The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 15, 1926, Image 1

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    Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, aa Second-Claea Mail Matter
Ambassador Sheffield Files
Objections to New Anti
Alien Land Law
Washington, D. C. The delicate
status of relations between the United
States and Mexico became increasing
ly plain with disclosure that Ambassa
dor Sheffield had filed formal protest
with the Mexican foreign office against
retroactive provisions of the two new
Mexican- laws known as the petroleum
and anti-alien land acts. '.
Estimates of the aggregate value of
American investments in Mexico Jeo
pardized by these enactments, taken
at their face value, run as high as
State department officials refused
to make public the communication pre
sented by Ambassador Sheffield. It
is known to have been strongly phras
ed, although there is nothing to show
it indicated what course the Washing
ton government would pursue if un
able to obtain for its nationals the pro
tection to which they are held to be
The right of protection is regarded
here as indisputable, both under ac
cepted International law and under
pledges made by Mexico to the United
States during the conference in 1923
which paved the way for American
recognition of that government.
The protest is the culmination of
a long series of representations which
began last fall when the land and
petroleum laws were proposed by Pres
ident Calles to the Mexican congress.
Mexico City. It is reported unof
ficially that Foreign Minister Saenz
will send a note on to United States
Ambassador Sheffield in reply to the
ambassador's formal protest against
the retroactive features of the new
Mexican anti-alien land law. This law
and the new petroleum act are held
to violate pledges given the United
States at the time that country accord
ed recognition to Mexico.
It is said here, however, that it is
the purpose of the Mexican govern
ment to maintain its sovereign right
under the Mexican constitution to en
act without foreign interference any
legislation it may desire.
Washington, D. C The corn belt
farmers brought their grievances to
Washington Monday and both the
Coolidge administration and the lead
ers in congress bestirred themselves
to provide some method of farm relief.
Secretary Jardine of the agriculture
department, who recently indorsed in
principle a surplus marketing bill
drafted by western members of con
gress called into conference a group
of agricultural editors and others
prominent in farm organizations and
sought their advice as to details of
the troublesome surplus crop problem.
The house agriculture committee
was called together to hear the opin
ions of other westerners, and the sen
ate agriculture committee, at its first
meeting since congress convened, be
gan to piece out the beglnings of a re
lief program of its own.
Before his conference with the farm
editors got under way, Secretary Jar
dine went to the capitol to appear as
the first witness before the bouse agri
culture committee. He gave his ap
proval to the McNary-Haughen bill, to
establish a division of co-operative
marketing in the department of agriculture.
Amending Rules to Pass on Vetoed
Bills .Twice, Cause.
Olympia, Wash. Early court action
over the legislative procedure by
which the vetoes of the educational
measure were reconsidered and over
thrown is indicated by the preparation
of transcripts of the house journal,
now going forward.
The measures in controversy are
bills increasing the millage for the
State Institutions of higher education
and providing additional funds for the
institutions over appropriations con
tained in the general budget bill. The
governor's veto of the bills were first
sustained in the house but later over
thrown after the rules had been amend
ed to allow reconsideration of a veto
by which a veto had been sustained.
The, senate overrode the vetoes on the
Athena will broadcast a program
from radio station KOWW at Wal
la Walla Friday evening January 29
- Victor Hirsch, who has charge of
arrangements, has asked the Etude
club to present an entertainment for
one hour. The program follows:
Chorus, "Amaryllis" Edmund Par
low, "Rainbow Song" Elizabeth Gest
Etude club; Piano duet, "The Drag
on fighters" B. Hoffman, Mrs,
Lawrence Pinkerton and Mrs. Max
Hopper; Vocal solo.Mrs. Otha Reed-
er; Vocal trio, "By the waters of
Minnetonka" Thurlow Lieurance and
"To a I Wild Rose" Edward Mc
Dowell, Mrs. David Stone, Miss Ed
na' Pinkerton and Mrs. R. B. Mc
Ewen; Mixed chorus "Serenade"
from operetta "The Eelle of Barce
lona"; Vocal solo, Mrs. David Stone;
Vocal duet, ''Smilin Thru" Mrs. I. L.
Michener, Miss Merle Best; Mixed
double quartet, Mrs. David Stone,
Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton, Mrs. Arthur
Douglas, Mrs. R. B. McEwen, Victor
Hirsch, C. M. Eager, Justin Har
wood; Vocal solo, "Pickaninny Kid"
Miss Edna Pinkerton; Piano duet,
"A la bien Aimee" Mrs. O. O. Steph
ens and Mrs. R. B. McEwen; Chorus
"Afloat at Dusk" Barnes, and "Rock
in in de Wind" Neidlinger Etude
. This program will be followed by
an hour of dance music by the Jol
ly Joy-Makers orchestra, the person
nel of which is piano, Victor Hirsch,
violins, Fred Kershaw and Ray
Jones, banjo, Leonard Johnson,
rums, Justin Harwood. Miss Kath
erine Mclntyre will sing several so
los with orchestra accompaniment
and the Legion quartette will ap
pear' in several numbers by Victor
Hirsch' Justin Harwood, Bryce Baker
and Penn Harris.
