The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 29, 1926, Image 3

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Specially Built for. Hillside I Harvesting!
Perfect Provision for Leveling
Both Lengthwise and Sidewise
Machine Will Level on Hillside
Up to 65 Grade
Can Be Used With Equal Success
on Hillside or Level Fields
the harvest slogan of a rapidly increasing number of
practical, deep-thinking grain growers men who know that
low production cost is the surest guarantee of grain profits.
These men are buying McCORMICK-DEERING HILL
McCormick-Deering is a proved success, both at home and
abroad. Second, because they realize the value of depend'
able, close-at-hand Harvester Company service.
The McCORMICK-DEERING Hillside Harvester-Threshef
is a remarkable machine. Built for 12-ft. cut, this combina
tion harvester and thresher cuts the grain, threshes it
thoroughly, separates it from straw and chaff, and delivers
it into wagon box or sacks. Straw is scattered at the rear
as fertilizer for future crops.
Grain Is Delivered Direct From
Sickle to Thresher (
eliminating use of twine, hauling of shocks, and losses due to handling.
"Once over" harvesting saves time and labor, and puts the grain in
shape for immediate marketing when prices make this advisable. Grain
cut and threshed with the McCormick-Deering ia in every way"
equal to in quality or better than that cut and threshed with aepa
rate machines !
Plan Now for Harvest Time!
We suggest that you consider investment in one of these thoroughly
modern and practical machines this year. Fully illustrated literature will
be sent on request. Call on the McCormick-Deering dealer and learn
- more about this machine.
International Harvester Company
A Mercantile Trust
fwt1i4fVI?4 wiJ $m- Ml
A new jury law will soon be in ef
fect in Washington state. The new
law provides the assessor shall make
a list and the clerk certify the list
to the judge, or judges in July. The
judge may then select the list and
may have jury commissioners from
three or more districts as advisors.
The only restriction is they must
have five times as many names in the
box as they draw for any venire,
If the judge wishes he can call in
a voter from a jury district and get
information as to whether any of the
citizens are disqualified. The county
can have from three to six jury
After the venire appears the law
makes the following provisions for
eliminating a juror.
"It shall be the duty of a superior
judge to excuse from further jury
service any juror, who in the opinion
of the judge, has manifested unfit
ness as a juror by reason of bias,
prejudice, indifference, inattention or
any physical or mental defect or by
reason - of conduct or practices in
compatible with proper and efficient
jury service,"
By the score of 12 to 4, the Athe
na boys team defeated the high
school team at Umapine Saturday
night. The Athena girls were de
feated 22 to 5. After the Umapine
game, the Athena teams went to
Milton, and witnessed the close game
between Mac-Hl and The Dalles,
The Dalles won out, 24 to 23,
astern Mercantile Co.
Money-Saving Cash roccry
14 pounds Best Cane Sugar....;. .....1:00
3 pounds Pea Berry Coffee 1.10
White Satin Flour, sack : 2.25
i Gallon Tea Garden Syrup..... 75
15 Gallon Maple Leaf Syrup .90
7 Cans Standard Corn ......1.00
7 Cans No 2y2 Tomatoes 1.00
12 pounds White Beans 1.00
12 pounds Red Beans 1.00
5 Packages Corn Flakes .-. .50
6 Cans Peas u. 1.00
2 Cans Clams , 50
5 Cans Oysters No. 1... 1.00
2 Cans Shrimp .... 40
2 Cans No. 2 Sliced Pineapple. 45
7 Bars White Wonder Soap , .25
2 Cans Hominy 35
2 Cans Sauer Kraut... ... .35
Can Milk...., ......5c-10c
Fresh Cream Cheese, pound.. .30
Can Soup 10
Good Lean Bacon, pound... .38
7 Cans Pink Salmon .... ..1.00
Athena, Phone 56L Free Delivery4
The Federal Warehouse Act which
provides for the licensing and inspec
tion of public warehouses by Govern
ment officials protects farmers from
losses due to unsound or fraudulent
warehouse receipts, says the United
States Department of Agriculture.
The law applies to warehouses for
the storage of cotton, grain, wool, to
bacco, etc,
"In almost every state where ag
ricultural products are placed in pub
lic storage," the department says,
"losses sometimes totaling millions
have been reported. During the past
season, losses sustained in two States
by farmers who placed their grain in
storage in public warehouses were
exceedingly heavy, being estimated
at more than $200,000,"
"A typical instance of loss Is that
of a grain farmer who stored his
year's crop with a warehouseman. He
received a receipt which he sold to a
grain dealer. When the dealer pre
sented the receipt and called for de
livery of the grain the warehouse
was empty. The dealer fell back on
the farmer from whom be bought
the receipt. The warehouseman was
prosecuted, but that did not pay the
farmer for his grain.
"A review of the storage losses of
the past ten years," says the depart
ment, "shows that in practically all
cases the losses would never have oc
curred, if the warehouseman had
been operating under the United
States warehouse act.
"Application for license under the
law must be made to the Secretary
of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
The warehouse and the operator are
investigated, and the warehouseman
is required to file a bond before a
license is granted. After licensing,
the warehouse and its accounts are
inspected periodically to show wheth
er the requirements of the act are be
ing met, especially to make certain
that the products covered by receipts
are actually in the warehouse.
The law is not compulsory, and ap
plications must come voluntarily
from warehousemen.
A printed circular, which describes
how the law functions and the bene
fits to be gained tinder it has been
published by the Department of Ag
riculture for free distribution. A3k
for Miscellaneous Circular No. 51. en
titled "The Fanner and the United
States Warehouse Act." 1
22 Years Ago
February 5. 1904
Angus McDonald, who for two
weeks hovered beween life and death
at the home of his sister, Mrs. H.
