The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 05, 1926, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon February 5 1926
' Nearly a million dollars are be
ing invested in two linen mills at
Salem, one is completed and a sec
ond one will be built the coming
spring. These are in addition to the
state plant and by the way it is the
largest flax manufacturing plant in
the United States. These are the
foundations for a big industry that
will no doubt develop in the Willam
ette Valley, the State Market Agent
The permaney of the flax business
is what recommends it to any local
ity that can grow and manufacture
flax. There is hardly a pound of
waste from the field to the finished
products every part of the growth
is utilized in some manner. It is a
wonderfully valuable product. And
flax growing is about like hay. With
normal weather conditions it will
yield about two tons to the acre,
which the state is paying $76 for.
Under irrigation the yield is larger.
More than one hundred mllion dol
lars' worth of manufactured articles
and by-products of flax are imported
into this country annually. The Will
amette Valley is adapted to both
growth and manufacture soil, mois
ture, dearth of electricity and mild
climate and as there are nation
wide markets for all flax products it
would seem that eventually both
growing and manufacture would be
come major industries and of great
benefit to the state. Flax experts
who have investigated conditions of
the valley state that it is the only
known locality where flax can be
both grown and manufactured in the
same locality,
Before being entirely crowded out
of the transportation business by
auto cars and busses, the street rail
way car is to be improved with the
addition of eight-wheel brakes, bump
ers, smoking compartments, flood
lighting, individual leather seats, bet
ter spring suspension, etc. All of
which will be thankfully received by
a public that has already been con
verted to travel comfort in the auto
bus, which it will continue to patron
ize to the contrary notwithstanding
or- holding onto the dangling strap
to maintain its equilibrium.
Wo once heard of a sheepherdor
who called his flock off the moun
tain by name and one at a time, but
it 'remained for a fellow to demon
strate his efficiency in coaxing a
bunch of mules through the streets
of Athena, leading a bell mare, and
calling on the mules to follow. The
stunt was one that might have been
pulled on a mountain trail or in a
bunchgrass pasture with eclat; but
in town, a trail of trampled park
ings and lawns may lead to damage
The habit formed by federal of
ficers in tapping telephone wires to
secure evidence against booze vend
ers, now has Seattle stepping side
wise, so to speak. The upper crust
lias been punctured and the names
of the elite are being read into Hit
record, as the taking of testimony
goes on.
One of the most interesting num
bers on the Athena community pro
gram broadcast from KOW W, wps
tho old-time dance music played by
Al Johnson. Good? We'll say it
was. And we are telling the world
that few places can boast of an 1
year old fiddler who plays on a 63
year old fiddle
The storm that raged along the
coast from Alaska to Southern Cal
ifornia, never touched us. It was
muzzled before it had a chance to
get over here over here where the
meadow larks nre warbling and the
buttercup is about ready to cup.
Casting aside all highfalutin' no
tions, the average man is ready to
concede that his betterhalf is a bet
ter looking woman with her hair
bobbed than she ever was, when
night found her tresses stretched ac
ross the back of tho only chair in
the bedroom.
That fellow Brown is out for re
ch'vtion as Mayor of Seattle, and ho
is taking a nip at courts and pul
pit. He opens his campaign with
the statement that they are being
used for political purposes. Oh well,
it does seem that Seattle would tiro
of him. Everybody else is. .
In Atlanta, Georgia, they award
a loving cup each year to a citizen
of that city adjusted most valuable
to the community during the preceed
ii g twelve. Why not introduce the
practice in Athena. Now, don't all
ppcak at once.
Even though the War Deparment
has accepted Colonel Mitchell's resig
nation, the trimmings are still flut
tering. What the colonel won't say
to them in the near future, will not
be worthy of record.
Every once in a while we read of
some member of the Weston club
buying a calf, which is of local im
portance. General interest will come
later, when we wake up to the fact
that Weston vicinage has developed
into a diary center, and the velvety
check comes fluttering home.
