The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 22, 1926, Image 2

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    Sto Metro $r&
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon January 22 1926
When Nicholas Longworth first
came to Washington, says the Na
tional Republic, he was one of the
social lions of the day and it was
inevitable that he should meet Alice
Roosevelt, dashing daughter of the
strenuous President. Most of the
young men in the social, political
and diplomatic set of that time paid
their court to Princess Alice, but
the Taft trip to the Orient completed
the conquest and Nicholas Longworth
became the son-in-law of Theodore
This distinction was not entirely
an asset, for there were those who
looked upon him in the light of a
social curosity and even today, most
of the visitors of the House, ask to
be shown Alice Longworth's husband.
But Longworth lived down what
ever handicap there was in his dis
tinguished matrimonial alliance. He
dug into his work and finally . the
House came to know him as a man
of unusual intelligence.
He served on the Ways and Means
Committee and finally emerged as
the floor leader of the House, a prize
given only to men who have proved
themselves in one of the severest
testing plants ever devised.
In politics Longworth always was
a conservative. He admired his father-in-law,
but his sympathies and his
convictions were along the line of
conservatism which made him "re
gular" although he has never been
ultra conservative.
"In Alice Longworth he found u
rarely accomplished political assis
tant, one who has been frequently de
scribed as the "best man in the
Roosevelt family," and whose influ
ence in public life, exerted through
sheer political common sense is not
less than that of any woman who
has ever lived in the capital.
Ludovic Naudau, writing in L'lllus
tration (Paris weekly) of the Locar
no conference, gives the United
credit for bringing the pressure to
bear which made the Locarno secttr
ity pact possible. He says: "Why
did the Germans propose last Feb
ruary this Rhineland pact, which has
just been signed at Lacarno? First
of all, because they wanted to bor
row the American and English cap
ital indispensable for their economic
revival. Although they possess an
immense industrial plant and inex
haustible natural resources, the Ger
mans are in acute need of liquid
funds. They are threatened with a
great business crisis. But the Uni
teed States refuses to loan large
sums of money to a Europe threat
ened with new wars. Oh, irony of
human destiny! The imperious nec
essity of eating that made the Ger
mans of yesterday a predatory na
tion makes them today converts to
pacifism. It was absolutely neces
sary, therefore, for the German peo
ple to escape from their distressing
isolation. They must restore the
world's confidence in themselves be
fore they could recover the place in
the world they occupied before tha
war. America, sitting tight on her
strong-box and eager to pacify the
universe, said to the French: 'Dis
arm!' The French answered: 'Im
possible! The wicked Germans would
destroy us.' America thereupon said
to the Germans: 'Give these French
men unquestionable proof that your
intentions are pacific. Make peace
with them, or you get no more mon
ey from me.' That is the history of
the Locarno."
ly or any very definite health work
attempted, taking as a basis of judg
ment the number of superintendents
answering a questionaire sent to
2,500, concerning health activities in
rural schools. Of these communities,
according to data collected by the
Interior Department, Bureau of Ed
ucation, and embodied in School
Health Study No. 10, Progress and
Prospect in School Health Work,
about seventy-five per cent have
some form of medical inspection and
fifty per cent have dental inspection.
Physical education is carried on in
about seventy-five per cent of these
schools. Gynmasiums were reported
in forty per cent, playgrounds in
thirty per cent, and swimming in
one per cent. A noon lunch is ser
ved in forty per cent of the schools
American iarmers pay yu,uuv,wu
each year in beef, milk and hides be
cause of the "warble fly," according
to tho United States department of
agriculture educational film "The Ox
Warblo A Fifty-Million Dollar
Tune." The warble as an adult is an
innocent appearing fly which alights
on the logs of cattle and lays Us
i':,'gs. The microscopic grubs that
hatch from the eggs burrow through
the hide and work their way to the
animal's gullet and thence to the
back, where they become full sized.
They perforate the hide and drop to
the ground to go through certain
changes of form, then emrgo as
J: mlult flioa and begin the cycle all
over again. Often as many as ?00
prub holes will be found in a single
hide, and the total damage to hides
alone is tremendous. The presence
of the grubs also causes the animals
to lose weight and keeps down milk
production. Actual photography and
animated drawings trace the life his
tory of the insect, and methods of
controlling tho pest are emphasized
in the department of ngrlculure film,
In only about 30 per cent of the
rural communities of the United
States is health wrjrk taken serious
The once despised "wood pussy" is
coming to be recognized as an asset
to the communities it habits. Though
a chance encounter with one may
still be a source of banter, the skunk
as a fur bearer has real dignity in
this country, ranking second only to
muskrats in importance. Thirty
four .states now have laws protecting
skunks, with open season of lVss to
(5 months. There are still 14 states
that give no protection what ever to
skunks, and one which protects them
in only a few counties. The biologic
al survey recommends a closed sea
son of at least nine months, but
would always reserve the right of
farmers to destroy predatory skunks.
