The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 29, 1926, Image 1

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    Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Cloture Is Imposed For Second
Time in History By Vote
of 68 to 26.
Washington, D. C Entry of the Unl
ted States Into the world court was
made certain when the senate upset a
cherished tradition and imposed clo
ture on itself for the second time n
its history. The vote was 68 to 26.
Cloture came to the test after last-
minute efforts to hold the olive branch
of unanimous consent , agreement to
limit discussion had been swept
brusquely aside.
Every senator except two was In
his seat, the floor was crowded by
members of the house and galleries
were overflowing. Mrs. Woodrow Wil
son, wife of the war president, sat
with Mrs. Swanson, wife of the senior
senator from Virginia, in the presi
dents' row, and many other notables
were in the private galleries.
An hour of debate with many barbed
exchanges preceded the vote, and as
this went forward scouts for both sides
were busy here and there, trying to
keep their forces in line. There was
much shifting about, and the strength
rolled up by the opposition was some
what surprising.
Thirty-seven republicans and 31
democrats voted to impose the rule
limiting each senator to one hour on
the resolution of adhesion and all
reservations, while 18 republicans,
seven democrats and the one farmer-
labor, Shipstead of Minnesota, voted
against cloture.
Washington, D. C. The compromise
tax reduction bill reported by the gen-
ate finance committee encountered
new troubles with notice from-house
leaders that it was unacceptable there.
Already facing serious opposition in
the senate, the measure was assailed
by Chairman Green of the house ways
and means committee, which drafted
the bill as approved by the house, be
cause of its provisions to repeal the
inheritance and capital stock taxes.
In addition, he declared in a state
ment, the senate measure would re
duce taxes, when in full force, by more
than $467,000,000 annually, instead of
$352,661,000 as estimated by the senate
committee for this calendar year, and
$330,000,000 as approved by the house.
House opposition to prospective sen
ate provisions in the bill was viewed
in many quarters as placing an im
portant stumbling block in the way
of plans to have the bill in effect be
fore March 15, when first income tax
installments are due.
Ten-Year Permits to Have Force of
Washington, D. C New regulations
concerning grazing fees In national
forests were made public by the de
partment of agriculture. They give 10
year permits the full force and effect
of contracts, provide for the organiz
ing of local grazing boards and are
designed to encourage individual al
lotments where practicable. Effective
as of January 18, they affect all of the
160 national forests.
Local grazing boards provided ior
in the new regulations will consist of
three members in case where the
board governs one forest and five
when the board governs a group of
In each case, there would be only
one representative from the depart
ment of agriculture on the boards, the
other members being stockmen in the
area affected.
Automobile owners of the state
will be assessed another tax of 1
cent a gallon on gasoline, for coun
try road purpose's, . if legislation
proposed at the annual meeting of
the state county judges and com
missioners association at Multono
mah county courthouse becomes ef
fective says the Oregonian.
Surface sentiment as indicated
and sensed at the meeting was in
favor of such a tax, on the ground
that the present state gasoline tax
of 3 cents a gallon reverts to the
state, and that the counties, as such,
derive no direct benefit therefrom.
Discussion ended with adoption of
a motion to refer the question to the
association's committee on roads.
ine gasoline tax question was
presented by C. P. Barnard, county
judge of Lane county, who reviewed
the circumstances of increasing wear
and tear on county roads as a result
of steadily growing automobile traf
fic, and particularly of the increasing
use of motor transportation for
freight and passenger traffic.
R. H. Mast, county judge of Co-
quille county, also spoke in favor of
a 1-cent tax and others of the judges
and commissioners thought enough of
the idea to have it referred to the
road committee for consideration and
The county judges and commis
sioners also adopted unanimously a
resolution favoring congressional re
imbursement of Oregon-California
land grant counties for taxes dur
ing the last ten years because of the
withdrawals of such lands.
According to the resolution, the
assessed valuation of such lands in
1919, amounted to approximately
$22,235,000, their removal from the
tax rolls entailing a loss to the coun
ties of $465,000 a year in tax rev
The resolution held that the pres
ent request for congressional reim
bursements is not without precedent,
in that congress has given some re
cognition to the counties' claims In
the matter by an appropriation of
$1,300,000, which sum was paid to
the counties to reimburse their treas
uries for taxes already levied upon
the lands for 1913, 1914 and 1915,
but not collected by the counties.
