The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 08, 1926, Image 1

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' , 1 1
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Farm Crops Is Most 'Trouble
some Problem Confront,
ing Leaders.
Washington, D. C With the Christ
mas recess behind it, congress reas
sembled Monday to remain continuous
ly in session tor probably six months.
All of the major problems which
faced it when it first met a month ago
still are to be solved and new ones
are yet to be met. '
While the world court is the unfin
ished business before the senate and
appropriation bills are the order of
business in the house, the most
troublesome problem confronting ad
ministration leaders is' that -of; word
ing out some means of handling sur
plus farm crops. . i ,,
Conferences looking to this end have
been called for this month by Secre
tary Jardine, but meanwhile members
of the Iowa congressional delegation
will introduce surplus crop bills and
seek immediate hearings' before the
house agriculture committee.
Although the world court has right
of way in the senate, it probably will
be displaced temporarily by the Nye
case,' in which is, involved the legal
right of the governor of North Dakota
to fill a senate vacancy by appoint
ment. After disposing of the treasury and
postoffice appropriation bill the. house
will take up a resolution proposing the
appointment of- a Joint congressional
-Commission to receive bids for the
Muscle Shoals power and nitrate plant.
An investigation which is expected
to have far-reaching consequences will
be started during the week by the
house interstate commerce commis
sion. It will center around a resolu
tion alleging manipulation of crude
rubber by the British colonial govern
ments. At the same time the senate Inter
state commerce commission will, be
gin hearings on the Gooding bill, which
would prohibit railroads from making
a greater charge for a short haul than
for a long haul.
Just before the polo match one of
the players was talking to a lady
friend who sat in the enclosure.
"Have you ever seen a polo match
before?" he inquired.
"No.mever," she replied, "but I'm
sure I shall enjoy it, and I wish you'd
hurry up and begin, for I'm just dying
to see those beautiful ponies kick the
ball about." .
. A' wedding which was the culmina
tion of a romance started during
the war, was that of Miss Florence
Gagnon, who was married to George
M. Roller,' at the home pf the . bride's
aunt Mrs. Perry in Seattle, Decem-b.-i;
Mrs, Roller who has made her
home in this vicinity since child
hood' has made many warm friends
both in a social and business way..
Mr. Roller has just returned from
South America where he has spent
the past three years in the employ
ment of the Standard Oil company.
He has accepted a responsible posi
tion with the same company in Los
Angeles where he will serve as man
ager of drilling operations.
The. couple' is at present visiting
relatives and friends here and will
leave shortly for Los Angeles, where
they will make their home. . , , ,
A group of Athena friends motor
ed at the home of the bride's father
Lucien Gagnon - Tuesday night,
when they indulged in an old fash
ioned charivari, ; following which
they repaired "to the Legion Hall in
Athena when dancng was enjoyed.
Music was"furnished by H. J. Cun
ningham's radio which he generous
ly loaned for the occasion. Mr. Rol
ler proved himself equal to the oc
casion when he invited the entire
gathering to the Athena Restaurant,
" where he ordered refreshments ser
ved to all.
Weston Leader: Charles I May.
who recently sold his fine farm on
Weston mountain to Harry , Eaves,
was heard to say that he would take
his time in hunting a new location,
and might not even leave the Wes
ton country. The members of Mr.
May's family are occupying- the
Frank Taylor residence on South
Broad street, and will make their
home in Weston at all events until
the close of school.
Athena Champion League Basketball Team
ft. . .,; ft. V XV 4
I . ! if i
I & J f)ft
1 LJk ) I
. 1 1
m lm .a. MUAri m 11.1)
which -will play the Helix Red Devils on the Athena floor Tuesday evening, The Heli quintet, captained by Bill King, ex-Washington State
college star, is going strong, and recently held the Whitman college team to an exciting and close game. Manager Stephens .. of the Athena
team, is looking forward to what he considers will be one of the hardest contests played on the local- floor this . season." His team is in fine
condition to meet the Helix invaders, and from the time the game starts at 8 o'clock to the end, the fans are sure to. be entertained every min
ute of the way. Thursday nighty the Athena team goes to Helix, where another scheduled league game will be played. Saturday' night Janu
ary 16, the Willamette University team will play Athena here. ' ' " ;. ', ! ; ''.,' . .
Two dollar wheat was forecast by
John A. Cameron, Walla Walla grain
dealer, in speaking of the wheat sit
uation throughout the country, says
the Union. "I wouldn't be surprised
to see wheat selling, at $2 a bushel
before another crop is harvested"
said Mr. Cameron.
"The visible crop is now 49,000,000
bushels as compared with 94,000,000
bushels last year at this time, The
Canadian visible is quoted at 84,000,
000 bushels as compared with 52,000,.
000 bushels last year.
"Canada owns the world's avail
able . surplus and the .Canadians
know it," continued Mr. Cameron.
"They won't .be inclined to give it
away. The shifting market is going
to be a prime influence.:
"The amount of wheat in passage
is much smaller than it was last
season. There is none being shipped
from Russia or the Black Sea coun
tries. Both - the Brazilian and Ar
gentine crops are' below the calcul
ated amounts.
"This has potentialities for con
siderably higher prices but there
will probably be rough fluctuations
in the working out of the prices. St.
Louis wheat, based on a 58 pound
per bushel wheat test, is now $1.91
for bulk wheat."
Mr. Cameron attributed the ap
parent shortage of grain largely
to the fact that there was generally
less wheat produced in 1925 through
out the world than there was the
preceding year. . . , . -. .
While most dealers tefuse to guess1
as to the future they hint at prob
able activity in a short timtf and
content themselves with saying" that
reports show the U. S. crop s al
ready "25 million bushels""bver ex
ported, . ... ,
Dealers estimate that of the -five
million bushel crop of wheat in Wal
la Walla county, sixty per cent, or
three million bushels, have been sold,
leaving approximately two million
bushels, which at a price of about a
dollar and a half means about three
million dollars worth of wheat in the
hands of the growers.
Of the wheat which has been sold
much of it is yet to be shipped. The
vessels which will carry the grain
to other lands are due in Portland
and at Sound points this month and
the grain is to be delivered in time
for loading. Probably 250,000 bush
els is a low estimate of the amount
of grain sold and still not shipped.
The first civic club meeting of the
New Year was held Tuesday after
noon, in the , new Commercial club
rooms witht a good number iij at
tendance, " .-'
Enthusiasm " for the raising of
funds for a community house was
much in evidence. The ' president
Mrs. H. I. Watts appointed several
committees to make plans for in
creasing the fund. Mrs. C. M. Eag
er, Mrs. I. L. Michener and Mrs R.
B. McEwen were appointed to ar
range for '' an entertainment to be
given shortly. Mrs. ' M. L. Watts,
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and .Mrs. W, P.
Littlejohn compose a committee to
oversee a supper or sale.
The dance committee reported the
receipt of twenty-one dollars instead
of five as stated in last weeks'
Press. This was due to the gener
osity of the American Legion in re
gard to rental of the hall, whii'h is
much appreciated by . the' club.
John G. Paine, 84, pioneer busi
ness man of Walla Walla country,
died Saturday night at - St. Marys
hospital after a short illness caused
by pneumonia. .
, Mr. Paine was bora " sit : .Mercer),
Maine in 1842 and came, to Walla
Walla in 1865, He was first engag
ed as a' salesman in the mercantile
s'tore of Baker andBoyer. In 1868
he became associated with his broth:
er F. W. Paine in A "general store,
and in 1871 he took over the man
agement of a branch store in Day tori;
and also . served as cashier of the
Columbia National Bank. . ;
He also took up the development
of large tracks pf wheat land which
the firm had acquired. In later
years he took up the development of
alfalfa land, which has become a
great crop in the southeastern sec
tion of the state.
Miss Betty Jaae Eager , and Miss
Marjorie Douglas were hostesses at
the Eager residence New Year's
eve when they entertained a group
of their friends from seven till ten
Games of all kinds were played fol
lowed by a delicious supper served at
small tables. Guests includeed Myr
tle .Campbell, Arleen Myrick, Mary
Bond, Marjorie Montague, Goldie
Miller, Virginia Eager, Oral Michen
er, George Pittman, Kelland .faik
ins, Robert Lee, Emery Rogers, Aar
on Douglas and Lowell Jenkins. - -i
Attacked and bitten by a coyote,
crazed by , rabies, was the experi
ence of Tim O'Keefe, well known
Klamath sheep man. O'Keefe im
mediately took the anti-rabies treat
ment which if taken' in time will
save him from the dreaded hydro
phobia, . ": .... . ' ',. .'
O'Keefe was tending his sheep in
the lower Klamath lake grazing
land. Suddenly a mad coyote ap
peared and immediately attacked
O'Keefe, unarmed, defended him
self as well as possible. Finally
he ran toward a fence several yards
away, grasped a stick and in two
well placed blows killed the animal.
But the blows came too late, the
animal had leaped and his fangs,
capable of transmitting rabies to
man or beast, had ripped open
O'Keefe's left index finger. The
head of the animal was shipped in
a 'sealed container to the state health
department. "- J .
The Christian Missionary society
held their meeting Wednesday after
noon at the . home of Mrn. F. B.
Boyd. Mrs. II, H. Hill led the pro
gram 'and Mrs.' Miwhell assisted in
serving refreshments.
Barred !
A heavy rain soaked this part' of
the county Monday night, and while
the rain was falling here a chinook
wind caused the snow to vanish from
the mountains, back to timber line.
FU-THERE WILLI& I llf 'ifi
' ' ' ' 1 1
Physicians and scientists have
sought through the ; generations to
invent or develop apparatus capable
of controlling organic matter, al
ways without success. It has re
mained for a Portland man, Joe H.
Pos, a civil engineer who has car
ried on scientific research work for
years, says the Oregonian, to ' pro
duce apparatus which, according to
several of Potrland's reputable phy
sicians, has actual merit.
The apparatus, known as the Pos
blood pressure regulator, is operated
on the electric-radio principle, and
was built by the inventor in three
days primarily. to demonstrate two
principles: First, that it is possible
to control: the activities of organ'c
matter and cellular life in the human
body; second, that energy can be
directed to a predetermined physical
body without requiring any physical
connection" "between ' the ' apparatus
and the body. v j . '
Drs. Cathey and a group of Port
land physicians, have had the appar
atus in use for about four months,
carrying out in that time numerous
treatments on patients with decided
ly high or decidedly low blood pres
sure. The ' regulator, according to
Mr. Pos, is capable not only of reduc
ing but also increasing blood pres
sure. ;
In discussing the merits of the ap
paratus, Drs. Cathey . reported that
it undoubtedly did reduce blood pres
sure. Records of ' experiments car
ried out in their own offices were re
ferred to, showing that every patient
showed some reaction, and that more
than 75 per cent of them were de
cidedly improved. Not only was
blood pressure improved but general
health benefited. Sleep came easier;
manual effort produced less fatigue;
mental attitudes were improved.
The apparatus is of ; utmost sim
plicity. If resemble In appearance
almost any tube-type radio reee .ving
set, except that it has mounted upon
it two electrodes, or metallic fingers,
When a patient is to be treated he
merely is seated before the apparat
us, one electrode directed at the
nerve center at the base of the
skull, the other at the solar plexus.
There is no physical contact between
the patient and the; in
fact, according to Mr. Pos, lead
sheets or other impediments ; could
be placed between the patient and ihe
machine without, impairing treat
ment. The inventor is a civil engineer,
with little knowledge of medicine.
He makes no claims other than that
he can influence organic matter.
Knowing that blood pressure can
be fairly accurately determined, hn
decided to prove his theory by build
ing a machine that would produce a
change in blood pressure and there
by prove that he was able to influ
ence organic matter. At the present
he is satisfied merely to prove the
theory. He does not claim to be able
to cure anything, but has hopei. of
opening a new field for research if
he can convince the profession that
his theory is sound.
The newly-organized Weston Moun
tain grange will hold its first regu
lar meeting on Wednesady evening,
January 6, and an effort is Ivjir-K
made to bring the membership up to
forty at this gathering, sayh the
Leader. Invitations have gone out
to the Freewater granges to send
delegates, and a representative of
the State Grange , Extension sor-zice
will also be in attendance. Roy Hy
att, master of the new organisation,
will have his committees app -nM
and ready for work by that time.
Umatilla county now haa five
granges, and it is ald by Mr. GYk
eler that at least two more will be
organized in the county this winter,
: According to E. F". Averill, state
(jama warden, half a million eastern
brook eggs were recently taken to
the Bingham springs hatchery where
they will be hatch.d and cared for.
The eastern brook will be out of the
way by the time the rainbow .eggs
are received. Heretofore eastern
brook fingerlings have not. been
planted extensively in the streams
and - lakes of eastern Oregon, but
Matt Ryckman, superintendent of
hatcheries, has made a careful study
of results secured where plantings
have been made, and he has express
ed the belief that more of them
should be placed in streams in this
part of the tat.
Despite Increased Production,
Total Value Is $703,000,
000 Less.
Washington, D. C Despite increas
ed production of grain in the United
States in 1925, the gross value of the
crop was $708,000,000 less than in 1924,
the agricultural department announc
ed. The gross value of grain crops for
1925 was $3,810,713,000, compared with
$4,518,716,000 the previous year.
The largest decrease was in corn.
While 2,900,581,000 bushels were pro
duced, compared with 2,232,525,000 the
previous year, the estimated gross
value was only $1,95(5,326,000 compar
ed with $2,270,564,000 in 1924.
Winter wheat production was nearly
200,000,000 bushels less than in 1924
and although the December . 1 price
was somewhat higher in 1925 than in
1924, the gross value of the crop was
$589,504,000 as compared with $776,
227,000 in the previous- year.
Spring wheat, on the other hand,
showed an increase in gross value, be
ing estimated at $358,489,000 last year '
and $344,560,000 in 1924.
All other grain crops, including oata,
barley, rye, buckwheat and flax, but
not Including rice, showed decreases
In gross value ranging from $515,000,
000 on buckwheat to $155,000,000 on
oats. ' ' - :
. Potatoes were the outstanding ex
ception where values were greatly
above 1924.
The potato crop was 100,000,000
bushels less than in 1924, but its value
was estimated at , $605,327,000, com
pared with $226,047,000 in 1924.
Other crops which showed increased
values include clover seed, dry beans,
sweet potatoes, hops, apples, pears, or
anges and cotton seed.
Washington, D. C President Cool
ldge requested, congress to appropriate
$50,000 to cover the expense of parti
cipation by the United States in the
league of nations preliminary disarm
ament discussions.
"Participation in the work of the
preparatory coin mission," the presi
dent said in a special" message, "in
volves no commitment with respect
to attendance upon any future confer
ence or conference on reduction In
limitation of armaments, and the at
titude of this government In that re
gard cannot be defined in advance of
the calling of such meetings."
He added that "whether the condi
tions and circumstances will prove
such as to make It desirable for the
United States to attend any confer
ence or conference which may even
tually take place ao a result of the
labors of tho preparatory commis
sion or otherwise is a question which
need not now be considered.
"It is my judgment," he said, "that
so far as this preliminary inquiry la
concerned we ought to give our aid
and co-operation to the fullest extent,
consistent with the policies which we
have adopted."
Executive Committee Affirms Its Faith
In Rabbi.
New York. The pxecut'.ve commit
tee of tho United Palestine appeal re
jected tho proffered resignation of Drt
Stephen S. Wise of the Free Syna
gogue, as its chairnmn.
The rotontlon of Dr. Wise as chair
man was voted by the committee de
spite the Intenne opposition of ortho
dox rabbin who cionounced Dr. Wise as
a heretic because of a sermon Decem
ber 20, In which he said that Jesua
was "a man. not a myth." Tho ap
peals committee rejected the resolu
tion by a vote of 59 to 9 after a session
lusting 12 hours, The committee af
firmed its faith in Dr. Wise's Judaism,
rejecting the charges of tho orthodox
rabbis that hla stand on tho question
of JchuV authenticity as a man anil
a Jew would tend to lad the couvert
sion of Jews to Chrlntlanity.
Countess Karolyl Suet Kelloaa.
Washington, D. C Countess Kath
erine Karolyl of Hungary filed suit
against Socretary of State Kellogg io
District of Columbia' supreme court,
asking a mandamus to compel Kellogg
to Instruct the United States consul at
Paris to visa her passport to allow her
to enter this country. I