The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 01, 1926, Image 1

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    Bntered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, aa Second-Claee Mail Matter
American Gold Finances Indus
tries and Stabilizes
I New York. The flow of American
capital into foreign and domestic in
Vestments, comprising loans for gov
ernments, municipalities and corpor
ate enterprises, reached unprecedent--v
ed proportions in 1925. While accur
ate compilations are not yet available,
preliminary estimates indicate that
the total of capital flotations eclipsed
last year's record of slightly more than
For the second time In history
American investors poured more than
a billion dollars into foreign loans dur
ing the year, equaling, if not surpass
ing, the 1924 record of approximately
$1,200,000,000. Productive enterprises
claimed about $350,000,000 of the total,
the gain in this type of business off
setting a moderate decline in govern
ment borrowings.
America's commanding position as
lender to the world also was striking
ly revealed by the establishment of
huge private credits to help in the
stabilization of foreign currencies.
Fortified by the possession of enor
mous gold stocks, American bankers
set aside $300,000,000 for the protec
tion of Great Britain's return to the
gold standard and advanced many
millions additional to insure the stabil
ity of the Belgian and Italian cur
rencies preparatory to their re-establishment
on a gold basis.
Washington, D. C. Suggestion In
press dispatches from Geneva that
the British rubber monopoly, which
has evoked great concern here; be dis
cussed at the proposed league of na
tions international economic confer
ence, with America participating, is
Interesting Washington officials.
The rubber situation, in which con
gress already has ordered an investi
gation, would, under the Geneva sug
gestion, be a phase of the conference's
consideration of world supply and dis
tribution of raw materials generally. ,
Whether the Washington adminis
tration would agree to the proposal
and the added opinion that this coun
try might be aBked to sit with the
league's council number two, an advisory-political
body, or would prefer
to pursue an independent course, re
mains problematical. In addition to
the ordered congressional investiga
tion, retaliatory steps against high rub
ber prices already have been outlined
by Secretary Hoover,
Flood of Telegrams Show Interest
Aroused Over View on Savior.
New York. From every corner of
the" nation came evidence that the
storm of controversy provoked by the
resignation of Dr. Stephen S. Wise,
noted Zionist, from the chairmanship
of the United Palestine fund $5,000,000
drive would be a burning topic In
American Jewry for some time to
come. ' - .'
Rabbi, Wise resigned because the
New York Union of Rabbis, a body of
ultra-orthodox Jews, characterized him
a heretic and demanded he quit on
the grounds that he had said Jews
must accept the fact that Jesus as a
man actually existed. Sooner than
cause the fund any possible embar
rassment, he asked the executive body
to meet at once to consider bis resignation.
French Envoy to Discuss Debt
Washington, D. C. .Victor Henri
Uerenger, newly . appointed French
embassador to the United States, wllj
Come prepared to enter Immediately
Upon negotiations for the settlement
Of his country's $4,000,000,000 debt to
the American treasury as an integral
part of the program of rehabilitating
French government finances,, accord
ing to authoritative information ob
tained here.
America Observes Wilson Birthday.
Washington, D. C. America observ
ed Monday the 69th anniversary of the
birth of Woodrow Wilson. It was
celebrated formally Monday night with
dinners in 500 cities and towns, ar
ranged by the Woodrow Wilson Foun
dation. More than 15,000 guests at
tended U dinners.
A state income tax from which
fifty per cent of the derived revenue
shall be used for education in Ore
gon, is favored by the Oregon State
Teachers' association. A committee
will confer with the grange and
other state-wide organizations which
foster tax revision to draft a bill to
be placed on the ballot at the Nov
ember election.
The. income tax was the only one
of four initiative measures "to in
crease school funds, drafted by the
committee on legislation, to receive
the support of the association. , The
defeated recommendations were for a
severance tax, a tax on the destruc
tion of natural resources; an inherit
ance tax, revenues from which were
to be placed in an irreduceable school
fund and some phase of a luxury
tax of which fifty per cent was to
be placed in the. current school fund.
Dr. Homer Rainey, of the Univer
sity of Oregon, was one of those op
posed to adopting the report of the
legislative committee as a program
for action.
C. C. Chapman, editor of the Ore
gon Voter, told the teachers that ar,
enemy of their program "would only
have to take its text and drive
through it all the automobiles and
chariots he wants to," it io so wide
open for criticism.