The resolution held that the coun
ties affected had been drastically
crippled in resources and sources
of taxation because of the lands'.
The gasoline tax question and the
land grant issue were outstanding
features of the county judges and
county commissioners' session at
which H. L. Habrouck, county judge
of Hood River county, president of
the association, and J. E. Smith,
county commissioner of Marion coun
ty, secretary-treasurer, presided.
In the "When Walla Walla Was
Young" column in the Walla Walla
Union, this item taken from the files
of January 24, 1874, says: Many
cattle suffered from frozen feet dur
ing the winter, according to the
stories told by cattlemen who are
beginning to drift into Walla Walla.
Some of the feet are so badly froz
en that the hoofs are dropping off
and many of the cattle leave blood
in their tracts as they walk. Why
the cattle suffer so from frozen feet
here and never in colder countries is
a mystery," -
Snow Blankets State of Texas,
Kansas City. The southwest Mon
day lay under a blanket of snow
which extended to the Mexican bord
er. The heaviest snow in 41 years
covered San Antonio, Tex. The Texans
pf the western plains saw their first
pnow fall in years. Ice and snow cov
ered the ground in Oklahoma. Streets
n Oklahoma City were a mass of ice
find traffic was impeded.
Washfov.. built Onve on Lights.
Olympia, Wash. A state-wide cam
paign against illegal lights oil motor
vehicles will be staged this week by
(be state highway patrol.
Athena Civic club sponsored a
luncheon Saturday from eleven thir
ty till two when a representative
number of Athena citizens were pre
sent. A cooked food sale was held
in connection and the sum of fifty
dollars was realized. The fund is to
augment the sum already in the
treasury which will be used to build
a community house some time in the
future. A committee has been ap
pointed and reports that plans are
going forward to give a play in the
early spring, the proceeds to be used
for the same purpose.
A weed from Asia has invaded
Idaho and is threatening to establish
itself as a permanent colonist. A
specimen of the plant was sent to
the United States national herbarium
at Washington for identification by
Mrs. M. E. Soth of Pocatello, Idaho,
and it was finally shown to be a
member of the crucifer or mustard,
family, known to botanists as hy
menophysa pubescens. So complete
ly, unknown had the plant hitherto
been in this country that the herb
arium authorities had to send to Ber
lin for specimens for comparison be
fore its identity could be fully es
tablished. According to Mrs. Soth, the plant
is found in a colony at the edge of
a field where alfalfa was formerly
cultivated, and she believes that its
seeds may have come in with im
ported alfalfa or grain seed. It is
a free-flowering and free-seeding
plant, producing seeds during its
first season of growth, so" that it will
prove difficult to eradicate.
According to Paul C. Standlev of
the United States national herbarium
the home of the species is interior
Asia, the same region that gave us
alfalfa. The climate of the region is
similar to that of parts of the Uni
ted States, which will favor the new
It is recalled that many of our
worst weeds, like the dandelion,
Russian thistle, sow thistle and Jim
son weed are alien invaders. Mr.
Standley states that another old-
world plant belonging to the same
family as the newcomer, depidium
perfoliatum, has spread with almost
incredible rapidity through the Rocky
mountain states during the last few
The free Radio concert to be giv
en at the Standard theatre tonight,
when the Athena community pro
gram will be broadcast from KOWW
station at .Walla Wajla, promises to
be largely attended. The Radiola
used for the concert, has been gen
erously loaned for the occasion by
Mrs. Charles Dudley. It will be op
erated by H. J. Cunningham, local
agent for the Radiola receiving sets.
Under auspices of the Pendleton
Music House, a free concert on the
new Orthophonic Victrola, will be
given at High School auditorium.
next Tuesday evening, February 2.
The concert promises to be of extra
ordinary interest, and will consist of
high class music. The Orthophonic
Victrola is a national musical sensa
tion and is attracting attention and
enthusiastic interest everywhere.
A class of tihrty will graduate
from the Walla Walla high school
this week at the mid-year commence
ment exercises. The baccalaureate
sermon was preached Sunday by Rev.
