The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 29, 1926, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
"Captain Blood"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
W. C. Russell has purchased a new
Chevrolet sedan.
Charles May of Weston was in
Athena, Tuesday
Charles Dupuis was in Athena
from Adams Tuesday.
P. S. LeGrow was in Pendleton
Wednesday afternoon.
J. B. Anderson transacted business
in Pendleton, Monday.
Ralph Tucker was here from Wes
ton mountain Tuesday.
Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens is able to be
out after a week's illness.
Hugh Williams of Ferndale station
was in Athena Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otho Reeder were
Pendleton visitors, Tuesday.
Charles Williams and son Frank,
were in Pendleton, Saturday.
Mrs. Lloyd McPherrin visited her
mother in Freewater, Tueslay.
J. E. Lumsden of Weston, transact
ed business in Athena, Wednesday.
Vern Simmons and Avey Davis of
Freewater were in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thorborn of
Walla Walla, were in Athena, Tues
day. Miss Helen Eubanks of Walla Wal
la spent the week end with Athena
Mrs. Sarah J. Bowles is spending
several days in Walla Walla visiting
Mrs. Ethel Montague and Mrs. W.
W. McPherson were in Pendleton,
. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and son of
Weston mountain were in Athena
Mrs. Merle Anderson of
and Mrs. Reecer of Weston were ir;
Athena, Tuesday.
Miss Lanning of the Athena Mar
celling Parlor, spent Sunday with re
latives in Walla Walla.
R. B. McEwen attended the wool
growers' convention in Pendleton
last Friday and Saturday. .
Mrs. Savannah Davis visited over
the week end in Peiidleton at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Marion
There were about thirty Pendleton
people among the guests at the Le
gion invitation dance last Saturday
Glen Dudley has returned home
from Pendleton and is recuperating
after an operation for the removal of
his tonsils.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stockstill en
tertained at cards last Friday, Mrs.
Rose Miller, Miss Dorothy Geissel
and Miss Ethel Geissel.
Mrs, M. L, Gray of Potlatch, Idaho
arrived Monday to make an extended
stay at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Blalock and
family and Miss Munsel arrived by
motor from Bend Tuesday and are
visiting at the home of relatives.
Dr. Sharp is gradually regaining
his health, and his daughter, Mrs. G.
M. lleineii, who was here for sevcr-
South Side Main Street. Athena
al months, has returned to her home
in California. Another daughter,
Mrs. McSherry, and her husband of
Tacoma, are now at the Sharp home.
Mr. and Mrs. H, A. Barrett were
in Walla Walla Monday to attend
the funeral of Miss Annie Barrett,
who was a cousin of Mr. Barrett.
Miss May Lanning has taken over
the beauty parlor of Miss Florence
Gagnon and is now doing marcelling,
facials, manicuring and shampooing.
Jack Cunningham, local electrician
is doing extensive repair work on the
lines adjacent to Athena to insure
good service in case of future wind
Mrs. McNair is hostess this after
noon at her home on Third street to
the Athena Study club. The life
and works of Nathanial Hawthorne
is the subject of study.
"The Merry Widow" has been
booked for showing at the Standard
Theatre, for . two nights, Wednesday
and Thursday, February 10 and 11,
at regular admission prices, 10c - -3yc.
Farmers in this community are re
pairing and oiling harness and ma
chinery and getting up their stock
anticipating early spring work oc
casioned by the delightful weather
which prevails.
Twin sons were born Saturday,
January 23, to Mr. and Mrs. R. K.
Powell, of Portland, Mrs. Powell was
formerly Delia Danner, and the
twins are grandsons of Mrs. Mollie
Danner of this city.
E. 0. Venable and family have
moved to Pendleton to reside. Mr.
Venable will be employed by the
Pendleton Flour Mill company. While
in Athena he worked for The Pres
ton-Shaffer Milling company.
The B. Y. P. U., of Athena will
hold a "pound social" tomorrow even
ing at the Baptist church. The ladies
are to be sold to their partners at a
cent a pound. The proceeds are to
be used in paying for a carpet for
the pulnit. A lunch is to be served
and the public is cordially invited.
While splitting stove wood on the
old chopping block, Tuesday, the ax
used by Ameil Schubert described an
arc foreign to custom and descended
with its cutting edge on the back of
Mr. Schubert's left hand. Blood
streamed profusely from the cut, and
did not cease until dressed by a
The class of Miss Edna Hanna,
Malen Burnett School of Music, was
heard by an appreciative audience in
piano recital at High school auditor
ium, Wednesday evening. The in
dividual renditions by the pupils were
without exception pleasingly executed
and gave evidence of marked techni
cal advancement.
Mr. and Mrs. Ortes B. Harris and
children arrived in Athena Tuesday
from Twin Falls, where Mr. Harris
has resigned his pastorate of the
Christian church there. After a few
duys visit with Mrs. Harris' mother,
Mrs. Minnie DePeatt, they will go to
Everett, Washington, to conduct a
series of meetings.