A short talk on Athena will be
given by M. L. Watts. The Pres
ton Shaffer Milling company will
offer a sack of American Beauty
flour, with all ' charges prepaid to
the person farthest away who hears
this program.
R. B. McEwen will be anneuneer
for the evening.
The interstate commerce commis
sion has upheld the differential in
favor of Portland on freight rates
applied to grain and grain products
from the Columbia basin to the ocean
ports of the Pacific northwest, refus
ing to disturb the rulings which it
had laid down in the Inland Empire
Shippers' league case of 1921.
In that decision rate3 from the
basin territory to Portland were held
prejudicial to the extent that they
exceeded 90 per cent of the rates
then in effect between basin points
and Puget sound ports and Astoria.
Rates to Portland then in existence
were decreased by 5 per cent and
those to Puget sound points and As
toria increased by the same propor
tion. It was the differential thus es
tablished which tHe commission upheld.
Starting from the explosion of a
gasoline stove, the grocery store of
John S. Vinson at Freewater, was
badly damaged by fire, Sunday af
ternoon. Mr.-Vinson, who is 80 years
old, had a narrow escape from per
ishing in the fire. He was overcome
by smoke and fumes and only the
timely arrival of Jim West, who saw
the old gentleman reel and fall, sav
ed him. West smashed through the
door and carried Mr. Vinson out on
the street. No insurance was car
ried on either building or stock.
The stockholders of the First Na
tional Bank of Athena held there an
nual meeting Tuesday evening when
the following officers and directors
were elected to succeed themselves;
E. H. Leonard President; M. L.
Watts Vice-president; F. S. Le
Grow Cashier; Max Hopper Assistant
Cashier; Directors, Henry Dell, M.
W. Hansell, F. S. LeGrow, M. L.
Watts, E. H. Leonard.
Of interest to music lovers will be
the fact that Mrs. Belle Barnett who
is employed at the Athena Hotel is
the proud possessor of a copy of
"When you and I were young Mag
gie" which was written by the com
poser with pen and ink. Mrs. Bar
nett was only twelve years old when
she received the manuscript.
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Republican Candidate for
United States Senator
With the rights of way for the ex
tension of the Eagle Hollow road to
connect with the Thorn Hollow road
practically all secured, and filed with
the county court, the Athena Com
mercial Association has about wound
up its market road program for 1925
Through its road committee, com
prised of Homer I. Watts, Alex Mc
lntyre and Tim McBride, the Athena
Commercial ' Association instigated
and worked for the completion of che
Wild Horse market road, of which
the Eagle-Thorn Hollow road is an
The Association was also behind
the newly laid out road leading north
from Athena, on which recent grad
ing work and changing of fence lo
cations has taken place.
Another piece of road activity in
which the Association was interested
was three miles of improvement on
the Athena-Helix road, leading west
from the city. However this read
improvement was set up in the 1925
schedule, and it was the first work
the county undertook, after moving
the equipment here last spring.
The Standard Theatre offers two
good photoplays for its week-end pro
grams. Tomorrow night Douglas
MacLean appears in the uproarious
ly funny feature-length comedy, "In
troduce Me." MacLean will be re
membered by Standard patrons in
the "Hottentot" and Going Up."
Sunday night, Wesley Barry, freckles
and all will be seen in "Battling Bun
yan" his latest picture. News and re
view reels, as usual.
Postponement of the Walla Walla
Poultry Show to Tuesday, January
19, has been announced. The show
will be held in the Denny building
as previously announced but will not
open until a week later. The ribbons
to be awarded prize winners in the
show have arrived. Professor Cas-
sels of Washington State College is
to be the judge.
Managing the eastern Oregon
wheat farm, tillage and production
practice, , grading, handling and
transportation, world supply and de
mand, with finance and credits for
conduct of the industry, are head
liners of the conference on economics
of wheat production and marketing
to be held at Moro, Sherman county
February 11 to 13. Growers, re
search and extension, workers and
banking, transportation. ' and ware
housing representatives, will join in
working out the big problem.
Each of the foregoing subjects
will be treated by a committee under
a leading wheat grower as chairman.
The secretary of the farm manage
ment committee is R. W. Morse,
agent of Morrow county; 'of the til
lage committee. D. E. Stephens, sup
erintendent of . the Moro experiment
station; of the grading committee,
G, R. Hyslop, professor of farm
crops at O. A. C; and of world sup
ply, L. Jt. Broithaunt, extension spec
ialist in marketing and economics.