E. A. Davis, and commencement will
be tonight,
The Oregonian News Bureau, at
Washington, D. C.,! says efforts of
the agricultural sub-committee of
the house appropriations committee
to uphold reductions in items intend
ed for the benefit of the Pacific
northwest were ineffectual in the face
of convincing arguments presented
by representatives from that section,
the findings of the sub-committee,
released for publication, indicate.
Members of the committee did. their
best to find flaws-in some of the
figures proposed by bureau heads,
in seeking further to reduce the to
tal amount authorized by the bill,
but seem to have failed.
Colonel W. B. Greely, head of the
forestry service, was cross-questioned
at the hearings as to why con
tracts for $9,900,000 worth of forest
roads had been let for the fiscal year
1926. Although the, second deficien
cy bill of 1925 authorized a contract
limit of $7,500,000," thus far only
$4,000,000 has actually been appro
priated for this purpose, the amount
which was carried in last year's ag
ricultural bill.
After extending their . questioning
over some 20 pages in the printed
hearings they finally recommended
$5,000,000 for forest roads, the
amount mentioned in the budget, and
$1,000,000 more than was appropri
ated last year. v
Representatives Crumpacker and
Hawley of Oregon and Johnson, of
Washington induced the committee
to increase the appropriation for
combating white pine blister rust to
$348,280, as recommended by the
secretary of agriculture, a full $35,
000 over the figure recommended by
the budget bureau,
Representative Sinnott of the Dak
les was instrumental in securing the
restoration of $84,340 clipped by the
budget from the item for cereal in
vestigation and the "amount recom
mended by the committee is conse-i
quently $699,340. "" Mr. Sinnott men-:
tioned the investigations conducted
by Superintendent Stephens of the
Moro, Oregon, station as a specific
instance of benefit to grain growers
and quoted from The Oregonian aa
to the burning of mortgages at Mo
ro, December 20, 1925, in celebration
of repayment of state loans.
At the request of Representative
Johnson of Washington and E. T.
Allen of Portland, the committee al
so increased the budget estimate fcr
station expenses of the weather bur
eau sufficiently to extend the work of
the bureau in Washington and Ore
gon during the forest fire season.
A change has gone into effect with
the first of the coming month in the
ownership of the hardware and im
plement store of Sturgis, Storie &
Rogers, a mercantile trust, doing
business in Athena.
M. W. Hansell and Wade Good
man assume the interests of Sturgis
Storie in the institution, and hereaf
ter the firm name .will be "Rogers
and Goodman, a Mercantile Trust,"
successors to Sturgis, Storie & Rog
ers, a Mercantile Trust.
The trustees of the new concern
are: E. C. Rogers, Athena; Wade
Goodman, W?"a Walla, Washington;
M. W. Harwell, .Uhena; W. A. Bell,
Yakima, Washington. Mr. Rogers
will continue as manager of the
store. Mr. Bell who becomes trustee
in place of A. G, West, of Portland,
is a member of the Yakima Hard
ware company.
A one hundred and seventy-five gal
lon still, the largest ever taken in
Jefferson county, together with a ton
of sugar, 1,000 pounds of com find
150 gallons of mash, was seized by
Sheriff Ray Freeburn and two dp
puties in a dugout moonshine plant
near Opal City, early Thursday morn-,
Steve's Athena league basket ball
team had no games scheduled this
week. Two games of the season's
schedule remain to be played, one
with Adams and one with Helix. On
next Wednesday evening, February 3
the Helix "Red Devils" eome to
Athena for a game, and, on Wednes
day evening following, Athena goes
to Adams to play the last game of
the season. By losing to Adams the
other night on the Athena floor,, the
home team is but one game in the
lead in the league percentage column
and should Helix win next Wednes
day evening it would throw these
teams into a tie, but leaving the lo
cals a chance for the pennant, by
taking the remaining ' game from
Weston Leader: The revival of the
Weston Commercial association has
proved to be a popular move and it
now has a membership of 50 or
more indicating active, work on the
part of the membership eemmltteo.
which consists of G.G. Ellis,' P. T.
Harbour and C. L. Pinkerton. The
association meets regularly every
Monday evening at the office of
Frank Pierce.
