Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, aa Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME 47. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12. 1926 NUMBER 7 GOVERNMENT WILL FIGHT BAKING TRUST Suit Begun in Federal Court at Baltimore to Prevent Huge Consolidation. Washington, D. C. The federal courts were asked by the government Monday to prevent formation of . "A huge combination in the baking in dustry" by the Ward Interests and others. It was charged In the petition that the companies named already had vio lated both the Sherman and Clayton anti-trust acts and it was asked that the defendants not only be prevented from further amalgamation but- requir ed to dissolve any combinations al ready entered Into. The department of justice, in a statement, declared the action had re sulted from investigations which be gan with the first rumors of Important mergers In the baking and related fields,, and continued against the bafc lng concerns as soon as the Ward Food Products corporation received its char ter In Maryland last week. Announcement of plans for a $2,000, 000,000 organization" was claimed by the department to have confirmed its findings that foundation stones for a huge combine were being gathered to gether. It charged in court papers that the control proposed by the de fendants extended both to local and interstate competition. 11,737 BILLS IN CONGRESS PASSED Washington, D. C The difficulties congress encounters in trying to keep Its head above the flood of proposals by its 531 members is strikingly illus trated by the cold statistics of what has been accomplished in, the two months of the present session. Since opening day on December 7 exactly 11,737 bills have been intro duced and Just three were passed through all the stages necessary be fore they become the law of the land. The only piece of legislation of Im portance to reach "President Coolidge is the joint resolution appropriating 550,000 to defray the expenses of Amer ican participation in the preliminary disarmament conference at Geneva. The senate has spent most of its time considering the resolution of ad herence of the United States to the , world court, which was adopted, last week. , The house has been going ahead faster, but' with new proposals com ing in every day congress cannot hope to consider a third of them. A great bulk will find a final rest ing pldce in the waste paper basket after this congress expires. COAL STRIKE AID REFUSED CoolMge Reaffirm Non-intervention Policy in Face of Senate Request. Washington, D. C. The senate ap pealed to President Coolidge to seek a solution of the anthracite controver sy, but the request was answered al most immediately by a reiteration at the White House of the president's policy of non-intervention. The senate's action, . it - was said officially, had not convinced Mr. Cool idge that there was any change In con ditions which would justify a change n his policy. The senate's action was taken by the adoption of the Copeland resolution, which it twice voted down last weeki Its adoption followed a flurry pf de bate in which administration leaders characterized the move as "futile." and sought to prevent its passage as an embarrassment to the administration, but the democrats rallied around the resolution and, supported by insur gent republicans, it went over 55 to 21. Oregon State Bank Assets Increase. Portland. Or. State banks and trust companies of Oregon increased thejr assets $14,000,000, their deposits by a Ijka amount and there were only two failures of state banking in stitutions in 1925, according to the re port of the state superintendent of banks, Mississippi House Bans Evolution. Jackson, Miss. An anti-evolution bill, prohibiting the teaching in state supported schools of . the theory that nan ascended or descended from a lower order of animals, passed the Mississippi house of representatives, aph'e vote was 76 o !?. CONFESSES TO MURDERING TWO AT MOUNTAIN RANCH Confessing to officers that he shot and killed Orville Townsend, better known as "Shorty" Saunders, and Fred Knowlton, at Knowlton's moun tain ranch, west of Meacham, Fri day morning, January 29, Joe Perry farm laborer is being held in the county jail. Perry in his statements to the of ficers said that he shot Townsend in self defense. Townsend "pitched on to" him in a drunken brawl, Perry said, . and blackened his eye. Perry ran toward the barn and Townsend followed and fired at him. Perry ran into the barn, and when Town send entered the barn door, Perry said, he fired and killed Townsend. He