The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 05, 1926, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
Harold Lloyd Douglas MacLean
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Frank Jackson was in Athena from
Weston, Tuesday.
Mr. Scott of LaCrosse was an
Athena visitor Tuesday.
C. E. Williams was a business vis
itor in Pendleton Saturday.
James Duncan has returned from
a business trip to California.
Nesmith Ankeny of Walla Walla
was a business visitor here Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ardis Gerking of
Freewater, spent Sunday with Athe
na friends.
Tomorrow at Rogers and Good
man's store the Rebekah lodge will
hold a pastry sale.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mclntyre of Adams, Sunday Janu
ary 31, 1926. a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson
went to Portland, Tuesday. They are
expected home Sudnay.
Miss Eva Venable of Tekoa, Wash
ington, is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Harden, in Athena.
Mr. Favre, representative of Mur
phy and Favre, Spokane, Washing
ton was a recent business visitor
Mrs. H. H. Hill has been seriously
ill at her home in Athena this week,
with pneumonia. She is reported
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking left
Monday for Spokane, where they
will visit their daughter, Mrs. Ken
worthy. Sam Thompson, prominent farm
pr and frrain man of Blakeley and
Pendleton visited friends in Athena,
The condition of Mrs. Tim McBride
of Weston, who was recently oper
ated on for appendicitis is reported
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Stephens of
Pendleton, and Miss Merle Stamper
of Weiser, Idaho, spent Sunday in
Athena, with friends.
The Civic Club will give a public
dance at Legion Hall, Wednesday
niirht February 10th. The proceeds
will b turned to the community
house fund.
Rev. D. Loree, who recently re
signed the pastorate of tha First
Baptist church of Athena, has been
called to the pastorate of the Bap
tist church at Pomoroy. Washington.
Mrs. Bert Logsdon and daughter
Donna Jean spent several days in
Pendleton this week. She visited at
the home of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and Mr.
and Mrs. Clfford Walker spen; Sun
day in Pendleton, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Booher.
Sheldon Taylor has purchased
about one hundred and sixty acreit
of land lying cast of Athena from
the W. R. Taylor estate.
The Jolly Twenty-five club met
at the home of Mrs. Jesse Myrick
last week. The next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. Art Douglas
where a hard times party will be
Verne Dudley and 0. 0. Steph
ens, F. B. Rndtke and Will Kirk
returned Sunday from northern
points where they accompanied the
high school basket ball team in the'r
recent trip.
"Madam Sans Gene"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Mrs. J. D. Huggins who has been
quite ill at her home in the north
part of town is rapidly improving
Land is able to be up all day.
Henry Koepke, Jr., has returned to
Athena from Glendale, California,
where he spent the winter with his
parents. He reports his father and
mother enjoying fairly good health
this winter.
Miss Pearl Ramsey left Monday
morning forLaGrande where she will
take a course in marcelling. She will
be away about six weeks after which
time she contemplates opening a
shop in Athena.
Glen Dudley has returned from
Portland where he spent the weelc
end. He attended the Oregon alum
ni' banquet in honor of the new
coach Captain McEwan and the Red
Grange foot ball game.
Miss Elizabeth Holwager who is
training to become a nurse in St.
Mary's hospital at Walla Walla,
spent Wednesday evening and Thurs
day in Athena, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. B. B. Richards
Mrs. Otis Whiteman and Mrs. Sol
Senter of Walla Walla, were in
Athena Monday. Mrs. Senter visit
ed at the home of Mrs. LeGrow, and
Mrs. Whiteman spent the day with
her mother, Mrs. H. H. Hill.
Baseballitis made its appearance in
Athena Wednesday, when the es
pecially spring-like day spurred lov
ers of the diamond sport to come
forth with ball and mitts and indulge
in a little pastime termed playing
The hardware firm of Rogers &
Goodman this week received a big
shipment of Oliver gang plows, har
rows, etc. They are being assembled
for the spring trade by Mr. Rogers,
assisted by Brooks Anderson, who
is a new employe at the store.
Mose Banister, Penn Harris and
Paul L:euallen returned from Port
land, Konilay, whither they went to
see the great Red Grange play foot
ball in the metropolis, last Satur
day. Mose is of the opinion that
there was another great player in
the game George Wilson.