Athena members of the Knights of
Pythias who attended the annual con
vention of the lodges of that order
in Umatilla county, are unanimous
in the declaration that they had a
grand and glorious time. The Jolly
Joy-Maker's orchestra of Athena
made the hit of the evening, and the
team from Stevens Lodge, Weston,
brought home the honors for super
ior work in the Rank of Knight.
Following the death of A. F. Alex
ander one of the publishers of Up-To-The-Times
Magazine at Walla
Walla, that publication has been sold
to D. Harold McGrath, formerly city
editor of the Walla Walla Bulletin,
who resigned that position a year
ago to engage in life Insurance work.
Whoa, There! January
"Captain Elood," a splendid photo
play, with J. Warren Kerrigan in
the leading role, suuported by Jean
Paige and a strong cast, will be pre
sented at the Standard tomorrow
night Sunday night, "The Devil's
Cargo," featuring Pauline Starke,
William Collier, Jr., "Wallace Beery
and Claire Adams, will be enjoyed
by patrons of the Athena Theatre.
Comedies, news reel and Review, aa
Former Athenaites, now residents
of Portland and vicinity will have
the pleasure of a reunion picnic dur
ing the coming summer. Doubtless
it will be made an annual event, for
the proposal was made at a luncheon
served to former Athena ladies by
Mrs. G. C. Osburn, at her home in
Portland, last Friday, the following
details of which, the Press is indebt
ed to Mrs. Alma Koontz.;
"Mrs. G. C. Osburn entertained at
a delightful luncheon at her home in
Irvington, Friday, January 22 in hon
or of Mrs. Effie Edington Smith,
formerly of Athena but now of Cor
vallis. She is spending the winter
in Portland with her sister Mrs.
George Clore and niece Mrs. Byram.
"The day was greatly enjoyed by
all and plans were made to hold a
picnic sometime in June so that all
may get together again It is hoped
to make this an annual affair for all
Athena people making Portland and
vicinity their home.
" Laurelhurst Park was chosen as
the place to hold the picnic. Just be
fore leaving for their homes Mrs. E.
C. Callender announced the engage
ment of her daughter Ruby, to Mr.
Frank Wescott of Portland. The
wedding to be some time in the
"The guests who were former
Athena and Eastern Oregon resi
dents were: Mrs. Effie Edington
Smith, Mrs. George Clore, Mrs. By
ram, Mrs. C. A. Barrett and grand
daughter Beverly Barrett, Miss Are
ta Barrett, Mrs. E. C. Callender,
Mrs. Jacob Proobstel, Mrs. Link
Swaggart, Mrs. William McBride,
Mrs. E. Huntington, Mrs. Jacob
Bloch, Mrs. Dolly Bloch Loeb, Mrs.
Bessie McBride Sturges, Mrs. Ivah
Callender Kilthau, Mrs. Grover Hays,
Mrs. E. L. Barnett, Miss Flora
Kemp, Mrs. Clever, Mrs. Alma
Koontz, the hostess and her daughter
The will of the late Matt Mos-
grove, former Athena merchant, has
been filed for probate. The provis
ions of the will are that his sisters.
Eliza A. Beattie and Bella Mosgrove,
are to receive $50 per month each
during her lifetime and are to
have the use of his home place in
Milton as long as they live. A trust
fund of $8,000 was left for the bene
fit of his brother Charles Mosgrove
and the brother's wife, Jennie Mos
grove, the interest from the fund to
be for their use. The remainder of
the estate of every kind and nature
was left to his son, Thomas II. Mos
grove. In Athena, it is estimated
that Mr. Mosgrove left an estate,
worth approximately $100,000,
added number to the community
program to be broadcast tonight
from station KOWW at Walla Wal
la, will be old time dance music play
ed by Al Johnson 81 year old Athe
na pioneer, on a violin he used 6.1
years ago on the Old Oregon Trail
for the amusement of the members
of his emigrant train. The violin, a
hand instrument, according to Mr.
Johnson has improved in quality by
age, and tonight the audience at the
Standard Theatre will hear "The Girl
I Left Behind Me," "Money Musk,"
"Pop Goes the Weasle," and other
old time favorities, vibrate melo
diously from its strings.
F. B. Wood, agent at the North
ern Pacific station in Athena, is ser
iously ill at his home in the west
part of town. A nurse from Walla
Walla, Miss Carrie Upcraft, has been
summoned to take care of the pat
ient, who is reported some better
this morning. Miss Upcraft is a
fiiend of Mrs. John Stanton, and at
one time nursed Mrs. Stanton
through a serious illness.