The skins of skunks are prime from
about the middle of October tj the
middle of February.
The American communist press be
trays its knowledge of the hidden
movement in the Orient to bring
about a coalition of Japanese and so
viet forces for the joint domination
of China, Manchuria and the island
of Sakhalin. The American public
is getting a very incomplete picture
of the br forces behind the manipu
lation of Chinese military chieftains,
but the full significance of these
maneuvers will startle the world
when fully comprehended. Japanese
collaboration with soviet Russia will
perhaps ultimately result in the
downfall of the Japanese as well as
the Chinese government, and the
crushing of both peoples under the
heels of a "red" military despotism.
The World War taught us many
new health lessons, and not the least
was the emphatic demonstration of
the ill effects that can be produced
by neglect of the human body. In
the last analysis war is a survival
of the fittest and only the truly
physically fit can endure the long
continued physical and mental strain
to which military men are frequent
ly subjected.
Under supervision of Miss Edna
Ilanna, Athena pupils of the Malen
Burnett School of Music, will be
heard in recital at High school audi
torium, next Wednesday evening,
January 27, beginning at 8 o'clock.
The public generally is invited to
be present at the recital.
Dental Prices Reduced
I 1
By the use of modern
methods, it is possible to
either fill or extract any
number of teeth without
pain or discomfort to
the patient, and
No Pain
or other bad effect will
follow the operation as
a result of the method
I have had special
training in extracting
and for the past ten
years this branch of
dentistry has been a
leading feat ure in my
During January and
February I am giving a
special cash reduction of
20 per Cent
on all dental work. All
y work guaranteed.
Dr. M. A. Leach
Simple Reason for
the Change in Noma
The ease with which many of tha
recent accessions to our population
change, their names Is Illustrated by
the following true anecdote:
The teacher In a South Boston
school became so Interested In a little
Polish girl that she was anxious to
learn of her progress after she was
promoted to a higher grade and asked
her new teacher, concerning her.
"There Is no such child In my room,"
answered the one so questioned.
"No Marie Levenskll Whyl I know
that tee was sent to your room, for I
asked about It at the time."
"There Is no Marie Levenskl in my
room. I am very sure," persisted the
"But I have seen her go In the door,
and there she Is now," darting as she
spoke toward a small girl approaching
from the opposite direction. "Isnt
your name Marie Levenskl?" she de
manded. "It used to be, but now It la Mary
Jones," was the calm reply.
"Mary Jones I How can that be?"
"Why, father buys and sells old
Junk, and one day there was a door
plate with the things, and the name
on It was Jones. Nobody would bay
it, so we put It on our door, and now
my name Is Mary Jones." Youth's
Russia to Attend Arms Conference.
London. Russia has formally ac
cepted the League of Nations' Invita
tion to attend the preliminary discus
sion on disarmament, according to a
dispatch fro'm Geneva.
James J. Crossley
Portland, Oregon
hereby announces that he is a
candidate for the Republican
nomination for U. S. Senator at
the May, 1926, Primaries.
Will work zealously for develop
ment of Oregon and support of meas
ures for real benefit of farmers as
suggested by their organizations.
Favor World Court and Reform Sen
ate Rules.
Hallfs Catarrh
Medicine Treatment.both
local and internal, and has been success
ful in the treatment of Catarrh for over
forty years. Sold by all druggists.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio
In the Matter of the Estate of Dav
id Taylor, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
as administrator of the estate of
David Taylor, deceased, in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Umatilla County, and that Saturday,
February 6th, 1926, at the hour of
10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, and.
the County Court Room in the Coun
ty Court House at Pendleton, Uma
tilla County, State of Oregon, has
been fixed by said Court as the time
and place for the settlement of said
All persons interested are hereby
notified to appear at such time and
place in said Court and file any ob
jections they may have to such ac
count or to any part thereof.
trator of the estate of David Taylor,
Deceased. - J1J29.
At Private Sale!
I will sell the following at
Private Sale:
Wagons, two bottom 16-inch Plow, ten-horse Shean
ondoah plow Hitch, Walking Plow, three head two-year-old
Mules, alfalfa and bundle wheat Hay.
iw.rr. niiM"- fi -
F YOU have never been to
California it should be the
effort of your life to go.