0. Worthington, in this city, died at
4:20 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mr.
McDonald has been failing in health
since last October. "
Fred Marshal, a teamster, who was
for a time employed in Athena where
he hauled rock for the basement of
the new Methodist Episcopal church
building, after searching three and a
half years and spending $3000, his
entire savings, has recovered his two
little daughters who were kidnapped
from his home at Boise nearly four
years ago.' He met them accidental
ly in a store 'at Pendleton last Fri
day. At the regular meeting of the city
council Monday evening John Hard
en, S. L. Spencer and Willis Bush
were appointed judges and A. J.
Bagley and C. O. Henry clerks for
Athena's city election, which takes
place Tuesday, March 8.-.
The exhibit of school work that
goes to the World's Fair was on dis
play at the school house Friday af
ternoon. It was very creditable, and
interest displayed by patrons made
the teachers feel amply repaid for
the labor in getting up the display.
The farm house of Ncls Johnson,
south of Westpn, with its contents,
was destroyed by fire early Thurs
day morning.
Henry Barrett reports that the
new high line between Athena and
Milton has been completed and works
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Booher and son,
Lawson, visited in Walla Walla Wed
nesday. Fred Ruble, a registered pharma
cist of Portland, hag accepted a posi
tion with Dr. Stone at the Pioneer
drug store. Mr. Ruble comes to
Athena highly recommended.
Azor Knight left Wednesday morn
ing for Elk, Washington, where he
has accepted a situation.
Byron Hawks left Monday for Mil
ton where he has accepted a situa
tion in Chastain's pharmacy.
For the benefit of those unfortun
ate people who are not permitted to
enjoy our delightful Oregon climate
we will chronicle the fact that the
buttercups are now blooming in the
pastures and lanes, and it is the
pastime of the children after school
hours to gather these harbingers of
Last Sunday, January 31st, im
mediately after the morning service
at the Christian church, was solemn
ized the wedding of Mr. Roy Beck
and Miss Winnie Gerking, The wed-.
ding march was played by Mrs. Re
gester, of Hood River, and the couple
came forward from their place in the
congregation and were united in
marriage by Rev. J. W. Jenkins, the
ring ceremony being employed.
The Weston Leader reports the
death of Charles E. Powers, member
of an early pioneer family of Oregon
and a veteran printer of the Pacific
coast, died January 14, 1926, at his
home in San Francisco, California.
Mr. Powers was a son of the late
Richard M. Powers of Weston and
was a native of Oregon, born near
Albany, Linn county, in 1861. He
was 65 years and two days old at the
time of his death. He "held cases"
on the Weston Leader, the East
Oregonlan and the Portland Oregon
ian in early years,
The Athena public evinced much
interest in the revival meetings held
at the Baptist church, and which
have . closed. Evangelist Laugh
lin who conducted the meetings, has
gone to Goldendale, Washington,
where he will open a series of meetings.
Phone 24
Transfer and Express
Prompt Service
Dealer in
F. M. Smith
Athena, Oregon
Auto Truck Dray
City and Countiy
Always at Your Service
Hatching Chicks Hatching eggs
must be gathered at least four times
a day, to insura good hatches and
they must be turned once a day and
kept at a temperature at about 55.
Donald McFadyen will get good
hatches for you if your eggs are
hatchable for 7 cents per chick. In
quire for prices on baby chicks,
White leghorns and Rhode Island
Reds. Give your hens all the alfal
fa leaves they can eat.
For Sale Good alfalfa and bundio
wheat hay, in quantities to suit. Clar
ence Tubbs, phone 30F14, Athena.
Notice It will be of interest to
those holding invitations to thtj Wes
ton dances tonight and Friday Feb
ruary .5, to know that. Payanfa popu
lar 6 piece orchestra will furnish
music for these dances. Dance Committee.
Strayed A brown Scotch collie
dog. Finder please phone 23F4,
For Sale Pure bred Plymouth
Rock cockrcls f or breeding purposes.
Ralph Allen. r':::ne 24F11, Athena.
Marcelling Miss May Lannlng has
taken over the Mareelling Parlor,
formerly operated by Miss Florence
Gagnon, and will appreciate the pa
tronage of the ladies of Athena and
Piano must be sold Will sacrifice
fine piano in storage near here for
immediate sale. Will give easy terms
to an established home. For full
particulars and where it may be
seen, address Portland Music Com
pany, 227 6th street, Portland, Oregon.
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Attorney s-At- Law
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
The Lumber
ou Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Turn-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Main Street, Athena
Will. M. Peterson and G. H. Bishop
Practice in State and Federal Courts
The Richards
Is Now Carrying a Full
Stock of
Mill Feed, Chop Barley, Hay
and Chicken Feed
Prices Reasonable Strictly Cash
Wm. Hqggard, Manager
Yes we have plenty of Haircuts to fit your Head,
and Shaves to fit your Face. In fact anything in
the Barber line. We have it. "Come On Over."
Agency for Troy Laundry
Cleaning of all kinds a specialty. Make old Rugs
like New. Phone 583.
"Script Form
Butter Wrappers
A Complimentary
will be given in the
High School Auditorium, Athena
on Tuesday evening February 2nd at 8 p. m., on the
New Orthophonic
under auspicies of The Pendleton Music House Admission
This will be a Concert of high class music and will be of extraordinary in
terest. 3000 people in Pendleton have heard this remarkable new instru
ment. It is a national sensation. Don't miss it.