also killed Knowlton when the owner of tho place rushed out ab the sound of the firing. With the bodies of the two men in the barn, Perry set fire to the struct ure, mounted his horse and rode away. Later, Townsend's wife, who is an Indian, discovered the charred remains of Townsend and Knowlton and rodo to Meacham, where she re ported it. After her husband, who with Perry, had left Cayuse . Thurs day, Jan. 28, had not returned home Wednesday of last week, she drove a team hitched to a buggy from Cayuse over the Oregon Trail ard then took the ridge road in tho mountains. The snow was at least two feet deep on the level, and be fore she had gone far from the high way her buggy broke down. She rode one of the horses into the Knowlton place and discovered the ruins of the barn Wednesday after noon at 1 o'clock. She gave the al arm Wednesday night after having ridden through the snow back to Meacham. Perry returned home Friday night after the murder, and had been in Pendleton on two different occasions between the day. of the murder and the time of his arrest the following Thursday. Perry who is 27 years old, stated in his confession to' the officers, that he and Townsent left their homes at Cayuse Thursday, January 29, to go to Fred Knowlton's place to get some liquor. They bought some, drank it up, and then got seme more the next morning, Friday. They had trouble and Perry was struck by something on the left cheek bone that rendered him un conscious, he said. He stated that he lay on the bed for some time and that when he regained consciousness he heard Shorty Saunders say that they, Saunders and Knowlton, ought to kill Perry and get rid of him. Perry said he immediately left the house and started towards the barn where he had a 22 special rifle. Just after he left the house a rifle was fired, whether at him or mere ly to frighten him he said he did not know. We went into the barn, got his rifle and waited. Within two er three minutes Saunders entered the right hand door of the barn and came toward him. Saunders had no gun. Perry shot him twice when he was a few feet distant. Shortly af terwards, Knowlton, entered the barn, and Perry killed him. Knowl ton had no gun with him. Perry said he then went back to the house and got his coat and hat. He saddled his horse, threw Knowl ton's body in the manger, touched a lighted match to the hay in the barn and started home across country. Perry said that Saunders had of ten threatened "o get him." CHAPLIN COMING Charlie Chaplin will be at the Standard Theatre Wednesday and Thursday nights, February 24 and 25, when he will appear in the "Gold Rush," his latest big super-comedy. The Standard is considered to be fortunate in securing the "Gold Rush" for showing at this time, fol lowing its recent appearance in the big theatres. By contracting for two other big pictures, Fairbanks in "Don Q" and Mary Pickford in "Lit tle Annie Rooney," three of United Artists leading productions are book ed for showings at the Standard. "Don Q'! comes March 17 and 18, n4 "I4tte Annie Rooney" comes April 2 and 8. WILL HAVE TEAM .... George Wilson, all-American half back, of the University of Washing ton, has decided to follow the foot steps of "Red" Grange in organizing and managing his own gridiron elev en next season. Changed Methods in Handling Milk Where proper tanitary measure! are neglected the bacteria in a drop of milk look like thii, i How much do the farmers and dairymen of the United States pay In toll to bacteria in milk? In proc ess of arriving at the answer to this question, representatives of load ing milk and dairy products com panies of New York recently met with officials of the State Agricul tural Experiment Station, with the Department of Farms and Markets and the College of Agriculture at the Experiment Station, Geneva. The bacterial count in being used more and more as a basis for de termining how much, per pound a farmer is to be paid' for hia milk. Getting the bacterial count under a given figure means millions of dol lars annually to Uncle gam's dairy men. Dairymen, themselves, are alive to this question, and where the milk produced is a material part of . the inconve from the farm, com plete sanitary precautions are being taken to insure a low bacterial count in the milk. Precautions start at the beginning of milk production and continue clear through until the time the milk U in tho hands of the consumer. To begin with, properly ventilated, easily cleaned stables are provided; plenty of bedding is given the cows; platforms are built the right length