These committees the personnel of
which include Umatilla county men,
will map out their respective prob
lems, assemble all available inform
ation on them, lay the facts before
the conference, give their own views
on the subjects and ask those of the
growers, and seek to work out con
clusions representing the majority
views of their special groups. On
the last day of the conference these
agreements will be placed before
the general conference.
The chairmen of the subcommittees
form a general committee with E. R.
Jackman, farm crops specialist of
the extension service, as chairman.
The general plan of conference pro
ceedings is as follows:
Brief general sessions opening
day; sub-committee discussions and
action on reports; reports filed with
general secretary in written form;
approval of reports .. by subcommit
tees; and final consideration of re
ports by entire conference.
Quentin Haynie, 13 year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Haynie, former
Athena residents died at the family
home in Bend, last Friday .after a
short illness from diphtheria. While
living in Athena, Quentin attended
the public schools, and his simny
disposition made him a favorite with
everyone, and after leaving here he
kept up correspondence with his
young friends for awhile. The Hay
nie home at Bend is under quaran
tine, but it is not known whether
other members of the family are af
flicted with the disease.
v ,
Republican Candidate for Superinten
dent Public Instruction
W. C. Alderson, superintendent of
schools of Multnomah county is out
with his announcement as republican
.candidate for the office of state sup
erintendent of public instruction. The
following data will inform you as to
who Mr. Alderson is:
Son of Rev. C? Alderson, pioneer
Methodist minister.
Educated in public schools of Ore
gon. Graduate of Willamette University.
Taught in rural schools of Crook,
Linn and Marion counties.
Elected to principalship in Port
land schools in 1893 serving sixteen
years in that capacity Taught four
years in the Lincoln high school.
Served three years as superintendent
of St. John's schools.
Now serving third term as superin
tendent of Multnomah county schools.
President of the Oregon State
Teachers' Association 192021.
Elected vice-president of the Nat
ional Education Association at In
dianapolis last July. , .
Religion Methodist.
Politics Republican.
Fraternities-Member of the Grange
Woodman, Shrine, . Knights of Py
thias, Elks, Grotto," and Sons and
Daughters of Oregon Pioneers.
Funeral services for the late Mrs.
M. A. Baker of Adams, who died on
Monday at the home of her sons,
were held Wednesday afternoon at
one o'clock from the Adams commun
ity church. Interment was made in
Athena Cemetery.
While no danger to the growing
wheat from cold weather to date has
been reported, in the opinion of
fanners a good snowfall at this time
would be of much benefit in the way
of moisture, besides relieving ap
prehension of damage from a hard
freeze, which is liable to come any
Ray Logan, formerly of Athena,
was united in marriage to Mrs. Ida
M. Warren of Puyajlup, Washington,
at Albany, Oregon, December 31. Mr
and Mrs. Logan will make their
home at Valley Springs, California,
where Mr. Logan is employed in
the construction department of the
Western Union Telegraph company.
' N
His Annual Stunt j
Federal Circuit Judge Gilbert and
District Judges Wolverton and Bean
have denied an injunction, sought
by automobile stage and truck lines
restraining the state highway com
mission from enforcing its recent or
der limiting the capacity load on the
Columbia highway from the cast
line of Multnomah county to Hood
River to 16.500 pounds. Not only
was the restraining order denied but
the - court dismissed the suit upon
motion of the stato highway com
mission. The plaintiff companies contended
in their complaint that the order of
the state body was in conflict with
the constitution and the laws gov
erning federal aid to highway con
struction. The constitutional aspect
of the state called for the three
judges to sit en banc to hear the
argument. The hearing was held on
November 25.
The court held that there was no
question but that the highway com
mission had the right to limit the
load to 22,000 pounds, which was the
previous capacity, and by the same
token could reduce it to a lower fig
ure if warranted. The decision ha
been eagerly awaited by truck own
ers and operators as well as the
highway operators.
The order of the commission was
passed on August 28, 1925. Mem
bers of the commission are William
Duby of Baker, chairman; H. B. Van
Duzer, Portland, and Wade H. Ma
lone, Corvallis.
The plaintiffs were R. B. Morris,
doing business as Morris & Lowther;
H. E. Hewitt, and Lew Numamaker,
doing, business as the John Day
freight line; H. L. Livingston, doing
business asthe Bend-Portland Transit
company and the Portland-Hood Riv
er Truck Line, Inc.
Walla Walla Union: The applica
tion of the Pacific Power & Light
company for a 50-year franchise in
portions of the county west and
south of Walla Walla, which is to be
heard by the county commissioners
on February 1, will meet strenuous
opposition from the farmers of the
districts affected, it developed at a
meeting of the executive committee
of the county farm bureau, at its
first meeting of the year, held at the
court yesterday afternoon.
The opinion expressed at the meet
ing was unanimous in favor of mak
ing a vigorous protest against issu
ance of the franchise. The farmers
were particularly incensed, it was
stated, at the policy of the power
company in asking a bonus from
property owners in the country as a
prerequisite to considerationg of ex
tending power lines to sections in
terested. A committee was named to appear
before the commissions and fight the
applications for the franchise to the
last ditch. II. A. Reynolds was
chosen chairman of the committee.
The other members will be named by
Mr. Reynolds. "
According to reports from the
Columbia Oil Basin company well
at Attalia the old casing is being
brought out in good shape and the
new casing soon will be in place so
that drilling for oil can continue.
The drillers, say the Attalia News
Tribune, encountered trouble when
the old casing which they had
brought to the top of the hole, part
ad at a joint just below the top, and
fell to the bottom of the hole. No
damage resulted however and the
work of removing the three inch ripe
is now progressing.
Complying with the wishes ex
pressed in his will, the body of Andy
Smith, head coach of the football
team of the University of California,
who died at Philadelphia, will be
ient to Berkeley, California. The
body will there be cremated and the
aHhcs scattered over the stadium of
the university from which the noted
coach turned out many championship
James Ilawke, aged 70, for forty
years a resident of the Pilot Rock
country, died Monday. Saturday he
was stricken with appoplexy and was
unconscious up to the time of his
' v
Appropriation Bill, Carrying
$7,000,000 for Next Fiscal
Year is Approved.
Washington, D. C The reclamation
section of the interior department ap
proprlatlon bill, carrying approximate
ly $7,000,000 for reclamation work for
the nextr fiscal year, was approved by
the house.
Western members offered a number
of amendments, but the majority ot
them were rejected.
No serious conflict over the land set
tlement and other restrictions written
Into the bill developed on the floor.
This battle has been reserved for a
later date, when the measure reaches
the' senate.
Western senators have been consid
ering the action they should take and
a movement is on foot to rewrite the
limiting provisions under which they
say It is hopeless to expect any new
project to be built for a long time to
The need for legislation which will
mean real development instead of
locked up appropriations will be urged
on President Coolidge, and some of the
republican leaders of both senate and
house are said to be inclined to believe
the time has come to do something
about the complaints that reclamation
Is being strangled.
Revision Sought.
Undismayed by the heavy voting
odds against them, the democratic
members of the house are redoubling
their efforts to break down the present
republican tariff.
Many tariff revision bills have been
Introduced and referred to commit
tees. One by Representative Hull, demo
crat, Tennessee, would repeal the 10
per cent levy on imported rubber tires.
A series by Representative Weller,
democrat, New York, would restore
the old democratic Underwood ratea
on livestock, grain and poultry pro
ducts. A bill to permit manufacture and
sale of 2.75 per cent alcoholic bever
ages was introduced by Mrs. Florence
P. Kahn, republican representative of
Forty Per Cent of Northwest Wheat
Crop Is Unsold.
Portland, Or. -Forty per cent of the
wheat crop of the Pacific northwest
is still unsold, according to report
received from the different sections.
In the Wasco and Morrow districts of
Oregon not over 30 per cent is left
In farmers' hands. Umatilla county
Oregon has about 35 per cent of the
crop unsold. In the Walla Walla
country it is estimated that one-third
of the crop is left. Throughout the
Palouse, Camas Prairie and parts of
the Big Rend farmers still own about
half of the wheat they harvested. In
addition to farmers' holdings much
wheat Is held in the country by deal
ers and by mills against flour they
have sold.
On the basis of a 70,000,00-busheI
crop In Oregon, Washington and north
ern Idaho, the supply in first handa
now amounts to about 28,000,000
bushels. Of this quantity probably
13,000,000 bushels will be millod or re
quired for seed, and it is estimated
that California will take 2,000,000
bushels between now and the new
crop. This will leave some 13,000,000
bushels to be exported or shipped east
from the northwest.
Tax reduction ot $.100,000,000 this
year, or approximately $170,000,009
more than provided by the house
revenue bill, was proposed in a pro
gram drafted by the democratic men
bers ot tho senate finance committee.
While accepting tho reduction In
the maximum surtax rate from 40 to
20 per cent, tho plan announced bj
Senator Simmons of North Carolina,"
ranking democrat on the committee,
would Increase the reductions voted
by the house for incomes between)
122,000 and $100,000.
The senate finance committee, by a.
strictly party vote of 10 to seven,
threw out the 1500,000,000 tax cut pro
posals ot the democratic minority and
wrote Into the bill tho complete repub
llcan schedule of normal and surtax
rates as passed by the house.
Senator Simmons announced ha
would make a flht on the senate floor
for the boQstlng of the 20 per cent sur
tax minimum to 25 per cent because
hf) republicans turned down his pro
posal for Increasing the rate in the
$20,000 to $100,000 bracket.