An epidemic of protests followed
Mr. Chapman's speech, several stat
ing that teachers should not allow
some one from the outside to come in
and tell them how to handle their
own affairs or to dictate with the
stand they were to take on matters
in which they were primarily inter
ested.. One of those who spoke in
favor of the income tax was A. C.
Hampton, : superintendent of Astoria
schools and a member of the legis
lative committee and the textbook
commission. . ' ' ,
The benfits " of radio are many,
some of which prove lucrative if the
owners thereof take advantage of the
opportunities presented by the var
ious, broadcasting stations, in the
way of prizes.
Recently Station K. M. M, J., at
Clay Center, Nebraska owned' and
operated by the M. M. Johnson Com
pany, manufacturers of Old Trusty
Incubators and Brooders offered a
prize to each state in the Union, for
the best fifteen word letter on the
value of poultry raising.
The following letter composed by
Mrs. R. B. McEwen won the first
prize for Oregon.
"Prudent poultry producing pays
percentage profits; providing prac
tical profession; promoting plump
pockets plus pleasant pastime."
. The prize consists of a sixty egg
incubator of the "Old Trusty" var
iety. 1 .
The Weston Leader reports that
Weston Mountain grange came into
being Thursday evening, '" December
17, with a good-sized membership
list. Roy Hyatt was elected piaster,
Walter Rayborn overseer, Mrs. Ma
bel Hodgson lecturer and M. W. Ray
born secretary. Officers and the re
gular standing committees will bi
appointed at the next meeting on
January 6, 1926, when a number of
additional members will be admitted.
J. A. Nice of North Powder, master
of the Union County Pomona grange,
attended -as a representative of the
Union county granges. W. R. Gekler
of La Grande, state organizer, cm
ducted the organiaztion. work. Re
freshments of coffee and sandwiches
were served after the meeting.
The last meeting' of the year for
the Jolly Twenty-five club occurred
at the home of Mrs. Max Hopper
Wednesday afternoon. The rooms
were made attractive by seasonable
decorations and potted plants. Plans
for a dance to be given in the near
future were discussed and commit
tees appointed. Dainty ices and
cakes were served bv Mrs. Verne
Smith and Mrs, C. L. MeFadden.
- Dr. Sharp, who was taken to Pen
dleton last week, and then transfer
red to the hospital at Walla Walla,
for treatment is home. The doctor
is reported as being somewhat bet
ter. .. . .
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Rev. G. G. Laughlin D. D., of Port
land, Oregon will begin an evangelis
tic meeting in the Baptist church of
Athena on Sunday January 3rd and
will hold meetings every night ex
cept Saturday, until January- 24.
Rev. Laughlin is a very pleasing
speaker- and a. true Gospel preacher.
He is director of Evangelism for
Oregon in the Baptist church.
"The ebject of this meeting," says
Pastor Loree, is " not to make Bap
tists only, but is to lead people to a
saving . knowledge, of Jesus. , Christ.
Therefore who ever you are if you
love Christ come and take part in
this meeting. It may result in the
salvation of one or more of your
own friends or loved ones. Your own
church may be built up by your help
ing us in this way,"
Honoring a number of young folks
in Athena for the holidays Miss Ed
na Pinkerton entertained at her
home the following: Misses Edra
Kintzley, Billy Baker, Frederica Ker
shaw, Pearl Ramsey, Jeannamae
Read, Lois Mclntyre, Hilda Dicken
son, Savannah Davis. Maurice Ban
ister, Lee Banister, Norman Mc
Inytre, John Pinkerton, Dr. Cowan,
Brooks Anderson, Leon Kretzer,
George Boreman, Jim Hodgen. Re-:
freshments were served..
The home of Joe Cannon as Q
scene of much merry making WecU
nesday evening when nine carloads
of Jolly B, Y, P. U., members and
friends surprised Granville and Miss
Francis. Radio, readings and games
were enjoyed - until midnight when
coffee, sandwiches and hot tomales
were served. .
' The Athena Champs will go io
Helix tonight, where in the. gym at
that place they play Nig Borleske's
Whitman Missionaries, and the fans
are looking forward to a real bask
etball contest. Tuesday night at He
lix, the Red Devils gave Whitman on
awful close rub, losing by only one
point, 25 to 24.