to accommodate the particular breed of cows that are kept; the gutter is puUt wide and deep; the animal is clipped, about the udder and flanks period- Where tanitary pretention are taken there are few harmful bacteria in milk. The white tpecks are bacteria. ically. The cows are groomed care fully every day and just before milk ing, lopso particles of dirt are brushed oft, or, when the cow is clipped, wiped off with a damp cloth. Small top milk pails are used to receive milk from the cows. Utensils such as milk pails, mill: cans, milking ma chines and separators, are thoroughly sterilized after each milking. The fresh-drawn milk is lmme? diately removed to the cooling tank where it is cooled to a temperature, of 60 degrees to 60 degrees Fahren holt. On receipt at the dairy, the cream-, ery or the condensery, the same ex treme sanitary precautions prevail. White garbed workers who havo passed medical inspection, who ob serve rules of personal cleanliness as well as hygiene In the handling of milk and milk products, go about their duties efficiently and intelli gently. Immediately after the pas teurizing of whole milk, it Is bottled and. capped. The date of bottling is stamped on the cap and the rnilk (a, usually sold before 36 hours have elapsed since pasteurizing. What a difference over the pld-t time methods of handling millet ' It is these changed methods (n the handling of the nation's milk supply that has swelled the indi vidual consumption of milk to more than 54 gallons per year. FREEWATER GIRL DROWNS IN RIVER Tragedy occurred at Freewater Sunday evening when Gladys Mas sie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Massie, of that city, was drowned in the Walla Walla river. The accident occured about -7 o'clock when Miss Massie accompanied by her father, was crossing a foot log over the riv er. Her foot slipped and she fell in to the stream below. Her father, whq witnessed the accident, attempt ed to save the girl but his efforts were in vain. He immediately spread the word, and watchers were posted along the stream. The body was re covered about an hour later, being lo cated some distance below the point where the accident occurred. Miss Massie was 16 years of age. She is survived by her parents, an older brother and a sister, CRUEL KILLING OF DOG . A fellow named Jack Hilary is charged at LpGrande with the wan ton destruction of personal property, and will be tried in the circuit court. The complaint grew out of his aK Ieged burning of a valuable Llewel lyn setter several weeks ago by pouring oil on the dog's body and then setting it afire, - THE COMISSION REVISES GAME FISH BAG LIMITS Game fish bag limits have been re vised by the state game commission, state wide limits for lakes and streams being set. The maximum catch for all lakes in the state is now 30 fish or 15 pounds and one fish for one day, and 80 fish or 3Q pounds and. one fsh for any seven consecutive days. The Chinese pheasant season for all districts having open season, ex cept Malheur county, was changed to October 17 to 24, inclusive, in order to give two Sundays gf hunting. The Malheur season is from October J5 to 21 inclusive, The commission decided to line up with sportsmen in an attempt to make steelhead strictly a game fi.sh as Washington, has done, PUBLIC SALE Harold Earnetfc and Will Kirk, who recently purchased the farming lay out of Ralph Allen, will hold a pub lic sale at the Fqrrest place, eight miles, southeast of Athena, at the head of Thorn Hollow, next Thurs day, February 18, as announced by posters and an advertisement ap pearing in today's Press. HEAVY RAINFALL GROOVES DEEP DITCHES IN FIELDS The heavy rains of last week, while being of great benefit in sup plying moisture for growing crops and stock ranges, did considerable damage to the grain fields of the Athena wheat belt. Soil washing is reported by many farmers, and the slightly rolling and hill lands in many instances are scarified with ditches of various depths, from the narrow and shal low seams following the drill rows, to yawning crevices cut through the soil. Friday and CnLuv-ay streams were roaring at flood tide. The snow left the lower mountains and foothills with a rush, and combined with the rain, the banks of Dry CreeJt and Pine 'Creek, could not retain the wat ers, Jesse White, who was raised on Pine Creek, north of Athena, report ed that the water reached the high est stage Saturday, he had ever seen it. Landslides and heavy winds held up travel on the highway in the Col umbia river gorge, Saturday, and a gale did considerable damage