F. B. Wood, local Northern Pacific
! agent, who has been seriously ill at
his home in Athena, has been re
moved to a hospital in Tacoma on
advice of the Northern Pacific phy
sician. Mr. Wood was growing bet
ter prior to his removal to Tacoma
and it is thought he will continue to
regain his health.
Charles Dudley, manager of the J.
C. Penney company store in Athena,
returned from Goldendale, Washing
ton the for nart of the week. While
i -
there, he secured a site and purchas
ed fixtures for the new Penney store
he will establish there, and will re
move the present stock of the Athe
na store to that point, about the first
of July.
A small but interested audience
assembled at the auditorium Tuesday
evening to hear the Orthophonic
Victrola concert, sponsored by the
Pendleton Music House. The pro
j gram comprised of classic and popu
lar music records, was produced by
the new machine with a perfection
of clearness and volume to a degree
of satisfaction little less than had
the artists themselves been on the
Il HiohSrJiAAl Notes
i!,H lT,MM,M..M.7nT-:
Superintendents Inlow of Pendle
ton, Burgess of Heppner" and Good
win of Milton-Freewater met at Pen
dleton January 30 and decided to
hold the district tournament in the
Mac Hi gym. Milton has been want
ing the tournament for several years
and the committee decided that it
would not only be cheaper but that
gym accommodations would be bet
ter. The tournament is to be held
the 25, 26, 27 of February.
Two new pupils have enrolled in
the grades. Errol Harris in the first
grade and Darlene Harris in the
fourth grade.
Mrs. Kibbey visited the primary
room rnaay.
Mrs. Walker, the seventh and
eighth grade teacher from Adams,
visited the primary room and the
two upper grades Friday, January
Miss Blanche Johnson- visited high
school Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Lee visited the grades Wed
nesday, February the third.
Bernice Wilson returned to school
this week after a short illness.
Lenore and Cleora Volweiler have
returned to school, after a six wjei.s
Allan Simpson returned to school
Monday after a two weeks ill
On Friday morning the civics class
under the supervision of Miss Mc
lntyre, will give a mock meeting of
the House of representatives.
Thursday night, at Weston, the
Athena high school boys and girls
basket ball teams played their re
turn games with the Weston high
A full length mirror, which will
be hung in the teachers rest room,
has been purchased by the Domestic
art department. The mirror is in
closed in a polychrome frame.
The Weston 8th grade team came
to Athena Friday afternoon January
29 and played the 8th grade squad.
Mr. Miller started his second team
which did not have much trouble in
holding Weston scoreless. At the
start of the second quarter the first
string was put in. The score at the
first half was 14-0, and at the end of
the game was 30-2.
Melvin Coppock made a typing re
cord of fifty-two words a minute re
The Willamette Glee club will ar
rive in town about 6 p. m . today.
The concert is at 8 p. m.
A Washington special to the Port
land Oregonian says, recommenda
tions against the enactment of the
Stanfield grazing bill, prepared and
submitted to the senate by the jun
ior senator from Oregon after an
exhaustive inquiry last summer by a
subcommittee of the senate public
lands committee, of which he is
chairman, will be submitted to con
gress by Secretary of Interior Hu
bert Work, it was learned.
Secretary work urges congress in
stead to pass the Phipps bill, which
places the general administration of
grazing regulations over the nation
al forest area in the hands of the
general land office.
Among the provisions of the Stan-
field bill to which Secretary Work
is particularly opposed is that for
creation of local board to pass on
crazing contracts without right of
review by departmental officials,
here. This, according to the secre
tary would constitute "an unwise
and unwarranted surrender of gov-
ernmental power and duties.
Mr. Work is opposed also to the
section of the Stanfield measure, up-
which committee hearings will
i begin, which would require a
petition of users of a grazing area
before a grazing district could be
established. He believes he sees in
this a joker by which a certain num
ber of large users could combine to
defeat federal supervision. Such
previsions, he avers, would go a long
way toward removing control by the
federal government.
The secretary also objects to the
plan for placing grazing districts
under the charge of registrars of the
local land offices, believing the gen
eral land office here is the proper
body to exercise that function, as it
already has the machinery to exer
cise it properly.
A marked difference of opinion
between Mr. Work and the secretary
of agricutlure, William M. Jardine,
regarding grazing control, is brought
to light in the former's recommen
dations, which express the opinion
that the administration of grazng
lands should not be included in that
of national forests. Jardine believes
it should continue there.