Mrs. Mary Tompkins and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Woodruff left Thursday by
motor for Portland where they will
visit at the home of Mrs. A. B. Mc
Ewen for a short time. They are
en route to San Francisco, and will
also visit at the William Winship
home in Salem on their way..
About 25 young people went to the
Charles Betts home Monday evening
and surprised Reeve and ' Kohlor
Betts with a party. The evening
was spent enjoying music, playing
games and making candy. Candy
and pop corn balls were served as
The Yule log will burn brightly on
the hearthstones of Oregon, but no
where did the Christmas tide bring
more real joy and contentment than
in the homes of the new settlers of
Clackamas county.
The Land Settlement Department
of the Portland. Chamber of Com
merce reports 57 new settlers, for
Clackamas county during the past
eighteen months, with a tapital in
vestment of approximately $375,000.
00. It is estimated that a total qf
1G00 acres have been developed. gnd
put under cultivation py ifhe pew
farmers who have come to Oregon
within this specified time.
The majority of the new settlers
of Clackamas county hVe gone in
to the poultry' business and are mak
ing good. Seven families haye. h
cated in the Canby district alone
during the past six months and eath
one is a remarkable example ot
what can be accomplished by thn
farmer of Oregon. . ;
The Adams "Shamrocks" put up
the niftiest kind of a nifty game on
their own floor against the Athena
Champions, Wednesday evening be
fore a big crowd of fans, with the
result that "Athena won by th nar
row margin of one point, 19 to 18.
The game was trimmed with more
spectacular thrills than any hereto
fore given in this season's schedule
of - league basket ball, and the big
crowd got Jts: money's, worth. -'
, At the end the first half Athe
na led, 13 U o. ihi during the whole
of the period the going had been fas'
and furious. The Shamrocks stiffen'
ed in, the second half, offered a stun
ning ' offensive and marked up 11
points while. Athena was making
SIX. ;-l K , ,.,
i As the game was drawing to a
close the score stood 17 and. Jim
Hodgen, ' Whom Manager .; Stephens
had called out of the game, and sub
stituted Lawrence Pinkerton, was
-stuck-back in, Stephens calling time
with the .ball in Adams' possession.
This gave Adams a free throw, and
begorraV the ball went through the
hoop; score, Adams 18, Athena 17.
The Adams supporters pimply wen
wild in their enthusiasm, raised the
roof and cracked the window panes
in their lusty cheering, figuratively
speaking, but with only seconds to
go, Athena fans carried the gym
away with them when qV Jim Hod
gen neatly dropped one in from
"away over there" score, Athena
19; Adams 18.
Athena will play the Helix Red
Devils on the Athena floor one eve
ning next week, the date to be announced.
Mr. and Mfs. Jack Read, with their
daughter and son. Miss Bethene and
Delbert drove down from their home
at Pomeroy, Washington, Sunday and
had dinner with Mr. and Mr3. W". O.
Read. They were former residents
of Athena. For several ..year Mr.
Read has been in partnership in
business with Charles Bryan, who aU
so used to live here,
The O. D. O, club met at the home
of Mrs, Lee Johnson Tuesday Dec
ember 22. A gift box full pf pretty
and useful things was ths main en
tertainment of the afternoon. Lunch
was served by Mrs; Jack Cunning
ham and the hostess, The next meet
ing will be held Tuesday January 5
at the home of Mrs. Jesse Smith.
- George B. Green has joined his
family in Athena, after, severttl
months' absence. He has been em
ployed on a stock ranch near Touch
et, Washington.' His son Heston
Green is also home for the winter,
having been at work at La Grande,
for some time. ' .
C. N. Clark is moving intp the
Dickenson cottage on Third street,
where he will keep house for Frank
and Ross Clark, former Athena high
school students, who are returning
from Salem to again enter the Ather
na school. : , '
The Rebekah lodge will initiate
next meeting night which is January
12. The Frecwater drill team will
put on the initiatory work and all
members are especially requested to
attend. Four candidates will be tak
en in.
Weston Leader: Charles L, May
has disposed of his farm on Weston
mountain which is regarded as
amopg the best in the fertile-region
to Harry Eaves, who comes from
Sunnyside, Washington. Mr. Eaves
will take possession, the first Pi the
year, and expects t9 engage exten
sively in potatq growing. The de
parture of. Mrv May and family will
be generally regretted, as he is
among the mountain's most progres
sive and popular farmers, It is re
ported that he will seen make a trip
into southern Oregon to see how he
likes that part of the state.
