The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 22, 1926, Image 3

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Specially Built for Hillside Harvesting!
the harvest slogan of a rapidly increasing number of
practical, deep-thinking grain growers men who know that
low production cost is the surest guarantee of grain profits.
These men are buying McCORMICK-DEERING HILL
cCormick-Deering is a proved success, both at home and
abroad. Second, because they realize the value of depend
able, close-at-hand Harvester Company service.
The McCORlUCK-DEERING Hillside Harvester-Thresher
is a remarkable machine. Built for 12-ft. cut, this combina
tion harvester and thresher cuts the grain, threshes it
thoroughly, separates it from straw and chaff, and delivers
it into wagon box or sacks. Straw is scattered at the rear
as fertilizer for future crops.
Grain Is Delivered Direct From
Sickle to Thresher (
eliminating use of twine, hauling of shocks,' and losses due to handling.
"Once over" harvesting saves time and labor, and puts the grain in
Shape for immediate marketing when prices make this advisable. Grain
cut and threshed with the McCormick-Deering ia in every wa
equal to in quality or better than that cut and threshed with aepa
rate machines I
Plan Now for Harvest Time!
We suggest that you consider investment in one of these thoroughly
modern and practical machines this year. Fully illustrated literature will
be sent on request. Call on the McCormick-Deering dealer and learn
mora about this machine. ...
International Harvester Company
(incorporated) ' , v
A Mercantile Trust
Perfect Provision for Leveling
Both Lfengthwise and Sidewise
Machine Will Level on Hillside
Up to 65 Grade
Can Be Used With Equal Success
on Hillside or Level Fields
Steve's Champions dropped three
. games in a row this week by close
scores. Two were league games, one
going to Helix 33-29, the other to
Adams 24-20. " The third game was
to Willamette University, 32-28.
The Adams game was the closest
checked of any game played on the
Athena floor this season. The Sham
rocks led to the third period, which
ended in a tie 15-15. They ledat
the first quarter; 4-0, and the half
at 12-5, and the score stood 20-all
at the end of the fourth quarter,
which necessitated the playing of an
extra stanza of five minutes, in
which Adams hooped two, bringing
the count up to 24-20. Thj lineup:
Athena 20 Adams 24
Logan 6 ....F, Marlow 8
Geissel 2 ..F...... V......Baker6
Harden 8 lC...X.l:..Holmgren ; 5
Hodgen 1 G .': Franks" 2
Dudley 2... G Lieuallen 3
Substitutes For Athena, J. Pink
erton, L. Pinkerton, 1; for Adams
Tiijllan, Mann. Referee Zaring.
In close, well played games, Athe
na lost to the Helix Red Devils and
Willamette University the past week.
At Helix the first half ended,
Athena 14; Helix . 19. Logan, for
Athena, was the high point winner
of the game with 22. King of Helix,
scored 12 points for' his team. " Athe
na has won two game from the fed
demons, and there is one game of
the league schedule remaining to be
played between the two teamSi' It
will be played on the Athena floor.
The score:
Athena 29 ' Helix 33
Logan 22.. F ..:..-..-K..-...Nelsori "10
Geissel 3 F Cook 6
Harden 2 C ...King 12
J. Pinkerton. G Tergeson
Dudley G......:...P.t Nelson 5
Sub For Athena: Kre'tzer 2;'Hbd
gen. For Helix: Pierce. Referee,
Landreth. ' '-
Willamette University Game
Athena didn't get started in the
first half against Willamette University,-
the half ending Athena 11,
Willamette 22. .'..-.
In the second half Athena' tossed
baskets all round the collegians, but
the latter were poison on free
throws, converting 10 poinU out of
20 throws. Athena hooped 11 bask
ets to Willamette's 11. The teams
were evenly matched, and had Athe
na started earlier, there would have
been a different tale to unfold. The
Athena 28 Willamette 32
Logan 17.... F. Robertson 9
Geissel 3 ...F. ...Fasnacht 17
Harden 6 C Hartley 6
Hodgen G..... . Erickson
J. Pinkerton ..G Baker
Subs For Athena, L. Pinkerton,
Dudley. For Willamette, Rountree,
Litchfield, Flesher. Referee, Landreth.
The Pendleton high school proved
to be too strong for the Athena high
school team, in the game played on
the Pendleton floor, Friday evening.
