The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 01, 1926, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Hates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon January 1 W2G
Old-timers caught in the holiday
rush and gazing at the wonderfully
alluring panorama of the shop win
dows often fall into a reminiscent
mood and re-live the Christmases of
the long ago. Who does not fondly
recall the magic in his childhood?
' Most of the presents were home
made. Perhaps grandma furnished
mittens, knitted by oil lamp after
you had been tucked in bed thick
warm mittens with a long cord that
extended up through coat sleeves
and around neck to prevent loss.
Aunt Saphronia gave you a basket of
Christmas cookies, shaped like an
imals and stars and covered with de
licious colored sugar. Uncle Tom
gave you a watch, and his generosity
appalled you even if it was the old
turnip that he had discarded. You
can imagine the .reaction you woulJ
get if you tried giving a 1925 boy a
, second-hand timepiece. Most of the
presents were useful, in the old days,
including a reefer ovearcoat and u
new pair of shoes. As for "bought
en" presents, they were limited to
"The Erie Train Boy," by Alger,
Henty's "With Clive in India," a
new Testament, a sled, a piir of
skates and that most wonderful of
all-time toys, a tin monkey that
climbed a string. At that, Christmas
of long ago reperesented proportion
ately as big an outlay as now, com
paring earnings in the two periods.
But the gift itself was secondary to
the spirit of the giver. Someho ev
ery grown-up can't help believing" the
Christmas dinners of those days vere
superior. The Christmas eve enter
tainment at the church was an enjoy
able as the modern movie. And
Christmas is always changing and
(to adults) never for the better.
all heartily observe it. Mr Morris
boasts that Columbia county heads
all others of the state in overvalue,
and that not a retail merchant in
the whole county will handle a sack
of potatoes that is not branded with
the growers name and address and
the grade. The State Market agent
says if the counties generally would
do as Columbia county has do an the
law would be fully enforced. Retail
merchants hold the key to enforce
ment, and it not only protects and
benefits them, but guarantees an
honest pack to their customers.
The Grain Standards Board of
Toronto, Canada, says that over 30
per cent of the wheat inspected to
date in that district has been exclud
ed from Standard grads because of
smut, and the season's loss to the
farmers will be from five to 15
cents per bushel, or a total of $700;
000. Smut lays a heavy toll on
Oregon wheat and the State Mark
et Agent urges treatment of all
seed to eradicate it.
o- .
The Christmas Turkey has cough
ed up the proverbial diamond. Mrs.
So-and-So of New Orleans, while
dressing a turkey for her Christmas
dinner, etc., etc.
The Athena Press has a birthday
anniversary to chronicle. We're forty-seven
years old today.
A large number of Athena people
attended the community club dance
at Weston Christmas eve and report
a splendid time.
The national Grange has baen
shooting in some facts and figures
to the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion that undoubtedly would give the
farmers a verdict by a jury court. A
brief filed gives figures showing that
present average rates for all hauls
of farm products is $4.50 a ton,
while the average rate on all manu
factured products is a little over $2
a ton. The brief cites that although
only about half the total of farm
products are moved ry trains, agri
culture pays six per cent of its en
tire income for freight charges, while
on the other side, 00 per cent of the
products of industry are moved by
rail, yet but a little more than two
per cent of its income is paid for
freight. The Grange "contends that
the farmers are paying altogether
too much of the nation's freight hill
and that rates should be adjusted on
an equal basis. The various utate
Granges take the same stand on the
matter of taxation that farm lands
pay far too much of taxes, and that
they should only pay their just pro
portion, based on returns from the
Persons who have not given the
subject of advertising a serious
thought may be inclined to believe
that Standard products could be sold
cheaper if the manufacturers did not
spend so much money in advertising
them. The contrary ' is the truth.
Every concern which seeks a general
market for its goods finds it neces
sary to set aside a certain sum
each year for advertising, and this
is charged as a part of the operating
expenses, the same as rent, fuel or
insurance. The aim of the advertis
ing manager is to buy tho largest
possible circulation among persons
who would be interested in his pro
duct. Every manufacturer has cer
tain fixed charges which must be
paid out of the receipts from the
business, and the larger the volume
of business that can be created the
l.'ss per article is charged for the
payment of overhead costs. This
volume of business is obtained only
by creating a demand for the goods.