The funeral of Miss Annie Bar
rett, who died at her home in Walla
Walla, was held Monday afternoon.
Miss Barrett was a niece of the late
Charles A. Barrett and a cousin of
II. A. Barrett. She was a graduate
of Whitman college, and was associ
ated with her brother in conducting
a shoe store at Walla Walla.
"The Devil's Cargo"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
The. coming of the Willamette Uni
versity Glee club is being looked for
ward to with delight by the Athena
public. The club is popular here,
the splendid programs rendered in
he past, being remembered. As us
ual, the club will appear on the stage
at High School auditorium.
The 0. D. 0. club met at the home
of Mrs. Flint Johns last Wednesday
afternoon, the members spending an
enjoyable afternoon. The date of the
club party which is to be at the home
of Mrs. Johns has been changed to
Thursday evening February 4 on ac
count of the appearance of the Wil
lamette Glee club at the High school
auditorium February 5.
Mrs. Bert Logsdon and daughter
and Mrs. H. J. Cunningham and
children motored to Pendleton Sat
urday and spent the afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Logsdon's mother,
Mrs. D. H. Mansfield. In the even
ing they were accompanied back to
Athena by Mrs. Mansfield and Miss
Velva Mansfield, who remained as
guests of Mrs. Logsdon until Sun
day afternoon.
The following concerning an Athe
na girl, is excerpted from a Pullman,
Washington newspaper: One of the
most enjoyable student recitals of
the year was given yesterday after
noon by students in the music de
partment. Three pianists, two vocal
students, and one violinist took part.
"Four Concerts," by Goossens, was
extremely well played by Frederica
Kershaw, one of the most advanced
students in the department.
Tuesday night was installation
night for the local Rebtfkah lodge.
The following officers were installed
N. G., Beth Cunningham; V. G., Ce
lia Harden; R. S. N. C-., Lilla Kirk;
L. S. N. G., Laura Gross; R. S. V.
G., Belle Pinkerton; L. d. V. G., Min
nie Willaby; Chaplin, Mary McKay;
Warden, Mae Douglas; Conductress,
Ethel Geissel; Financial Secretary,
Velma Schubert; Treasurer, Gladys
McLeod; Recording Secretary, Maude
Lodgsdon; Inside Guardian, Charlotte
Gross; Outside Guardian, Phyllis
Dickenson. It was decided by the
members to give a pastry sale on
February 6, and will be held in the
Sturgis, Storie & Rogers Hardware
I High School Notes i
Mrs. Charles Bonney of Pendleton
has given an electric iron to the
Athena high school sewing class. The
class plans to buy a mirror and iron
ing board with the money received
from their exhibit held December 14.
Mr. Miller's Eighth grade team
beat the Weston eighth grade 29-0
in a one sided game. In another
contest the Hawthorne school of Pen
dleton beat them 14-0. After this
game Mr. Miller refereed the game
between Weston & Adams at Wes
ton. Granville Cannon has returned to
school after having a siege of chick
en pox.
The President of the Student Body
has appointed the following persons
to act on the committe to secure en
tertainment for the Willamette Glee
club: Lois Mclntyre, Jennamae Read
We Are Carrying a Complete Line of the
including Woolens for men. women and
children, and all weights in mens Leather
Dress and Work Gloves. ?C Cotton Gloves
galore. See us for Gloves. Prices are right
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
Oean Pinkerton, Granville Cannon
and Mr. Logan.
Genevieve Rogers, Allen Simpson
and William Campbell are absent
from school on account of illness.
Mr. Robb of the Gunnell & Robb
Studio of Pendleton was here on
business Monday. He will probably
take some photographs of the school
some time in the near future.
Mr. Logan was a business visitor
in Pendleton. Saturday.
Mr. Hunter of the Pendleton Mus
ic House was a business visitor here
Tuesday, for the purpose of 5naking
arrangements for a demonstration
concert of the Orthophonic Victrola,
to be given Tuesday evening Febru
ary 2, at the High school auditorium.
There will be a meeting of the
principals of Adams, Helix, Weston
and Athena, on Friday January 29
in Athena to discuss the sectional
oratorical contest which will be held
some time in the near future.
The following pupils received
grades of 100 in spelling last week:
3rd & 4th grades, Richard Burgess,
Leo Sanchez, Daniel Reeder, Fern
Carstens. Maryjane Miller and Nor
ene Crimmins received grades of 99.
In the 5th grade: Marjorie Montague,
Dorothy Burke, Howard Reeder, Ar
thur Loree, Lowell Jenkins, Robert
Campbell, Bernice Wilson and Wayne
Banister. In the 6th grade: Marjorie
Douglas, Goldie Miller and Leland
Yesterday . morning saw the
Athena basket ball squad on their
trip north. Mr. Will Kirk and Mr.