. As the first step in starting a fund
for, the purpose of building a com
munity house the Civic club of Athe
na sponsored a holiday dance at
Legion Hall Wednesday night. The
Jolly Joy' Makers orchestra furnished
splendid music for the congenial
crowd which attended. II. I. Watts
F.' S. LsGrow and Bert Ramsey dis
pensed punch. A number of out of
town guests were present but the
attendance was not sufficient to
make the "affair so successful finan
cially as had been hoped, the small
sum of five dollars above expenses
being realized.
New Years Night, the Standard
Theatre will present a big double
show, when "The Sea Hawk" and the
Amundsen-Ellsworth polar flight
will be shown in one exhibition, on
ly, at 10c, 35c and 50c admission
prices. Saturday night, Bebe Daniels
appears in the fine Paramount pic
ture, "Dangerous Money," and Bus
ter Keaton comes Sunday in his
gorgeous laugh vehicle,, "The Seven
Mrs. Froom of the Athena Hotel,
picked a bouquet .of rosebuds from
her garden, Christmas day, and the
editor found a couple of mushrooms
Wednesday of this week. Such is the
Advantages afforded by our climate.
Landlord Froom of the Athena Ho
tel, recently parted with $178 for the
purchase of a Uolnteln cow, and said
cow is delivering six gallons of milk
per milking,
Athena' High;' school has scheduled
a basket ball game with Walla Wul
la High school, to be played on the
local floor in the near future.
The late "Jim" Hill, empire build
er and master mind of the "North
ern" lines once spent the holiday
season in Walla Walla but not be
cause he wanted to. The Oregonian
recounts this as follows:
"Forty-one years ago yesterday a
dinner party, in Portland waited in
vain for the arrival of the late "Jim"
Hill, empire builder and master mind
of the "Northern lines," who was to
have been the guest of honor. "
The incident was recalled by Char
les Borders, veteran railroad man of
eastern Oregon.
In 1884, Mr. Borders', said, the
Columbia river line of the "O-W"
had been completed little more than
a year, and was not equipped to
fight the snow that had piled up and
drifted as deep as eight feet along
the roadbed by Christmas week.
"Two passenger trains had plowed
west as far as Lindsley creek and
were stalled. They couldn't proceed
or back up. Other westbound trains
were being held at The Dalles. Pas
sengers on the stalled trains wtre
fed by rescue parties traveling on
snow shoes from Hood River rnd Cas
cade Locks. A barge load of wood,
frozen in the Columbia nearby, fur
nished them with fuel.
. "Delay in moving the trains and
clearing the tracks," said Mr. Bord
ers, "irked Mr. Hill beyond words.
He wanted to be in Portland on
Christmas day. So he massed 12 lo
comotives at Walla Walla, started
them in a string for The Dalles and
telegraphed his Portland friends that
he was on his way,
"The engines by united effort
finally reached the trains stalled at
Lindsley creek. Drifts thero were
"Back up and take a run and jump
at them," ordered Hill.
"When smoke and steam and swirl
ing -snow-had cleared away, si of
Hill's locomotives were pilled in the
ditch. They had little more than
dented the snowdrifts.
"Wrecking crews finally righted
the mess and the engines chugged
back to Walla Walla. Mr. Hill went
with them.
The Walla Walla Union gives the
details of an unusual celebration held
at Lowden on Christmas .eve in
which was depicted pioneer events of
A cast of fifty boys and girls pre
sented in six scenes the dramatic in
cidents in the life of Mrs. M. E.
Lowden locally known as Grandmoth
er Lowden. Costumes laid aside fif
ty or a hundred years ago, at the
death of their owners, were worn by
members of the cast. Extreme
measures were necessary to
the girl of the present in clothes of
other days.
Old songs long forgotten were re
surrected and sung by a children's
chorus. Mrs. L. A, Cornell painted
for the occasion a stage setting re
presenting a boat on the Columbia
sixty years ago. Near the close of
the play Santa Claus appeared with
flowers and a box of candy for each
of the pioneers present, and when
the last scene closed they asHc-mbled
on the stage to discuss old times.