James J. Crossley
Portland, Oregon
hereby announces that he is a
candidate for the Republican
nomination for U. S. Senator at
the May, 1926, Primaries.
Will work zealously for develop
ment of Oregon and support of meas
ures for real benefit of farmers as
suggested by their organizations.
Favor World Court and Reform Sen
ate Rules.
Notice of Stockholders Meeting
The regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of the First National
Hank of Athena, Oregon, for the
election of directors for the ensuing
year and for the transaction of such
other business as may lawfully come
before it, will be held in its otFkc in
Athena, Oregon, on Tuesday, Janu
ary 12th., 1926, at the hour of two
o'clock P. M.
Dated December 11th., 1925.
F. S. LEGROW, Cashier.
I In tho County Court of the State of
I Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob
I Franklin Reno Deceased
i Notice is hereby given that the un
I dersigned has been appointed admin-
istrator with the will annexed of the
I estate of Jacob Franklin Reno, de
ceased, by the above entitled Court
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
j present the same to me at Athena,
J Oregon, or to my attorneys, Watt3 &
I Prestbyc, at their office in Athena,
I Oregon, within six months from the
i date of the first publication of this
I notice. All claims must be verified
as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 11th
day of December A. D. 1925.
S. F. Sharp, Administrator
with the will annexed of the estaU,
of Jacob Franklin Reno, deceased.
Watts & Prestbyc Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. D11J8.
At an agricultural conference re
cently held at Sioux Falls, S. D., six
governors, representing middle west
states, reported to Secretary Jardine
that agriculture must have an even
break with industry and labor in the
way of tariff protection if the taril
system is to continue, and they ask
ed that legislation to this end be re
commended by the secretary. From
many other agricultural sources
have come the veiled threat that un
less the farming industry be given
its just proportion of protection that
agriculture would use all its influence
t have the protection bars on in-!
dust rial products lowered to the j
farm level.
L. A. Morr.yjpotato inspector for
Columbia punty, says the inspection
law is protection to growers, reia'l-
and consumers and that vhen
they understand It better they vJl
In the Matter of the Estate of Dav
id Taylor, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that tne un
dersigned has tiled his final account
as administrator of the estate of
David Taylor, deceased, in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Umatilla County, and that Saturday,
February 6th, 1926, at the hour of
10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, and
the County Court Room in the Coun
ty Court House at Pendleton, Uma
tilla County, State of Oregon, has
been fixed by said Court as the time
and place for the settlement of said
All persons interested are hereby
notified to appear at such, time and
place in said Court and file any1 ob
jections they may have to such ac
count nr to any part thereof.
trator of the estate of David Taylor,
Deceased. J1J29.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Aug
ust Guderian, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons to whom it may concern that
Julius A. Guderian, executor of the
last will and testament of August
Guderian, deceased, has filed his final
account and report in the administra
tion of the estate; that the County
Court by order duly made and enter
ed herein has appointed Saturday the
,'!0ih day of January. 1926, at the
hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon as
the time and the County Court House
at Pendleton, Oregon, as the place
where all objections and exceptions
to said final account and report will
be heard and a settlement of the es
tate made,
ate made.
Dated this Friday the 1st day of
January, 1926.
.Il l IUS A. GUDERIAN, Executor
Will M. Peterson, Attorney for F.x
executor. J1J29,
Hallvs Catarrh
Medicine 5ig5
local and internal, and has been success
t'ul in the treatment of Catarrh for over
forty years. Sold by all druggists.
F. ). CHENEY & CO, Toledo, Ohio
Iowa Town Seized by Desperadoes
Dows, la. Making captives of the
town marshal, the telephone operator
and the railroad operator and severing
all wire communication with other
towns, half a dozen bank robbers in
vaded this village, wrecked the safe
of the State bank at Dows and escap
ed with cash and bonds amounting to
$8000 or 10,000.
Wheeler's Case Wiped from Books.