Pendleton won by the score of 32 to
17. The lineup:
Pendleton (32) Athena (17)
Hatton -6..: F....w Geissel
Sullivan F..:. ...Stephens 4
Johnson 12 C.;.. ......Kretzer '8
Jones 1 G Pinkerton 4
Allen 6.... G ....Taylor 1
Substitutes For Pendleton, Hill 1;
King 2; for Athena, Johnston. Re
feree, Hoskins. ,
"Captain Blood," the big picture
which opened the new Strand Theatre
at Walla. Walla, will be shown at
the Standard Theatre on Saturday
night January" 30th, at regular ad
mission prices, 10 35. '
- Everybody in Athena and vicinity
will want to see the picture, one of
the best of the year in which the
part of "Captain Blood"' in the
play is given to J. Warren Kerrigan
the hero of "The Covered Wagon,"
and playing opposite him is Jean
Tomorrow night Edmund Lowe and
Betty Compson wilLbe seen in "The
Palace of Pleasure," and Sunday
night the Standard presents the won
derfully interesting photoplay, "Are
Parents People," with a full cast of
Famous Players, headed by Adolphe
Menjou, Betty Bronson and Florence
Vidor. .. - -;
Card of .Thanks .
We take this method of express
ing our sincere thanks to all who so
kindly assisted us " in our bereave
ment, occasioned by the death of
our beloved mother, Mrs. Rebecca
Eleanor McPherrin.
Andrew Latham Smith, football
coach, found rest in the silent me
morial stadium at the University of
California Friday, . after W. W.
Campbell, president of the Univer
sity of California, in impressive ob
sequies eulogized him as a man who
was "even greater in defeat than he
was in victory." Smith died recent
ly in Philadelphia.
The full roll of the University's
undergraduate, graduate and faculty
strength, augmented by the great
football squads of the last six years
that have made the "Smith system"
nation-renowned gathered under mis
ty skies outside the stadium an hour
before noon.
"He stood perfectly the test of
both victory and defeat," President
Campbell told the bare-headed
throng. "He was a manly man."
Captain Talma W. Imlay of last
season's '' varsity team told the as
semblage that California has given
Andy Smith to eternity and his name
will live for all time in the hearts
of true Californians.
. Another who spoke was John
Stroud, California '13, who as grad
uate manager brought .Smith to Cal
ifornia from Purdue in 1916. At the
conclusion of his address and as the
bells of the Campanile on the univ
ersity campus chimed the hour of
noon, a United States army airplane
bearing Smith's ashes and piloted by
Lieutenant J. S. Glasscock, a friend
of the dead leader, flew low over the
empty and silent stadium and spread
the ashes on the moist turf of the
playing field. The crowd then dispersed.
John H. Brigham, ex-postmaster at
Gibbon, was recently paroled by Fed
eral Judge Bean, after he had plead
guilty to embezzling $1167.22 from
postoffice funds. The leniency of the
judge is ascribed to . the fact that
Brigham had formerly been a respec
ted citizen, is the father of a fam
ily of eight children, and if given a
chance, would pay back the money
Dan P. Smythe, Pendleton sheep
man is lying at St. Anthony's hos
pital in Pendleton, criticallv UlH&L,,,
I H K I AHII.Yu 1 mrmm- AnorotvT (Ml fnr tnmaKh fninhla
j 22 Years Ago
January 22. 1904'
Col. W. F. Butcher, a well known
lawyer and democratic politican, a
former resident of Athena but now
of Baker City, shot and seriously
wounded J. C. ' White at . that place
Saturday ' evening. : Butcher shot
twice, one ball passing through the
fleshy part of White's right, arm and
the other striking him in the side of
the neck.
Mrs. Hattie Krebs died at her home
near Adams Monday morning at 6
o'clock, after a lingering illness of
almost two years' duration. She
leaves two children, Ruth, aged 11,
and Frank, aged 8.
A, cold wave, so severe in effect,
that it caused ice to form, struck
this section the fore part of the
week, necessitating farmers in some
parts of the county to stop plowing,
for the present.
Grandma Banks died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. N.- CV Dicken
son, Wednesday shortly 'after the
noon hour. Death came as the re
sult of a ' paralytic stroke, which
came several days ago. The end of
a long and useful life came, with
five of her children at her side.