Representatives of the
Uniosi Faeliie
Will gladly furnish you illustrated booklets giving
complete information about this land where the
sun shines most of the time and where ycu can
enjoy out-of-door life all the time.
Convenient train connections either via Portland
or Salt Lake City at very
reasonable round trip fares.
Let us help you plan your
itinerary, quote you fares,
and make all your arrange
ments. M. EAGER, Agent
Athena, Oregon
I Eat at the
I Lunch and Meals Served at all Hours. You can buy
I '
B Golden Crust Bread Here.
3 . , ' .
Bond Building, Pendleton, Oregon
Men, Women
and Children
Are Known Largely .By the Neatness
And Looks of Their
Clothes and Shoes
So Why Not Let Us Keep Your Clothes Looking
Neat. We Also Make Your Old Shoes Like
New in Our Up-toDate Repair Shop.
Shoe Repairing in Proportion
G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.- "
In the Matter of the Estate of Aug
ust Guderian, Deceased. ."
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons to whom it may concern that
Julius A. Guderian, executor of the
last will and testament of August
Guderian, deceased, has filed his final
account and report in the administra
tion of the estate; that the County
Court by order duly made and enter
ed herein has appointed Saturday the
30th day of January, 1926, at the
hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon as
the time and the County Court House
at Pendleton, Oregon, as the place
where all objections and exceptions
to said final account and report will
be heard and a settlement of the es
tate made,
ate made.
Dated this Friday the 1st day of
January, 1926.
Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Ex
executor. J1J29.
In the Matter of the Estate of James
Nelson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the" un
dersigned has filed his Final Account
as Administrator of the estate of
Jackson Nelson, r deceased, in the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Umatilla County, and that
Monday, the 15th day of February.
1926, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.
M. of said day, and the County Court
Room in the County Court House at
Pendleton, Umatilla County, State of
Oregon, has been fixed by said Court
as the time and place for the settle
ment of said account.
All persons interested are hereby
notified to appear at such time and
place in said Court and file any ob
jections they may have to such ac
count or to any part thereof.
trator of the Estate of Jackson Nel
son, Deceased. J15F12.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Wil
liam B. Hale. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Sarah F. Hale, executrix of the last
will and testament of William B.
Hale, deceased, has filed with the
clerk of this court her final account
and report; that the court by order
duly made and entered has appointed
Monday the 15th day of February,
1926, at the hour of ten o'clock in
the forenoon, as the time and the
County Court House at Pendleton as
the place, where all objections and
exceptions will be heard to the said
final account and report and a set
tlement of the estate made. This
notice will be published for four con
secutive weeks in the Athena Press
newspaper, published at Athena,
Umatilla County, Oregon, beginning
with the issue of Friday the 15th
day of January, 1926, and the last
publication on Friday the 12th day
of February, 1926.
SARAH F. HALE, Executrix'
Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Ex
ecutrix. . J15F12.
Now 45c
Farm Loans At
5 per cent
Blacksmith Shop
. Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg.
French Optical Parlors '
15 E. Main St Phone 653
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys end bUdJer right
tr S m ,7 Al J"U Ml Jfll Wl Ml fH
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals k.' ..
Tourists Mads Welcome
Special Attention 'Givea
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Our Non-Sale Plan
Make The Values
Especially Attractive Now
Women who insist on the most for their money have
learned that our Nation-Wide Values actually
Out-Sail "Sales," every day, every money,
every season. .The evidence is here!
Read It!
"Bought and
Paid For"
This is stock-taking time. Business houses are
busy with their invoices. In this way they deter
mine whether they are ahead or behind the "game."
Does your personal or family "balance " sheet"
show that everything that you bought in 1925 has
been paid for with a cash balance on hand?
Or does it show a collection of unpaid bills or ac
counts in excess of your cash on hand?
Those who pay cash as they go have no worries
to start the New Year with. They have peace of
mind and can look new 1926 in the face, with con
fidence and satisfaction.
Our cash selling is your cash saving.
2-Knicker Suits
For Boys
Excellent cassimeres and hardwearing tweeds.
Late models and colors. Sizes 6 to 18.
Established 1891.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour '
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash
Charles Russell's Barber Shop
Phone 492
A cool clean place for everybody., Up-to-date Barbers. Tub and
shower baths. Charles Russell, ladies hair-cutting expert. Always
on the Job. We will sure appreciate your patronage so don't pass
us up. Laundry Agency.
By . using regularly our cleaning, pressing, repair
ing and dyeing service many . people are able to
dress smartly and in splendid taste at small cost
We call Mondays and Thursdays
Twin City Cleaners