Washington, D. C Senator Barton
K. Wheeler of Montana won his long
fight to have all charges brought
against him by the government wiped
off the books. The District of Colum
bia supreme court upheld the conten
tion of the senator, who had already
been acquitted in Montana, that the
charges contained In a conspiracy in
dictment returned against him here
should be quashed.
Chicago News In New Hands.
Chicago, 111. The Chicago Daily
News, owned for 60 years by the late
Victor F. Lawson, has passed into new
hands. Walter A. Strong, for several
rears business manager of the News,
representing a group of business and
professional men as associates, ac
quired ownership for a consideration
approximating 115,000,000 said to be a
record price for an American news
paper. - '
Drys Win on First Show Down,
Washington. D. C In the first show
down on prohibition this session, house
drys swept aside, by a vote of 139 to
17, a proposal to restrict the use of
funds for the purchase of liquor as
evidence. The proposal was in the
form of an appropriation bill amend
ment and would have prohibited resort
to "fraud, deceit or falsehood" in the
use of any of the $250,000 set aside
by the bill for buying evidence.
Athena, Oregon
"Bought and
Paid For."
This is stock-taking time. Business houses are
busy with their invoices. In this way they deter
mine whether they are ahead or behind the
Does your personal or family "balance sheet"
show that everything that you bought in 1925 has
been paid for with a cash balance on hand?
Or does it show a collection of unpaid bills or ac
counts in excess of your cash on hand?
Those who pay cash as they go have no worries
to start the New Year with. They have peace of
mind and can look new 1926 in the face with con
fidence and satisfaction.
Our cash selling is your cash saving.
Difficult to Match
Our large buying power makes the matching of
these savings difficult. Try it and see for yourself.
Eight inch fine kid dress shoes, $6.50. Dri-foot
soles. Four Buckle overshoes. $3.69.
Established 1891.
en. women
and Children
Are Known Largely By the Neatness
And Looks of Their
Clothes and Shoes
So Why Not Let Us Keep Your Clothes Looking
Neat. We Also Make Your Old Shoes Like
New in Our Up-to-Date Repair Shop.
Shoe Repairing in Proportion
G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
1 $250 .per acre
Real farming method: end real
overalls Herman Mcelkr has
found than bcih
TEN- years of farming and
today Herman Moeller
makes his farm net $250
per acre in garden truck.
Herman Moeller says he's tried
a lot of overalls in those ten years
and now he sticks to Blue Buckle
OverAlls every time.
He has found that Blue Buckles stand
up under every test of farm work he gives
them. And millions of other men, getting
in crops,, working in factories, running
railroads men on big. jobs everywhere
have found the . same thing about Blue
Buckles. They stand the test on every job.
Find out for yourself about Blue Buckles.
Test the long-wearing denim cloth, the
wide double-stitched seams. Feel the com
fort of the roomy Blue Buckle pattern.
Blue Buckle OverAlk and Coats never bind
or rip. Solid workmanship in every detail
is bound to give you real value.
All sizes Men's, Youths', Children's.
Ask your dealer today for Blue Buckles.
"Every pair of Blue
Buckles is always big,
strong and comfortable."
(Signed) II. H. Moeller.
Now 45c
Farm Loans At ;
5 per cent
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg.
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 653
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys sad bladJer rixbi
i m m ?ai m urs. m jai m m m in
The Athena Hotel
I Eat at the
I Lunch and Meals Served at all Hours. You can buy j
j Golden Crust Bread Here.
J. G. Baker
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena,-by Athena labor, in one oi the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere.. Patronize home industry-. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. - Waitsburg, Wash
Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Gives
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
- Athena, Oregon
Charles Russell's Barber Shop
Phone 492
x A. cool clean place for everybody. Up-to-date Barbers. Tub and
shower baths. Charles Russell, ladies hair-cutting expert. Always
1 on the Job. We will sure appreciate your patronage so don't pass
as up. JLaunary Agency.
By using regularly our cleaning, pressing, repair
ing and dyejng service many people are able to
dress smartly and in splendid taste at small cost
We call Mondays and Thursdays
Twin City Cleaners
Milton-Freewater -