County Superintendent of Schools
J. F. Nowlin, after serving in that
capacity for the past eight years, has
decided to retire from the education
al field altogether, and will not be a
candidate for re-election, :
G. C. Osbum came down from
Spokane Sunday evening and left
Monday for La Grande. Mr. Os
bum goes to La Grande, where as
manager of the Inland Telephone
Company, he will have Charge of the
office at that place and all lines and
offices of the company in Union and
Wallowa counties.
At the meeting' of Pythian Lodge
No. 29, K. of P., Thursday evening
last, the. following officers were in
stalled: G. W, Bradley, C. C; Will
M. Peterson, V. C; Henry Dell, Pre
late; Dr. A. B. Stone, M. of F.; C.
O. Henry, K. R. & S.; Robert Tharp,
M. A.; Charles Garrett, I. G.; John
Mclntyre O. G.
Wednesday at high noon at the
home of Grant Ehrhart, six miles
east of Pendleton, occurred the mar
riage, ceremony of Mrs. Nancy E.
Ehrhart. and Thomas J. Kirk. Rev.
G. W. Rigby officiated. Immediate
ly . after the ceremony an elegant
wedding dinner was served 'at the
home of Lyman Watrus. '
The fact that both officials and di
rectors of the First National Bank
of Athena serving for the year 1903
were re-elected for another year, is
evidence that the stockholders of the
institution were satisfied with the
advancement the bank has made the
past year under the present admin
istration. The volume of business is
steadily on the increase. The aver
age amount of money on deposit for
the year was $145,000.
Harvey and Alex McDonald, of
Walla Walla, are in the city, having
been called here by the critical ill
ness of their brother, Angus McDonald.
Sherman & McLean yesterday
shipped three carloads of hogs to
Fry-Bruhn Company Seattle. The
price paid farmers for the stock was
$4.75 and $5 per hundred pounds.
Three cents is offered for prime beef
cattle, with no sales to speak of.
The old postoffice building was
razed this .week to make room for
Froome's new brick. Mr. Froome
will move the building now occupied
by Parker Reitz, barbers, to the
lot south of the St. Nichols hotel,
where an addition will be built to it.
The second in the series of con
certs being given by local talent un
der the direction of Professor J. S
Henry, for the benefit of Athena
churches, will take place at the
Athena opera house, Saturday even
ing, January 30.
Miss Grace McElroy was home
from her school in Uinon county the
first of the week.
Phone 24
Transfer and Express
Prompt Service
Dealer in .
F. M. Smith
Athena, Oregon
Auto Truck Dray
City and Country
Always at Your Service
Football tactics on the street at
Yakima, resulted in the capture of
Arthur Cornell,' 42, who is said to
have escaped from the Eastern Ore
gon hospital for the insane and who
broke away from two deputy sher
iffs only to run into a flying tackle
executed by V. C. Bunce, a city fire
man. The deputies found Cornell in
a dentist's office and were escorting
him to the county jail when he
crouched and got away to a perfect
sprint start. .
' Bunce, coming from the opposits
direction, immediately went into ac
tion" and threw Cornell for a loss.
Cornell is being held for Oregon au
thorities. . He says he was a sprint
star in college.
For Sale A good, fresh Milch
cow. J. B. Anderson, Athena, Ore
gon. .
For Sale Good alfalfa and bundle
wheat hay, in quantities to suit. Clar
ence Tubbs, "hor.e 30F14, Athena.
Strayed A brown Scotch collie
dog. Finder please phone 23F4,
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Phone 663 Athena .
Main Street, Athena, Oregon ,
State and Federal Court Practice
Raley, Raley & Steiwer
Pendleton, Oregon .
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Main Street, Athena
Will. M. Peterson and G. H. Bishop
- Pendleton-Freewater
Practice in State and Federal Courts
The Richards
Is Now Carrying a Full
Stock of
Mill Feed, Chop Barley, Hay
and Chicken Feed
Prices Reasonable Strictly Cash
Wm, Hoggard, Manager
Yes we have plenty of Haircuts to fit your Head,
and Shaves to fit your Face. In. fact anything in
the Barber line. We have it. "Come On Over."
Agency for Troy Laundry
Cleaning of all kinds a specialty. Make old Rugs
like New. Phone 583.
"Script Porin
Bu tier Wra p pers
We are Equipped to do
Job Printing
Ml Kinds. Short Notice