Only 1,400 bills seeking to regul
ate the insurance industry were sub
mitted to the legislatures of the var
ious states during the past year
and the insurance industry isn't yet
It really looked like snow, it felt
like snow, and it was snow about
a half inch of it, that melted away
shortly after it fell.
After they used the hook on the
filibusters in the senate, the United
States found no obstacle in entering
the World Court.
Great is the radio, and greater still
when it carries to you the familiar
voices of friends and favorite music
al selections.
As a standpatter Mr. McCamant is
running true to form; he says Theo
dore Roosevelt was not a good American!
With their throats slashed, hus
band and wife are in the hospital at
Portland. Another result of domestic
Other heros have come to the Pa
cific Northwest; but only one "Red"
Maybe Mitchell will show them
what a real flyer is, after all.
Jungle Still Unsafe
for Tourist Traffic
While a motor omnibus was proceed
ing along a road through a dense jun
gle In Ceylon, the driver noticed n herd
of wild elephants a short distance
Thinking to scare them off, a pas
senger In the omnibus took a shot at
the leader. The bullet grazed Its back,
whereupon it bellowed loudly and
charged the omnibus, followed by the
rest of the herd.
The passengers dived beneath the
scuts, but the driver stuck tt his post
and accelerated steering the car
straight at the leading elephant. As
he approached, lie swerved past the
In n flush the animal stretched out
Ills trunk and tore the hood from the
omnibus. A chase of more than a
mile followed, hut eventually the herd
was thrown off.
Nothing Small About Him
Sir Krnest Cusm'I, the financier, came
to London when still a hoy and entered
the hanking house of Iilsclioffshelm &
Co. In an Insignificant capacity. There
he soon gave evidence of extraordi
nary ability and he advanced rapidly.
One day the house was confronted
with a dlflleult situation, the handling
of which presented seemingly lnsuper
ahle obstacles to all. Young Cassel
suggested a solution which appeared
to be feasible and was Intrusted with
the task. Having accomplished It suc
cessfully, to the complete satisfaction
of his superiors, he was called Into the
office and Informed: "We are entirely
satisfied with the manner in which you
have discharged this undertaking, and,
as an Indication of our appreciation,
wo have decided to raise your salary
to five hundred pounds.'" Young Cas
sel calmly replied, "I suppose you
mean five thousand pounds." Where
upon everyone looked with astonish
ment at everyone else, but Mr. BIsch
offshelin retorted Just as calmly and
promptly, "Yes, sir." London Answers.
Deptw Booms Smith for Coolldge Mate
Now York. Republicans and demo
crats, marching arm-in arm to the polls
in 192S and voting a non partisan tick
et, with Calvin Coolldge for president
nnd Governor Al Smith for vlce-prest-
dont, was pictured as a possibility by
Chauncey M. Depew, In an address be
fore the Pilgrim's society. He describ
ed the present as the "most wonderful
age of non-partisanship" in politics in
lils 70 years of experience."
1 Bank Robber Dead, 3 Caught.
Sacramento, Cal. Within three
hours after tour men robbed the Rail
road National batik at Roseville Mon
day afternoon, taking $45,415, ono of
the robbers had been killed by gunfire
ot Sacramento detectives and his three
companions were taken prisoner, two
of them badly wounded. All of the
money was recovered.
Grain Rate Rise Denied on Exports-
Washington, D. C Acting upon pro
tests of the Montana, Oregon and
Washington railroad commissions, the
Interstate commerce commission re
fused to allow northwestern railroads
to raise export rates on grain and
grain products moving from western
Montana to Tacinc coast portj,
, 192, Western Newspaper Union.)
Who are you that you should
escape .. criticism? If It Is Just,
profit by it. If malicious, don't
listen. In either event do not al
low your tranquillity to be dis
turbed. Lloyd.
It seems reasonable when thought
Is put upon it, that our food and
health are closely
related. An un
varied diet h
often the cause
of stomach trou
ble, so it is wise
to have a variety
of foods, not all
at one meal, but
varied during the
menus of all the days of the week.