Radtke will furnish the mean3 of
transportation for the team by tak
ing their cars. Games will be play
ed with Winona, Hay and Endicott.
The game with Hay will be played at
LaCrosse. Eight players will make
the trip.
The Athena high school basket ball
teams, (girls and boys) journeyed to
Umapine last Friday evening to
tangle with the Umapine players.
The girls were defeated by a score
of 22-5. The boys avenged the girls
though by defeating the Umapine
boys by a score of 17-9.
Mr. Hadley attended the meeting
of Umatilla county principals which
was held in the county superintend
ent's office in Pendleton last Satur
day, the county declamatory con
tests and the county tract meet were
the chief topics of discussion. It
was thought best to separate the
grade contest from the high school
contests. A committee composed of
the sectional directors will have
charge of classifying all the selec
tions which are to be used in the
contests. Mr. Yeager called the at
tention of the principals to the fact
that the county track meet was not
paying expense. After some discus
sion Superintendent Inlow and Prin
cipal Landreth, speaking for the
Pendleton schools, offered to spon
sor the meet and if there shoull be
any profit at any time this will be
divided among the schools of the
county this offer was accepted by
the principals. It was decided that
instead of classifying the track meet
entrants according to weight as here
tofore, that they should be classified
according to age, grado height,
weight, the exact system to be work
ed out by the county board of con
trol composed of Superintendents II.
E. Inlow, E. F. Goodwin and Prin
cipal Howard James.
The Athena basket ball players
were admitted to the McLaughlin
Dalles game at MilUn free of charge.
This game was fast and interesting,
ending 24-23 in favor of The Daltes.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clemmons vis
ited the primary room Wednesday.
Barbara Lee gave a musical read
ing bsfore the Baptist Missionary so
ciety Wednesday. Miss Terry ac
companied at the piano.
Eart That Tell Age
To ascertain the age of a horse, If
not too old, It Is usual to examine Its
teeth. To tell the age of a fish,, re
gardless of age, you look Into Its ear.
In the Internal ear of a fish there
Is a little bony pocket. In this pocket
Is a tiny stone called an othollth, which
rolls about as the fish tips this way
and that, nnd so helps It to know If
It Is right side up. As the fish grows
older, snys a writer In English Me
chonlcs, the othollth grows larger, and
the age of the fish may be determined
from Its size.
The Churches
M. E. Church
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morn
ing worship at 11:00, subject of the
sermon: "How a rough road may be
come a highway."
Baptist Church
We want the members and friends
of the Baptist church to remember
we art still at work at the old stand
even if the revival meeting has clos
ed. Next Sunday morning subject,
"What the Bible has to say about
the people of Athena." Evening sub
ject, "The five things in Athena most
pleasing to the devil." Sunday school
at 9:45 a. m. B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p.
m. Prayer meeting at 7:30 Thurs
day night. Morning sermon 11:00.
Evening sermon 7:30.
D. LOREE, Tastor.
The Latest Sock-cess
Warm Wool Hosiery Spats, that Snuggle the
Ankles, to keep them warm. Anklet style in plain
colors with contrasting Jacquard Cuffs, new and ex
ceedingly practical. Price, per pair,
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Free Tickets for this show to
Saturday, January 30
A Mighty Romance of the Spanish Main
J. Warren Kerrigan
"The Greatest Role of His Career';
With a Supporting Cast of
Leading Character
and a Huge Super Cast Two Years in the Making.
Pathe Review Comedy Admission Frices, 10c-35c
Free Tickets for this show to
Sunday January 31
Pauline Starke, Wallace Beery, Claire Adams
and William Collier r.
The Devil's Cargo
A powerful story of
California Gold Rush Days
of an innocent girl and one good man swept out to sea in a flimsy river
craft with a human cargo that is literally "the scum of the earth." How
they fight their way out and change the characters of their scoundrelly
shipmates is worked out in a picture of intense appeal: In this, Wallace
Beery, of "Robin Hood" and "Sea Hawk" fame, has the greatest role of his
career. Of the many exciting stories that have been written about Calif
ornia of 1850, "The Devil's Cargo'Ms the most thrill-filled. Victor Fleming,
producer of "Code of the Sea," "Empty Hands" and other big melodramatic
hits, produced the story by Charles Whittaker, originally published under
the title of "The River Boat." The story is one of Sacramento, at that time
the worst town on the face of the earth a town where shooting was no
crime and the inhabitants went around at high pitch, keyed up by bad liquor
and constant gun-play a town cut off from the rest of the world and glad
of it, as were the law-abiding citizens of neighboring San Francisco.
International News.
Admission Prices, 10c-35c
For one glorious big night of Fun, Saturday, Febru
ary 6-Douglas MacLean in "Never Say Die," and
Harold Lloyd in "Now or Never."