at White Salman, Washington. K. OF, P. SOCIAL MEETING The K.of P, lodge will hold a so cial evening for members and their families February 18th. . A good time has been assured all who at tend and the program committee have submitted the following pro gram for the entertainment of the evening. Opening address, Mr. Clark; Vocal solo, Jeannamae Read; Piano solo, Lois Johnson; Selection, Jolly Joy-Makers orchestra ; Panes, Mnr jorie Douglas; Vocal solo, Kathryn Mclntyre Musical reading, Mrs. C. M. Eager; Selection, Jolly Joy-Makers orchestra; Vocal solo, Marjorie Montague) Piano duet, Mrs. Law rence Pinkerton: and Mrs. Max Hop per; Vocal solo, Edna Pinkerton; Vo cal duet, Miss Merle Best and Mrs. I. L. Michener; Selection, Jolly Joy Makers orchestra. NEW YELLOW COACH One of the new yellow coaches that are to take the place of tho Blue Line coaches on the run between Walla WaHa. and Lewlston, passed through Athena Saturday evening. The yellow eoach is manufactured by the General Motors company. It is of the parlor type, "with a seating capacity for 17 passengers, with four emergency seats. Chairs are of wicker, with leather cushions and the interior is finished in mahogany. The car Is electric lighted, and has pro visions for heat and light according to the season. JJLOAN is PRESIDENT At a meeting of the Wenaha Wool Growers Association, held at Walla Walla, last Friday, Frank Sloan of Stanfiold was elected president of the association, to servo during the ensuing year, ' Footprints EASTERN OREGON WHEAT : CONFERENCE IN SESSION : The Eastern Oregon Wheat con ference went into session at Moro, yesterday with adresses by F. B. In gels, chairman, and Pawl V. Maris, director of the college extension ser vice, explaining the purpose, scope and method of the meet. The five subcommittees went into executive session to iron out their problems. W. B. Spillman, consulting specialist of the federal bureau of economics, will speak tonight on the world wheat situation as it affects the Oregon farmer. N Investigations of the five big prob lems will continue all day today, and Walter M. Pierce, governor of Ore gon, will deliver an address in the evening on Abraham Lincoln. The report of the five groups will begin Saturday, when final action will be taken on the co-ordinated recommen dations, and printing and distribution of the findings authorized. The first report, finance and credit, will be presented at 9:30 by L. Barn urn, The Dalles banker, and Fred Bennion, agent of Umatilla county. It will consider short-time credit to farmers, and running on borrowed capital. The report of the wheat handling committee will follow as presented by F. B. Ingels, Dufur wheat grower, chairman, and G. R. Hyslop, farm crop specialist of the experiment sta tion, secretary. It considers federal inspection criticism, charges of rail and water transportation, cooperat ive selling, and how and when to fell. The world supply and demand comes next, brought forward by the chairman, A. R. Shumway, Milton wheat grower, and the secretary L. R. Breithaupt of the extension service. How Canada with its cheaper lands, taxes and transportation for wheat production affects the situation is one of the big questions. Prospects and effects of losing the wheat acre age of irrigated wheat, are others. . Managing the big wheat farm is the next subject of ' report. E. M. Hulden Blalock grower, is chairman, and R. W. Morse, agent of Morrow county, secretary. Does it pay to run sidelines of sheep, dairy cows, hogs or poultry on the big wheat farm, and is production of wheat cost reduced by enlarging an already big farm, are some of the questions. The report of tho tillage and pro duction committee will wind up the business in the late afternoon. The place and kinds of diversification, if any, varieties of wheat, and methods of culture are outstanding problems. Harry Pinkerton, Moro wheat grow er, is chairman, and D. E. Stephens, superintendent of tho Moro station, secrotary. QUESTION OF CONSOLIDATING MILTON-FREEWATER IS UP According to Howard Evans, who was a business visitor in Athena, Wednesday, the long mooted ques tion of consolidating the towns of Milton and Free water into one cor poration and under one municipal government is at last up for settle ment. A sufficient number of sign ers to petitions praying for a spec ial election have been secured, said Mr. Evans. To the outsider it has long appear ed to be a needless waste of munici pal and civic effort expended in the maintenance of two towns, side by side, -with divided interests, when consolidation