The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 29, 1922, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
The Good Provider
Comes, to the Standard, tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hayiiie were
Walla Walla visitors Sunday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs.' Robert -Cutt-ler,
December 19, 1922, a son.
Peter Weidert was in Athena yes
terday from "Walla Walla., . '
Mr. and Mrs.. Ray O'Harra were
over from Weston Monday. 1 ' -
Miss Walthia Haynie spent Tues
day in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Danner spent -Tuesday with
friends in Milton.?; ' . ., k'Georsre Winship came over from
Mr. and Mrs." William Booher iwrtV& nd Pent.: Christmas day ; in
Christmas day at the home of Mr. ftpena. , , r ..''v
rj. f roome ana aaugnter,
esday . in Walla
and Mrs. Jacob Booher in Pendleton.
Miss Edith Booth, teacher of tl
schoo 1 m District No. : 2. ,, spe1
Christmas with friends in Portland.,
Marion Hansell left Wednesday for
Yakima.' He will visit his sister at
Sunnyside, before returning home. .
Mr. and' Mrs,' Bert Vaughan of
Homestead, Oregon-, visited, relatives
and friends in ; Athena, yesterday.' '
Since the snow disappeared in this
the recent revival meetings, held
there. Prior to the reception four
new members were baptized.
Miss : Pauline - Myrick - came over
from Walla Walla Wednesday and
visited relatives here. . - .
W. B. .Shaffer came down from
Waitsburg Wednesday, and spent the
day witK M. L. Watts.,
, - Miss .Belle Mclntyre has returned
home from California, where she
spent several weeks.
Miss Alice Clark and Miss Culver-
son of Dayton were Athena Visitors
Mrs,. George Lattin and little
daughter Jean were In Pendleton
tit w
section of the county, stockfeeding IvMiss Meabell Duncan, who is .taking
has been lessened to some extent. - Khff course of professional nursing at
A group picture of the Athena high Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, is
home for the holidays. .::
j(liss Savannah Smith, who is atten
ding the Cheney Normal school is at
the home of her parents for the holi
day vacation period.
Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes and
considerably to the moisture neededfcbjldren spent Christmas with Mr.
Barnes' parents, Mr. and Mr. S. A.
Barnes of Weston. , : ;
Mr. and Mrs. Orie Jay and little
daughter of Portland: are in town
visiting at the home of Mrs. Jay's
mother, Mrs. Sanchez. ;
The Ethe Tucker Company at
Walla Walla has 'promised a return
engagement at Legion Hall, in this
city. The company, on account of in-
school graduating class, was taken
recently at a Pendleton studio.
Martha Hutt and Kohler Betts,
Willamette University students, are
home for the holiday vacation.
.The rainfall this week has added
for maturing the coming crop. .
Mrs. Ralph Cannon i, and small
daughter Mildr&- Zetha, - .returned
from College Place Sunday.
Mrr'and Mrs. B. B. Richards and
eon Roland, spent Christmas with
xciabivcs in rr nun vvttim. i . .
A reception was held at the Baptist
church last evening for several new
members, who were converted during
Mrs. J.
alia, '
Mrs.. Vaughn and children returned
to their home : in Pendleton after
spending the holidays with' her par
ents Mr. and. Mrs. James Huggins.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Kf. Mansfield came
over from Walla .Walla, -and sneri
Christmas at the ' home - of 'their
daughter, Mrs.' Bert Logsdon. ..... i . t
May You Find Happiness
in all your affairs and enjoy the good
will of your fellows, this. New Year and ;
through the months that follow.
