of wheat production
from preparing the soil to market
ing the product was considered by
the committees and the general as
sembly, and the reports of the com
mittees will be published in a spec
ial bulletin that will be published
soon by Oregon Agricultural college.
Lowden Would Regulate Production.
Champaign, 111. A 'federal farm
board to regulate crop production for
the fanner, as the federal reserve
board adjusts nation wide credit facil
ities for the industrial world, was ad
vocated by Frank. O. Lowden, ex-gover
nor of Illinois, before the annual meet
ing of the Illinois Agricultural asso
ciation., . . .... t'.'..
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at Milton Sunday morning in the
Christian church, when Miss Alta
Aimee Putman, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Putman, became the
bride of Mr. Kenneth O. Moody, of
Bend, Oregon. The couple will re
side at Bend.
The basketball tournament of Dist
rict Nq. 2 will lie held in the gym
nasium at MaeLaughlin High schqol,
Milton, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday, February 25, 26 and 27, with
18 teams competing.
Athena is paired with MaeLaughlin
and the game will be played Friday
forenoon. Competing teams from
the high schools . of lone, Hermiston;
Adams, Athena, Echo, Helix, Weston,
Umatilla, Pilot Rock, Stanfield, Lex
ington, Milton, Pendleton. lone and
Pendleton play the first game of the
tournament, Thursday evening, at 7
o'clock. y
The finals will be played on Fri
day night and Saturday forenoon.
The Championship game will be
played Saturday night, and the win
ner will represent the district at the
state tournament at Salem. Two
years ago Athena won .the district
championship, and was runncrup at
last year's district tournament, Pen
dleton winning by a narrow margin.
Hides from 61 beavers were thip-
ped from Walla Walla by Game
Warden Frank Bigler to the state
game warden Seattle, The animals
are being trapped by men licensed
by the game warden, to prevent
damage feeing dpne tQ irrigation pro
jects. The hides are valued at $1200,
half of the proceeds to go to the
county game fund and half 15 the
Gifford Pinchot has characterized
the proposed grazing bill of Senator
Stanfield as one which "would sacri
fice the rights and interests of the
small rancher to the selfish and
shortsighted demands of cattle and
sheepmen now operating on a large
' Conservationists who have analys
ed the bill contend that "the pass
age of this legislation will strangle
the administration of the national
forests as. timber Growing and water
protective properties and will give
to the grazing industry of the west
what amounts to a perpetual grant
of grazing rights on the national
The association in its announce
ment quoted a letter which Governor
Pinchot wrote to Senator Stanfte'd,
as follows;
"Brief examination of the bill con
vinces me that its enactment would
make impossible the growth of tim
ber crops and the protection of wat
er sheds for municipal water cup
plies, irrigation and power, through
out vast areas of the national for.
ests in the Rocky mountains and
Pacific states which would demoralize
forest administration everywhere in
the west and would sacrifice the
rights and interests of the small
ranch men to the selfish and short
sighted demands of cattle and shiep
men now operating on a large scale.
In short, it would go far to destroy
the policy of national forest admin
istration which was written Into the
law 29 years ago and was translat
ed -into fact in President Roosevelt's
administration when I was forester
under his secretary of agriculture,
James Wilson. Such an outcome
would be disastrous for' the American
people as a whole, and for the people
of the west In particular.
"I cannot appear before your com
mittee next week to express 'my
views on the details of this bill be
cause my presence in Harrisburg is
imperatively required by the session.
I therefore request that I be gien
an ooDortunity to be heard later."
Secretary Work is expected to bo
among the first witnesses, and ha Is
opposed to the Stanfield measure, as
are the national grange, American
farm bureau federation, Yale univer
sity and other groups,
Bert Mays, son of the late W. B.
Mays and Mrs. Abbie Maya of Pen
dleton, and nephew of Mrs. Jennie
Barrett of Athena, died at Pendle
ton of Brights Disease, last Friday
evening. Funeral services wecc held
at Pendleton, Sunday.
; A Salem special says the "big top"
event in capitol political circles dur
ing the last week was the visit there
of Frederick Steiwer of Pendleton,
candidate for United States senator
at the republican primary election.
Mr. Steiwer gave an address be
fore members of the Salem chamber
of commerce at noon Monday, and
later conferred with state officials
and friends. He was a dinner guest
of members of the American - Legion
at 6 o'clock. Mr. Steiwer later went
to Jefferson, where he gave an ad
dress in the Masonic hall. He was
born near Jef'rson, where his par
ents now ro i -'s. The hall was
crowded to capacity and the speaker
received an ovation. He was accom
panied to Jefferson by George Grif
fith, past commander of the state de
partment, American Legion, and oth
er members of the veterans' organi
zation, .