would bring unity of interest and purpose in the building of one real good town. Mr. Evans was pleased with the outlook in securing consolidation at this time, and said the people of both Miltm and Freewater wer readily signing the petitions calling for the election. THIRD D!UWINg"oF PRIZES AT STEVE'S TOMORROW NIGHT For the third time since "Steve" began giving tickets with each dol lar cash purchase, or each dollar paid on accounts, a drawing for priz es will take place tomorrow night at 10 o'clock at the Pure Food Grocery At that time there will be thrse prizes awarded to holders of the three lucky tickets, drawn from the glass jar, by some young lady, blind folded, At this drawing, the first prize will be a Pendleton blanket; second prize, 41-piece set of dishes, third prize, basket assorted Heinz pro ducts. The drawing will take placa at 10 o'clock, or immediately after the show at the Standard Theatre MUSSOLINI WARNING TO GERMANY HOSTILE Anti-Italian Campaign Advoca ted in Bavaria Not to Be Tolerated. Rome. -Premier Mussolini's speech In the chamber of deputies, in which ho warned Germany against the anti Italian campaign carried on in the relch, was characterized frequently la political circles as almost equivalent to a declaration of war against Ger many. Tho fateful words uttered by Mus solini in the thronged Italian chamber were an unmistakable warning to Ger many, and had particular reference te a recent speech of Dr. Held, the mill tant Bavarian premier, who called up on all good Germans to help their fellow countrymen In southern Tyrol, now under Italian sovereignty by vb tue of the treaty of St. Germain. The climax of Mussolini's tiratte against Germany came at the end,, when he exclaimed: "Fascist Italy can If necessary, carry her flag be yond the Brennero frontier, but never backwards from where it flies now." "To the German nation, we say, as we say to all peoples, the fascist people want to be your sincere friend, a friend by looking in your eye, a friend with your hands up, a good friend, but outside of 'kulture.' "I wish I could be understood by all who should understand my words, so that the Italian government need not pass to a more concrete reply. This would be given tomorrow if the German government assumed respon sibility for that which has happened and which may happen In Germany." GERMAN MINISTER ANSWERSJUSSOLINI Berlin. German Foreign Minister Bustav Stresemann' Monday repudiafr ed Italian Premier Mussolini's attack on Germany in which Mussolini as serted Italy could advance "beyond the Brenner Pass." Stresemann declared that Italian op pression of Germans in South Tyrol violates the assurances given by Italy -when that mountain region was an nexed to Italy under the peace treaty. Stresemann spoke earnestly before a crowded house, many of whose mem bers had been worked to a high pitcli by what was characterized among . them as a serious affront from a sup posedly friendly neighbor. Stresemann drew applause when b sternly declared: "Neither the Bavarian nor Germaa government is responsible for the boy cott movement in Germany against Italy. Therefore, it seems to be aa unheardof procedure to threaten a repture of international commercial relations which would also render in ternational relations Impossible." The foreign minister deplored the Italian atmosphere of "political expan sion" which, he declared, counteract the spirit of Locarno. Itallo-Cernian relations, he contia ued, had been very friendly until 1924, and then the German movement aros In reaction to the Italian course with, the South Tyrol Germans. QUAIL TO AID FARMERS Kansas Imports 5000 Mexican Bird to War on Insects. Topeka, Kan. Kansas has found a way to import farm labor without run nlng afoul of the immigration law. The stute has Just Imported 6009 quail from Mexico to help out the Kan sas farmers. They are expected t eat up 125,000 insects during next suio mer, and, with their brood of young "bobby whites" to destroy at least a quarter of a billion weed seeds by autumn. The Mexican quail is slightly small er than the native bob white of Kan sas, but the state gamo warden Is assured that the two will interbreed. He estimates conservatively that the purchase of 5000 birds will bring Kao sas 25,000 young quail next summer. Soviet Gems Are In Demand. Moscow. Gem exports of seven na tionalities are contending for posses sion of part of the fumous Romanoff crown Jewels, which the soviet gov ernment has placed on the market. Americans are the most active bid ders, closely followed by French and British experts.