Green leaves such as lettuce, chard,
spinach, watercress, cabbage and beet
and turnip tops contain the valuable
vitamlnes, without . which we cannot
grow or be healthy. The strictly veg
etarian diet Is not generally accepted
as good. We need fresh milk; milk
product?, eggs and a moderate supply
of meat and fish to have a perfectly
healthy body. Too much meat Is con
sidered bad diet.
White bread, though called the staff
of life, Is lacking In vitamlnes, but
does supply energy as do potatoes
cooked In their jackets. Whole wheat
bread, graham and cornmeal are all
wholesome for breads and should be
freely used.
Eggs cooked In the shell, using a
pint of boiling water to an egg, closely
covered nnd placed on the back of the
range where the water will not cool,
may be served, hard cooked In thirty
minutes, yolks well done, dry and
mealy, while the white is tender and
delicious. For medium boiled remove
at fifteen; for soft boiled six to eight
Sugar should not be used on fruits
by those who suffer from rheumatism.
Professor McCullom of Johns Hop
kins tells us that liver and kidneys
are more nearly complete foods than
lean meat of any kind, which Is lack
ing In calcium, sodium, chlorine and
the three types of vitamlnes.
Grated carrots served In various
ways are especially recommended for
toning up the blood. Use them with
finely minced celery, a little chopped
onion, a few minced nuts with n good
portion of salad dressing. Serve on
lettuce lenves nt least twice a week.
Vary with apple, green pepper, cab
bage or with other vegetables. Raw
carrots are richer in these food ad
juncts than they are when cooked.
Washington, v'b. C. Reservation in
public ownership of a number of small
islands in the Pacific ocean off Coos
and Clatsop counties, Oregon, Is auth
orized in an executive order Issued on
recommendation of the secretary of
the interior. The purpose of the with
drawals Is to convert the islands into
permanent bird reservations and to
prevent their private exploitation.
A glorious night of fun is being
offered tomorrow night at the Stand
ard Theatre, when two of the great
est comedians of the screen will be
presented in a double program.
Harold Lloyd will appear in "Now
or Never," a three reel , spasm of.
mirth, and clever Douglas MacLean
will be featured in "Never Say Die,"
booked the world over as the cork
ingest, corking comedy since he was
seen in "The Hottentot."
' In addition to the double feature
comedies, the usual two reel comedy
and International news reel will be
on the program. Be there early to
secure your seat for they wiil all
be taken at 10c-35c-
Sunday night, one of Paramount-s
best pictures of the year will be
shown when Gloria Swanson will be
seen in "Mile Sans Gene," made to
beat "The Humming Bird" and it
does. Also Roach comedy and Path';
A special production will be
given on next Wednesday night,
February 10, when the famous Rin-Tin-Tin
will have the leading role in
the thrilling and interestng photo
play, "The Lighthouse by the Sea,"
one of the Warner Brothers, classics
of the screen. Here are three won
derfully fine programs and if pos
sible you should see them.
Nebraska Governor to Call Conference.
Lincoln, Neb. Governor Adam Mc
Mullen has decided to call a meeting
of 50 representatives of Nebraska's
agricultural interest for a conference
here relative to seeking farm relief
A new era of development for the
irrigated district in the west end of
Umatilla county looms with the ap
proach of the time when the water
that will be stored in the McKay
reservoir is available for use. The
dam is expected to be finished this
fall and water will be available from
the reservoir in the spring of 1927.
According to the records in the
reclamation offices at Hermiston, two
contracts with the government have
already been signed by irrigation
districts. The Stanfield distrct has
signed for 15,000 acre feet, which
will be used to supplement the pres
ent inadequate supply. The West
land district, which comprises 10,000
acres of raw land southwest of Her
miston, has signed for 29,250 acre
feet. ': ii .
The estimated storage capacity of
the McKay reservoir is 73,632 aero
Hall's Catarrla
Medicine dV-
rid your system of Catarrh or Deafnesi
caused by Catarrh.
Sold by druggito fat ortr 40 yean
F. J. CHENEY & CO- Toledo, Ohic
TF YOU have never been to
J- California it should be the
effort of your life to go.