A "Steiwer for Senator club," with
350 active members, has been organ
ized at Jefferson. '
Members of Pythian Lodge, No.
29 K of P., their families and friends
participated in an enjoyable social
meeting in the IOO F-Kof P. lodge
hall last evening, when a large num
ber were present.
A banquet supper was held at 6:30
in the dining room, after which the
assemblage listened to a fine pro
gram of vocal and instrumental mus
ic The Jolly Joy-Maker's orcheslrn
enlivened the occasion with a number
of selections.
Mr. Clark delivered the address
of the evening. Piano numbers were
given by Lois Johnson, Mrs. Law
rence Pinkerton and Mrs. Max Hop
per; Jeannamae Read, Kathryn Mc
Intyre, Edna Pinkerton arid Marjorle
Montague favored with vocal solos;
Marjorie Douglas Rave a "pleasing
dance; .Mrs. C. M. Eager a, musical
reading, and Mrs. I. L. Michener and
Miss Merle Best a vocal duet.
The Yakima irrigation project in
Washington led all others in produc
tion of apples last year. The de
partment of interior reported that
the yield was more than 108,000
tons, valued at $4,380,000 and re
presenting an average acre value of
$282, '
An automobile accident that might
have been more serious occurred
Monday on the highway between
Athena and Weston, when a truck,
and a car driven by Ralph Dowd go
ing east collided with a car driven
by Henry Dell, going west. No one
was injured but the Dell car was
badly damaged, the left front wheel
and axle being broken and 'the fend
er smashed. . The car is the proper
ty of York Dell.
The district Odd Fellows conven
tion, comprising the lodges of Mor
row and Umatilla counties, will be
held at Odd Fellows Hall in Athena,
Saturday, February 27, beginning at
9:30 a. m.
The forenoon session will be de
voted to various reports, selection of
meeting place next year, and rou
tine business. In the afternoon, elec
tion of officers will be made.
'In the evening, the banquet will be
followed by exemplification of third
degree work, competitive teams en
tering from Hermiston, Stanfield,
Pendleton, Weston and Freewater.
Individual prizes will be given for
the best spoken parts, and the capi
tal prize, a loving cup will go to the
winning degree team. Weston won
the capital prize last year. The pro
gram follows. ,,
9:30 a.m. Opening;
Roll Call of Officers and Delegates.
Address of Welcome, M. L. Watts.
Response, W. O. Staver.
Appointment of Committees.
Statements of Vice-Presidents.
General Business.
1:80 P. M.
Report of Committees.
Special Business,
Election-of Officers.
Address, Henry Young, G.. M.
Address, G. E. Kellough, P G. M.
of Washington.
Address, S. F. Bowman, P. G. M. .
Address, R. Alexander, P. G. M.
Address, H. J. Taylor, P. G. M.
Address, R. F. Kirkpatrick, P.G. P.
Address, O. F. Steele, Grand Mar
shall. Good of the Order.
Street Parade.
6:00 P. M. Banquet. "
7:30 P. M. Exemplification of third
degree by degree teams from differ
ent lodges.
President, Earnest J. Haney, No. 73.
Vice-President, John Young, No. 23.
Warden, R. S. Smith, No. 248.
Conductor, Jack Calder, No. 68.
Inside Guard, W. I. McClatchie, No.
Outside Guard, Andy Millar, No. 61.
Chaplain, O. F. Steele, No. 32.
Resolution Committee
S. A. Barnes, O. A. Edwards, T. A.
Reception Committee
John Mayberry, I. L. Michener,
Jesse Loker, Wilbur Harden, A. M.
Johnson, E. O. Lee, John Pinkerton,
Don Wilks.
National Products Corporation
Is Assailed By Depart
ment of Justice.
Eighty China pheasants from the
state game farm at Pendleton, were
(distributed at vantage points in the
Athena vicinity Tuesday, by Marion
Hansell, Omer Stephens and Charlie
Payne. Thirty-seven hens and forty-three
roosters were turned loose
to augment the pheasant colony
George Washington of Today
c n.t " ' '
Oregon income taxpayers no long
er need worry about delay in receiy
ing blank forms on which to report
their incomes to the collector of in
ternal revenue for the United States
Forty two thousand forms have
been mailed to those who submitted
reports last year.
Every individual who last year
was in the class of salary earners
and wage earners submitting tax re
turns is in the list to receive blank
forms now.
March 15 is the last date on which
tax returns may be made before de
linquency begins. At least one fourth
of the tax is payable then.
The blank forms now in the mails
concern only those whose individual
income during 1925 did not exceed
$5,000. This class includes every
person who was unmarried through
out the year and whose net income
was $1500 or more; every unmarried
person claiming exemption as head
of a family whose net income was
$1,500 or more, and every married
person whose net income was $3,500
or more during 1925.
. New York. The United States gov
ernment has moved to prevent what
It regards as an attempt to convert the .
chain-store system into linked fetters
Cor the restraint of trade and com
merce. , ". ,
Unite States District. Attorney
Bucknef filed an equity suit in federal
court to enjoin the National Food Pro
ducts, 'corporation from obtaining
further ' stock in competing food cor
porations and to require the corpora
tion to dispose of its present holdings
tn such concerns.
The suit was the snag upon which
the third great proposed combine in
America's $22,000,000,000 food industry
was caught. It followed within a few
days a similar anti-trust action against
the proposed $2,000,000,000 Ward Food
Products corporation and the collapse
of negotiations for a $250,000,000 com
bination of the Postum Cereal com
pany and the California Packing com
pany, generally attributed to fears of
meeting government disapproval.
The district attorney charged that
the National Food Products corpora
tion, a holding corporation recently
formed through acquisition of capital
itock In other corporations which oper
ate more than 16,000 chain stores
throughout northeastern states, would
lessen competition, restrain trade and
create a monopoly of one or more lines
of commerce. The total capital of
such companies is in excess of $160,
: Washington, D. C. Public flota
tions of foreign loans in, the United
States last year amounted to $1,097,
627,000, the Federal Reserve board
announced, or nearly $200,000,000 less
than in 1924.
In addition to the public flotations,
probably a quarter of a million dol
lars was Invested abroad by American
Of the new Issues from abroad $64,
433,000 were corporate and $53,250,000
governmental. Individual issues of
more than $10,000,000 were made by
German and Italian corporations, by
the Swedish-American Investment
company and by the Province of On
tario. Flotations of $182,525,000 in Novem
ber were the largest in any month
since October, 1924. This was account
ed for chiefly by the $100,000,000 loan
to Italy.
Exports from British Columbia Sub
Ject to Inquiry,
Vancouver, B. C. Shipments of li
quor and drugs from British Colum
bia to Washington and California are
to be aired In the forthcoming publla
investigation ordered by the govern
ment at Ottawa, It became known here,
Liquor Interests here were much per
turbed when It was found that the
committee wanted to know all about
liquor released from bonded ware.
j houses for the past year or two, how
lit left the country and what guaran
tee the customs had that the liquor
; actually reached its destination as
! given on the export papers.
Frank M. Troeh, of Portland, won
the interstate individual flyer cup,
at Kansas City, after a shoot off
with Frank Etchen, Independence,
Kanxas, in the final event of the in
terstate trap shooting tournament.
Troeh and Etchen tied at 25 flyers
each. In the shoot-off Etchen mis
sed the fifth Troeh got.
A double wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Has
call near Pilot Rock, Sunday after
noon, when their two daughters be
came brides. Mary Eleanor Has
call was .united in marriage to Mr.
Edison R. Northup, and Daphne
Alice Hascall became the wife of Mr.
Donald E. Merkling.
Non-Part!gant to Remain Republican.
Bismark, N. D. Condemnation of
the world court and decision to con
tinue In the republican party marked
the non-partisan leaguers state con
vention. Voting S7 to 18, the leaguera
rejected the proposal that thoy enter
the farmer-labor party. Since they
became a political power, thoy travel
ed under the republican banner. By
unanimous vote the convention nomin
ated Gerald P. Nye as a candidate for
the United States senate.
Helen Wills Is Defeated.
Cannes, France. Miss Helen Wills
quest for world supremacy in tennla
has failed but failed gloriously, Thu
20-year-olil American champion went
down before the racquet wizardry of
Suzanne Lcnglc-n, bailed by many as
the greatest woman tennis player who
ever stepped on a court. The score
was 6-3, 8 0. It was played before a
Crowd that packed tha stands, with,
hundreds clamoring at the gates, un
able to gain admittance. .