The Latest Sock-cess
Warm Wool Hosiery Spats, that Snuggle the
Ankles, to keep them warm. Anklet style in plain
colors with contrasting Jacquard Guffs, new and ex
ceedingly practical. Price, per pair,
Phone Your Order To 152
At h e n a Be pa rt m e ri t St o re
(!i-irM-rirfiinmnnpirnnnnnnnn nri m.eururLm.E:Lr:
Yakima shippers and growers of
hay have sent telegrams to Erie J
Barnes, state director of agriculture,
urging him to disregard a movement
fostered on the West side of the
state, which would lift the embargo
on shipments of hay from alfalfa
weevil infested districts pf Idaho,
Utah and Oregon into western Wash
ington. Yakima hay men declared
shipments for the districts would op
en the way for the weevil to gain
headway in Washington fields. The
chamber of commerce and the Yak
ima County Farm Bureau, were en
listed in the protest.
Standard Theatre Wednesday night
We Are Carrying a Complete Line of the
including Woolens for men. women and
children, and all weights in men's Leather
Dress and Work Gloves. Cotton Gloves
galore. See us for Gloves. Prices are right
Quality Quantity. Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
The country home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Myrick was the scene of much
merriment last Thursday evening,
when they were hosts to a number of
their friends. Three tables at Five
Hundred were in play. Three prizes
were given. First prize went to Mrs.
Fred Pinkerton and another first
prize to Herman Geissel. The conso
lation was won by Miss Ethel Geis
sel. Mrs. Ethel Montague and daugh
ter Marjorie furnished some delight
ful music and songs. The singing by
Miss ' Marjorie of "We're Gonna
Have Weather, Whether or Not,"
was very much appreciated and en
thusiastically received. Miss Mar
jorie was accompanied on the piano
by her mother. Mrs. Myrick served j
delicious refreshments and was as
sisted by Mrs. Arnold Wood. Those
present were, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Mc
lntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wood, Mrs.
Ethel Montague and daughter' Mar
jorie, Mrs. Rose Miller, Miss Ethel
Geissel and Herman Geissel.
Cities of Oregon want more home
rule and they propose to revamp the
state constitution so there will be no
opportunity for the legislature to
take away the rights of the cities to
regulate their own affairs, it was in
dicated in Portland, at the meeting
of the League of Oregon cities at
which 25 towns were represented.
While he may not admit it, nev
ertheless "Dutch" McPherrin is al
ready figuring out baseball plays
for the summer. Just where he will
play, deponeth sayeth not, but he's
in the game already playing catch.
R. Raymond, a pioneer of this
county, who has been seriously ill at
his home in Pendleton, since last
Wednesday is reported as being
somewhat better. Mr. Raymond has
been suffering from pneumonia.
The Churches
M. E. Church
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Menu
ory verses for all classes found in
Romans XII 1-4. . Morning worship
at 11:00 a. m., sermon subject:
"Gauging your Attitudes of Mind."
Baptist Church -
The interest in the church services
and Sunday School conducted at the
Baptist church still holds good. A
steady growth both in attendance
and interest has been manifest for
sometime if you are not one who at
tends these services you are unawaic
of what you are missing. There is
room yet for a few more people in
our building at service time. Come
fill that room. D. LOREE, Pastor.
Saturday, February 6
Douglas MacLean Harold Lloyd
"Never Say Die" "Now or Never"
Including Two Reel Comedy- Spooky Spooks" and
International News, a big 12-reel
Novelty Show
Something different-Two Solid Hours of Clean Fun
and Clever Acting
Show at 7:45 sharp: Get your seat early. Admission 10c-35c
Free Tickets for this show
Sunday February 7
Gloria Swansoiv
ans Gene
The most celebrated of all French plays is now the greatest of all Swanson
triumphs. Filmed in Paris and the beauty spots of France on a spectacular
scale. With Gloria Swanson playing the most celebrated of . all French
roles! Gloria Swanson dancing, clowning, mimicking, loving, thrilling as
never before.
Pathe Review
Admission Frices, 10c-35c
Wednesday February 10
by the Sea'
A Special Picture on A Special Night,
at Regular Prices
Adapted from Owen Davis' great play of sea and adventure, with Rin-Tin-Tin,
Louise Fazenda and William Collier, Jr., (who played in "The Devil's
Cargo" the other night) in the stellarrole.
Comedy "Spies and Spills" Admission 10c-35c