Representatives of the
Union Pacific
Will gladly furnish you illustrated booklets giving
complete information about this land where the
sun shines most of the time and where you can 1
enjoy out-of-door life all the time.
Convenient train connections either via Portland
or Salt Lake City at very
reasonable round trip fares.
Let us help you plan your
itinerary, quote you fares,
and make all your arrange
ments. M. EAGER, Agent
Athena, Oregon '
Established 1891.
feet, and about 30,000 acre feet of
the water is still awaiting allocation.
A survey of the land surrounding
the Umatilla project from an econo
mic and agricultural point of view,
urna maAa sovov-nl mnnflia i rrrt Kxr a I
board of three experts.
Walla Walla truck gardens, ship
ping every day . last month, broke
all records in volume of profits . of
January vegetable sales. On sever
al days full carloads , of spinach,
raised in open fields, have been ship
ped. Green onions have gone out al-.
mos t every . day, but spinach has
been most consistent. Green stuff
has found a ready market at good
prices. Acreage planted to spinach
will be increased this 'year.
In the Matter of the Estate of James
Nelson, Deceased. ;
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his Final Account
as Administrator of the estate of
Jackson Nelson, deceased, in the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Umatilla County, and that
Monday, the 15th day of February.
1926, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.
M. of said day, and the County Court
Room in the County Court House at
Pendleton, Umatilla County, State of
Oregon, has been fixed by said Court
as the time and place for the settle
ment of said account.
All persons interested are hereby
notified to appear at such time and
place in said Court and file any ob
jections they may have to such ac
count or to any part thereof.
trator of the Estate of Jackson Nel
son, Deceased. J15F12.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Wil
liam B. Hale, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Sarah F. Hale, executrix of the last
will and testament of William B.
Hale, deceased, has filed with the
clerk of this court her final account
and report; that the court by order
duly made and entered has appointed
Monday the 15th day of February,
1926, at the hour of ten o'clock in
the forenoon, as the time and the
County Court House at Pendleton as
the place, where all objections and
exceptions will be heard to the said
final account and report and a set
tlement of the estate made. This
notice will be published for four con
secutive weeks in the Athena Press
newspaper, published at Athena,
Umatilla County, Oregon, beginning
with the issue of Friday the 15th
day of January, 1926, and the last
publication on Friday the 12th day
of February, 1926.
SARAH F. HALE, Executrix
Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Ex
ecutrix. J15F12.
Now 45c :
Farm Loans At
5 per cent
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg.
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 653
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and blsdJer right
ww snr mi in vmnx to w sni sni sni im
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Girea
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
New Low Prices Now On
Boys' 'Tay-Day" Overalls
By taking advantage of present market conditions,
- we are enabled to re-price as follows: - -3-6
years , 7-12 years 13-17 years
;, 89c $1.10 . . $1.19
Union Made and always big values. At these low
prices they are Super-Values. As strong, service
able and well-made as our Men's "Pay-Day" Over
alls. Cut full, of heavy, durable, 2.20 denim; high
back, two-seam legs, large front and back-pockets.
i i -'
Making Mountians
Out of Mole-Hills
Some brood and make mountains out of mole
hills. Others take small things and develop them in
to .factors of far-reaching importance.
Men and women who look around before they
buy and then buy where they find they can get
standard quality goods and save the most money,
are building solidly for the future.
The J. C. Penney Company eliminates the' profits
of the middleman and exercises its tremendous buy
ing power for the benefit of the thousands of custo
mers of its hundreds of Stores.
It does not make mountains out of mole-hills but
aids its patrons by converting various small sav
ings ito big savings for the public. -
Eat at the
Lunch and Meals Served at all Hours. You can buy
I Golden Crust Bread Here.
.T. C. Baker
Men, W
and Children
Are Known Largely By the Neatness
Arid Looks of Their
Clothes and Shoes
So Why Not Let Us Keep Your Clothes Looking
Neat. We Also Make Your Old Shoes Like
New in Our Up-to-Date Repair Shop.
Shoe Repairing in Proportion
G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
la made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very" best
equipped mill in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluest em
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour '
aierchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon.
Waitsburg, Wash