' These are our wishes for you, and
we're mighty glad that custom -gives,
us one opportunity each year to ex
press them. ' ' ;
McFadden's Pharmacy
Athena, Oregon
sufficient advertizing had a small
audience on a former appearance in
Athena. , . . . .. ,
v Monday Rev. Johnson will make a
flying trip to Lyle Washington in the
interest of the Christian work as well
as private interests. , , " "
Mrs. Minnie Mitchell and son Rob'
ert were over the first of the week
from their home at State Line, visit
ing relatives. ' ' '.,"
id. Sebasky is expected to arrive
rom Philipsburg, Montana, to spend
New, Years day with his mother, Mrs,
Celia Burden. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J; W, Keen and Mrs,
Minnie Mitchell and son Robert spent
Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Gross, ,; 1
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowd of Walla
Walla,, were, guests during Christ
mas week of Mr. and ; Mrs. E. C.
Rogers. .
- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson were
dinner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Nagle Sunday, in Pendle
ton '.:: .... '
isses Catherine Froome and
zel Sanders, will return to their
studies at 0. A. C, after spending
the holidays with their parents. They
will leave Athena Sunday evening. '.'
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Taylor came
up by motor from The Dalles and
spent Christmas with friends here,
and were accompanied home by Mrs.
Burden, who returned Wednesday.
A kid basketball team from Walla
Walla Y. M. C. A. came over Wed
nesday evening and gave Athena
High a practice game. The score
Athena 42; Y. M. C. A. 10.
Tonight, the Athena basketball
team plays the town team at Helix.
Tomorrow night Athena eoes to
Walla Walla, to play the Y. M. C. A.
team , of that city. .
Christmas carols were sung on
Christmas eve. by members of the
Etude club assisted by men's vocies,
at the windows of the aged and shut
ins of the city. "
Christmas exercises were held at
the Methodist church, Sunday morn
ing. After a short program, candy
and nuts were distributed to the
children. '
rs. Frank Sanders and Mrs. Zeph
ckwood were in town Wednesday
fo, the first time since snow block
aded the country roads, two weeks
The Jolly Twenty club was enter
tained Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Grant Prestbye. A
dainty luncheon was served by Mrs.
Archie Mclntyre and Mrs. Floyd
Pinkerton and Mrs. Carl McConnell.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Amen and
Irene Amen of Freewater, have been
guests this week of Mr. and Mrs.
Amos O'Dell. Mr. Amen and Miss
Amen, are brother and sister of Mrs.
lOJDell. '
KjMrs. M. L. Watts and daughter,
FVa-nita, have returned from Hono
lulu to Oakland, where Miss Watts
will resume her studies at Mills
College. Mrs. Watts will return home
Miss Beula Banister entertained a
large number of her friends at a par
ty held last evening at the home of
her parents, west of Athena. Dancing
and social intercourse made the even
ing especially enjoyable to those Dres-
I ent, and refreshments were served.
f Mrs. M. M. Johns came up from
Portland last week and spent Christ
mas with her son, Flint Johns and
A Happy New Year
We have enjoyed a liberal share of
your patronage throughout the past
year, and will strive to merit just as
liberal a share during 1923. Good Luck
.to you. . ..... .
Quality Quantity, Service Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
.:;, , ui iij ilj ' k J? I
family on the farm west of town. She
returned Monday morning to Port.
land, where she is taking medical
treatment, Mrs. Johns rented her
residence on Jefferson street to Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Stockstlll. . ,
I he Willamette glee . club is
scheduled to make its annual . ap
pearance at the high school audit
orium, in the near future. The jolly
lads comprising this club have a
warm place in the hearts of Athena
amusement seeckers, which is a bind
ing guarantee, that a big audience
will again welcome the singers. ,
J. E., Jones, rural mail-carrier, is
appreciative for road work done by
the farmers along his route. Ob
serving Good Road Week, Dean Dud
ley, - Mike Hunt, Ernest' Haney,
George Johnston, Jesse Smith, 'Roy
Cannon and Charles Stockstill, have
made .( transportation . considerably
easier for Uncle Samuel's local ser
vant. ..
Real Truth, Though Long Known, Is
, JjLer Published Absolutely for
;:-T;v the first' Time.-
A man notices, first a woman's face,
second her skirt, third her shoes and
fourth her hands.
