The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 01, 1926, Image 3

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9 Outstanding
Maytag Features
1 Washes faster. 6 Easily adjusted
2 Washes cleaner. - to height. s
3 Largest hourly 7 Clothes can be
-. capacity in the put in or taken
' world. , out with ,the
4 Most compact washer running,
washer made ' , , . '
takesfloorspace 8 T.u,b cleans
only 25 inches ' elf'
square. 9 All metal
5 Cast aluminum . wringer. Self
t u b can't adjusting. In
warp, rot, swell, - stant tension
split or corrode. release. .
9 Reasons for
World Leadership
by the washer itsoiS
NOTHING could give you better
realization of the Maytag's
remarkable performance, its
features, its construction, its intrinsic
goodness, than this simple test:
Wash With It In Your Home
There, undisturbed, you can judge
the Gyrafoam impartially. There, the
washer tells its own story, simply,
truthfully. Its ability, its capacity, its
speed, its service, become an open
page to you.
To buy the Maytag, or any other
washer on any other basis, is nothing
less than extravagance. Obtain the
facts in advance; know what you can
expect from a washer; know what,
you'll receive before you buy!
We'll bring a Maytag to your home
tomorrow or next dayl Wash the
biggest, dirtiest wash you can gather
together. If the Maytag doesn't sell
itself completely convince you that
you'll be handicapped without it
return it. Read the "9 Outstanding
Maytag Features" again.
For homes without electric
ity the Maytag Gyrafoam
is available with Multi
Motor attachment.
'The famous Maytag ,
Gasoline Motor.
Gyrafoam HVasher
WJ '
. ' . A Mercantile Trust '
22 Years Ago
January 1, 1904
The installation ceremonies of
Dolph Lodge No. 80, A. F. & A. M.,
were held in the evening of Decem
ber 25th, and presided over by A. B.
McEwen,' retiring Master. The of
ficers installed for the ensuing year,
were: A. W. Botkin, W. M.; A. M.
Gillis, S. W.; D. B. Jarman, J. W.;
B. P. Clemons, Treasurer; David
Williams, Secretary J. F. Reno, S. D.
Purdy, J. D.; William McCollum and
E. E. Koontz, stewards, and L. Dell,
tiler. ; "
Born, December 26, 1903, to Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Koontz, a son.
Misses Kittie Sharp, Bertha Bak
er and Alcy Foss spent the vacation
from their respective schools v at
their homes in this city."
Mrs. S. A. Maloney, of Weston
was the guest of Athena friends
this week. She will probably ac
company her sister, Mrs. W. D. Par
ker, to her home at St. Johns, Wash
ington. Tuesday afternoon about 2 o'clock
L. M. Huson was suddenly stricken
with paralysis at his home in Helix.
Owing to the advanced age of the
patient it was feared that the stroke
might prove fatal and his relatives
were notified.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Stine of Spo
kane visited in the city during the
holidays, attending a reunion of the
Lieuallen family. On Christines day
they went to Walla Walla to attend
a family dinner at the Stine home.
The first annual ball given by
Pythian Lodge No. 29 K. of P., at
the opera house last night was a
grand success in every particular. A
large number of Knights from other
towns, accompanied by their ladies,
were in attendance. Johnson's or
chestra furnished excellent music,
and a splendid supper was served.
Angus McDonald left Tuesday eve
ning for Coloardo Springs, Colorado,
where he goes with the expectation
of staying three or four months, in
the hope of regaining his health.
AnguV many friends throughout the
county will be glad to hear of his
early improvement.
Mrs. William Willaby and daugh
ter, Goldie, are guests of Mrs. 0. M.
Castleman in Pendleton.
A thrilling tale of adventure comes
to the Press from west of town.
Briefly stated, the other night John
Walter, in company with a young
lady, was driving home from church
in one of those blinding fogs that
Joe Scott tells about. In the extreme
darkness, the horses were allowed to
take the road, when suddenly they
brought up on an embankment and
over went the buggy. Aside from
John's mud bath and a broken tele
phone wire, no inconvenience result
ed. .. . ; "
VES , THIS 15 ONE, - JS--' v
-OH THAHK you-'" "X V
9AME TO -: 0 M 1 m
The administration's farm relief
program will be broadened to pro
vide for some machinery for handl
ing surplus crops, according to in
formation given . the Associated
Just what form his new aid will
take has not been , determined but
both President Coolidge and Secre
tary Jardine have reached the con
clusion that surplus crops present
one of the dominating problems of
agrculture and that some govern
mental step must be taken to afford
Tremendous pressure has been
brought to bear recently on the ad
ministration by the congressional
farm bloc and western agricultural
leaders to create a, federal commis
sion with powers to direct the dis
position of surplus farm, crops in a
way wheh would enable the produc
ers to at least get the epst of pro
duction. .
Heretofore the White House has
been silent on the subject, but after
the president had conferred with
Secretary Jardine, which vas the
culmination of a series of confer
ences between the two, It was dis
closed that the administration was
prepared to indorse conservative leg
islation fostering the sale of sarplus
crops in the export trade witn a
government commission as . a direct
ing agency.
The issue was brought to a head
a few hours before the departure for
Des Moines of the Iowa congression
al delegation, members of which
invited to attend a meeting there of
farmers and bankers to discuss
means of marketing the surplus corn
Representative Dickenson, repub
lican, Iowa, talked with Secretary
Jardine just before he left and it 13
understood that the agriculture sec
retary, who had come direct from
the White House, authorized the
Iowa representative to tell the farm
ers of that state that the administra
tion sympathized with .their difficul
ties and was prepared to support
some measure for handling the sur
plus crops provided it did not put
the government in a business and fix
farm prices,
Secretary Jardine, in laying the
foundation for the bill, plans to
follow the same course he pursued
in preparing the co-operative mark
eting bill when he called in co-oper
ative leaders for advice. He will in
vite farm leaders over the country
to offer suggestions.
At present, the secretary believes
that surplus crops can be handled
through the co-operative marketing
system with a government commis
sion as a guiding hand. He is giv
ing consideration to the proposal to
empower such a commission to de
clare "emergency periods," when
some particular farm crop is under
pressure and to. designate some
agency to handle it.
"Farmers through their own or
ganizations have a most powerful in
strument to control movement of
surplus crops into consumptive chan
nels," Mr. Jardine said.
"With the confidence I have in
the co-operative movement, . I have
always opposed government price
fixing, either direct or indirect, and
the handling of farm products by
government agencies with the most
certain feeling that ,a government
guarantee of this nature would eli
minate the one real incentive for
collective effort.
"After a thorough study of the
problem I have come to the conclu
sion that there may be legitimate
functions which a government board
or commission might render which
would encourage, rather than dis
courage, initiative on the part of
farmers along the broad lines I con
stantly and consistently have held
Fun With Writer
Hindsight What you have after
overhearing two strangers discuss your
recently published story.
CoincldenceWhnt you Introduce In
your plot to mnke the render think you
took the rabbit out of the hat.
Writer's Cramp A term applied to
the condition of writers between
Checks. -
Collaboration An agreement ' be
tween authors under which one does
the work and the other undoes It.
Honorarium What the writer re
ceives when the editor Is ashamed to
call it a payment.
End What the woman reader turns
forward to, to see If she wants' to
turn back and rend on ; the place where
the make-up man achieves a "flll" by
throwing awny the last paragraph ; the
point Just before which your neighbor
drops In to spend an hour borrowing
the screw driver Writers' Monthly.
New Bread The Athena Restaur
ant is exclusive in Athena for Wal
la Walla "Golden Crust" bread
none better Try XL doughnuts.
For Sale At a bargain if taken
atonce,' 8 o d house and two lots,
iri the west part of Athena. ;
For Sale Nice fat ducks for the
holidays. Lawrence Pinkerton, Athe
na. ;
Athena Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Phone 24
Transfer and Express
Prompt Service
Dealer in i ;.
F. M. Smith
Athena, Oregon .
Auto Truck Dray
City and Country
Always at Yoor Service
Phone 663 Athena
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Raley, Raley & Steiwer
Pendleton, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly; surprised -at
the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena
Will. M. Peterson and G. H. Bishop
Practice in State and Federal Courts
The Richards
Is Now Carrying a Full ,
Stock of
Mill Feed, Chop Barley, Hay
and Chicken Feed
Prices Reasonable Strictly Cash
Wra, Hoggard, Manager
Yes we have plenty of Haircuts to fit your Head,
and Shaves to' fit your Face. In fact anything in
I the Barber line. We have it. "Come On Over."
Agency for Troy Laundry
Cleaning of all kinds a specialty. Make old Rugs
like New. Phone 583.
"Script Form
Butter Wrappers
We are Equipped to do
Job Printing
All Kinds. Short Notice