Important characters in the cmt
of the play were) Lowden Johnsm,
who played the part of hta .reat
grandfather; Anita Berpevin, who
played the part of Mother Lowden's
mother; Henry Fehrenbachor, acted
the part of Frank Lowden, Senior.
Rosalie Fehrenbacher interpreted the
later life of Mother Lowden. Others
who plaved the part of Mother Tw
den at different aees were: Emmn
Lou Talbot, and Margaret Fehren
bachor. The lines of the play were
written by II. G. Alway,
Ed Leonard president of the First
National bank was a business visitor
here Monday, motoring down from
Waitsburg for the day.
Elmer Stockstill was acquitted of
the charge of liquor possession in tin
justice court at Milton, Tuesday, the
Jury returning a verdict of acquittal
after five minutes deliberation. Ho
mer I. Watts, counsel for Mr. Stock,
still, succeeded in having the case
changed from the Justice court at
Freewater, where the charge was
was made, to the Milton er.urt.
Friends of Stockstill are importun
ing him to bring action aiiiift
Hoskins for alleged brutal assault
made upon him when he was arrest
ed at the State Line dance hall.
Conservative Legislation to
Aid In Surplus Crop Dis-
posal Agreed Upon.
Washington, D. C The administr
tion's farm relief progrpm will b
broadened to provide for some ma
chinery for handling surplus crops. .
Just what form this new aid will
talte has not been determined but both
President Coolidge and Secretary Jar
dine have reached the conclusion that
surplus crops present one . of the
dominating problems of agriculture
and that some governmental step
must be taken to afford relief.
Tremendous pressure has ' been,
brought to bear recently on the ad
ministration by the congressional farm
bloc and western agricultural leaders
to create a federal commission with
powers to direct the disposition of sur
plus farm crops in a way which would
enable the producers to at least get
the cost of production.
Heretofore the White House has
been silent on the Bubject, but after
the president had conferred with Sec
retary Jardlne, it was disclosed that
the administration was prepared to in
dorse conservative legislation foster
ing the sale of surplus crops in the ex
port trade with a government com
mission as a directing agency.
The Issue was brought to a head a
few hours before the departure for
Des Moines of the Iowa congressional
delegation, members of which were in
vited to attend a meeting there ot
farmers and bankers to discuss means
of marketing the surplus corn crop.
Washington, D. C. Dry members of ,
the house successfully defended all
appropriations carried in the annual
treasury-post office supply bill for pro
hibition enforcement for the next fi
cal year.
On the first prohibition showdown
of the session, an amendment to pro
hibit employment of "fraud, deceit and
falsehood" in the use of funds appro
priated for the purchase of liquor as
evidence was defeated by a vote ot
139 to 17.
The remainder of the enforcement
funds, slightly more than appropriated
last year, were approved without
serious opposition as reported by the
appropriations committee.
In addition to the $250,000 Item for
purchase of evidence, appropriations
in the bill having to do with prohibi
tion enforcement included 124,213,000
for the coast guard, an Increase of $3,
015,000 over current funds to provld
for the addition to 1580 men to th
enlisted personnel and to maintain the
present fleet engaged In operations
against liquor smugglers; a direct ap
propriation of $9,300,000 for the en
forcement machinery in tho treasury,
and $50,000 for prohibition posters.
Standard and Pacific Oil Companies
to Merge Interests.
New York, N. Y. Formation of a.
now giant among tho oil companies ot
the Pacific coast, with total assets of
approximately $450,000,000 is forecast
in the announcement that the merger
of the Standard Oil company of Cali
fornia with the Pacific Oil company
awaits only formal ratification by the
Henry W, De Forest, chairmaa of
the board of directors of the 1'acifio
Oil company, announced that an agree
ment had beon reached to issue one
share of the stock In the consolidated
company for each share of stock of
each of the merging companies.
The consolidated company will ba
directed by the management of the
present Standard Oil company of Cali
fornia. The Pacific Oil is purely a
producing company, with the largest
undeveloped land holdings In Cali
fornia, and the Standard, with limited
holdings, has an extensive distributing
Kelso Petition Signers Liable.
KeUo, Wash. Fourteen slguera of
the recall charges filed against J. E.
Stone, Kelso city attorney, early In
1925, are not exempt from prosecution
tor crlmjntil libel, thq. Washington
supreme court decided in" opinion
announced reversing the decision of
Judge Campbell ot Greys Harbor coua
l ....