Athena High School basket ball
squad left yesterday morning on its
northern barnstorming trip. Games
will be played with the high school
teams of Winona, Hay and BIndic-ott,
Washington. Will Kirk and F, B.
Radtke transported members of the
team in their cars. Verne Dudley,
O. O. Stephens and Dale Stephens
left Wednesday afternoon, and last
night witnessed the Oregon-W. S. C,
game at Pullman.
BUI Morris, salesman for the Pa
cific Biscuit Company, transacted
business in Athena, Monday.
Land Values Also Slump, Al
though Total Number of
Farms Increases.
Washington, D. C While the total
number of farms in the state of Wash
ington Increased by nearly 7000 in the
last five years and the number operat
ed by owners increased 7600, the farm
acreage dropped 636,486 acres, a re
ported made public by the department
of commerce showed. The 1925 fig
ures are preliminary and subject to
change, it was Btated.
Total farms In the state last year
were 73,267, of which 10,389 were oper
ated by owners and 11,943 by tenants.
Managers operated 935. The percent
age operated by tenants was 16.3, as
compared with 18.7 in 1920.
The total farm acreage was 12,608,
834 last year, as against 13,244,720 five
years ago, and the average acreage per
farm had shrunk from 199.8 to 172.1.
Farm values of the state decreased
from $920,392,341 in 1920 to $726,890.
147 last year. The land value drop
ped from $797,651,120 to $584,286,164,
while that of buildings increased from
$122,741,321 to $142,503,983.
Sharp decreases were shown In
acreage and production 'of principal
crops from 1919 to 1924. The only ex
ception was white potatoes, which,
showed an increased production ot
nearly 1,000,000 bushels, although the
acreage was smaller.
Decreases were shown also In num
bers of fruit trees and production. Ex
ceptions to this were the number of
apple trees not of bearing age, which
showed an increase from 755,898 to
1,049,849; pear trees of all ages, which
increased from 1,049,980 to 1,487,947,
and plum and prune trees ot all ages,
which increased from 1,184,593 to 1,
Mallnes, Belgium. Much Interest
was aroused Monday by the revelation
that Cardinal Mercler who died Satur
day, had left a religious will, address
ed to. the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The details of this document have
not been made public, but as it was
written shortly after the visit to the
dying cardinal by Lord Halifax, presi
dent of the Anglican Church union, it
is believed that it has reference to th
question of a union of the Roman and
Anglican churches, for which the card
inal long had been working.
Although only three Belgians thui
far have been honored with a national
funeral, the homage that Is being paid
Cardinal Mercler transcends even that
given a monarch.
From all parts of the world hav
come messages of condolence. Among
these is one from President Coolltlge,
sent to the embassy here by Secre
tary of State Kellogg. In it was refer
ence to the Indomitable courape of tha
cardinal In the Interests of humanity
and betterment of world conditions.
Jim Brldger's Daughter Loses In At.
tempt to Collect Million.
Kansas City, Kan. It is Impossible
to defame anyone's ancestors, Federal
Judge Reeves ruled here when he sua
talned a demurrer to a suit for $1,000
000 damages brought by Mrs. Virginia
Bridger Hahn, Kansas City, against
the Famous Players-Lasky corporation,
producers of the motion picture, "Th
Covered Wagon."
In her suit Mrs. IIuliu contended
the company had defamed the char
acter of her father, Jim Bridger,
famous Indian scout, by depicting hln
as the husband of Indian wives and aa
a drunkard. The picture, Mrs. Hahn
contended, cast reflections upon her
In sustaining the demurrer, Judgt
Reeves held that one's ancestors might
not be defamed because the habits
and standards of mankind change sd
with the generations. What might na
considered perfectly proper in one age,
the court ruled, would be considered
improper in another.
8enate Committee O. K.'s Gooding Bill
Washington, D. C The senate In
terstate commerce committee voted ttf
report favorably the Gooding bill, pro
hlbiting raliroads from charging mora
for short hauls than (or long hauls ot
freight over the same routes. Th
bill was passed in the senate last yeaj
but failed in the house. .