He rarely sees her hat, but proba
bly feels it. He gets the effect of It
; Mentally, a man is first conscious of
a woman's eyes, second her voice. Be
yond these two his curiosity doesn't
s' : ; " . ' V- .... J.., ..
But if her voice shows too much of
the clever 6r the Intellectual he begins
to back off, and then probes her eyes
to see whether they belle her voice or
not ; .. ... .
A woman's eyes often do this same
thing. Her voice may say, "I am very
highbrow," while her eyes are saying,
"Don't you believe it 1"
This Is the way, all over the world
men are judging women and have al
ways judged them. But It is a great
secret. .Nobody knows it but a very
few people who have solemnly agreed
never to divulge it
: It is so Universal among all men
that they are Quite unconscious about
it ' ;
It is here published for the first
time, thus violating tradition and cus
tom, which declare that what every
body knows should never be revealed.
Thomas L. Masson in the New York
People of Pennsylvania County Have
Worthily Paid Tribute to Fallen
Soldier; Heroes.
York county, Pennsylvania, has the
honor of possessing the largest stretch
of road lined with memorial trees in
memory of the fallen heroes In the
great war In the country. The trees,
numbering several thousand, have
been In course of planting for two
years under the auspices of the York
Woman's Club. . They extend In a con
tinuous line on both sides of the Lin
coln highway entirely across the coun
ty. Two tablets, at either end, of the
25-mile thoroughfare, were recently
unveiled and dedicated.' "At the exer
cises a letter from Mrs. Warren ,Q.
Harding was received by the Woman's
club, in which she said: '
"In the planting of 25 miles of that
famous' highway, you have erected a
memorial that the entire country can
enjoy in the years to come. May long
life attend the trees you have placed
In the cafe of the Lincoln Highway
Memorial and Tribute Tree association.-
. "
Every tree is worked with the nnme
of a Pennsylvania soldier who gave
his life In the war, and the trees have
been registered with the American
Forestry association.
Some Water Power. , ',
Thirty-one per cent of all water
power In this country is on sites with
in the national forests, while all that
on sites outside the national forests
Is dependent upon water arising in
them, says the American Forestry as
sociation, which Is fighting to keep the
control of these forests out of the
hands of the Interior department. The
western mountains contain 72 per cent
of our total potential water power
and of this, 42 per cent is in the west
era forests. This power is being rapid
ly developed. The United States for
est service has in force 1T4 power
transmission lines and 197 power proj
ects, with minimum discharge capac
ity of 809,000 horse power.
The Daring Dinner Gown. .
"The late Mrs. George Gould," said
a New York woman, "dressed beauti
fully, but she never dressed daringly.
She didn't approve of daring dress.
"Mrs. Gould entertained an English
woman at her Lakewood place lost
year. This Englishwoman was very
lovely. Very ultra, too.
"I was invited to dinner to meet
her. She is an athlete, you know a
swimmer,, a barefoot dancer, a polo
player and all that sort of thing. As
she passed down the long salon of
Georgian court in a marvelous dinner
gown I said to Mrs. Gould :
M'0h, her figure Is too divine.
" 1 think,' said Mrs. Gould, 'it's too
The Churches
Baptist Church
Progressive service 10 a. m. Even
ing service 7:30 p. m. A special
business meeting is called to convene
Wtdnesday, January 8,
We Wish-You:
a Happy and Prosperous
New Year
5 per cent Discount for Cash
Athena 0 e p a re me lit Store
For Lower Prices.' Phone 152
Saturday, December 30
. . .
vet it. m mrn
8 "'Tiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiriwiii hi ill iiiiiiiiii ii 1 1
A Super-Special
with the
that played in
CresreJ W
Cbsmopoilran rTocliicffel
International News. 2-Reel Comedv Admission, 10c-25c-35c Tax Included
J J Li i
The World's Greatest Character zActor
Regular Prices
Pathe Review.
Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid